What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice

sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.

LMAO. What a fucked up American you grew up to be.

No instructions to resolve issues, fix problems and make things better for all.

No you want the asshole you voted for to put party over country and do everything they can to fuck things up even more.

Thanks a lot asshole.

what has obozo offered to compromise with the republicans on? pot meet kettle.
The Republicans haven't shut the government down again, so America should be grateful for that.
Indeed. What was that Barry said? Oh yeah - "Elections have consequences"............... :)
sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.

LMAO. What a fucked up American you grew up to be.

No instructions to resolve issues, fix problems and make things better for all.

No you want the asshole you voted for to put party over country and do everything they can to fuck things up even more.

Thanks a lot asshole.

Ahahaha like that's what the liberal agenda is you libs are funny! Just relax we will destroy both the liberals and the RINO's, build a wall, take our jobs back, and fix what needs fixing we'll clean up your mess.
sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.

LMAO. What a fucked up American you grew up to be.

No instructions to resolve issues, fix problems and make things better for all.

No you want the asshole you voted for to put party over country and do everything they can to fuck things up even more.

Thanks a lot asshole.

This is who Republicans have become. Their political party is their almighty god. They could not care less about the country or the Constitution. If it goes against their political party, it's 'evil'.

^^^ projection, I see we struck a nerve.
Obama being the dick as usual. now he wails, stomps and acts like he cares about our Constitution. he can go to hell
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
Refusing to do their job is not protecting us it is part of the corruption.

they are doing their job. They are protecting the country from a far left supreme court.

there is no constitutional obligation for the senate to vote on every nominee put up by the president.

But even if they did, the guy would be Borked. Remember what the dems did to Bork? You libs are so disingenuous on this, you make me sick.

Damn straight! :eusa_clap: It amazing me how liberals think nobody notices their hypocrisy. When they are out of power all they do is obstruct in the name of protecting their constituents so they can just suck on it.
Republicans fix something? Like what?

You know what the single biggest problem you republicans have in your desire to convince Americans that the republican way is better for all?

You have no successes to point to and say how good things worked following republican ideals.

That's a problem. Combine that with constantly putting party over country and that's a real big problem.
sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.

LMAO. What a fucked up American you grew up to be.

No instructions to resolve issues, fix problems and make things better for all.

No you want the asshole you voted for to put party over country and do everything they can to fuck things up even more.

Thanks a lot asshole.

This is who Republicans have become. Their political party is their almighty god. They could not care less about the country or the Constitution. If it goes against their political party, it's 'evil'.

^^^ projection, I see we struck a nerve.

LOL You struck the oil in your hair, take a shower. Conservatives exist on emotion. It rules your lives.
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
No, it is NOT working perfectly. Sabotaging the vetting process is NOT what the founders intended, No one is asking the Senate to accept the candidate,they are simply being asked to evaluate the nominee as prescribed in the Constitution. They can either reject or confirm him but ignoring the entire process is not provided for in the Constitution

I sent my elected representatives to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go to hell and vote no on anything they ask for. I love it when a plan comes together. (lights a Hannibal Smith cigar, A-Team theme song starts playing)
I don't care what your Senators do s long as they don't interfere with the Constitutional process of vetting a USSC nominee. They are refusing to do that and I expect Obama fie a lawsuit. This is not a filibuster which is legal BTW and has been used before, this is an unprecedented breech of Constitutional doctrine that cannot be tolerated as it would set a precedent that could have ramifications on both sides of the isle for every future nomination.
sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.

LMAO. What a fucked up American you grew up to be.

No instructions to resolve issues, fix problems and make things better for all.

No you want the asshole you voted for to put party over country and do everything they can to fuck things up even more.

Thanks a lot asshole.

This is who Republicans have become. Their political party is their almighty god. They could not care less about the country or the Constitution. If it goes against their political party, it's 'evil'.

^^^ projection, I see we struck a nerve.

LOL You struck the oil in your hair, take a shower. Conservatives exist on emotion. It rules your lives.

Ahahaha you are on a full drip projection IV irrational emotion is the definition of liberalism.
3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
No, it is NOT working perfectly. Sabotaging the vetting process is NOT what the founders intended, No one is asking the Senate to accept the candidate,they are simply being asked to evaluate the nominee as prescribed in the Constitution. They can either reject or confirm him but ignoring the entire process is not provided for in the Constitution

I sent my elected representatives to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go to hell and vote no on anything they ask for. I love it when a plan comes together. (lights a Hannibal Smith cigar, A-Team theme song starts playing)
I don't care what your Senators do s long as they don't interfere with the Constitutional process of vetting a USSC nominee. They are refusing to do that and I expect Obama fie a lawsuit. This is not a filibuster which is legal BTW and has been used before, this is an unprecedented breech of Constitutional doctrine that cannot be tolerated as it would set a precedent that could have ramifications on both sides of the isle for every future nomination.

No means no, forget it we are denying Obama the SCOTUS appointment, tissue?
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

A perfect justice for a republican: Someone who takes text, history, tradition, precedent when judging a statute to be constitutional.

A perfect justice for a democrat: Someone who takes text, history, tradition, precedent, the purpose of a statute, and the consequences. Notice the last two categories are nothing other than simply rewriting a law from the bench. Not to mention their infatuation with substantive due process.

These are two means of which judges generally differ. For most of our history "text, history, tradition, and precedent" have been the primary means of judging a statute. It wasn't until the New Deal Era when purpose and consequence became a major factor, granting rise to liberal judges who legislate from the bench and transform the U.S. Constitution into an object James Madison certainly wouldn't recognize without so much as a vote of the people, congress, and states who have the sole authority of amending the text.

This judge is big on "purpose" and "consequence." He is therefore a legislator not a judge. Republicans ought not to give him the time of day.
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
Refusing to do their job is not protecting us it is part of the corruption.

I sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.
Thus proving my theory that voters are uninformed idiots
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
Refusing to do their job is not protecting us it is part of the corruption.

they are doing their job. They are protecting the country from a far left supreme court.

there is no constitutional obligation for the senate to vote on every nominee put up by the president.

But even if they did, the guy would be Borked. Remember what the dems did to Bork? You libs are so disingenuous on this, you make me sick.
What did the dems do?
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

A perfect justice for a republican: Someone who takes text, history, tradition, precedent when judging a statute to be constitutional.

A perfect justice for a democrat: Someone who takes text, history, tradition, precedent, the purpose of a statute, and the consequences. Notice the last two categories are nothing other than simply rewriting a law from the bench. Not to mention their infatuation with substantive due process.

These are two means of which judges generally differ. For most of our history "text, history, tradition, and precedent" have been the primary means of judging a statute. It wasn't until the New Deal Era when purpose and consequence became a major factor, granting rise to liberal judges who legislate from the bench and transform the U.S. Constitution into an object James Madison certainly wouldn't recognize without so much as a vote of the people, congress, and states who have the sole authority of amending the text.

This judge is big on "purpose" and "consequence." He is therefore a legislator not a judge. Republicans ought not to give him the time of day.
They can more effectively make that point by vetting, holding a hearing, voting, and then justifying that vote. By doing nothing they just look like obstructing assholes
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
Good i guess we can all just be children then and respond in kind... There was a time when good strong people showed character and leadership by holding themselves to a higher standard then their competition. I guess thats not a game the GOP wants or is capable of playing. Question though, how do they think this is going to help repair this partisan divide that is crippling the progress of our government?

What progress is being crippled? When Harry Reid would table bills, was progress being crippled?
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

Are you serious?

Put the shoe on the other foot, same results...
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
Good i guess we can all just be children then and respond in kind... There was a time when good strong people showed character and leadership by holding themselves to a higher standard then their competition. I guess thats not a game the GOP wants or is capable of playing. Question though, how do they think this is going to help repair this partisan divide that is crippling the progress of our government?

What progress is being crippled? When Harry Reid would table bills, was progress being crippled?
No, that is also part of the problem
I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?

Are you serious?

Put the shoe on the other foot, same results...
If the shoe was on the other foot then he other foot would still be wrong

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