What's Past is Prologue: the Clintons and Wall Street


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Shakespeare may have introduced the phrase "What's Past is Prologue" centuries ago, but it's wisdom is fully appreciated by the tools of Power today:
"In contemporary use, the phrase stands for the idea that history sets the context for the present. The quotation is engraved on the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.[1] and is commonly used by the military when discussing the similarities between war throughout history."

The Clintons have proven themselves useful tools of Power for over a quarter-century as their long-standing ties to Wall Street elites prove.
"She (Hillary) is an undeniable component of the Clinton political-financial legacy that came to national fruition more than 23 years ago, which is why looking back at the history of the first Clinton presidency is likely to tell you so much about the shape and character of the possible second one.

"The 1992 Election and the Rise of Bill Clinton

"Challenging President George H.W. Bush, who was seeking a second term, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton announced he would seek the 1992 Democratic nomination for the presidency on October 2, 1991. The upcoming presidential election would not, however, turn out to alter the path of mergers or White House support for deregulation that was already in play one iota.

"First, though, Clinton needed money.

"A consummate fundraiser in his home state, he cleverly amassed backing and established early alliances with Wall Street. One of his key supporters would later change American banking forever.

"As Clinton put it, he received 'invaluable early support' from Ken Brody, a Goldman Sachs executive seeking to delve into Democratic politics.

"Brody took Clinton 'to a dinner with high-powered New York business people, including Bob Rubin, whose tightly reasoned arguments for a new economic policy,' Clinton later wrote, 'made a lasting impression on me.'”
The Clintons and Their Banker Friends 1992-2016 -Truthdig
In 2008 Rubin's "tightly reasoned arguments.. made a lasting impression" on millions of productive Americans who saw their jobs, homes, and retirements vanish as a result of the "new economic policy" that has made Bill and Hill millionaires for their service to Wall Street's side in the class war.
"(Bill) Clinton, like every good Democrat, campaigned publicly against the bankers: 'It’s time to end the greed that consumed Wall Street and ruined our S&Ls [Savings and Loans] in the last decade,' he said.

"But equally, he had no qualms about taking money from the financial sector.

"In the early months of his campaign, BusinessWeek estimated that he received $2 million of his initial $8.5 million in contributions from New York, under the care of Ken Brody."
The Clintons and Their Banker Friends 1992-2016 -Truthdig

Expect Hillary to follow the same script on her path to commander-in-chief.

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