What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.

Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!
I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.

Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!

Desert Storm was Great wasn't it!!! General Patton would have been in tears over it, coming in his Pants!!! Thank You Gen. Tommy Franks!!!
I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.

Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!

Wow....you really got me with that one. RLMAO

Somalia had nothing to do with Bush jr.:cuckoo:

I guess the only thing you have is bringing up Lib talking points.

Other then that you're lost.
I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.

Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!

Wow....you really got me with that one. RLMAO

Somalia had nothing to do with Bush jr.:cuckoo:

I guess the only thing you have is bringing up Lib talking points.

Other then that you're lost.

Oh, so we'll only bring up Dem "failures?"....lol..

Haven't you got a peashooter to go play with 'son'?
I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.

Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!

Desert Storm was Great wasn't it!!! General Patton would have been in tears over it, coming in his Pants!!! Thank You Gen. Tommy Franks!!!

Desert Storm was a massive success unless you forgot. Just because it happened with a minimum of casualties doesn't make it out to be a joke. Just think how bad it could have been and consider us lucky. However, the only reason it happened that way was because of a good plan and the way it was carried out.

Somalia was a goat-fuck.

Afghanistan is quickly turning into the same.
Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!

Wow....you really got me with that one. RLMAO

Somalia had nothing to do with Bush jr.:cuckoo:

I guess the only thing you have is bringing up Lib talking points.

Other then that you're lost.

Oh, so we'll only bring up Dem "failures?"....lol..

Haven't you got a peashooter to go play with 'son'?

I noticed you calling me son.

I could be old enough to be your daddy.

The way I've been smacking you around kind of proves it.
I noticed you calling me son.

I could be old enough to be your daddy.

The way I've been smacking you around kind of proves it.

I'm calling you son, because it looks like you need a Daddy..

The only thing you've been smacking is your wanger...

If you were in Somalia, I doubt you are old enough to be my son, let alone my daddy.....
I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.

Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!

Desert Storm was Great wasn't it!!! General Patton would have been in tears over it, coming in his Pants!!! Thank You Gen. Tommy Franks!!!

Yeah, Tommy Franks was Commander of the 1ST CAV during that time. Minor point. It was General Norman Swartzkopf who was overall Field Commander during Desert Storm. ;)
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I noticed you calling me son.

I could be old enough to be your daddy.

The way I've been smacking you around kind of proves it.

I'm calling you son, because it looks like you need a Daddy..

The only thing you've been smacking is your wanger...

If you were in Somalia, I doubt you are old enough to be my son, let alone my daddy.....

Well, I was in my late 30s back then.

So you must be pretty fucken old.

Aren't you too old to be acting like a friggen child?
Where you been, son? Mission was accomplished a long time ago. Your hero Bush even flew in on an aircraft carrier to tell you so!

Desert Storm was Great wasn't it!!! General Patton would have been in tears over it, coming in his Pants!!! Thank You Gen. Tommy Franks!!!

Yeah, Tommy Franks was Commander of the 1ST CAV during that time. Minor point. It was General Norman Swartzkopf who was overall Field Commander during Desert Storm. ;)

A point was thinking I should address but these folks aren't really up on military history other then what the press allows them to know.
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Desert Storm was Great wasn't it!!! General Patton would have been in tears over it, coming in his Pants!!! Thank You Gen. Tommy Franks!!!

Yeah, Tommy Franks was Commander of the 1ST CAV during that time. Minor point. It was General Norman Swartzkopf who was overall Field Commander during Desert Storm. ;)

A point was thinking I should address but these folks aren't really up on military history other then what the press allows them to know.

What is amazing is Meet the Press is ripping Obama a new asshole.

Fox News was nicer to him this morning then Meet the Press.

I think they're smelling blood in the water.
I didn't plow through all the posts, so at the risk of being repetitive, for me it's not so much that Obama embarrassed himself by personally getting involved in this fiasco. It's the fact that he did so while generals are on a battlefield waiting to hear HIS strategy. Whether or not he talks to the generals directly or through the SECDEF isn't important. The important thing is that combat commanders had to wait for Obama to make a PR splash before they could hear from him what his plan for winning the war in Afghanistan. And even so, as far as I know, he still hasn't articulated his strategy yet.

Ever hear of Vietnam? If not, sit back and watch: we're repeating the same fucking mistakes again!

I was in Somalia in 93'.

I saw the changes Clinton made there that caused Blackhawk Down.

Half measures and Rules of Engagement that kept us from being successful.

It seems that Democrats are always trying to be nice to our enemies and put on this harmless front while they're leaving our troops in harms way.

When something happens that shows this policy is a mistake they pull us out.

I think Obama is waiting for some huge event where hundreds of our troops are killed so he can pull out.

He has no intention on succeeding.

Just to be fair, Clinton and the Democrats weren't the only ones to come up with ridiculous ROE. Same things happened in Beirut during the Reagan administration leading up to the barracks bombing. For example, in 1983, Marines could not load their weapons if assigned to "low risk posts." This was done primarily as a safety issue so that Marines wouldn't have any accidental discharges of their weapons. Well, problem is that the barracks, by definition, was considered a "low risk post." Conversely, the ROE in Bosnia, at least during the first year, were pretty reasonable. If I thought my life was threatened, I had the right to defend myself with deadly force. I didn't have to ask for permission; I didn't have to wait until fired upon; if it looked like the other guy was even thinking about it, I was authorized to act.

I'm not trying to defend the Obama administration nor the Clinton administration. I think this goes beyond partisan politics and has more to do with how squeamish the American people are across the board when it comes to combat. Remember the Highway of Death in Desert Storm? The decision to engage the fleeing Iraqi forces was the right thing to do. What Americans don't understand is that when you decide to engage the enemy, you're not out to make it fair or to give him a chance to fight back: you destroy the enemy with total and complete brutality. That's what we did in 1991. But once the American public saw the images of burnt out civilian vehicles that the Iraqi troops had commandeered to get out of Kuwait, it got pretty squeamish pretty quickly.

It's things like this that politically drive how ROE are defined. We don't want to appear brutal. But war is brutal. The one who is the most ruthless wins. It's been that way ever since the first caveman picked up a rock and bashed the brains out of his enemy.

When it comes to ROE, we're pretty bi-partisan at being wimpy about it.
What is amazing is Meet the Press is ripping Obama a new asshole.

Fox News was nicer to him this morning then Meet the Press.

I think they're smelling blood in the water.

Really? Interesting. I have seen that slowly certain Media outlets are challanging certain things when it comes to Obama.

I think your assertion may be correct.

They sense weakness.

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