What's So Bad About Sharia Law?

Also Jews married young girls, Roman did as well, so him getting married to a young girl is not new. Many were promised marriage very young. You can't compare the old customs to todays.

the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Goes to show just how ignorant you are.

The Talmud is supplementary tannaim (teaching) and amoraim (expounding) to the doctrines of the Tanakh, it is not the superlative guide for observant Jews. Nor is the Rabbinical commentary and discussion found in the Talmud axiomatic or immutable.

The Sahih ahadith is the source of deriving the Sunnah or ways and behaviors of Mohammed, which Muslims must try and emulate at all points of human history. So when it says that Mohammed consummated a marriage with a 9 year old girl when he was 55- there is an element of divine countenance that can't be challenged by the Muslim community, hence you see millions of Mohammed-Aisha pairings throughout the Muslim world today. :vomit

Shaam----it's hopeless------those who understand that which you posted---already knew-----the others -----are not teachable
Also Jews married young girls, Roman did as well, so him getting married to a young girl is not new. Many were promised marriage very young. You can't compare the old customs to todays.

the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?
Also Jews married young girls, Roman did as well, so him getting married to a young girl is not new. Many were promised marriage very young. You can't compare the old customs to todays.

the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

That is what some study from morning to dusk, too busy studying to work it seems. Give me a break. That's why most of those Orthodox Jew in NY are on welfare.
Also Jews married young girls, Roman did as well, so him getting married to a young girl is not new. Many were promised marriage very young. You can't compare the old customs to todays.

the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?

A supposed Christian claiming that the OT and NT were written by "men and all their minds", while conveniently not saying a word about the Qu"ran?

You're a Muslim. Exposed. Back to the madrassah you go!
The Quran was given to mankind as Divine guidance for how structure society and live a righteous life.

The Hadith's gives historical examples of that guidance in action.

Sharia law then codifies and sets the boundaries for people to live in communal harmony.

Also Jews married young girls, Roman did as well, so him getting married to a young girl is not new. Many were promised marriage very young. You can't compare the old customs to todays.

the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?

Penelope----some naïve person might construe from your post that you are
insane------I do not------your idiot post does not suggest insanity----it
simply demonstrates that you are very very stupid. and besides that---a pile of shit
Also Jews married young girls, Roman did as well, so him getting married to a young girl is not new. Many were promised marriage very young. You can't compare the old customs to todays.

the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

That is what some study from morning to dusk, too busy studying to work it seems. Give me a break. That's why most of those Orthodox Jew in NY are on welfare.

Better to be on welfare and mind your own business, living peacefully with your countrymen, than to collect benefits while setting up Shariah-enforced no-go zones, raping 1400 British pre-teens/teens, beheading off-duty soldiers on the streets- hey muzzie?

PS: There have been Orthodox Jews on the Forbes 400. Talk to me when an Anjem Choudary-esque character achieves such a feat. Kthxbye.
The Quran was given to mankind as Divine guidance for how structure society and live a righteous life.

The Hadith's gives historical examples of that guidance in action.

Sharia law then codifies and sets the boundaries for people to live in communal harmony.

Shariah law is primitive filth-------the actions of the ISIS pigs and dogs-----are
mediated by the stench of shariah
The Quran was given to mankind as Divine guidance for how structure society and live a righteous life.

The Hadith's gives historical examples of that guidance in action.

Sharia law then codifies and sets the boundaries for people to live in communal harmony.


Except that none of the above has ever been accomplished in 1400 years of Islamic history- and Muslims are commanded to foist this law on the whole of the unwilling infidels on planet earth at the tip of a sword.
Also Jews married young girls, Roman did as well, so him getting married to a young girl is not new. Many were promised marriage very young. You can't compare the old customs to todays.

the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Goes to show just how ignorant you are.

The Talmud is supplementary tannaim (teaching) and amoraim (expounding) to the doctrines of the Tanakh, it is not the superlative guide for observant Jews. Nor is the Rabbinical commentary and discussion found in the Talmud axiomatic or immutable.

The Sahih ahadith is the source of deriving the Sunnah or ways and behaviors of Mohammed, which Muslims must try and emulate at all points of human history. So when it says that Mohammed consummated a marriage with a 9 year old girl when he was 55- there is an element of divine countenance that can't be challenged by the Muslim community, hence you see millions of Mohammed-Aisha pairings throughout the Muslim world today. :vomit

Shaam----it's hopeless------those who understand that which you posted---already knew-----the others -----are not teachable

I can't believe liberals can stoop so low as to defend garbage like Shariah. Ugghh.
The Quran was given to mankind as Divine guidance for how structure society and live a righteous life.

The Hadith's gives historical examples of that guidance in action.

Sharia law then codifies and sets the boundaries for people to live in communal harmony.


Except that none of the above has ever been accomplished in 1400 years of Islamic history- and Muslims are commanded to foist this law on the whole of the unwilling infidels on planet earth at the tip of a sword.

are you suggesting that all is not well in the UTOPIAN CALIPHATE? I learned
about islam and ITS HISTORY from muslims---mostly from south east asia----
in the CALIPHATE-----all people are in a constant state of absolute joy-----
that includes non muslims. Find a Pakistani----he will explain it to you
[QUOTE="Shaam, post:

I can't believe liberals can stoop so low as to defend garbage like Shariah. Ugghh.[/QUOTE]

Shaam-----it is naivete ---------now sing along>>>>

La la la la la ~~~~if they knew shariah la la ~~~~ like I know shariah----
oooooh ooooh oooh----watta pile of shit.... la la la
The Quran was given to mankind as Divine guidance for how structure society and live a righteous life.

The Hadith's gives historical examples of that guidance in action.

Sharia law then codifies and sets the boundaries for people to live in communal harmony.


Except that none of the above has ever been accomplished in 1400 years of Islamic history- and Muslims are commanded to foist this law on the whole of the unwilling infidels on planet earth at the tip of a sword.

are you suggesting that all is not well in the UTOPIAN CALIPHATE? I learned
about islam and ITS HISTORY from muslims---mostly from south east asia----
in the CALIPHATE-----all people are in a constant state of absolute joy-----
that includes non muslims. Find a Pakistani----he will explain it to you

LMAO. Yeah, like the utopia we see in Mosul today for Christians and Yazidis.....

Pakistan is the land of people who were forcibly converted from their Hindu, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian "jahilliyya" to the religion of peace- through sword and rape. Thankfully India survived due to the brave warriors in the face of Jihad like the Marathas and Sikhs- after several centuries of Islamic tyranny.
[QUOTE="Shaam, post:

I can't believe liberals can stoop so low as to defend garbage like Shariah. Ugghh.

Shaam-----it is naivete ---------now sing along>>>>

La la la la la ~~~~if they knew shariah la la ~~~~ like I know shariah----
oooooh ooooh oooh----watta pile of shit.... la la la[/QUOTE]

Lol, I've always preferred this item number myself, rosie:

Except that none of the above has ever been accomplished in 1400 years of Islamic history- and Muslims are commanded to foist this law on the whole of the unwilling infidels on planet earth at the tip of a sword.
It's still a work in progress. ....... :cool:

We know. Its evident given the politically dysfunctional hell-holes that the vast majority Islamic nations are in the modern day.

But is it still appropriate to cast the label as "work-in-process"? I'd figure it would cross the threshold of "abject failure" within the first century.

Just my two cents.
Except that none of the above has ever been accomplished in 1400 years of Islamic history- and Muslims are commanded to foist this law on the whole of the unwilling infidels on planet earth at the tip of a sword.
It's still a work in progress. ....... :cool:
And there is progress. Across so much of the Middle East, moslems are slaughtering each other in uncountable numbers.....,,,.. :cool:
The Quran was given to mankind as Divine guidance for how structure society and live a righteous life.

The Hadith's gives historical examples of that guidance in action.

Sharia law then codifies and sets the boundaries for people to live in communal harmony.

Islamism was an invention of a megalomaniac 7th century warlord. It's a politico-religious ideology that is fascistic at its core..... :cool:
Please stop with the pretense that Islam and Christianity are practically the same. I guess they would be exactly the same if the Koran taught Muslims, as the NT teaches Christians, that politics and faith are separate things. Or if the Koran taught muslims to turn the other cheek. Or if the Koran taught muslims to love their enemies.

But it doesn't, now, does it?

Did we love Saddam or hang him? Wasn't he our enemy? George Bush is a Christian and he loves the bible. Did the bible teach him to love Saddam or kill him?

Did we turn the other cheek after 9-11?

Why would Muslims in the middle east who hate our policies turn the other cheek? You may not agree with them that the USA is evil, but that doesn't matter to them. They KNOW we are their enemy. So you want them to turn the other cheek when we invade their countries and steal their oil but you won't turn the other cheek after 9-11?
It's based on nonsenses and is un-American, other than that, it's OK Remind me, what is SO good about it?

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