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What's The Stupidest Thing A Democrat Said Today

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Yep, so brilliant they managed to win an unwinnable election. Which makes the dems what..... Really, really stupid?
It just reinforces the point. Repubs elected an idiot that was unfit for the office of POTUS. Theres no way they could be brilliant.
We elected an idiot and you couldn't get the smartest woman in the world elected over him? That speaks volumes.

It does. It says there are more retarded repubs than smart dems or independents
Well golly then, I wonder why the pop vote was so close.....hmmmmm? Got a lie handy for that? Don't you trolls always claim she won the popular vote? hmmmmm? Looks like you just got caught lying again!
She did win the overall popular vote but the dumb repubs in the states that gave Drumpf affirmative action went with their majority dumb repub population.
Now see the troll contradict himself. Goodbye liar.
I'd have to say the dumbest thing I have heard a Dem say is that Repubs are brilliant.[/Q

Yep, so brilliant they managed to win an unwinnable election. Which makes the dems what..... Really, really stupid?
It just reinforces the point. Repubs elected an idiot that was unfit for the office of POTUS. Theres no way they could be brilliant.
We elected an idiot and you couldn't get the smartest woman in the world elected over him? That speaks volumes.

It does. It says there are more retarded repubs than smart dems or independents
Well golly then, I wonder why the pop vote was so close.....hmmmmm? Got a lie handy for that? Don't you trolls always claim she won the popular vote? hmmmmm? Looks like you just got caught lying again!
3,000,000 is close?
To a guy who won 3 states with 75,000 combined?
It just reinforces the point. Repubs elected an idiot that was unfit for the office of POTUS. Theres no way they could be brilliant.
We elected an idiot and you couldn't get the smartest woman in the world elected over him? That speaks volumes.

It does. It says there are more retarded repubs than smart dems or independents
Well golly then, I wonder why the pop vote was so close.....hmmmmm? Got a lie handy for that? Don't you trolls always claim she won the popular vote? hmmmmm? Looks like you just got caught lying again!
She did win the overall popular vote but the dumb repubs in the states that gave Drumpf affirmative action went with their majority dumb repub population.
Now see the troll contradict himself. Goodbye liar.
Dont be upset because you had no clue how the EC works.
bill was a draft dodger, and he tolerated the military while the shrilary actively hated them.
And your Messiah Donnie Dirt Bag was a draft dodger who shits on the military today and claimed to be a war hero because he fucked a lot of prostitutes bareback while Americans died in Viet Nam.
bill was a draft dodger, and he tolerated the military while the shrilary actively hated them.
And your Messiah Donnie Dirt Bag was a draft dodger who shits on the military today and claimed to be a war hero because he fucked a lot of prostitutes bareback while Americans died in Viet Nam.

Yeah? So? So was clinton and a whole bunch of your fellow travelers who you find no fault with. In other words you're a hypocritical doofus.
Yep, so brilliant they managed to win an unwinnable election.
By hiring the Russians to steal the election analytics from the DNC.

Sure they did. Got any proof other than tall tales and opinion? The shrilary out spent the donald by over two to one. AND SHE STILL LOST! In other words, there were some smart people who figured out what a scumbag she is. Why haven't you?
This one is a doozy.....especially when you take Benghazi into consideration:

Just what exactly do you think is stupid about that?
This is why....


Obviously Hillary could care less about our diplomats when she was responsible for them.
Only now that she isn't does she give a shit.....allegedly.

I got a taste of the Clinton's lack of consideration for us when we deployed to Somalia in 93'.

We were the only country that deployed to Mogadishu without armored vehicles.
We requested APCs and were refused by the Clinton Administration.
You see they didn't want us to take an aggressive posture.
They were willing to risk our lives in order not to offend the locals with our aggressive self-defensive measures, so we weren't allowed any armor.
The result was 18 dead and 99 wounded in the battle of Mogadishu.
This one is a doozy.....especially when you take Benghazi into consideration:

Just what exactly do you think is stupid about that?
This is why....


Obviously Hillary could care less about our diplomats when she was responsible for them.
Only now that she isn't does she give a shit.....allegedly.

I got a taste the Clinton's lack of consideration for us when we deployed to Somalia in 93'.

We were the only country that deployed to Mogadishu without armored vehicles.
We requested APCs and were refused by the Clinton Administration.
You see they didn't want us to take an aggressive posture.
They were willing to risk our lives in order not to offend the locals with our aggressive self-defensive measures, so we weren't allowed any armor.
The result was 18 dead and 99 wounded in the battle of Mogadishu.

Yup. Clinton was more worried about appearing to be a 'bully' to Somalia than protecting our military people... or even getting the job done after deciding to do a job.

Clinton should have either pulled out completely, or sent in the Thunder of Heaven against those warlords. Instead he got a bunch of people butchered and torn up, and then pulled out, making us look weak and pathetic.
Bullshit. You are just another Trempette. Trump dissed our veterans & their families & you support that. So really, go fuck yourself.

No, he didn't, you disingenuous prick. If he had, the veterans, and the soldiers serving now wouldn't like him. They LOVE him.

Look, dickfuck, he trashed John McCain's service claiming he was not a hero because he was captured. He went on to trash all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star family.

He called a widow who just met her husband;s casket coming home a liar.

This coming from one who daddy got him out of the draft with bone spurs.

You are one disgusting POS to claim to be for our vets & vote for this POS>
'Fuck you & your fake patriotism.
John McCain was cussing Trump out, so Trump called him a loser.
How terrible.
Turns out McCain is a traitor to the GOP and was photographed meeting with ISIS leaders.

The Khans felt it was okay to trash Trump unfairly during the Democratic National Convention, so Trump asked why his wife wasn't allowed to talk.
Call a cop!!!

There's alot of reasons that people weren't allowed to serve.
Flat feet was a big reason that many people weren't accepted into the military. Bone spurs is something that would make you non-deployable.

BTW, did Bill or Hillary serve?
Did Obama serve?

Come on smartass, can you name a president that served besides Bush????

1) Trump trashed Muslims. Khan's kid was a Mslim & served his country by giving his life. Capt Bone Spurs then trashed the Khan family. I am not surprised you supported that.

2) Trump had bone spurs. Right. This is a guy that paid off his doctor to fake his medical report.

3) Bill, Hillary, did not serve. Bill avoided the draft. Bill did not trash the military service of veterans,., That would be Trump & assholes like you.

4) There was no draft when Obama was of age. He did not serve but he did not trash vets like your hero orange buddy.

Funny how you support the piece of shit that trashes veterans.

trump attacks islamists, not muslims. Learn the difference.

Who cares.

Correct, bill was a draft dodger, and he tolerated the military while the shrilary actively hated them.

Once again, who cares.

The evidence shows that the military WANTS to serve under trump, and they were leaving the military in droves under obummer. Once again you can pay attention to what your hero's say, I'll pay attention to what they DO. That is far more important and according to that metric obummer was a catastrophe for the military.

Lying fuck. Trump says Muslims. Are you sating your orange butt buddy does not know the difference?

Bill hid from the draft. He did not trash veterans. Of course, you would not care because evidently you think it is OK from the draft dodging scumbag Trump to dis vets.

Under Obama, our troop levels would be reduced as troops came home from the Bush disaster wars.

Bill Clinton & Barack Obama NEVER EVER dissed the military service of any veteran.

Donald Trump & you did. So fuck yourself you pretend American.

What do you think happens when we go to war? Military spending & troop levels increase.

Now, since you are too fucking stupid to figure it out, when wars end, miliraery spending comes down ass well as troop levels.

One of the biggest cutters to our military was dick Cheney under Bush Sr.

But hey, you're a stupid TRumpette, veteran trashing POS.
This one is a doozy.....especially when you take Benghazi into consideration:

Just what exactly do you think is stupid about that?
This is why....


Obviously Hillary could care less about our diplomats when she was responsible for them.
Only now that she isn't does she give a shit.....allegedly.

I got a taste of the Clinton's lack of consideration for us when we deployed to Somalia in 93'.

We were the only country that deployed to Mogadishu without armored vehicles.
We requested APCs and were refused by the Clinton Administration.
You see they didn't want us to take an aggressive posture.
They were willing to risk our lives in order not to offend the locals with our aggressive self-defensive measures, so we weren't allowed any armor.
The result was 18 dead and 99 wounded in the battle of Mogadishu.

Who said "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you need" as an excuse for our young boys being blown up in Iraq.

Really, buttbrreath, Bush killed 4600 soldiers on a made up war.
This one is a doozy.....especially when you take Benghazi into consideration:

Just what exactly do you think is stupid about that?
This is why....


Obviously Hillary could care less about our diplomats when she was responsible for them.
Only now that she isn't does she give a shit.....allegedly.

I got a taste of the Clinton's lack of consideration for us when we deployed to Somalia in 93'.

We were the only country that deployed to Mogadishu without armored vehicles.
We requested APCs and were refused by the Clinton Administration.
You see they didn't want us to take an aggressive posture.
They were willing to risk our lives in order not to offend the locals with our aggressive self-defensive measures, so we weren't allowed any armor.
The result was 18 dead and 99 wounded in the battle of Mogadishu.

Somalia was a relief effort led by the UN.
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.
Progressives work to protect kids.

'You use them as pawns like most chickenshits. You wanted to elect a child predator to the US Senate. You elected an accused child rapist to the Presidency for Christ's sake.
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.
Progressives work to protect kids.

'You use them as pawns like most chickenshits. You wanted to elect a child predator to the US Senate. You elected an accused child rapist to the Presidency for Christ's sake.

Yeah, sure they do...
This one is a doozy.....especially when you take Benghazi into consideration:

Beyond the fact that Trey Gowdy and Kevin McCarthy got caught trying to frame Clinton over Benghazi, effectively ending that four year investigation, what else you got as evidence against Clinton?
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.
Progressives work to protect kids.

'You use them as pawns like most chickenshits. You wanted to elect a child predator to the US Senate. You elected an accused child rapist to the Presidency for Christ's sake.

Yeah, sure they do...

Another one of your heros. Rush, Info wars, Glen Beck, Fox News. & Crowder All contribute to your anti American spew.
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.
Progressives work to protect kids.

'You use them as pawns like most chickenshits. You wanted to elect a child predator to the US Senate. You elected an accused child rapist to the Presidency for Christ's sake.

Yeah, sure they do...

Another one of your heros. Rush, Info wars, Glen Beck, Fox News. & Crowder All contribute to your anti American spew.

Actually, I just discovered this video. Funny how you attack the messenger while ignoring his very real evidence. Typical progressive you are.
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