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What's The Stupidest Thing A Democrat Said Today

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The problem for the "Right" is that they don't have the same propaganda source available to democrats . Thank you John McCain for the tax exempt status of Media Matters which has a mission statement to "monitor (only) conservative speech". MM selectively nit picks conservative speech and spins it to left wing blogs for instant posting of the left's daily dose of hatred. Right wingers do not have that option.

We could do it, and just pay the tax.

I think part of it is cultural trends, stupid kids believe they're standing up for something, oblivious to the consequences of collectivism. Lost to them is the Orwellian dystopia they're demanding with their SJW thugs and lunatics. Fortunately I think more people recognize what the reality of the leftist agenda is and want nothing to do with it.


Bitch be crazy.... Maddow: 'Feels Very Palpable' 'That the President Is a Foreign Agent' | Breitbart

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” MSNBC host Rachel Maddow stated that “The worst case scenario that the president is a foreign agent suddenly feels very palpable.”

Maddow said, “The basic question, which I think rung so loud for everybody in the country this week was, is our president subordinate to a foreign power? Does our president answer to a foreign government and a foreign leader? And that’s private meeting with Putin, where nobody knows what he promised or what he may have given away, the way that he responded to Putin when we saw him face-to-face, and then the fact that he took under consideration all of these demands from Russia, including handing over Americans to Russia for interrogation. That just — you know, it makes the worst case scenario really palpable. The worst case scenario that the president is a foreign agent suddenly feels very palpable.”

John Brennan Urges Republican ‘Patriots’ to Help Impeach Donald Trump After Putin Meeting | Breitbart
Former CIA Director John Brennan reacted to President Donald Trump’s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin by calling on Republican lawmakers to support impeaching the president.
“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors,’ Brennan wrote, hinting at impeachment proceedings.

Brennan is a frequent Trump critic and a contributor for NBC/MSNBC.

“It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin,” he continued. “Republican Patriots: Where are you???”

During the press conference with Putin, Trump questioned the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and their failure to seize the DNC’s server that they claimed was hacked by Russians.

Later in the day, Brennan appeared on MSNBC to call for Trump officials to resign.

“I cannot understand how the national security team can continue to abide by this and how Pompeo and Bolton and Kelly can continue in their jobs,” he said. “This, I think, rises to the point of good American patriots resigning in objection to that performance by Donald Trump.”​
And you & your butt buddy dickwhistle use the death of the ambassador top tell lies.

There was nothing that could be done. It was a dangerous area & the Ambassador knew it. It was his decision.
There was nothing that could be done?

Here's what could have been done.

Close the consulate and beef up security.
That's what could be done.

Instead they hatched this coverup scenario that some fucking video caused 200+ armed protesters to break out their RPGs and their mortars that they just happened to be carrying with them when they wanted to complain about 911.
All of this happened right before an election.....so it's extremely clear that they didn't want their utter incompetence to destroy Obama's re-election chances.

Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

Nope. Just paying attention to what the fuck is going and reacting to it instead of burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away like your hero's did.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.

No, he didn't, you disingenuous prick. If he had, the veterans, and the soldiers serving now wouldn't like him. They LOVE him.

Look, dickfuck, he trashed John McCain's service claiming he was not a hero because he was captured. He went on to trash all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star family.

He called a widow who just met her husband;s casket coming home a liar.

This coming from one who daddy got him out of the draft with bone spurs.

You are one disgusting POS to claim to be for our vets & vote for this POS>
'Fuck you & your fake patriotism.
trumps actions haven't directly lead to people being killed. Hers and obummers, did.
Obama, Hillary and the Democrats have the blood of over 500,000 dead Syrians on their hands. Not to mention the European migration crisis and creation of that JV team named ISIS.

Funny chit. The war in Syria had nothing to do with the US.
Another ignorant remark from a stupid Leftard. Obama's weakness towards Assad, pulling out the troops prematurely from Iraq, and ineptitude during the rise of ISIS caused the Syrian genocide, the European migration crisis, and increased worldwide Islamic terrorism.

Trump is cleaning up Obama's shit, in less than one year ISIS has been decimated and he is working with Russia to calm things down in Syria. No thanks to ingrates like you.
Iraq refused to sign the agreement to keep out trooops in Iraq. Are you just stupid or are you lying again.

Or was it that Obama was trying to keep his base motivated by keeping a campaign promise? I vote for the latter.
Your vote? You voted for Trump so your vote doesn't mean jack fucking shit.

See, you don't even know that Iraq refused to sign the agreement to keep our troops in country.

This is how fucking ignoprant you & your fellow Trumpettes are.

John Brennan Urges Republican ‘Patriots’ to Help Impeach Donald Trump After Putin Meeting | Breitbart
Former CIA Director John Brennan reacted to President Donald Trump’s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin by calling on Republican lawmakers to support impeaching the president.
“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors,’ Brennan wrote, hinting at impeachment proceedings.

Brennan is a frequent Trump critic and a contributor for NBC/MSNBC.

“It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin,” he continued. “Republican Patriots: Where are you???”

During the press conference with Putin, Trump questioned the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and their failure to seize the DNC’s server that they claimed was hacked by Russians.

Later in the day, Brennan appeared on MSNBC to call for Trump officials to resign.

“I cannot understand how the national security team can continue to abide by this and how Pompeo and Bolton and Kelly can continue in their jobs,” he said. “This, I think, rises to the point of good American patriots resigning in objection to that performance by Donald Trump.”​

I agree with Brennan.

You agree with Putin.

Fancy that
Everything the Democrats try seems to blow up in their faces.

Today's latest explosion will involve the "Cohen tape" allegations. What a bunch of jerkoffs!

YOUR POS President has to pay off women he has cheated with.

What a fine example you assholes put in the oval offce.

Your POS candidate Hi-liary attacked the women her husband raped, committed sexual assault on, and then to top it off got blowjobs (took advantage of) from 20 year old interns under the Oval Office table. I don't see Trump doing any of that. People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Wow, a wife believed her husband & questioned trhe accusers.

The mere idea you bring up this when your orange POS hero has done this 100 times worse & you suck his dick every day.

Fuck you & your hypocrisy.

Trump has raped women, and gotten blowjobs under the Oval Office Desk while shoving a cigar from an intern old enough to be his daughter, like Bill Clinton did? Do tell!

Nah, Hillary viciously attacked a whole list of women who had accused her husband of rape and sexual assault. By today's "me too" standards Bill Clinton would have already been locked up in a federal penitentiary.

Party of women's right, my ass.

Trump has been accused of ape.

Clinton/Monica was consensual.

There was only one rape accusation against Clinton made by a woman who had testified under oath that there was no rape.

Sitting in a hotel room, pulling out his dick & asking for sex is not rape. Trump groped women

You really need to find a new excuse for your support of a piece of shit like Trump.
And you & your butt buddy dickwhistle use the death of the ambassador top tell lies.

There was nothing that could be done. It was a dangerous area & the Ambassador knew it. It was his decision.
There was nothing that could be done?

Here's what could have been done.

Close the consulate and beef up security.
That's what could be done.

Instead they hatched this coverup scenario that some fucking video caused 200+ armed protesters to break out their RPGs and their mortars that they just happened to be carrying with them when they wanted to complain about 911.
All of this happened right before an election.....so it's extremely clear that they didn't want their utter incompetence to destroy Obama's re-election chances.

Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

Nope. Just paying attention to what the fuck is going and reacting to it instead of burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away like your hero's did.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.
Yep.....that's what the enemy wants you gullible fuckers to think. In the Army we called this Psychological Warfare.
As soon as he was elected, they started in on him turning ignorant fuckers like you against him.
Once they turned him into an ogre anything they said about him you stupid fuckers would believe.
And the ironic thing is you think WE'RE the folks that aren't logical.
They even want you sick fucks attacking us in the streets.
Well trust me buddy, I'm getting prepared....and if any of you wimps so much as raise your voice to me, I pity the fool that does, cuz it won't be pretty.
And here's the hilarious part......there are thousands of us that are fed up to our necks with your act. :1peleas:
So keep it up.

1) He said those things in public. Pull your head out of your fast ignorant ass & listen.

2) Bring it on. I am sick & tired of your ilk threatening violence. Well, chickenshit, bring it on.
Only Trump said he believed Putin while calling Americans liars.

What did El Cheato tell Putin in their secret meeting? We will never know. A new Trump resort in Russia? Did Ivanka get the go ahead for the crap she sells? Will Trump ignore Crimea & Ukraine? How about all the money Trump owes Russian controlled banks?
Only Trump said he believed Putin while calling Americans liars.

What did El Cheato tell Putin in their secret meeting? We will never know. A new Trump resort in Russia? Did Ivanka get the go ahead for the crap she sells? Will Trump ignore Crimea & Ukraine? How about all the money Trump owes Russian controlled banks?

Do you really want to make me show you videos of Hillary saying we need a stronger Russia?
Last edited:
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
There was nothing that could be done?

Here's what could have been done.

Close the consulate and beef up security.
That's what could be done.

Instead they hatched this coverup scenario that some fucking video caused 200+ armed protesters to break out their RPGs and their mortars that they just happened to be carrying with them when they wanted to complain about 911.
All of this happened right before an election.....so it's extremely clear that they didn't want their utter incompetence to destroy Obama's re-election chances.

Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

Nope. Just paying attention to what the fuck is going and reacting to it instead of burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away like your hero's did.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.

No, he didn't, you disingenuous prick. If he had, the veterans, and the soldiers serving now wouldn't like him. They LOVE him.

Look, dickfuck, he trashed John McCain's service claiming he was not a hero because he was captured. He went on to trash all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star family.

He called a widow who just met her husband;s casket coming home a liar.

This coming from one who daddy got him out of the draft with bone spurs.

You are one disgusting POS to claim to be for our vets & vote for this POS>
'Fuck you & your fake patriotism.
John McCain was cussing Trump out, so Trump called him a loser.
How terrible.
Turns out McCain is a traitor to the GOP and was photographed meeting with ISIS leaders.

The Khans felt it was okay to trash Trump unfairly during the Democratic National Convention, so Trump asked why his wife wasn't allowed to talk.
Call a cop!!!

There's alot of reasons that people weren't allowed to serve.
Flat feet was a big reason that many people weren't accepted into the military. Bone spurs is something that would make you non-deployable.

BTW, did Bill or Hillary serve?
Did Obama serve?

Come on smartass, can you name a president that served besides Bush????
Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

Nope. Just paying attention to what the fuck is going and reacting to it instead of burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away like your hero's did.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.

No, he didn't, you disingenuous prick. If he had, the veterans, and the soldiers serving now wouldn't like him. They LOVE him.

Look, dickfuck, he trashed John McCain's service claiming he was not a hero because he was captured. He went on to trash all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star family.

He called a widow who just met her husband;s casket coming home a liar.

This coming from one who daddy got him out of the draft with bone spurs.

You are one disgusting POS to claim to be for our vets & vote for this POS>
'Fuck you & your fake patriotism.
John McCain was cussing Trump out, so Trump called him a loser.
How terrible.
Turns out McCain is a traitor to the GOP and was photographed meeting with ISIS leaders.

The Khans felt it was okay to trash Trump unfairly during the Democratic National Convention, so Trump asked why his wife wasn't allowed to talk.
Call a cop!!!

There's alot of reasons that people weren't allowed to serve.
Flat feet was a big reason that many people weren't accepted into the military. Bone spurs is something that would make you non-deployable.

BTW, did Bill or Hillary serve?
Did Obama serve?

Come on smartass, can you name a president that served besides Bush????

Trump trashed his military service.

Of course,, you'd back a chickenshit over an American hero.
Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

Nope. Just paying attention to what the fuck is going and reacting to it instead of burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away like your hero's did.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.

No, he didn't, you disingenuous prick. If he had, the veterans, and the soldiers serving now wouldn't like him. They LOVE him.

Look, dickfuck, he trashed John McCain's service claiming he was not a hero because he was captured. He went on to trash all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star family.

He called a widow who just met her husband;s casket coming home a liar.

This coming from one who daddy got him out of the draft with bone spurs.

You are one disgusting POS to claim to be for our vets & vote for this POS>
'Fuck you & your fake patriotism.
John McCain was cussing Trump out, so Trump called him a loser.
How terrible.
Turns out McCain is a traitor to the GOP and was photographed meeting with ISIS leaders.

The Khans felt it was okay to trash Trump unfairly during the Democratic National Convention, so Trump asked why his wife wasn't allowed to talk.
Call a cop!!!

There's alot of reasons that people weren't allowed to serve.
Flat feet was a big reason that many people weren't accepted into the military. Bone spurs is something that would make you non-deployable.

BTW, did Bill or Hillary serve?
Did Obama serve?

Come on smartass, can you name a president that served besides Bush????

1) Trump trashed Muslims. Khan's kid was a Mslim & served his country by giving his life. Capt Bone Spurs then trashed the Khan family. I am not surprised you supported that.

2) Trump had bone spurs. Right. This is a guy that paid off his doctor to fake his medical report.

3) Bill, Hillary, did not serve. Bill avoided the draft. Bill did not trash the military service of veterans,., That would be Trump & assholes like you.

4) There was no draft when Obama was of age. He did not serve but he did not trash vets like your hero orange buddy.

Funny how you support the piece of shit that trashes veterans.
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.
Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

Nope. Just paying attention to what the fuck is going and reacting to it instead of burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away like your hero's did.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.

No, he didn't, you disingenuous prick. If he had, the veterans, and the soldiers serving now wouldn't like him. They LOVE him.

Look, dickfuck, he trashed John McCain's service claiming he was not a hero because he was captured. He went on to trash all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star family.

He called a widow who just met her husband;s casket coming home a liar.

This coming from one who daddy got him out of the draft with bone spurs.

You are one disgusting POS to claim to be for our vets & vote for this POS>
'Fuck you & your fake patriotism.
John McCain was cussing Trump out, so Trump called him a loser.
How terrible.
Turns out McCain is a traitor to the GOP and was photographed meeting with ISIS leaders.

The Khans felt it was okay to trash Trump unfairly during the Democratic National Convention, so Trump asked why his wife wasn't allowed to talk.
Call a cop!!!

There's alot of reasons that people weren't allowed to serve.
Flat feet was a big reason that many people weren't accepted into the military. Bone spurs is something that would make you non-deployable.

BTW, did Bill or Hillary serve?
Did Obama serve?

Come on smartass, can you name a president that served besides Bush????

I've had morons claim that being able to take three steps to roll a bowling ball, means he was able to do 20 mile combat patrols.

Always with the picture of him in his bowling shirt, like that proves something.
Nope. Just paying attention to what the fuck is going and reacting to it instead of burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away like your hero's did.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.

No, he didn't, you disingenuous prick. If he had, the veterans, and the soldiers serving now wouldn't like him. They LOVE him.

Look, dickfuck, he trashed John McCain's service claiming he was not a hero because he was captured. He went on to trash all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star family.

He called a widow who just met her husband;s casket coming home a liar.

This coming from one who daddy got him out of the draft with bone spurs.

You are one disgusting POS to claim to be for our vets & vote for this POS>
'Fuck you & your fake patriotism.
John McCain was cussing Trump out, so Trump called him a loser.
How terrible.
Turns out McCain is a traitor to the GOP and was photographed meeting with ISIS leaders.

The Khans felt it was okay to trash Trump unfairly during the Democratic National Convention, so Trump asked why his wife wasn't allowed to talk.
Call a cop!!!

There's alot of reasons that people weren't allowed to serve.
Flat feet was a big reason that many people weren't accepted into the military. Bone spurs is something that would make you non-deployable.

BTW, did Bill or Hillary serve?
Did Obama serve?

Come on smartass, can you name a president that served besides Bush????

Trump trashed his military service.

Of course,, you'd back a chickenshit over an American hero.
John McCain wasn't a hero.
He got shot down.
In what world is a person who crashed several aircraft and was eventually shot down, and ratted out other pilots to keep from being beaten, called a hero???

His entire claim to fame is he was a POW.

In my book that's a fuckup.
What's worse is the fucker made sure that Obamacare still exists and he gave arms to ISIS.
Now he's involved in a major scandal to get rid of a legally elected president like a God Damned traitor....which is what he is.
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