Ending the Democrats’ ‘Plantation World Order’

The White House has argued that Republicans carry blame, too. Their point rests on the GOP’s rejection of Biden’s supplemental funding package, which included money to hire new border agents, asylum officers and immigration judges, as well as technology to combat the flow of fentanyl. White House officials also note that Republicans rejected the comprehensive immigration reform plan the president introduced shortly after he took office.
White House tries to flip the script on House Republicans over border crisis

Are Repubs culpable for the border crisis to the extent they have not participated in compromise solutions? Unquestionably, the answer is yes. Are the facts enough to persuade the public of the point Biden is making? Unquestionably, the answer is no. The RWM narrative is too pervasive, too entrenched to overcome.
If dems would approach this with stand alone bills, it’d get solved…
Yes, but...

Dems control...

All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.
High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Big City Governors
Big City D.A.'s
Big City Mayors
They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School. Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.
All branches of the US Military.
CIA, DOJ, IRS, ATF and the rest of the alphabet agencies.
Plus, they own half of America's vote.

View attachment 882854
I’m not a defeatist…
The progressive socialists that have taken over the Democrat party need to be eradicated, and driven out of US politics....They are traitors to this nation.
They didn't attack the capitol..........Teabaggers did, they are the traitors.
Trump and his cult need to just move to Russia, what they like is already in place...............Dictatorship
They didn't attack the capitol..........Teabaggers did, they are the traitors.
Trump and his cult need to just move to Russia, what they like is already in place...............Dictatorship
Nah, we’ll stay right here in your face….Dont like it? Tough shit nut hugger….
If I had been on Bidens staff, every time trump opened his mouth, I'd be remiding people of the insurrection, the COVID deaths, his siding with Putin over his own cabinet, etc.
Biden's staff with the help of the media did exactly that!

COVID deaths that were the result of the democrats in new york, you blame on Trump? The hospital ship the Democrats in New York refused to use?

Democrats must be destroyed, nothing but lies and hate
Yet! Biden and Dems are already pushing to gift them amnesty, citizenship and the right to vote Dem in our elections in exchange for FREE government Dem handouts for votes. That's why they are only importing dirt poor illegals who need Dem handouts to bribe them to vote Dem. Our immigration laws require genuine immigrants to be able to support themselves.
If Biden is a tyrant to you and yours then you and yours are real pussy.
it is hard to fight the federal government, outside of being a billionaire, and even then, look what happened to Epstein, found hung in jail.
NotfooledbyW in #12058 23.12.31 wrote: “God Save the Oval Office for which it stands.”

Papageorgio #05691 rvwgo: “And ding has the right to believe the way he does, and I support his view 100% ppgrg.22.11.19 #5,691

Papageorgio #00019 etdpw: He {djt} isn’t a tyrant, but you are entitled to believe what you need to be happier. ppgrg.24.01.03 #19

In response to jnhSaint Papageogio‘s remark in POST {ppgrg.24.01.03 #19} I would first prefer to hear that Saint PAPA.G agrees that I am entitled in November 2020 to believe that Joe Biden would best serve my interests and the nation’s interest if he would be chosen to serve in the OFFICE of the Presidency by a coalition of multi-racial, churched and unchurched, large city voters whom wholeheartedly reject the previous choice that was successfully made by a coalition of mostly white Jesus churched rural-minded voters in 2016.

Were law abiding voters in 2020 America lawfully entitled to choose Joe Biden to replace djtPENCE and have him be peacefully and constitutionally settled in as President elect on January 6, 2021 in our nation’s Capitol?

Yes or no Saint PapaG?

nf.24.01.07 #38
ppgrg.24.01.03 #19
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NotfooledbyW in #12058 23.12.31 wrote:God save the Oval Office for which it stands.” See also nf.24.01.07 #38 ppgrg.24.01.03 #19

beagle9 #00021 ggcfa: “If the investigation into voter fraud from the federal level gains traction, then the certification is null and void. It will rise to the supreme court, and then it might end up going to the legislator's. bvvgl.20.11.21 #21

Your dream outcome in late November 2020 Saint beagle9 never materialized under constitutional law and order and in accordance with institutional norms for our process to elect an occupant to the OVAL OFFICE for a maximum term of four years.

You hoped the will of the voters would end up going to the federal legislative members where that year (2021) the House Republicans held a slight advantage in the way the Constitution set things up making your dream Saint Beagle9 potentially one Jesus driven MAGA dream that could come true.

But for the reality that crushed your dream to have God’s choice in power for four more years.

There was no evidence of outcome determinative election fraud anywhere to be found,

So Tyrant Trump tried to take over by creating a full blown criminal unconstitutional enterprise and conspiracy to overturn the election by creating Electoral College state certified electors of his own.

See “Eastman MEMO” everywhere.

I’m wondering if jnhSaint Papageorgio is aware of the fake electors plot yet even though it’s been in the news for almost three years now.

I ask because Saint PapaG recently posted this;

Papageorgio #00019 etdpw: He {djt} isn’t a tyrant, but you are entitled to believe what you need to be happier. ppgrg.24.01.03 #19

Very angry TYRANT;​

Ask the House investigation established, after Trump finished his remarks at the "Save America" rally early on Jan. 6, as protesters began making their way to the Capitol, Trump returned to the White House, where he and Meadows settled into chairs around a table in the Oval Office dining room to watch TV coverage of the event.

But, as also previously recounted in public reports, when Scavino and other White House officials learned that rioters had violently stormed the Capitol, they rushed into the dining room to urge Trump to help calm the situation.

Still, Trump didn't do anything.

According to what sources said Scavino told Smith's team, Trump was "very angry" that day -- not angry at what his supporters were doing to a pillar of American democracy, but steaming that the election was allegedly stolen from him and his supporters, who were "angry on his behalf." Scavino described it all as "very unsettling," sources said.

At times, Trump just sat silently at the head of the table, with his arms folded and his eyes locked on the TV, Scavino recounted, sources said.

After unsuccessfully trying for up to 20 minutes to persuade Trump to release some sort of calming statement, Scavino and others walked out of the dining room, leaving Trump alone, sources said. That's when, according to sources, Trump posted a message on his Twitter account saying that Pence "didn't have the courage to do what should have been done."

nf.24.01.07 #39
to bvvgl.20.11.21 #21
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The illegals are not allowed to vote in elections held within America, but as corrupt as American politics has become under the statist left nothing would surprise me.
Did you forget when Born in Kenya Barack suborned felony voter fraud by telling illegals that when they vote they become citizens and his DOJ would not prosecute??

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