What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
It is next to impossible for Obama to feel like a failure for several reasons.

1. He inherited this mess so he feels anything that happens is Bush's fault.

2. He has too many suckups and sycophants around him to feel guilt.

3. His narcissistic sensibilities don't allow him to feel he's a failure.

Yes.....deep down inside he feels like shit, but we don't understand how great he is and he's going to make sure that regardless of how the IOC regards him the rest of us will bow down to him whether we like it or not.

Tammy Bruce totally nailed it, stuck the landing and got 10's across the board when she labeled Obama a "Malignant Narcissist"
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

More inane bullshit from the right.:eusa_liar:

Did you cringe when we found out that Bush authorized torture; spied on all of US, and embarassed US in front of the rest of the world?

When you have something real to bitch about, let US know.:cuckoo:
Works and Days » Change and Hope

The Olympic Fiasco

...But even without the self-centered story-telling it was a hard sell anyway. How can a post-national, I’m sorry Obama, trapped in a sort of we are the world paradox, be seen in nationalistic and near tribal fashion stumping for his own home town? Again, it did not help that he appeared in campaign mode, tossing out the usual personal, somewhat hokey (and all but narcissistic) stories about himself and his family, that I know don’t resonate, much less make effective arguments, in the less therapeutic world of hardball politics abroad. In short, the community organizer was out organized by the multicultural ascendant Rio....

Sarkozy Drew Blood

Sarkozy really hurt Obama internationally, since his sarcastic ‘beam back down Barack’-like statement cut to the bone on the issue of such fluffy talk versus little substance: utopianism sermonizing on non-proliferation is great, but what about the spinning centrifuges? What does the Left do when the French are now to our Right? How can a weaker power sound braver than the stronger? And more principled? Europe is becoming worried, in the be careful what you wish for fashion about the Obama era, since the old bad cop/good cop game is up. It is now Europe good cop/US nicer cop. Much irony in this again…

Internationally neutered in the first year of his Presidency...not good for a community organizer.
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Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

More inane bullshit from the right.:eusa_liar:

Did you cringe when we found out that Bush authorized torture; spied on all of US, and embarassed US in front of the rest of the world?

When you have something real to bitch about, let US know.:cuckoo:

1. Waterboarding =/= torture. And we got quality intel on people who wanted to commit mass murder here

2. We've been spied on since Echelon and Carnivore. All Internet traffic routes overseas through the fiber cable and friendly foreign government have been monitoring it for over 15 years now.

3. Bush liberated 50MM millions Muslims and toppled 2 state sponsors of terrorism post 9/11.

4. Speaking of embarrassments, here's the guy who wants to hold your Health Care Proxy

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWOQA8S3i4g]YouTube - Obama - Breathalyzer[/ame]
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

More inane bullshit from the right.:eusa_liar:

Did you cringe when we found out that Bush authorized torture; spied on all of US, and embarassed US in front of the rest of the world?

When you have something real to bitch about, let US know.:cuckoo:

Well, the Dems had to redefine what torture was to make that be the case.

And spying on all of us isn't exactly what he was doing. Data mining wasn't a case of spying on all of us. It only focused on anyone who was planning to kill us in large numbers.

The only source of embarassment came from the Dems and their media. Compared to the sins of the rest of the world I think our's have been tame in comparison.
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

As an Obama supporter, I have to agree with you. Obama's advisors set him up big time on this one. They told him its in the bag. They told him Tony Blair and Putin made an appearance and it rubber stamped the application. Everything was supposed to be a formality.
In fact, Chicago never had a chance. Obama should have been told this. To travel half way around the world only to get a bitch slapping was humiliating. Not just to Obama but to the US.
Somebody misread this one big time
Lets see....

Japan’s incoming prime minister Yukio Hatoyama was asked to attend to support Tokyo’s 2016 Olympic bid. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Spanish King Juan Carlos went to Copenhagen. Tokyo also invited Crown Prince Naruhito to attend. BUTOMGITSHORRIBLEIFOBAMADOESBECAUSEITSCRONYISMATITSWORSTANDWE'RESOHAPPYHEFAILED

Just when I thought the rightwingnuts couldn't possibly get anymore hemorrhoidal..they do.

They're absolutely ecstatic to see any sort of failure for this country if they can smear Obama for trying.

No US President has ever personally attended an IOC meeting.

Obama did.

Obama failed.

Your whining excuses for Obama is your way of dealing with it....

Again: you are absolutely ecstatic to see any sort of failure for this country.

I'm not sure why the "no president ever did it before" has any bearing on it - as if they should never do anything different .

Its not a failure for the country it was however ANOTHER failure for the shit stain.
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

As an Obama supporter, I have to agree with you. Obama's advisors set him up big time on this one. They told him its in the bag. They told him Tony Blair and Putin made an appearance and it rubber stamped the application. Everything was supposed to be a formality.
In fact, Chicago never had a chance. Obama should have been told this. To travel half way around the world only to get a bitch slapping was humiliating. Not just to Obama but to the US.
Somebody misread this one big time

Can't blame this on his handlers. Obama thinks his shit don't stink....so he felt just his wonderful presense would persuade them.

Truth is the rest of the world isn't buying his act and this just proves it.
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

As an Obama supporter, I have to agree with you. Obama's advisors set him up big time on this one. They told him its in the bag. They told him Tony Blair and Putin made an appearance and it rubber stamped the application. Everything was supposed to be a formality.
In fact, Chicago never had a chance. Obama should have been told this. To travel half way around the world only to get a bitch slapping was humiliating. Not just to Obama but to the US.
Somebody misread this one big time

That's the Point! Where are the people around him telling him, "No! We don't have it yet so this is a really bad idea!"
Though I loath Obama and everything he stands for, I cringed when he embarrassed himself by flying to Denmark to beg them for the Olympics. It's a major, MAJOR embarrassment for America as a nation to have our President both get personally involved in a matter so trivial and then to get bitch slapped by nobodies.

What's a Community Organizer to do?

Sure you did Francis, sure you did.

OMG, how will Obama ever survive this terrible humiliation?

Maybe you guys will get lucky and he will resign over such an insult!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, return to your seats and buckle your seatbelts. We will be landing in Reality soon."
No US President has ever personally attended an IOC meeting.

Obama did.

Obama failed.

Your whining excuses for Obama is your way of dealing with it....

Again: you are absolutely ecstatic to see any sort of failure for this country.

I'm not sure why the "no president ever did it before" has any bearing on it - as if they should never do anything different .

Its not a failure for the country it was however ANOTHER failure for the shit stain.

It's not a failure for the country because the country has been speaking out against this idiocy since he first announced his attention to go.

It is a (another) failure for Obama. He didn't listen, he did what he fucking wanted to do, and it was the wrong thing. Again.
Again: you are absolutely ecstatic to see any sort of failure for this country.

I'm not sure why the "no president ever did it before" has any bearing on it - as if they should never do anything different .

Its not a failure for the country it was however ANOTHER failure for the shit stain.

It's not a failure for the country because the country has been speaking out against this idiocy since he first announced his attention to go.

It is a (another) failure for Obama. He didn't listen, he did what he fucking wanted to do, and it was the wrong thing. Again.

That Rail Road Tie Murder Video was Real impressive too. Makes me want to go out right now and buy a train ticket to Chicago.
Its not a failure for the country it was however ANOTHER failure for the shit stain.

It's not a failure for the country because the country has been speaking out against this idiocy since he first announced his attention to go.

It is a (another) failure for Obama. He didn't listen, he did what he fucking wanted to do, and it was the wrong thing. Again.

That Rail Road Tie Murder Video was Real impressive too. Makes me want to go out right now and buy a train ticket to Chicago.

Your sig is broken.
If I ever start believing that the far right has something of substance and isn't just a bunch of petty whiners..someone just point me back to this thread. TIA

Normally I wouldn't say this....

....but you really sound like you're pouting.

The truth really hurts.

The rest of the world knows what Obama is. They know that this carefully crafted image of Michelle and he are bogus.

This only proves it.

This in no way can be blamed on Bush because America is under new management.

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