What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice

I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee??

If the GOP doesn't like the nominated justice then they can simply vote NO. The gridlock is ridiculous and the source for much frustration from Americans... Why can't they just do their jobs?
its their standard responce ... Ive heard it from the republicans on TV so much where ist become ad nauseam ... they say well the people have the right to vote for a new scotus justice ... they did vote already .. thats why Obama was elected to office .. the people spoke that they want a liberal court ... not this conservative one ...the people spoke and the republicans are refusing to give the people what they want .. whats new its the republican way or the highway ...
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

I can top Reagan. Liberals responding, great, help me! And they are now the majority of Americans who want to be chained to the spiraling loss of liberty and self determination, that's why we're finally falling to the endless economic malaise of the Euroweenies
you know, each and every day you prove to us how stupid you really are ... you've just proved it again
I repeat, why waste the senate's time with hearings and a vote when everyone already knows what the result will be?

if the parties were reversed, the exact same thing would be happening.

This is nothing but partisan rhetoric aimed at stirring up the ignorant on both sides.
its show how you too are ignorant of what goes on in the country ... do you really think that a republican in his lame duck term has never pick a supreme court justice in their last year where we Dems said why should we waste our time on it .... really, are this this stupid??? lets see here Justive kennedy was confirmed to fill the vacancy on February 3, 1988. .... 8 months before a new president would be elected ... I guess its ok for republicans but not ok for dems
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SEN. JOE BIDEN (D-DE), Then-Judiciary Committee Chairman: "…it is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not - and not - name a nominee until after the November election is completed." (Sen. Biden, Congressional Record, S.16316-7, 6/25/1992)
and yet they still brought a supreme court nominee to the senate lead by Senator Joe Biden ... did ya forget that part ???
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

I can top Reagan. Liberals responding, great, help me! And they are now the majority of Americans who want to be chained to the spiraling loss of liberty and self determination, that's why we're finally falling to the endless economic malaise of the Euroweenies
you know, each and every day you prove to us how stupid you really are ... you've just proved it again

Says the guy who thinks he's Queen Elizabeth ...
I think the republicans should continue to do nothing. It is what they do best. A more pitiful, worthless group of republican politicians have never been sent to Washington.

And fortunately the vast majority of Americans see their bullshit for what it is; a hatred for America and America's president.

And you republicans will pay for that hatred eventually.
I think the republicans should continue to do nothing. It is what they do best. A more pitiful, worthless group of republican politicians have never been sent to Washington.

And fortunately the vast majority of Americans see their bullshit for what it is; a hatred for America and America's president.

And you republicans will pay for that hatred eventually.
Would you care for a mint?
President Trump in two terms could put 4-6 SCJ's on the bench. This would affect the US for many decades.
That's why the DEMs are pissing themselves.
What famous person said: "Elections have consequences"?
Guess the asshole forgot that Congress and the Senate are made up of elected officials. "The Biden Rule".........."The Biden Rule"..........just keep repeating this DEM mantra until Trump takes the Oath of Office.
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
If each branch of our government can't get together and share ideas with open minds and make compromises to GET THINGS DONE... Then they are not doing their job and should be replaced. I don't think the majority of tax payers want to pay for a bunch of wrinkly assholes to argue and obstruct... We want them to explore, analyze, consult, and progress. Whether you are a D or an R... Just do your damn job, it's not rocket science.
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016
Obama will be denied the opportunity to put another justice on the SCOTUS, he could nominate God and it will be request denied, out of spite!
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
Refusing to do their job is not protecting us it is part of the corruption.
I agree, spite is the purpose behind the stand off... Not this "Leave it up to the people" BS. This attitude is whats spinning our government down the drain.

The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
No, it is NOT working perfectly. Sabotaging the vetting process is NOT what the founders intended, No one is asking the Senate to accept the candidate,they are simply being asked to evaluate the nominee as prescribed in the Constitution. They can either reject or confirm him but ignoring the entire process is not provided for in the Constitution
The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
Refusing to do their job is not protecting us it is part of the corruption.

I sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.
The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
No, it is NOT working perfectly. Sabotaging the vetting process is NOT what the founders intended, No one is asking the Senate to accept the candidate,they are simply being asked to evaluate the nominee as prescribed in the Constitution. They can either reject or confirm him but ignoring the entire process is not provided for in the Constitution

I sent my elected representatives to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go to hell and vote no on anything they ask for. I love it when a plan comes together. (lights a Hannibal Smith cigar, A-Team theme song starts playing)
There are something like 23 republican senators in their third year of office.

They shouldn't be able to vote on any legislation.

Let the American people speak. And let those senators coming up for election shut up, sit back and do nothing. Cause really, they have been there three years already. And they have done enough damage. No more votes for them.
sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.

LMAO. What a fucked up American you grew up to be.

No instructions to resolve issues, fix problems and make things better for all.

No you want the asshole you voted for to put party over country and do everything they can to fuck things up even more.

Thanks a lot asshole.
sent my senator to Washington with instructions to tell Obama and Democrats to go straight to hell.

LMAO. What a fucked up American you grew up to be.

No instructions to resolve issues, fix problems and make things better for all.

No you want the asshole you voted for to put party over country and do everything they can to fuck things up even more.

Thanks a lot asshole.

This is who Republicans have become. Their political party is their almighty god. They could not care less about the country or the Constitution. If it goes against their political party, it's 'evil'.
Nothing wrong with the GOP on this matter. Their constituents told them to NOT vote for anything else that agitator Obozo wants to put on us. he's done enough damage to us. he just has to STIR up crap on us. every other time it's been done the NEXT President and people will PICK the seat. but Obama being the thug like he normal
The word you are searching for is 'consequences' as in, Obama behaves like an ass for the last 7 years and now there are consequences. :eusa_boohoo:
No he hasn't. He should have been an ass after all the obstructionist BS the GOP house put him and he country through. He is just too nice a guy!

3 separate but equal branches of government, heard of it?
But it seems only 1/4th of the government is holding things up out of unabashed spite and hatred. The question is whether the Senate has violated the Constitution by not even evaluating the nominee's credentials and or vetting him. The reason cited for doing so is lame. The GOP is saying that the next president ought to select the USSC vacancy on order to give the American people a voice in the selection. Well, Obama is the president and the voice of the people is still resonating from his last presidential victory. Obama's approval rating is over 50%. That ought to raise alarms in the obstructionist's chambers.

What Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Means for the Democratic Nominee in Campaign 2016

Its working perfectly and exactly as the founders intended it to. There's a reason we don't have a king making all the decisions with a wave if their hand. Its supposed to be difficult for congress to get anything done. Its supposed to be difficult for the President to get things passed in congress. There is a reason there is a Constitution that limits their power and a SCOTUS to defend the Constitution. This is by design, the founders who lived under the tyranny of a king predicted a tyrannical corrupt government and took measures to protect us from that.
Refusing to do their job is not protecting us it is part of the corruption.

they are doing their job. They are protecting the country from a far left supreme court.

there is no constitutional obligation for the senate to vote on every nominee put up by the president.

But even if they did, the guy would be Borked. Remember what the dems did to Bork? You libs are so disingenuous on this, you make me sick.

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