When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.”
Like filthy wetbacks and their dependent, criminal anchor babies?

So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.”
LEGAL brown people can and do have a place here...Loons really struggle with that LEGAL part.

You're not fooling anyone.
And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.”
Like filthy wetbacks and their dependent, criminal anchor babies?

So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.”
LEGAL brown people can and do have a place here...Loons really struggle with that LEGAL part.

You're not fooling anyone.

Hang out here long enough and read...you’ll quickly realize I can’t give two shits about what you LefTards think...no need to “fool” you.
So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.”
LEGAL brown people can and do have a place here...Loons really struggle with that LEGAL part.

You're not fooling anyone.

Hang out here long enough and read...you’ll quickly realize I can’t give two shits about what you LefTards think...no need to “fool” you.

Sure thing, bud. Call Mexican people wetbacks and then pretend that you don't have a problem with legal Mexican people.

Go for it. But like I said, it isn't fooling anyone.
Mexico says fuck Trump's wall.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

That has such a lack of understanding about what actually happened.

Four states had a difference in support for Trump and Hillary of less than 1%.

Michigan was 0.22%, New Hampshire 0.37%, Pennsylvania 0.72% and Wisconsin 0.76%.

Michigan's different was 10,704. That means had 5,353 people voted differently, Hillary would have won the state.
Pennsylvania had a difference of 44,292 votes, which means had 22,147 people voted differently, then Hillary would have won.
Wisconsin had a difference of 22,748 votes, which means had 11,375 people voted differently then Hillary would have won.

Had Hillary won all three of these close races, she'd have won the election.

The difference is 38,875 people would have meant that Hillary won, and not Trump. Out of 130 million people voting, it came down to less than 40,000 people's vote whether Trump won or not and in three states.

Don't pretend it was something other than this.
You are hilariously clueless.

There are literally only a couple million people who are in any way politically active in this country.

38,875 people is an entire college campus, moron. That is not just a few people.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.”
LEGAL brown people can and do have a place here...Loons really struggle with that LEGAL part.

You're not fooling anyone.

Hang out here long enough and read...you’ll quickly realize I can’t give two shits about what you LefTards think...no need to “fool” you.

Sure thing, bud. Call Mexican people wetbacks and then pretend that you don't have a problem with legal Mexican people.

Go for it. But like I said, it isn't fooling anyone.
Like you call white people rednecks?
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
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Trump did promise a wall.
He did not count on Ryan and McConnell imitating open border liberals, though...
he promised a lot of shit now didnt he? the wall that mexico will pay for.....he would release his tax returns after the election and still waiting on him to drain the swamp....o and he was not going to play golf....lol ...sold yall a bill of goods
he promised a lot of shit now didnt he? the wall that mexico will pay for.....he would release his tax returns after the election and still waiting on him to drain the swamp....o and he was not going to play golf....lol ...sold yall a bill of goods
He has done more in less than 2 years than Obama did in 8.

He has a higher approval rating than Obama.

He has taken our economy and US workers were they have not been in decades....some EVER.

He has achieved milestones Obama only hoped to achieve.

You ignore the lowest unemployment in recorded history for blacks and Asians to focus on his insignificant tax returns...you hypocritically talk of golf when Barry rebuked Bush for playing golf while troops were in harm's way then played more golf as President under the same conditions than Bush ever did...

You are a petty, partisan, hate-driven, easily emotionally manipulated, propaganda-parroting, bitter, butt-hurt snowflake...

It's going to be a long 2 1/2 more years for you.... :p
Do “highly uneducated” people always out earn “highly educated” people?

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.

I agree that Republicans earn more than Democrats even though Democrats are higher educated than Republicans.

The reason for this is because there is a significant difference in the average age of a Democrat and the average age of a Republican. That's why I said your graph is misleading - it doesn't account for age.

A 50-year-old uneducated fisherman is going to make more than a 22-year-old engineering major...right now.

Engineering major? Oh please try liberal arts and other useless degrees.

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.

I agree that Republicans earn more than Democrats even though Democrats are higher educated than Republicans.

The reason for this is because there is a significant difference in the average age of a Democrat and the average age of a Republican. That's why I said your graph is misleading - it doesn't account for age.

A 50-year-old uneducated fisherman is going to make more than a 22-year-old engineering major...right now.

Engineering major? Oh please try liberal arts and other useless degrees.


I think you missed the point and went straight to auto-pilot.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
Nobody expected a 1,000 mile long wall. It's a general thing build the damn wall. Leave the details to the experts. Some parts a wall is best, some parts it ain't. Your 100% one way vs 100% a different way doesn't wash with Trump voters.
Trump did promise a wall.
He did not count on Ryan and McConnell imitating open border liberals, though...
True that. Conservative donors rely on cheap labor. Trump is the anti establishment President with enemies on both sides of the aisle.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
We can’t afford a wall

We just gave a trillion dollar tax cut to billionaires
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
We can’t afford a wall

We just gave a trillion dollar tax cut to billionaires

sealybobo got a $3k per year cut. He’s a billionaire?
How about Dont Taz Me Bro he just got a bonus from Donny T....he’s a billionaire as well?
Damn, pretty cool to mingle here with all these billionaires.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

Yeah, Trump can't get it done. What a liar!
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Simple because:
He doesn't have enough time left in his term in office to build a wall that would come anywhere close to covering the southern boarder. Secondly, Congress has shown no inclination to give him the money he needs. And third, he has already backed off from a southern border wall, saying he would use natural barriers in some places and improve reinforced fencing in other places. Trump supporters looking for a big beautiful wall covering our southern border are going to be sadly disappointed in 2020.
We can’t afford a wall

We just gave a trillion dollar tax cut to billionaires

sealybobo got a $3k per year cut. He’s a billionaire?
How about Dont Taz Me Bro he just got a bonus from Donny T....he’s a billionaire as well?
Damn, pretty cool to mingle here with all these billionaires.
Of course that’s just what my accountant tells me. I don’t pay attention as long as the bank account keeps growing.

Don’t forget I make good money, have no debt, went to school when it was $5k a year.

My buddy at my 30 year reunion was telling me his first girl is going to college. He has x amount saved for each of them. Basically it’s going to cost him/them and you idiots a fortune.

The middle class has all but disappeared.

Liberal policies created the middle class the world had never seen. Unions, new deal. Good government representing we the people.

The rich have taken over our government completely. Don’t blame liberals. Wake up! Unless you’re like me who’s the exception not the norm. The middle class is shrinking and it’s voters fault. It’s also people who don’t vote fault. They/you deserve the America you have now.

Me? I’ll be ok either way. I just like social security and Medicare. Two socialist programs republicans would love to end.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Yea, that Mexico would pay for. Lol

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