What's the Best War Movie?

Yet it's viewed as the quintessential Vietnam War movie by quite a few who are completely unaware of its true origin. I know/knew hundreds of Vietnam vets, not one of them would agree that is wasn't ridiculous enough and to a person (men and women) either walked out of the movie or panned it as a weird flight of fantasy which obviously it was.
Now as a character study it's a great piece of work but as a historically accurate picture of the Vietnam War, it suffers in the extreme.
As I said, it was not about the War in Vietnam, it was an adaptation of a novel set in Vietnam. It was not intended to be historically accurate.
I know that, it's not my point. Talk to people who were never there and never knew anyone that was and their take is that the movie reflected what happened in Nam on a daily basis, especially those who were involved with the anti-Vietnam war movement, they believed it to be a true representation.
It's not Sci-Fi but it is fiction.
I was involved in the anti war movement and I did not think that. Try speaking for yourself and not for others.
Then why do so many perceive it to be a real depiction of the war? I wasn't speaking for you specifically, you are one of the few who actually know the origin of the movie. So I'll toss it back in your court, Try speaking for yourself and not for others.............
Many people do not realize that no movie is true. Some are based on true stories.
I can assure you that We Were Soldiers is true because I lived every moment of the story. There were a few Hollywoodisms because otherwise it would have been a dull movie about day to day events.
So many good ones. Full Metal Jacket is a good one.

I asked veterans on USMB a couple of years ( or more ) ago what they thought were the best Vietnam movies depicting the reality of that war and these two seemed to get the most votes:

They Were Soldiers

Full Metal Jacket

Does "Apocalypse, Now" count as a war movie?

Best film I've ever seen.

I'll have to check it out.

The veterans I asked were active USMB posters who have left, for the most part. But those two movies came in with the highest recommendations of all the rest depicting the war with Vietnam. So I did watch them, and I could see why.

Unlike American Sniper which I found to be excellent, I had to go through a box of tissues.

"....active USMB posters who have left, for the most part..."

Go ahead, rub it in.
I'm still an active poster and I stand by my previous comments.
I can assure you that We Were Soldiers is true because I lived every moment of the story. There were a few Hollywoodisms because otherwise it would have been a dull movie about day to day events.

Thank you for your service to our country Hoss. The guys from VN caught a lot of undeserved bullshit from people who didn't know any better, thanks to people such as John 'purple heart' Kerry and Hanoi Jane Fonda.
Huh?.............all of these are great movies

  • Apocalypse Now (1979)
  • The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
  • Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
  • Saving Private Ryan (1998)
  • Glory (1989)
  • Full Metal Jacket (1987)
  • American Sniper (2014)
  • Patton (1970)
  • Platoon (1986)
  • Das Boot (1981)
  • The Deer Hunter (1978)
  • Paths of Glory (1957)
  • Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
  • The Thin Red Line (1998)
  • All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
  • The Dirty Dozen (1967)
  • The Longest Day (1962)
  • The Great Escape (1963)
  • The Hurt Locker (2008)
  • M*A*S*H (1972)
  • Lone Survivor (2013)
  • Kelly's Heroes (1970)

I'm not sure if I can choose.

I don't consider Good Morning Vietnam a war movie.

I've not seen "Paths of Glory"

But my top 3 are Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, and Apocolypse Now.

I'm pleased that Pearl Harbor didn't even make the list.

And I'd give honorable mention to The Bridge on the River Kwai

i think i just read today

that saving private ryan number one seller

followed by pearl harbor

and closing in rapidly is

american sniper
Saving Private Ryan and Fury were both pretty damn good films.

I saw Saving Private Ryan but not the other one.

It was pretty gruesome. lol

I'd recommend it. :D

Oh yeah, the tank movie. I remember the ads for this. It looks really good. :) You're right, I should see that movie. What about Inglorious Bastards? Would that be considered a war movie? Probably not, huh? That was another really good movie with Brad Pitt.
Saving Private Ryan and Fury were both pretty damn good films.

I saw Saving Private Ryan but not the other one.

It was pretty gruesome. lol

I'd recommend it. :D

Oh yeah, the tank movie. I remember the ads for this. It looks really good. :) You're right, I should see that movie. What about Inglorious Bastards? Would that be considered a war movie? Probably not, huh? That was another really good movie with Brad Pitt.

I guess that'd kinda/sorta be a "war movie."

Either way though, I agree. It was good. :)
Saving Private Ryan and Fury were both pretty damn good films.

I saw Saving Private Ryan but not the other one.

It was pretty gruesome. lol

I'd recommend it. :D

Oh yeah, the tank movie. I remember the ads for this. It looks really good. :) You're right, I should see that movie. What about Inglorious Bastards? Would that be considered a war movie? Probably not, huh? That was another really good movie with Brad Pitt.

i just not too long ago watched the monuments men

i liked it the mrs did not
Saving Private Ryan and Fury were both pretty damn good films.

I saw Saving Private Ryan but not the other one.

It was pretty gruesome. lol

I'd recommend it. :D

Oh yeah, the tank movie. I remember the ads for this. It looks really good. :) You're right, I should see that movie. What about Inglorious Bastards? Would that be considered a war movie? Probably not, huh? That was another really good movie with Brad Pitt.

i just not too long ago watched the monuments men

i liked it the mrs did not

I'm not sure I remember that one. :) It sounds a little familiar.
Saving Private Ryan and Fury were both pretty damn good films.

I saw Saving Private Ryan but not the other one.

It was pretty gruesome. lol

I'd recommend it. :D

Oh yeah, the tank movie. I remember the ads for this. It looks really good. :) You're right, I should see that movie. What about Inglorious Bastards? Would that be considered a war movie? Probably not, huh? That was another really good movie with Brad Pitt.

i just not too long ago watched the monuments men

i liked it the mrs did not

I'm not sure I remember that one. :) It sounds a little familiar.

loosely based on real facts

story about a group of guys charged with recovering art work stolen before it could be destroyed by the nazis

during the final months of WWII
Saving Private Ryan
Kelly's Heros
Tora Tora Tora
Pearl Harbor
The Dirty Dozen

I didn't care for Deer Hunter or Apocalypse Now at all. Good Morning Viet Nam just plain sucked.

Good Morning Vietnam isn't really a war movie IMO.
It is a good movie if you just appreciate the comedy and the story of Robins character and forget the political understory trying to make the NV look like heros.
Robin Williams always made me sick.

Except for Popeye; he was the perfect Popeye.
He was. And Shelley Duvall was the perfect Olive Oil.

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