When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

So what's stopping you people from building your wall?

You got the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. You got it all!

Seems that republicans can't get anything done other than tax cuts for the wealthy.
So what's stopping you people from building your wall?

You got the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. You got it all!

Seems that republicans can't get anything done other than tax cuts for the wealthy.
And now more tax breaks for the rich
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Yea, that Mexico would pay for. Lol

Nobody but ignorant fools ever gave two shits about who would pay for it. Sane folks can do the elementary arithmetic...The Wall pays for itself.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

That has such a lack of understanding about what actually happened.

Four states had a difference in support for Trump and Hillary of less than 1%.

Michigan was 0.22%, New Hampshire 0.37%, Pennsylvania 0.72% and Wisconsin 0.76%.

Michigan's different was 10,704. That means had 5,353 people voted differently, Hillary would have won the state.
Pennsylvania had a difference of 44,292 votes, which means had 22,147 people voted differently, then Hillary would have won.
Wisconsin had a difference of 22,748 votes, which means had 11,375 people voted differently then Hillary would have won.

Had Hillary won all three of these close races, she'd have won the election.

The difference is 38,875 people would have meant that Hillary won, and not Trump. Out of 130 million people voting, it came down to less than 40,000 people's vote whether Trump won or not and in three states.

Don't pretend it was something other than this.

And he has to count on those same numbers again to get reelected.

With 8 million new younger voters that will be voting in 2020.

And don't forget that 8 million that voted for Obama, voted for him in 2016.

He will have to get all 8 million of them a second time, plus a majority of the new 8 million that will be eligible.

He's done. But that's a forgone conclusion. Especially if a new Democratic controlled House closes the checkbook on his Presidency this November.

The only wall dotard needs to worry about is the one in front of the federal prison he will be serving time in.
So what's stopping you people from building your wall?

You got the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. You got it all!

Seems that republicans can't get anything done other than tax cuts for the wealthy.

So what's stopping you people from building your wall?

You got the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. You got it all!

Seems that republicans can't get anything done other than tax cuts for the wealthy.
And now more tax breaks for the rich

WHAT...reawards for the folks paying your way? What a travesty.
We should be rewarding ShaQuita and Guadalupe for allowing us the pleasure of paying for their fuck ups and litters with multiple baby daddy’s.
So what's stopping you people from building your wall?

You got the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. You got it all!

Seems that republicans can't get anything done other than tax cuts for the wealthy.

So what's stopping you people from building your wall?

You got the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. You got it all!

Seems that republicans can't get anything done other than tax cuts for the wealthy.
And now more tax breaks for the rich

Donny T gave sealybobo a $3k per year raise...he’s a middle classer.
If you didn’t get a cut it’s only because you don’t contribute enough. Weird how that works huh?
So was it wrong for Republicans not to back national healthcare insurance in 2009 after 28 states voted for it?
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

That has such a lack of understanding about what actually happened.

Four states had a difference in support for Trump and Hillary of less than 1%.

Michigan was 0.22%, New Hampshire 0.37%, Pennsylvania 0.72% and Wisconsin 0.76%.

Michigan's different was 10,704. That means had 5,353 people voted differently, Hillary would have won the state.
Pennsylvania had a difference of 44,292 votes, which means had 22,147 people voted differently, then Hillary would have won.
Wisconsin had a difference of 22,748 votes, which means had 11,375 people voted differently then Hillary would have won.

Had Hillary won all three of these close races, she'd have won the election.

The difference is 38,875 people would have meant that Hillary won, and not Trump. Out of 130 million people voting, it came down to less than 40,000 people's vote whether Trump won or not and in three states.

Don't pretend it was something other than this.

And he has to count on those same numbers again to get reelected.

With 8 million new younger voters that will be voting in 2020.

And don't forget that 8 million that voted for Obama, voted for him in 2016.

He will have to get all 8 million of them a second time, plus a majority of the new 8 million that will be eligible.

He's done. But that's a forgone conclusion. Especially if a new Democratic controlled House closes the checkbook on his Presidency this November.

The only wall dotard needs to worry about is the one in front of the federal prison he will be serving time in.
That is the challenge for Trump in 2020

Can he take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin again?
It may be a case of fool me once.....

Florida just had an influx of 300,000 Puerto Rican refugees who will not be big fans of Trumps treatment (or lack thereof) of their island.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

That has such a lack of understanding about what actually happened.

Four states had a difference in support for Trump and Hillary of less than 1%.

Michigan was 0.22%, New Hampshire 0.37%, Pennsylvania 0.72% and Wisconsin 0.76%.

Michigan's different was 10,704. That means had 5,353 people voted differently, Hillary would have won the state.
Pennsylvania had a difference of 44,292 votes, which means had 22,147 people voted differently, then Hillary would have won.
Wisconsin had a difference of 22,748 votes, which means had 11,375 people voted differently then Hillary would have won.

Had Hillary won all three of these close races, she'd have won the election.

The difference is 38,875 people would have meant that Hillary won, and not Trump. Out of 130 million people voting, it came down to less than 40,000 people's vote whether Trump won or not and in three states.

Don't pretend it was something other than this.

And he has to count on those same numbers again to get reelected.

With 8 million new younger voters that will be voting in 2020.

And don't forget that 8 million that voted for Obama, voted for him in 2016.

He will have to get all 8 million of them a second time, plus a majority of the new 8 million that will be eligible.

He's done. But that's a forgone conclusion. Especially if a new Democratic controlled House closes the checkbook on his Presidency this November.

The only wall dotard needs to worry about is the one in front of the federal prison he will be serving time in.
That is the challenge for Trump in 2020

Can he take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin again?
It may be a case of fool me once.....

Florida just had an influx of 300,000 Puerto Rican refugees who will not be big fans of Trumps treatment (or lack thereof) of their island.

Damn...you mean the island they left?
he promised a lot of shit now didnt he? the wall that mexico will pay for.....he would release his tax returns after the election and still waiting on him to drain the swamp....o and he was not going to play golf....lol ...sold yall a bill of goods
Trump is a lot like the goose who wakes up in a new world every morning who acts oblivious to the past, remembering only what he chooses to remember. The rest is just "fake news".
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

That has such a lack of understanding about what actually happened.

Four states had a difference in support for Trump and Hillary of less than 1%.

Michigan was 0.22%, New Hampshire 0.37%, Pennsylvania 0.72% and Wisconsin 0.76%.

Michigan's different was 10,704. That means had 5,353 people voted differently, Hillary would have won the state.
Pennsylvania had a difference of 44,292 votes, which means had 22,147 people voted differently, then Hillary would have won.
Wisconsin had a difference of 22,748 votes, which means had 11,375 people voted differently then Hillary would have won.

Had Hillary won all three of these close races, she'd have won the election.

The difference is 38,875 people would have meant that Hillary won, and not Trump. Out of 130 million people voting, it came down to less than 40,000 people's vote whether Trump won or not and in three states.

Don't pretend it was something other than this.

And he has to count on those same numbers again to get reelected.

With 8 million new younger voters that will be voting in 2020.

And don't forget that 8 million that voted for Obama, voted for him in 2016.

He will have to get all 8 million of them a second time, plus a majority of the new 8 million that will be eligible.

He's done. But that's a forgone conclusion. Especially if a new Democratic controlled House closes the checkbook on his Presidency this November.

The only wall dotard needs to worry about is the one in front of the federal prison he will be serving time in.
That is the challenge for Trump in 2020

Can he take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin again?
It may be a case of fool me once.....

Florida just had an influx of 300,000 Puerto Rican refugees who will not be big fans of Trumps treatment (or lack thereof) of their island.

Certainly if the can use this to paint Trump as being only willing to help the white right wing states, he could be in trouble.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

That has such a lack of understanding about what actually happened.

Four states had a difference in support for Trump and Hillary of less than 1%.

Michigan was 0.22%, New Hampshire 0.37%, Pennsylvania 0.72% and Wisconsin 0.76%.

Michigan's different was 10,704. That means had 5,353 people voted differently, Hillary would have won the state.
Pennsylvania had a difference of 44,292 votes, which means had 22,147 people voted differently, then Hillary would have won.
Wisconsin had a difference of 22,748 votes, which means had 11,375 people voted differently then Hillary would have won.

Had Hillary won all three of these close races, she'd have won the election.

The difference is 38,875 people would have meant that Hillary won, and not Trump. Out of 130 million people voting, it came down to less than 40,000 people's vote whether Trump won or not and in three states.

Don't pretend it was something other than this.

And he has to count on those same numbers again to get reelected.

With 8 million new younger voters that will be voting in 2020.

And don't forget that 8 million that voted for Obama, voted for him in 2016.

He will have to get all 8 million of them a second time, plus a majority of the new 8 million that will be eligible.

He's done. But that's a forgone conclusion. Especially if a new Democratic controlled House closes the checkbook on his Presidency this November.

The only wall dotard needs to worry about is the one in front of the federal prison he will be serving time in.
That is the challenge for Trump in 2020

Can he take Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin again?
It may be a case of fool me once.....

Florida just had an influx of 300,000 Puerto Rican refugees who will not be big fans of Trumps treatment (or lack thereof) of their island.

Damn...you mean the island they left?

They used to vote in Puerto Rico, now they vote in Florida

If Trump wants to win again, he had better fix up their island so they can move back
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
Nobody expected a 1,000 mile long wall. It's a general thing build the damn wall. Leave the details to the experts. Some parts a wall is best, some parts it ain't. Your 100% one way vs 100% a different way doesn't wash with Trump voters.
If you look at the Trump prototype walls, they are beginning to look more and more like the reinforced fences that already exist on hundreds of miles of border.
The border patrol does not want a wall they can't see through which is why the wall is becoming a fence or a wall/fence. Replacing existing reinforced fencing that the border patrol says is 99% effective makes no sense. Neither does putting a wall where there are natural barriers.

Walls or fences only slow down intruders. It's been estimated that a 30 foot wall or 25 foot reinforced fence can be breached by a dozen people in 5 to 8 mins. with the proper equipment. No matter what you construct, there needs to be border patrol officers there within minutes of the breach.

It seems to me a real waste of money because:

  • Most of the people that are illegally in the country enter through legal ports of entry.
  • Walls or fencing will only reduce, not prevent the illegal crossing.
  • Stronger barriers will make it more difficult to leave the country once here creating a more permanent population of illegals.
  • Making it more difficult to cross the border will drive people to come in by air and water.


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Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
We can’t afford a wall

We just gave a trillion dollar tax cut to billionaires
Nobody talks much about our Canadian border. While the Southern border with Mexico, about 2,000 miles, attracts much more attention, the 5,500-mile Northern border with Canada offers far more opportunity for illegal crossings.

While it can be very difficult to get into the US legally from Mexico, getting into Canada is very easy. Visas are not required. They welcome Mexican tourists and work permits can be had within a few months of application.

There are virtually no walls nor fences, just a six-inch-deep ditch running along the countryside in most places. If we should succeed in making our southern border very difficult to cross, then we can expect a lot more illegal crossings of our northern boarder which will be more difficult to protect than the southern boarder.

It should be evident to anyone with half of brain, that building walls around the country is not a good solution to our problems which are basically internal not external.
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Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
Nobody expected a 1,000 mile long wall. It's a general thing build the damn wall. Leave the details to the experts. Some parts a wall is best, some parts it ain't. Your 100% one way vs 100% a different way doesn't wash with Trump voters.
If you look at the Trump prototype walls, they are beginning to look more and more like the reinforced fences that already exist on hundreds of miles of border.
The border patrol does not want a wall they can't see through which is why the wall is becoming a fence or a wall/fence. Replacing existing reinforced fencing that the border patrol says is 99% effective makes no sense. Neither does putting a wall where there are natural barriers.

Walls or fences only slow down intruders. It's been estimated that a 30 foot wall or 25 foot reinforced fence can be breached by a dozen people in 5 to 8 mins. with the proper equipment. No matter what you construct, there needs to be border patrol officers there within minutes of the breach.

It seems to me a real waste of money because:

  • Most of the people that are illegally in the country enter through legal ports of entry.
  • Walls or fencing will only reduce, not prevent the illegal crossing.
  • Stronger barriers will make it more difficult to leave the country once here creating a more permanent population of illegals.
  • Making it more difficult to cross the border will drive people to come in by air and water.

View attachment 208476

The people who can climb this wall are the ones we want here. Strong workers who won't collect welfare once they get here. It's the weak ones who can't climb he wall we don't want.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
We can’t afford a wall

We just gave a trillion dollar tax cut to billionaires
Nobody talks much about our Canadian border. While the Southern border with Mexico, about 2,000 miles, attracts much more attention, the 5,500-mile Northern border with Canada offers far more opportunity for illegal crossings.

While it can be very difficult to get into the US legally from Mexico, getting into Canada is very easy. Visas are not required. They welcome Mexican tourists and work permits can be had within a few months of application.

There are virtually no walls nor fences, just a six-inch-deep ditch running along the countryside in most places. If we should succeed in making our southern border very difficult to cross, then we can expect a lot more illegal crossings of our northern boarder which will be more difficult to protect than the southern boarder.

It should be evident to anyone with half of brain, that building walls around the country is not a good solution to our problems which are basically internal not external.
We don't want to keep out people with money who can afford to fly to Canada before crossing the border. We want to keep out the poverty stricken people who want to collect welfare benefits as soon as they pop out a baby. We want to keep out the kids who join gangs instead of getting a job. We don't need to keep out folks who bring money, wealth, jobs with them. Only the needy need not come in.
The majority of Americans voted against Trump and against the wall

Liberals just don't understand that true freedom means that the people don't matter, only governments matter in the form of the states.

In determining who gets elected, it doesn’t

In terms of the will of the people ...it does

You can claim Trump won, you can’t say the people supported his policies
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
Nobody expected a 1,000 mile long wall. It's a general thing build the damn wall. Leave the details to the experts. Some parts a wall is best, some parts it ain't. Your 100% one way vs 100% a different way doesn't wash with Trump voters.
If you look at the Trump prototype walls, they are beginning to look more and more like the reinforced fences that already exist on hundreds of miles of border.
The border patrol does not want a wall they can't see through which is why the wall is becoming a fence or a wall/fence. Replacing existing reinforced fencing that the border patrol says is 99% effective makes no sense. Neither does putting a wall where there are natural barriers.

Walls or fences only slow down intruders. It's been estimated that a 30 foot wall or 25 foot reinforced fence can be breached by a dozen people in 5 to 8 mins. with the proper equipment. No matter what you construct, there needs to be border patrol officers there within minutes of the breach.

It seems to me a real waste of money because:

  • Most of the people that are illegally in the country enter through legal ports of entry.
  • Walls or fencing will only reduce, not prevent the illegal crossing.
  • Stronger barriers will make it more difficult to leave the country once here creating a more permanent population of illegals.
  • Making it more difficult to cross the border will drive people to come in by air and water.

View attachment 208476

The people who can climb this wall are the ones we want here. Strong workers who won't collect welfare once they get here. It's the weak ones who can't climb he wall we don't want.
Fat Donnie never could have climbed that wall

You know....heel spurs

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