What's the temperature on Muller?

Holder, Mueller, Rosenstein who appointed Mueller and McCabe all involved in Uranium One. Yeah. There won't be any bias on Russian collusion. Riiiiiiiiiight.
You think he was involved with the Uranium deal yet he is investigating the Uranium deal?
How convenient, put in charge by the deputy chief at the DOJ who also was involved in Uranium one and it's now cover up...wake up Sessions the fox is in the hen house wiping out evidence.

On the bright side, to anyone with a lick of sense Mueller's team has none, zip, nada credibility.
Half of the Obama administration should be forced to testify and then tried for treason...:badgrin: I told them they would be sorry that they dug this hole...
I think we the people have the right for him to wrap up whatever it is he is investigating. Keeping quiet is OK for awhile but it is time to put up or shut up.

You mean like Ken Starr wrapped his investigation up so quickly. I'm sure you were outraged!
Had Starr came up completely empty then yes I would have but since he did obtain convictions I suppose it was worth it. How Hillary escaped is anyone's guess.
Same way I feel about Mueller and his investigation.
Same as before, pissed off that my taxes are being wasted on a dog & pony show that will result in NOTHING

"True" why bother with dog and pony shows like Whitewater, Benghazi and Watergate (ooops, sorry, this latter one DID have an impact.)
Just wanted to gauge the temperature on Muller... I remember fairly good bipartisan support of him when he was first assigned, then when he started digging into Trumps financials the Trumpsters all turned against him and he was a "Liberal/Establishment" operative. But now he is digging into the Uranium deal. How are we all feeling about him now?

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