What's Wrong With The Democrats?

Describe this
President Donald Trump thanked a right-wing conspiracy theorist for likening him to the “king of Israel” and the New York Daily News had a field day.

For its Thursday cover, the tabloid gave Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed depiction of the biblical story of The Last Supper a decidedly Trumpian twist:

New York Daily News


Trump declares himself ‘the chosen one’ https://bit.ly/2Z7SPx9 #KingOfTheJews


9:14 PM - Aug 21, 2019
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Let's see if we understand this. You apparently think posting a bunch of stuff about Trump and his ego is a substantive response to a thread about the self-inflicted wounds of the democrats.

Why would you think that? Are you really so insecure in your support of your apparent party that you can't even handle sound criticism?
Thing is, The Atlantic is leftist so it couldn't have been pleasant to author or publish that article but sometimes even lefties must occasionally deal with the truth.

The truth remains that rather than try to return to sanity, the party has just slide further down the rabbit hole.

Sanders Announces Sweeping $16 Trillion Climate Change Plan
You worship Trump I'll worship my God

God is messing with the left using his chosen one president Trump.

Trump is not a Christian.

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And you believe that because you know his heart or because you've judged him?
Describe this
President Donald Trump thanked a right-wing conspiracy theorist for likening him to the “king of Israel” and the New York Daily News had a field day.

For its Thursday cover, the tabloid gave Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed depiction of the biblical story of The Last Supper a decidedly Trumpian twist:

New York Daily News


Trump declares himself ‘the chosen one’ https://bit.ly/2Z7SPx9 #KingOfTheJews


9:14 PM - Aug 21, 2019
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Let's see if we understand this. You apparently think posting a bunch of stuff about Trump and his ego is a substantive response to a thread about the self-inflicted wounds of the democrats.

Why would you think that? Are you really so insecure in your support of your apparent party that you can't even handle sound criticism?
Thing is, The Atlantic is leftist so it couldn't have been pleasant to author or publish that article but sometimes even lefties must occasionally deal with the truth.

The truth remains that rather than try to return to sanity, the party has just slide further down the rabbit hole.

Sanders Announces Sweeping $16 Trillion Climate Change Plan
You worship Trump I'll worship my God

God is messing with the left using his chosen one president Trump.

Trump is not a Christian.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Neither were countless of God's chosen dummy.
They have become something that should never have been permitted here.

Both parties have. As it is elections are won on emotion, not polacy. Candidates win by pissing folks off and scaring the shit out of them. Issues win elections not policy.

True to a degree, but I have far less disagreement with the Republicans than I do Democrats.

That's cool, that's cool for both sides. They just need to stop letting them get away with it is all.
Describe this
President Donald Trump thanked a right-wing conspiracy theorist for likening him to the “king of Israel” and the New York Daily News had a field day.

For its Thursday cover, the tabloid gave Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed depiction of the biblical story of The Last Supper a decidedly Trumpian twist:

New York Daily News


Trump declares himself ‘the chosen one’ https://bit.ly/2Z7SPx9 #KingOfTheJews


9:14 PM - Aug 21, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Jesus Christ, did you not see the video?
President Trump was kidding when he said “the chosen one”, he was just referring to the fact that no other President has stood up to China.
What's wrong? Here's the Dem party leader doing a Ziek Heil.

Fully 2 years since The Atlantic published the following article and nearly 3 since Clinton's humiliating defeat, and the party today seems even less connected to our working class ("deplorables"), American symbols & traditions, or even reality.

What’s Wrong With the Democrats?

But liberals’ fears were softened in 2016 by a widely shared belief: that the candidacy of Donald Trump would shatter the Republican Party, at least in the form in which we had long known it. His trail of wreckage would force a painful reckoning with the party’s shortcomings—the narrowness of its coalition, the cloistered cluelessness of its elites, its intramural disagreements about the future of the nation. After a season of Trump’s destruction, the party would lie in rubble.

On November 8, that prophecy was realized, true in every regard, except that it described the Democrats. On Inauguration Day, the party’s power ebbed to its lowest level since the 1920s.

Why do conservatives see the working class as deplorables!? Oh, cause y’all just care about the rich and big biz .
Fully 2 years since The Atlantic published the following article and nearly 3 since Clinton's humiliating defeat, and the party today seems even less connected to our working class ("deplorables"), American symbols & traditions, or even reality.

What’s Wrong With the Democrats?

But liberals’ fears were softened in 2016 by a widely shared belief: that the candidacy of Donald Trump would shatter the Republican Party, at least in the form in which we had long known it. His trail of wreckage would force a painful reckoning with the party’s shortcomings—the narrowness of its coalition, the cloistered cluelessness of its elites, its intramural disagreements about the future of the nation. After a season of Trump’s destruction, the party would lie in rubble.

On November 8, that prophecy was realized, true in every regard, except that it described the Democrats. On Inauguration Day, the party’s power ebbed to its lowest level since the 1920s.

Why do conservatives see the working class as deplorables!? Oh, cause y’all just care about the rich and big biz .
So you are unaware that it was Shrillary Clinton who dubbed we peons "a basket of deplorables?" Did you not wonder why I put the word in quotation marks? You're not too bright, eh Timmy? Typical leftard.
They made similar mistakes to the Centre in the Wiemar republic. It will be a real test to see if our constitution can hold up better against the fascists, than theirs did.
Describe this
President Donald Trump thanked a right-wing conspiracy theorist for likening him to the “king of Israel” and the New York Daily News had a field day.

For its Thursday cover, the tabloid gave Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed depiction of the biblical story of The Last Supper a decidedly Trumpian twist:

New York Daily News


Trump declares himself ‘the chosen one’ https://bit.ly/2Z7SPx9 #KingOfTheJews


9:14 PM - Aug 21, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Jesus Christ, did you not see the video?
President Trump was kidding when he said “the chosen one”, he was just referring to the fact that no other President has stood up to China.
Forget it ... Edward is an idiot.
Describe this
President Donald Trump thanked a right-wing conspiracy theorist for likening him to the “king of Israel” and the New York Daily News had a field day.

For its Thursday cover, the tabloid gave Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed depiction of the biblical story of The Last Supper a decidedly Trumpian twist:

New York Daily News


Trump declares himself ‘the chosen one’ https://bit.ly/2Z7SPx9 #KingOfTheJews


9:14 PM - Aug 21, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
Did you even listen to what your president SAID????

You guys are dishonest as hell.

He said he was CHOSEN BY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE to deal with the likes of China.

Now quit being so damn dishonest.
Describe this
President Donald Trump thanked a right-wing conspiracy theorist for likening him to the “king of Israel” and the New York Daily News had a field day.

For its Thursday cover, the tabloid gave Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed depiction of the biblical story of The Last Supper a decidedly Trumpian twist:

New York Daily News


Trump declares himself ‘the chosen one’ https://bit.ly/2Z7SPx9 #KingOfTheJews


9:14 PM - Aug 21, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Let's see if we understand this. You apparently think posting a bunch of stuff about Trump and his ego is a substantive response to a thread about the self-inflicted wounds of the democrats.

Why would you think that? Are you really so insecure in your support of your apparent party that you can't even handle sound criticism?
Thing is, The Atlantic is leftist so it couldn't have been pleasant to author or publish that article but sometimes even lefties must occasionally deal with the truth.

The truth remains that rather than try to return to sanity, the party has just slide further down the rabbit hole.

Sanders Announces Sweeping $16 Trillion Climate Change Plan
You worship Trump I'll worship my God
Leave Satan out of this discussion
Fully 2 years since The Atlantic published the following article and nearly 3 since Clinton's humiliating defeat, and the party today seems even less connected to our working class ("deplorables"), American symbols & traditions, or even reality.

What’s Wrong With the Democrats?

But liberals’ fears were softened in 2016 by a widely shared belief: that the candidacy of Donald Trump would shatter the Republican Party, at least in the form in which we had long known it. His trail of wreckage would force a painful reckoning with the party’s shortcomings—the narrowness of its coalition, the cloistered cluelessness of its elites, its intramural disagreements about the future of the nation. After a season of Trump’s destruction, the party would lie in rubble.

On November 8, that prophecy was realized, true in every regard, except that it described the Democrats. On Inauguration Day, the party’s power ebbed to its lowest level since the 1920s.

Why do conservatives see the working class as deplorables!? Oh, cause y’all just care about the rich and big biz .
So you are unaware that it was Shrillary Clinton who dubbed we peons "a basket of deplorables?" Did you not wonder why I put the word in quotation marks? You're not too bright, eh Timmy? Typical leftard.

I’m aware that you are a conservative fool who believes propaganda of lines taken out of context . Which is what Trump thrives on.

She said how Trump had some supporters who are “racist , sexist, homophobic...” which she dubbed the “basket of deplorables.” She didn’t say all Trumpers were that.

And wouldn’t you agree that a neo nazi is a deplorable person ?
Fully 2 years since The Atlantic published the following article and nearly 3 since Clinton's humiliating defeat, and the party today seems even less connected to our working class ("deplorables"), American symbols & traditions, or even reality.

What’s Wrong With the Democrats?

But liberals’ fears were softened in 2016 by a widely shared belief: that the candidacy of Donald Trump would shatter the Republican Party, at least in the form in which we had long known it. His trail of wreckage would force a painful reckoning with the party’s shortcomings—the narrowness of its coalition, the cloistered cluelessness of its elites, its intramural disagreements about the future of the nation. After a season of Trump’s destruction, the party would lie in rubble.

On November 8, that prophecy was realized, true in every regard, except that it described the Democrats. On Inauguration Day, the party’s power ebbed to its lowest level since the 1920s.

In answer to the title, a long long list of things.
Fully 2 years since The Atlantic published the following article and nearly 3 since Clinton's humiliating defeat, and the party today seems even less connected to our working class ("deplorables"), American symbols & traditions, or even reality.

What’s Wrong With the Democrats?

But liberals’ fears were softened in 2016 by a widely shared belief: that the candidacy of Donald Trump would shatter the Republican Party, at least in the form in which we had long known it. His trail of wreckage would force a painful reckoning with the party’s shortcomings—the narrowness of its coalition, the cloistered cluelessness of its elites, its intramural disagreements about the future of the nation. After a season of Trump’s destruction, the party would lie in rubble.

On November 8, that prophecy was realized, true in every regard, except that it described the Democrats. On Inauguration Day, the party’s power ebbed to its lowest level since the 1920s.

Why do conservatives see the working class as deplorables!? Oh, cause y’all just care about the rich and big biz .
Says the party of Hollywood and that also takes huge donations from most major corporations and wall street execs.
Describe this
President Donald Trump thanked a right-wing conspiracy theorist for likening him to the “king of Israel” and the New York Daily News had a field day.

For its Thursday cover, the tabloid gave Leonardo Da Vinci’s famed depiction of the biblical story of The Last Supper a decidedly Trumpian twist:

New York Daily News


Trump declares himself ‘the chosen one’ https://bit.ly/2Z7SPx9 #KingOfTheJews


9:14 PM - Aug 21, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Let's see if we understand this. You apparently think posting a bunch of stuff about Trump and his ego is a substantive response to a thread about the self-inflicted wounds of the democrats.

Why would you think that? Are you really so insecure in your support of your apparent party that you can't even handle sound criticism?
Thing is, The Atlantic is leftist so it couldn't have been pleasant to author or publish that article but sometimes even lefties must occasionally deal with the truth.

The truth remains that rather than try to return to sanity, the party has just slide further down the rabbit hole.

Sanders Announces Sweeping $16 Trillion Climate Change Plan
You worship Trump I'll worship my God

God is messing with the left using his chosen one president Trump.

Trump is not a Christian.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He's also not the subject of the thread. What's wrong with democrats, however, is.
Fully 2 years since The Atlantic published the following article and nearly 3 since Clinton's humiliating defeat, and the party today seems even less connected to our working class ("deplorables"), American symbols & traditions, or even reality.

What’s Wrong With the Democrats?

But liberals’ fears were softened in 2016 by a widely shared belief: that the candidacy of Donald Trump would shatter the Republican Party, at least in the form in which we had long known it. His trail of wreckage would force a painful reckoning with the party’s shortcomings—the narrowness of its coalition, the cloistered cluelessness of its elites, its intramural disagreements about the future of the nation. After a season of Trump’s destruction, the party would lie in rubble.

On November 8, that prophecy was realized, true in every regard, except that it described the Democrats. On Inauguration Day, the party’s power ebbed to its lowest level since the 1920s.

Why do conservatives see the working class as deplorables!? Oh, cause y’all just care about the rich and big biz .
So you are unaware that it was Shrillary Clinton who dubbed we peons "a basket of deplorables?" Did you not wonder why I put the word in quotation marks? You're not too bright, eh Timmy? Typical leftard.

I’m aware that you are a conservative fool who believes propaganda of lines taken out of context . Which is what Trump thrives on.

She said how Trump had some supporters who are “racist , sexist, homophobic...” which she dubbed the “basket of deplorables.” She didn’t say all Trumpers were that.

And wouldn’t you agree that a neo nazi is a deplorable person ?
Of course they are but you've completely avoided the focus of this thread. Did you read the OP?

WTF is wrong with you?

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