What's the point of religion when we have education now?

I watched the old cosmos.

Are you aware of the role the church played in the development of the modern university system?

As I have said, all the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.
I know religion existed during the enlightenment and I know a lot of scientists believe in god. So what?

Religion didn't just exist. It dominated.

So what?

My point was clearly stated.

All the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.

You have done very little to support your assumption that religion is holding US back.
Learn how societies not force fed a particular religion and that dont suppress athiests make the greatest advancements are happier less suicide birth rates abuse ... On every subject atheism is better. I feel like a god knowing the truth and none of you do.

NO society is more advanced than the US of A.

Zion will be
The Enlightenment based America was still, by your standards, an extremely religious society.

And has been up to, and including today.

ALL of the accomplishments of the modern world have been done by, from your perspective, extremely religious societies.

Carl Sagan didn't put our fat asses on the Moon. The America of the 50s and 60s, working together as a group, united by, among other factors, a common religion put our fat asses on the Moon.

Without the support of all those people of Faith, who you mock so much, the rocket scientists would have been drawing pictures on chalk boards and talking smack in the college bars.

You have done nothing to suport your bigoted claim that religion is holding us back

Watch the new and old cosmos and see how religions have held us back. If you argue with Sagan and Tyson then you won't agree with anything I write.

So watch the cosmos is my answer. If you haven't then you are held back.

I watched the old cosmos.

Are you aware of the role the church played in the development of the modern university system?

As I have said, all the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.
I know religion existed during the enlightenment and I know a lot of scientists believe in god. So what?

Religion didn't just exist. It dominated.

So what?

My point was clearly stated.

All the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.

You have done very little to support your assumption that religion is holding US back.
Learn how societies not force fed a particular religion and that dont suppress athiests make the greatest advancements are happier less suicide birth rates abuse ...

Put down the bong, Bizzarro.
... I say its arrogant and ignorant to think you are special in the universe. Little itty birth you.
... Re-read what the 'dolt' said and try to understand English (though that does require a fairly high intelligence).

Shakespeare is dead.

I didn't write that!

I (acting subject) did (helping verb) not (negation) write (verb) that (object)". Got it: Seems to me you speak english but not Shakespeare.


I watched the old cosmos.

Are you aware of the role the church played in the development of the modern university system?

As I have said, all the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.
I know religion existed during the enlightenment and I know a lot of scientists believe in god. So what?

Religion didn't just exist. It dominated.

So what?

My point was clearly stated.

All the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.

You have done very little to support your assumption that religion is holding US back.
Learn how societies not force fed a particular religion and that dont suppress athiests make the greatest advancements are happier less suicide birth rates abuse ... On every subject atheism is better. I feel like a god knowing the truth and none of you do.

NO society is more advanced than the US of A.
Yes. A wonderful secular society.

We didn't invent the rocket that got us to the moon. The Nazis did.
... Then be a better parent or dont have kids. Most rapists were raised in religious homes.

Do you have any reliable source for this "wisdom"?

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't."
William Shakespeare

They asked 1000 prisoners "do you believe in god" and 1000 said yes.

Unfortunatelly they (wo are they?) asked not 1001 prisoners (Who are the prisoners?) so I had not to ask you again: "Source?"

But dont worry.

Don't worry I could be worried.

Jesus forgives so no matter what they did

No one knows the final jugdgement. As long as someone lives - maybe even longer - someone has always all chances in the eyes of the Lord. Much more important now here: Jesus helps the victims and their friends and relatives to be able to forgive and to get a clear peaceful heart. This can help them a lot in this world where we live today. To have to live with a strange burden of sadness or hate is not necessary. God allows everyone to be happy.

they all get to go to heaven.

Wonderful. So you will be happy if you go to hell, because the heaven is full of criminals - hopefully including me.

This is why christianity sucks.

Not really. You are only educated to be full of hate against Christians. And this made you to a compulsive antichristian brainwasher.

It doesnt make people good it simply makes them feel better about themselves.

We are sinners. So don't tell me please we promised you to be good. But if you like to be a more better and greater sinner than Christians - why not? Your choice. But if you should think you are not responsible in the eyes of the Lord then you are wrong: Everyone is responsible in the eyes of the Lord. Everyone. Without any exception. Always.

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... Yes. A wonderful secular society.

We didn't invent the rocket that got us to the moon. The Nazis did.

The V1 and V2 were ballistic missiles - the Saturn V was an american invention. Sure "you" used "our" german technology and know how - but why not? In 1917 Herman Oberth invented the first rocket. The Nazis were later.


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I watched the old cosmos.

Are you aware of the role the church played in the development of the modern university system?

As I have said, all the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.
I know religion existed during the enlightenment and I know a lot of scientists believe in god. So what?

Religion didn't just exist. It dominated.

So what?

My point was clearly stated.

All the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.

You have done very little to support your assumption that religion is holding US back.
Learn how societies not force fed a particular religion and that dont suppress athiests make the greatest advancements are happier less suicide birth rates abuse ... On every subject atheism is better. I feel like a god knowing the truth and none of you do.

NO society is more advanced than the US of A.
Yes. A wonderful secular society.

We didn't invent the rocket that got us to the moon. The Nazis did.

We are far more religious than Europe or Japan, and more advanced technologically.

The Nazis made a rocket that could reach London. The highly religious USA made the rocket that took US to the Moon.

What secular societies and what advances are you thinking of?
... The Nazis made a rocket ...

Again: It was Hermann Oberth who invented the rocket in the year 1917. The Nazis were in power from the year 1933-1945. Hermann Oberth was from Romania. Transylvania or Siebenbürgen are other expressions. He belonged to a german population what had lived there for centuries. Now no Germans live any longer in Romania. Hermann Olberth wrote the first books about the idea to travel to other planets with rockets - I remember in this context the year 1928. I don't think he had anything to do with Nazis at this point of history.

When he had the first ideas about rockets he took a little boat and threw stones out of the boat and measured the recoil (actio est reactio: Newton). That's what crazy Germans are doing if they enter new worlds. The idea that war is the father of all things is wrong. The Nazis had not really good ideas. All ideas they used were made before the Nazis became mighty. And there's not really a reason to be proud for US-Americans, because the USA has no spaceship in the moment.

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I know religion existed during the enlightenment and I know a lot of scientists believe in god. So what?

Religion didn't just exist. It dominated.

So what?

My point was clearly stated.

All the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.

You have done very little to support your assumption that religion is holding US back.
Learn how societies not force fed a particular religion and that dont suppress athiests make the greatest advancements are happier less suicide birth rates abuse ... On every subject atheism is better. I feel like a god knowing the truth and none of you do.

NO society is more advanced than the US of A.
Yes. A wonderful secular society.

We didn't invent the rocket that got us to the moon. The Nazis did.

We are far more religious than Europe or Japan, and more advanced technologically.

The Nazis made a rocket that could reach London. The highly religious USA made the rocket that took US to the Moon.

What secular societies and what advances are you thinking of?
Belief in god played no part other than obstructing progress.

Stop it.
... The Nazis made a rocket ...

Again: It was Hermann Oberth who invented the rocket in the year 1917. The Nazis were in power from the year 1933-1945. Hermann Oberth was from Romania. Transylvania or Siebenbürgen are other expressions. Hermann Olberth wrote the first books about the idea to travel to other planets with rockets _ as fasr as I rmer thsi ws in the years 1928. I don't think he had anything to do with Nazis at this time of history.

When he had the first ideas about this he took a little boat and threw stones out of the boat and measured the recoil (actio est reactio: Newton). The idea that war is the father of all things is wrong. The Nazis had not really good ideas. All ideas they used were made before the Nazis became mighty. And it's not really funny that the USA has no spaceship in the moment.
Religion didn't just exist. It dominated.

So what?

My point was clearly stated.

All the accomplishments of the modern liberal world you love so much, were done by societies you consider extremely religious.

You have done very little to support your assumption that religion is holding US back.
Learn how societies not force fed a particular religion and that dont suppress athiests make the greatest advancements are happier less suicide birth rates abuse ... On every subject atheism is better. I feel like a god knowing the truth and none of you do.

NO society is more advanced than the US of A.
Yes. A wonderful secular society.

We didn't invent the rocket that got us to the moon. The Nazis did.

We are far more religious than Europe or Japan, and more advanced technologically.

The Nazis made a rocket that could reach London. The highly religious USA made the rocket that took US to the Moon.

What secular societies and what advances are you thinking of?
Belief in god played no part other than obstructing progress.

Stop it.

You have asked me to learn how societies "not force fed a particular religion and that don't suppress athiests make the greatest advancements".

I have asked the simple question, which societies are you thinking of, and which advancements are you thinking of.
... The Nazis made a rocket ...

Again: It was Hermann Oberth who invented the rocket in the year 1917. The Nazis were in power from the year 1933-1945. Hermann Oberth was from Romania. Transylvania or Siebenbürgen are other expressions. Hermann Olberth wrote the first books about the idea to travel to other planets with rockets _ as fasr as I rmer thsi ws in the years 1928. I don't think he had anything to do with Nazis at this time of history.

When he had the first ideas about this he took a little boat and threw stones out of the boat and measured the recoil (actio est reactio: Newton). The idea that war is the father of all things is wrong. The Nazis had not really good ideas. All ideas they used were made before the Nazis became mighty. And it's not really funny that the USA has no spaceship in the moment.
Learn how societies not force fed a particular religion and that dont suppress athiests make the greatest advancements are happier less suicide birth rates abuse ... On every subject atheism is better. I feel like a god knowing the truth and none of you do.

NO society is more advanced than the US of A.
Yes. A wonderful secular society.

We didn't invent the rocket that got us to the moon. The Nazis did.

We are far more religious than Europe or Japan, and more advanced technologically.

The Nazis made a rocket that could reach London. The highly religious USA made the rocket that took US to the Moon.

What secular societies and what advances are you thinking of?
Belief in god played no part other than obstructing progress.

Stop it.

You have asked me to learn how societies "not force fed a particular religion and that don't suppress athiests make the greatest advancements".

I have asked the simple question, which societies are you thinking of, and which advancements are you thinking of.
If you have to ask then you haven't watched the cosmos. Watch them. Much better than the old and new testaments are the old and new cosmos with Sagan and Tyson. I've read the bible so you are at a disadvantage and I'm not going to tell you all about the wonderful scientists who were suppressed by rulers who forced their religions on us.

And if you saw the cosmos you wouldnt have to ask that question.

I can't explain calculus if you dont know addition.
... Belief in god played no part other than obstructing progress.

Stop it.

You will be frustrated if no one takes you serios and you will be proud if someone takes you serios. Both is dangerous because your fanatism could explode. It would be really much more easy if you would agree that truth is existing and everyone is able to communicate without any need to win or to lose in a conversation. You are the part of the world who likes to force others to be Atheist because god is not exiting - and other people in the world try to force people to be atheist in the name of god. Your structure and the structure you are fighting against are the same. So if you really like to win you have to lose against yourselve. I would suggest try to give a serios answer to serios questions and you should integrate the thought "I don't know [in the moment]" in your psychological structure - yes: you are able to modify your psychogram on your own because you are free - otherweise you will discuss endless and senseless.

Take your crazy text here as an example. Besides that you are able to make a list of famous Christians on your own you also don't know wether god is not existing. So in case you are wrong you would try to convince other people to do the same wrong thing like you are doing. But if everyone is doing everything wrong because you feel fine to convince so - what do you win except trouble? We say "Who sews wind will harvest storm." Your secular fanatism and the fanatism of organisations like IS is the same. In both cases it has nothing to do with serios religions, because members of serios religions are searching for enlightenment and truth not only in spiritual ways.

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... Belief in god played no part other than obstructing progress.

Stop it.

You will be frustrated if no one takes you serios and you will be proud if someone takes you serios. Both is dangerous because your fanatism could explode. It would be really much more easy if you would agree that truth is existing and everyone is able to communicate without any need to win or to lose in a conversation. You are the part of the world who likes to force others to be Atheist because god is not exiting - and other people in the world try to force people to be atheist in the name of god. Your structure and the structure you are fighting against are the same. So if you really like to win you have to lose against yourselve. I would suggest try to give a serios answer to serios questions and you should integrate the thought "I don't know [in the moment]" in your psychological structure - yes: you are able to modify your psychogram on your own because you are free - otherweise you will discuss endless and senseless.

Take your crazy text here as an example. Besides that you are able to make a list of famous Christians on your own you also don't know wether god is not existing. So in case you are wrong you would try to convince other people to do the same wrong thing like you are doing. But if everyone is doing everything wrong because you feel fine to convince so - what do you win except trouble? We say "Who sews wind will harvest storm." Your secular fanatism and the fanatism of organisations like IS is the same. In both cases it has nothing to do with serios religions, because members of serios religions are searching for enlightenment and truth not only in spiritual ways.

I work and live among many people who claim to believe in god. At least I think or assume they do but most people never mention him in their daily lives. So no scientist is talking to god asking him how to build a spaceship or cure a desease. The scientist did it all on his own just like the ant found some crumbs on the ground before it starved. No need for the ant to pray to god he will find food or thank god when he does. No god was involved.
... Belief in god played no part other than obstructing progress.

Stop it.

You will be frustrated if no one takes you serios and you will be proud if someone takes you serios. Both is dangerous because your fanatism could explode. It would be really much more easy if you would agree that truth is existing and everyone is able to communicate without any need to win or to lose in a conversation. You are the part of the world who likes to force others to be Atheist because god is not exiting - and other people in the world try to force people to be atheist in the name of god. Your structure and the structure you are fighting against are the same. So if you really like to win you have to lose against yourselve. I would suggest try to give a serios answer to serios questions and you should integrate the thought "I don't know [in the moment]" in your psychological structure - yes: you are able to modify your psychogram on your own because you are free - otherweise you will discuss endless and senseless.

Take your crazy text here as an example. Besides that you are able to make a list of famous Christians on your own you also don't know wether god is not existing. So in case you are wrong you would try to convince other people to do the same wrong thing like you are doing. But if everyone is doing everything wrong because you feel fine to convince so - what do you win except trouble? We say "Who sews wind will harvest storm." Your secular fanatism and the fanatism of organisations like IS is the same. In both cases it has nothing to do with serios religions, because members of serios religions are searching for enlightenment and truth not only in spiritual ways.

I work and live

You or your own illusion of you and others?

among many people who claim

¿claim? ...

to believe in god.

You said indeed "claim to believe in god".

At least I think or assume they do but most people never mention him in their daily lives.

So what? Whatever they are really doing - whatever you are able to see and not so see - whatever you are able to understand and not to understand: Their problem not your problem. You are an atheist.

So no scientist is talking to god asking him how to build a spaceship or cure a desease.

I guess you don't know a lot about scientists.

The scientist did it all on his own just like the ant found some crumbs on the ground before it starved. No need for the ant to pray to god he will find food or thank god when he does. No god was involved.

"Es gibt keine Gott und Dirac ist sein Prophet" (There is no god and Dirac is his prophet.) said Wolfgang Pauli once how Werner Heissenberg reported in the book "Der Teil und das Ganze".

In general: Why should a baker or phycisist or scientist believe in god? Why should a baker, phycisist or scientist not believe in god? Who cares, except you? Do you not buy bread from your baker if your baker is not an atheist?

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... Belief in god played no part other than obstructing progress.

Stop it.

You will be frustrated if no one takes you serios and you will be proud if someone takes you serios. Both is dangerous because your fanatism could explode. It would be really much more easy if you would agree that truth is existing and everyone is able to communicate without any need to win or to lose in a conversation. You are the part of the world who likes to force others to be Atheist because god is not exiting - and other people in the world try to force people to be atheist in the name of god. Your structure and the structure you are fighting against are the same. So if you really like to win you have to lose against yourselve. I would suggest try to give a serios answer to serios questions and you should integrate the thought "I don't know [in the moment]" in your psychological structure - yes: you are able to modify your psychogram on your own because you are free - otherweise you will discuss endless and senseless.

Take your crazy text here as an example. Besides that you are able to make a list of famous Christians on your own you also don't know wether god is not existing. So in case you are wrong you would try to convince other people to do the same wrong thing like you are doing. But if everyone is doing everything wrong because you feel fine to convince so - what do you win except trouble? We say "Who sews wind will harvest storm." Your secular fanatism and the fanatism of organisations like IS is the same. In both cases it has nothing to do with serios religions, because members of serios religions are searching for enlightenment and truth not only in spiritual ways.

I work and live

You or your own illusion of you and others?

among many people who claim

¿claim? ...

to believe in god.

You said indeed "claim to believe in god".

At least I think or assume they do but most people never mention him in their daily lives.

So what? Whatever they are really doing - whatever you are able to see and not so see - whatever you are able to understand and not to understand: Their problem not your problem. You are an atheist.

So no scientist is talking to god asking him how to build a spaceship or cure a desease.

I guess you don't know a lot about scientists.

The scientist did it all on his own just like the ant found some crumbs on the ground before it starved. No need for the ant to pray to god he will find food or thank god when he does. No god was involved.

"Es gibt keine Gott und Dirac ist sein Prophet" (There is no god and Dirac is his prophet.) said Wolfgang Pauli once how Werner Heissenberg reported in the book "Der Teil und das Ganze".

In general: Why should a baker or phycisist or scientist believe in god? Why should a baker, phycisist or scientist not believe in god? Who cares, except you? Do you not buy bread from your baker if your baker is not an atheist?


I'm OK with people on a personal level believing in god in fact I think I'm going to tone it down because I dont really want to upset people its just that I dont think its good for people or a society to get caught up in religion anymore than going to church and being better people Monday through Saturday. Religion might not make you the Isis type but maybe it makes you anti choice or anti gay. So they use it to con you into voting for the wrong people. Just one small example of how theyve been using this god concept on you fools.

Put it this way. If there is a creator of sorts it ain't the god you talk about and you have no idea what happens when you die. I have a pretty good idea.

Oh, today I heard 7 in 10 americans claim to be " christians". I challenge that. Bs
... I'm OK with people on a personal level believing in god

Religion is not a personal thing. Religion needs a minimum of 2 or 3 people and someone who comes.

in fact I think

in fact you call something "to think" what I would call "mrainwashed identity".

I'm going to tone it down because I dont really want to upset people


its just that I dont think


its good for people

It is the lark that sings so out of tune,
Straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.

or a society to get caught up in religion anymore than going to church and being better people Monday through Saturday. Religion might not make you the Isis type but maybe it makes you anti choice or anti gay.

What a luck that you don't suffer prejudices because you are an atheist. But you are right for example that everyone is not in my respect, who is misusing women as slaves to bear children for others with the genes of this strangers - independent wether the genes come from 2 women, 2 men or a man and a woman. A mother is a mother. And her child is her child. Not the child of anyone else. No one has the right to buy children. That's one of the worst forms of slavery.

So they use it to con you into voting for the wrong people.

Wrong people? People who don't agree with you?

Just one small example of how theyve been using this god concept on you fools.

It's intertesting for a Christian to be called from an Atheist "[godless] fool". In worst case you will find Christians who start immediatelly to pray for you.

Put it this way. If there is a creator

To be or not to be? Whatever god is - he is creator not creation - maybe except this what he created from himselve out of nothing.

of sorts it ain't the god you talk about

I guess I never talked about what you heard in your thoughts. If I speak about god then I'm normally very careful, what doesn't mean that I'm not wrong from time to time too. Your concept of this what I believe is for sure wrong.

and you have no idea what happens when you die.

I have an idea - and a unbelievable desire to come home as if I would know every little corn of dust there without being able to remember. But on the other side I also don't live in fear if god decides nothing comes after my death. To sleep endless - why not, if this should be his will, even if I doubt that this is his will.

I have a pretty good idea.

Oh, today I heard 7 in 10 americans claim to be " christians". I challenge that. Bs

And? What is the result of this challenge? Are you still alive?

Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 117
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... I'm OK with people on a personal level believing in god

Religion is not a personal thing. Religion needs a minimum of 2 or 3 people and someone who comes.

in fact I think

in fact you call something "to think" what I would call "mrainwashed identity".

I'm going to tone it down because I dont really want to upset people


its just that I dont think


its good for people

It is the lark that sings so out of tune,
Straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.

or a society to get caught up in religion anymore than going to church and being better people Monday through Saturday. Religion might not make you the Isis type but maybe it makes you anti choice or anti gay.

What a luck that you don't suffer prejudices because you are an atheist. But you are right for example that everyone is not in my respect, who is misusing women as slaves to bear children for others with the genes of this strangers - independent wether the genes come from 2 women, 2 men or a man and a woman. A mother is a mother. And her child is her child. Not the child of anyone else. No one has the right to buy children. That's one of the worst forms of slavery.

So they use it to con you into voting for the wrong people.

Wrong people? People who don't agree with you?

Just one small example of how theyve been using this god concept on you fools.

It's intertesting for a Christian to be called from an Atheist "[godless] fool". In worst case you will find Christians who start immediatelly to pray for you.

Put it this way. If there is a creator

To be or not to be? Whatever god is - he is creator not creation - maybe except this what he created from himselve out of nothing.

of sorts it ain't the god you talk about

I guess I never talked about what you heard in your thoughts. If I speak about god then I'm normally very careful, what doesn't mean that I'm not wrong from time to time too. Your concept of this what I believe is for sure wrong.

and you have no idea what happens when you die.

I have an idea - and a unbelievable desire to come home as if I would know every little corn of dust there without being able to remember. But on the other side I also don't live in fear if god decides nothing comes after my death. To sleep endless - why not, if this should be his will, even if I doubt that this is his will.

I have a pretty good idea.

Oh, today I heard 7 in 10 americans claim to be " christians". I challenge that. Bs

And? What is the result of this challenge? Are you still alive?

Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 117

You are borderline insane. You have no idea what happens when you die. You are such a primitive young creature on this small little planet. Humans have just recently evolved big enough brains to be curious... I just can't believe humans like you actually exist. You talk as if you know but all you are doing is repeating what your ancient ancestors believed before we knew science. I'm having trouble putting into words how dumb you are if you really believe what you're saying. How do you know all this? Who told you all this? Your church? You sound like a crazy Mormon or Muslim only with your churches spin.

Of course you need more than 1 person. 1 to pass the hat and 2 to put money in.
... I'm OK with people on a personal level believing in god

Religion is not a personal thing. Religion needs a minimum of 2 or 3 people and someone who comes.

in fact I think

in fact you call something "to think" what I would call "mrainwashed identity".

I'm going to tone it down because I dont really want to upset people


its just that I dont think


its good for people

It is the lark that sings so out of tune,
Straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps.

or a society to get caught up in religion anymore than going to church and being better people Monday through Saturday. Religion might not make you the Isis type but maybe it makes you anti choice or anti gay.

What a luck that you don't suffer prejudices because you are an atheist. But you are right for example that everyone is not in my respect, who is misusing women as slaves to bear children for others with the genes of this strangers - independent wether the genes come from 2 women, 2 men or a man and a woman. A mother is a mother. And her child is her child. Not the child of anyone else. No one has the right to buy children. That's one of the worst forms of slavery.

So they use it to con you into voting for the wrong people.

Wrong people? People who don't agree with you?

Just one small example of how theyve been using this god concept on you fools.

It's intertesting for a Christian to be called from an Atheist "[godless] fool". In worst case you will find Christians who start immediatelly to pray for you.

Put it this way. If there is a creator

To be or not to be? Whatever god is - he is creator not creation - maybe except this what he created from himselve out of nothing.

of sorts it ain't the god you talk about

I guess I never talked about what you heard in your thoughts. If I speak about god then I'm normally very careful, what doesn't mean that I'm not wrong from time to time too. Your concept of this what I believe is for sure wrong.

and you have no idea what happens when you die.

I have an idea - and a unbelievable desire to come home as if I would know every little corn of dust there without being able to remember. But on the other side I also don't live in fear if god decides nothing comes after my death. To sleep endless - why not, if this should be his will, even if I doubt that this is his will.

I have a pretty good idea.

Oh, today I heard 7 in 10 americans claim to be " christians". I challenge that. Bs

And? What is the result of this challenge? Are you still alive?

Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 117

You are borderline insane.

You should learn more about psychology.

You have no idea what happens when you die.

I have an idea about. But you are not able to understand it. Example:

You are such a primitive young creature on this small little planet.

Depends how to see it. From my point of view I'm about 13.8 billion years old because god shot me through the bulleye of the big bang into this world here.

Humans have just recently evolved big enough brains to be curious...

What helps you your curiosity if you ignore what other members of your fellow species say to you?

I just can't believe humans like you actually exist.

I believe in god. He's more reliable.

You talk as if you know but all you are doing is repeating what your ancient ancestors believed before we knew science.

This shows to me that you did not understand what I said to you. Science ist by the way not an atheistic religion and nothing forces scientists to be atheists - except social pressure.

I'm having trouble putting into words how dumb you are

Try it with "You are an idiot" - and don't be astonished if I agree.

if you really believe what you're saying.

I try to say what I think and to think what I say. But thoughts are not my god. God is my god.

How do you know all this? Who told you all this? Your church? You sound like a crazy Mormon or Muslim only with your churches spin.

What a luck that I'm not a marmot. 2 "M" 2. Do you hate the letter "M" because of mother Mary or because of the Mope of the matholic murch?

Of course you need more than 1 person. 1 to pass the hat and 2 to put money in.


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