What's So Bad About Sharia Law?

Just my two cents.
Hey juden........you can keep your 2¢.........because I really don't care what you have to say. ... :cool:

How cool is it that Islamism has a built-in mechanism for insensate Jew hatred?

Even self-hating, goofy converts such as yourself can use the Islamic Death Cult as a means to promote your self-hate and self-inflicted failures. ... :cool:
PS: I'm not yet a "Juden", just a Noachide observing the mitzvot of the Torah, studying Talmud, and in the beginning stages of conversion (Ratzon HaShem).
There is no "yet" to it.

You must have been born to a jewish mother in order to be a Jew.

Otherwise, you will always be a Noahide gentile.
how do you know it is a false story about Muhummad? It appears in the Koran----
No, it doesn't. ...... :cool:

to which story are we alluding-----the interaction between the pig and
Aisha?----if I remember correctly----she specifically states at what age
he "did" her for the first time------He seems to have met her at age six---
but did not marry her until later------and inbetween marriage and consummation---
he just "made out" Not that I care-------

The pedophile scumbag Mohammad with 6 yr and RAPED Aisha when she was only 9 yrs old! He was a sick bastard and scumbag muslims use his pedophilia to marry off their 9 and 10 yr old girls to old men. They use Mohammad's actions and the Koran as justification.

We need to fight this plague. Yes they are winning, but we still have the power to defeat them.
Age of Aisha ra at time of marriage
“It is reported from Aisha that she said: The Prophet entered into marriage with me when I was a girl of six … and at the time [of joining his household] I was a girl of nine years of age.”

“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.”
PS: I'm not yet a "Juden", just a Noachide observing the mitzvot of the Torah, studying Talmud, and in the beginning stages of conversion (Ratzon HaShem).
There is no "yet" to it.

You must have been born to a jewish mother in order to be a Jew.

Otherwise, you will always be a Noahide gentile.

Really muzzie? Because even the Mashiach (Messiah) is expected to descend from Ruth (Baruch HaShem)- a convert's- bloodline.
Because even the Mashiach (Messiah) is expected to descend from Ruth (Baruch HaShem)- a convert's- bloodline.
And that was how many generations ago?

Yes, your kids could be jews, if you are a man and marry a jewess.

Other wise it will take a coupe of generations of inner marriage for your descendants to become jews.

As for you, the most you can ever be is a Noahide gentile.

True story.......... :cool:
Because even the Mashiach (Messiah) is expected to descend from Ruth (Baruch HaShem)- a convert's- bloodline.
And that was how many generations ago?

Yes, your kids could be jews, if you are a man and marry a jewess.

Other wise it will take a coupe of generations of inner marriage for your descendants to become jews.

As for you, the most you can ever be is a Noahide gentile.

True story.......... :cool:

That is between me and HaShem, and if he wills it, so be it. :)
Actually, muslims are also Noachides because they follow the 7 Laws. ....... :cool:
Actually, muslims are also Noachides because they follow the 7 Laws. ....... :cool:

But you also believe in holy books which disparage Jews as being prophet killers, descendants of apes and pigs, and in end-times eschatology being the subject of a divine slaughter at the hands of Muslims.

Quite the cognitive dissonance, right there....
But you also believe in holy books which disparage Jews as being prophet killers, descendants of apes and pigs, and in end-times eschatology being the subject of a divine slaughter at the hands of Muslims
Doesn't matter........muslims adhere to the 7 Noachide Laws.

The seven Noachide laws, as traditionally enumerated are:
  1. Do Not Deny God
  2. Do Not Blaspheme God
  3. Do Not Murder
  4. Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships.
  5. Do Not Steal
  6. Do Not Eat of a Live Animal
  7. Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non Jews"

The Seven Noachide Laws Jewish Virtual Library

But you also believe in holy books which disparage Jews as being prophet killers, descendants of apes and pigs, and in end-times eschatology being the subject of a divine slaughter at the hands of Muslims
Doesn't matter........muslims adhere to the 7 Noachide Laws.

The seven Noachide laws, as traditionally enumerated are:
  1. Do Not Deny God
  2. Do Not Blaspheme God
  3. Do Not Murder
  4. Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships.
  5. Do Not Steal
  6. Do Not Eat of a Live Animal
  7. Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non Jews"

The Seven Noachide Laws Jewish Virtual Library


Cool story bro.

I never said that Muslims weren't regarded as Noachides- just that on the other hand you believe in scriptures which are antisemitic in overtones.

PS: The above would also apply to Monotheistic (Arya Samaj) Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Baha'is, Druze, and even devout theists and deists.

Hence, Judaism is probably the most inclusive faith on the planet. :p
PS: The above would also apply to Monotheistic (Arya Samaj) Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Baha'is, Druze, and even devout theists and deists.
Not really......... Hindus, Baha'is, and Sikhs are not monotheistic.

And no one really knows what Druze believe......and neither do they. ....... :cool:
the custom was for marriages being arraigned by the consenting parents of minors and consummated by the time they were both 14 or so.

Even in the most primitive cultures ever known, a 53 year old man consummating a marriage to a prepubescent 9 year old girl was perverse...

oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?

A supposed Christian claiming that the OT and NT were written by "men and all their minds", while conveniently not saying a word about the Qu"ran?

You're a Muslim. Exposed. Back to the madrassah you go!

Of course the Quran is from the Babylon Talmud and NT stories. But God did not write it, not the God I believe in, but there were some very inspirational people who penned some verses and parables.
Jews of the OT were not, not, not, not monotheistic, how often do I have to say that , that is why Moses made them say it all the time. See it helps when a tribe of people are of a like mind which means they need to believe in the same God.
PS: The above would also apply to Monotheistic (Arya Samaj) Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Baha'is, Druze, and even devout theists and deists.
Not really......... Hindus, Baha'is, and Sikhs are not monotheistic.

And no one really knows what Druze believe......and neither do they. ....... :cool:

Goes to show little you know. Typical Muslim.

Sikhs and Bahai's are fierce monotheists. Hindu Arya Samajis are the same- and their source is the Vedic scriptures- although they are a minority within global Hindu community.

As for the Druze- although their beliefs are largely concealed- they affirm monotheism above all, and if they practice the righteous conduct as was outlined, they too would qualify.
Jews of the OT were not, not, not, not monotheistic, how often do I have to say that , that is why Moses made them say it all the time. See it helps when a tribe of people are of a like mind which means they need to believe in the same God.

We are not talking about what small pockets of Jews in the OT time practiced in deviating from the revelation as given by HaShem- but rather what the revelation (Judaism) actually teaches.
oh thanks----now I remember----she went to live in his house at age six----
and the consummation was age nine-----according to her very own account---
somewhere there in the "book" sometimes when muslims say "it is not in the Koran----it really means ----its in the hadiths but not in the Koran--------not that I care.. For jews-----by Talmudic times ----consummation of a marriage was
not supposed to happen until the girl is at least 12.5--------for "godknowswhat"
reason -----not that I care------even in the USA---out in the hills ----girls sometimes marry at age 12--------or so. not that I care

12.5 years. really, I wonder how these Rabbis determined that? 12 is the no. of months so maybe it means some coming of age thing, and we'll give her 6 months to ripen, ya think.
So Muhammad wasn't too far off. Well Jews go by the Babylon Talmud more than the Torah as well.

Penelope-----you are clueless -------how did the USA politicians come up with 21
as the "age of majority" For jews the age of majority is considered to be
12.5 for girls and 13 for boys. In some states in the USA-----one cannot buy alcohol until age 21-----in some 18 Different states have different laws for
age of consent for marriage too. You have no idea what the torah is or the Talmud-------why constantly reveal the fact that you are stupid-?

The sentence ...".....jews go by the Babylon Talmud more the Torah ...." simply
proves that you read islamo Nazi shit propaganda. ----or maybe someone reads it to you or TELLS it to you. ---------the sentence is actually meaningless.

Really ask most jews and its the Talmud they went by, and that is what the Muslims based the Quran on as well. "Blessed be his name" all over the Talmud and Koran. The OT and NT, all wrote by men and their minds, and some of them like Ezekiel sound like they took some mushrooms or mighty strong wine which they loved. To teach any of it as if God himself said it is what is causing the world problems. And it started with the Torah, lying , incest, homosexuality , deception, killing and massacres, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice, racism, adultery, pologamy, Female SEX Slaves, slavery, surrogate pregnancy, first degree murder, stoning, must I go on?

A supposed Christian claiming that the OT and NT were written by "men and all their minds", while conveniently not saying a word about the Qu"ran?

You're a Muslim. Exposed. Back to the madrassah you go!

Of course the Quran is from the Babylon Talmud and NT stories. But God did not write it, not the God I believe in, but there were some very inspirational people who penned some verses and parables.

Why do you keep harping about the "Babylon Talmud"? You realize the Babylonian Talmud is only a subset of a compilation of oral dictations and textual writings?
Listening to Christians on the news trying to get Christian interpretations of religious laws into civil law (homosexuality, abortion, women's rights, etc.) I can't help but wonder why if they want that they'd oppose Sharia. Isn't Sharia religious law based on Islam, and isn't Islam almost entirely based on Judaism just like Christianity? You'd think if Christians want religious law in civil law they'd welcome Sharia law. If it's really about pleasing God, and not just seizing power for themselves, you'd think Christians would welcome anything that gets God's law into civil law. And Sharia stands a much better chance of doing that than Christianity.

I have no problem with Sharia law so long as it is voluntary, at least in this country. If enough people want to pass a law based upon Sharia, that is ok as well. So long as it falls within the Constitution.

Laws aren't voluntary I think is the point. :) Many religious laws are already in civil law, they're just not credited as having come from religious laws. Like murder and theft.

"Law" is a flexible word. There is Sharia Law, which is religious in nature and, in this country, applies only to those who wish to follow it. I am under no obligation to do so. That may mean I am not allowed to join a religious organization which obligates me to follow it, but I don't have to join. It is voluntary. If enough people can get some of that into the civil code, that is allowable within our system of government. So long as it does not violate the state or US Constitutions. People who believe in Sharia Law has as much right to a voice in our government as anyone else.
Then why call it a law?

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