When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Will you give up your tax break for the wall?

No, I’m getting both.
Have you put that $5,000 that Trump gave you via tax break to good use?
Hookers and blow?

Face it: No health care repeal, No wall, you all were snookered and I laugh every fucking day at the low iq crowd that voted for him.

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?

How all dem damn stupid people make all dat money? :D
The voters said they wanted the wall, but were told they wouldn't have to pay for it.

Pick your poison...Continue paying illegal wetbacks to fuck our communities up and drop dependent, criminal anchor babies in our laps or pay for a wall. This is simple shit...no?

Yes. Sure it's simple, one only has to take the shit out of one's ear and listen to what candidate Trump repeated over-and-over.

I'd like to see a wall built, no matter who pays for it. However, when folks claim that was what people voted for they're omitting a key component of Trump's complete stance on the matter.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

What other country do you have in mind that would pay for a wall along the southern border---:auiqs.jpg: The President of Mexico told Trump 3 times during the campaign season to shove the wall up his ass, they weren't paying for it..

Yea exactly. It didn't make sense to expect anyone to pay for our wall.

But that didn't stop the rubes from believing what Trump said.

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

Trump supporters are highly uneducated and they were literally chanting that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

You guys were conned.

Do “highly uneducated” people always out earn “highly educated” people?

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.
The voters said they wanted the wall, but were told they wouldn't have to pay for it.

Pick your poison...Continue paying illegal wetbacks to fuck our communities up and drop dependent, criminal anchor babies in our laps or pay for a wall. This is simple shit...no?

Yes. Sure it's simple, one only has to take the shit out of one's ear and listen to what candidate Trump repeated over-and-over.

I'd like to see a wall built, no matter who pays for it. However, when folks claim that was what people voted for they're omitting a key component of Trump's complete stance on the matter.

Let me take a wild guess here, you're "cool" with getting everything paid for.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

What other country do you have in mind that would pay for a wall along the southern border---:auiqs.jpg: The President of Mexico told Trump 3 times during the campaign season to shove the wall up his ass, they weren't paying for it..

Yea exactly. It didn't make sense to expect anyone to pay for our wall.

But that didn't stop the rubes from believing what Trump said.

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

I would strongly suggest that you go back to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds on it. How does a multi billion dolllar worthless piece of shit wall save us money?
When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Anything that can be seen, can and will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't be attempted. This is something that congressional Democrats offered up the last time they were in discussion over the debt ceiling.

They've already found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


Us sane real Americans understand that our attack on illegals won’t stop at the Wall...ALL incentive to invade will be removed...THEN the Wall becomes a symbolic feature there to stay for eternity.
The voters said they wanted the wall, but were told they wouldn't have to pay for it.

Pick your poison...Continue paying illegal wetbacks to fuck our communities up and drop dependent, criminal anchor babies in our laps or pay for a wall. This is simple shit...no?

Yes. Sure it's simple, one only has to take the shit out of one's ear and listen to what candidate Trump repeated over-and-over.

I'd like to see a wall built, no matter who pays for it. However, when folks claim that was what people voted for they're omitting a key component of Trump's complete stance on the matter.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

What other country do you have in mind that would pay for a wall along the southern border---:auiqs.jpg: The President of Mexico told Trump 3 times during the campaign season to shove the wall up his ass, they weren't paying for it..

Yea exactly. It didn't make sense to expect anyone to pay for our wall.

But that didn't stop the rubes from believing what Trump said.

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

I would strongly suggest that you go back to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds on it. How does a multi billion dolllar worthless piece of shit wall save us money?
When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Anything that can be seen, can and will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't be attempted. This is something that congressional Democrats offered up the last time they were in discussion over the debt ceiling.

They've already found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


Us sane real Americans understand that our attack on illegals won’t stop at the Wall...ALL incentive to invade will be removed...THEN the Wall becomes a symbolic feature there to stay for eternity.


So you want to pay billions of dollars for something that doesn't work, so you can build a "monument?"


  1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect:
Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
A Neuroscientist Explains What Could Be Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

For those of you that want to get back to reality this post on this thread may help.
When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.
Last edited:
Pick your poison...Continue paying illegal wetbacks to fuck our communities up and drop dependent, criminal anchor babies in our laps or pay for a wall. This is simple shit...no?

Yes. Sure it's simple, one only has to take the shit out of one's ear and listen to what candidate Trump repeated over-and-over.

I'd like to see a wall built, no matter who pays for it. However, when folks claim that was what people voted for they're omitting a key component of Trump's complete stance on the matter.

What other country do you have in mind that would pay for a wall along the southern border---:auiqs.jpg: The President of Mexico told Trump 3 times during the campaign season to shove the wall up his ass, they weren't paying for it..

Yea exactly. It didn't make sense to expect anyone to pay for our wall.

But that didn't stop the rubes from believing what Trump said.

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

Trump supporters are highly uneducated and they were literally chanting that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

You guys were conned.

Do “highly uneducated” people always out earn “highly educated” people?

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat
Pick your poison...Continue paying illegal wetbacks to fuck our communities up and drop dependent, criminal anchor babies in our laps or pay for a wall. This is simple shit...no?

Yes. Sure it's simple, one only has to take the shit out of one's ear and listen to what candidate Trump repeated over-and-over.

I'd like to see a wall built, no matter who pays for it. However, when folks claim that was what people voted for they're omitting a key component of Trump's complete stance on the matter.

What other country do you have in mind that would pay for a wall along the southern border---:auiqs.jpg: The President of Mexico told Trump 3 times during the campaign season to shove the wall up his ass, they weren't paying for it..

Yea exactly. It didn't make sense to expect anyone to pay for our wall.

But that didn't stop the rubes from believing what Trump said.

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

I would strongly suggest that you go back to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds on it. How does a multi billion dolllar worthless piece of shit wall save us money?
When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Anything that can be seen, can and will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't be attempted. This is something that congressional Democrats offered up the last time they were in discussion over the debt ceiling.

They've already found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


Us sane real Americans understand that our attack on illegals won’t stop at the Wall...ALL incentive to invade will be removed...THEN the Wall becomes a symbolic feature there to stay for eternity.


So you want to pay billions of dollars for something that doesn't work, so you can build a "monument?"


  1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect:
Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
A Neuroscientist Explains What Could Be Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

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And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Companies, employees, contractors, proprietors...and anyone related to the manufacturing or building of walls is totally FUCKED as Liberals spread the word that “walls don’t work”.
Trillions of linear feet of wall has been erected worldwide...trillions of dollars have been spent on walls and they don’t even work.
I’m launching a class action case against “wall makers” for misrepresentation.
Yes. Sure it's simple, one only has to take the shit out of one's ear and listen to what candidate Trump repeated over-and-over.

I'd like to see a wall built, no matter who pays for it. However, when folks claim that was what people voted for they're omitting a key component of Trump's complete stance on the matter.

Yea exactly. It didn't make sense to expect anyone to pay for our wall.

But that didn't stop the rubes from believing what Trump said.

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

I would strongly suggest that you go back to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds on it. How does a multi billion dolllar worthless piece of shit wall save us money?
When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations. Anything that can be seen, can and will always be compromised. Something that can't be seen won't be attempted. This is something that congressional Democrats offered up the last time they were in discussion over the debt ceiling.

They've already found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


Us sane real Americans understand that our attack on illegals won’t stop at the Wall...ALL incentive to invade will be removed...THEN the Wall becomes a symbolic feature there to stay for eternity.


So you want to pay billions of dollars for something that doesn't work, so you can build a "monument?"


  1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect:
Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it.

The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.

The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them.
A Neuroscientist Explains What Could Be Wrong with Trump Supporters’ Brains

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And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Companies, employees, contractors, proprietors...and anyone related to the manufacturing or building of walls is totally FUCKED as Liberals spread the word that “walls don’t work”.
Trillions of linear feet of wall has been erected worldwide...trillions of dollars have been spent on walls and they don’t even work.
I’m launching a class action case against “wall makers” for misrepresentation.
Walls can be built... that's not the issue. Where's this "Mexico's gonna pay for it." thing? Or maybe I should say when?
Yes. Sure it's simple, one only has to take the shit out of one's ear and listen to what candidate Trump repeated over-and-over.

I'd like to see a wall built, no matter who pays for it. However, when folks claim that was what people voted for they're omitting a key component of Trump's complete stance on the matter.

Yea exactly. It didn't make sense to expect anyone to pay for our wall.

But that didn't stop the rubes from believing what Trump said.

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

Trump supporters are highly uneducated and they were literally chanting that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

You guys were conned.

Do “highly uneducated” people always out earn “highly educated” people?

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.
See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever gave two shits about who would pay for the Wall. Most of us can do elementary arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for itself...it’s a no-brainer for third graders....TA-DA!

Trump supporters are highly uneducated and they were literally chanting that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

You guys were conned.

Do “highly uneducated” people always out earn “highly educated” people?

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.
Trump supporters are highly uneducated and they were literally chanting that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.

You guys were conned.

Do “highly uneducated” people always out earn “highly educated” people?

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.

I agree that Republicans earn more than Democrats even though Democrats are higher educated than Republicans.

The reason for this is because there is a significant difference in the average age of a Democrat and the average age of a Republican. That's why I said your graph is misleading - it doesn't account for age.

A 50-year-old uneducated fisherman is going to make more than a 22-year-old engineering major...right now.
Do “highly uneducated” people always out earn “highly educated” people?

It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.

I agree that Republicans earn more than Democrats even though Democrats are higher educated than Republicans.

The reason for this is because there is a significant difference in the average age of a Democrat and the average age of a Republican. That's why I said your graph is misleading - it doesn't account for age.

A 50-year-old uneducated fisherman is going to make more than a 22-year-old engineering major...right now.

That will always be the case as wisdom comes with age and wise people vote Republican. This isn’t opinion at all. You know this. Young retards programmed by educators, MTV and The Kardashian’s eventually grow out of the ignorance is bliss bunch of bullshit they take such pride in as ignorant youth.
Uneducated Trump supporters were tricked into thinking that Mexico would pay for it.

The wall is a dumb idea that won't work, but I'd be cool with it if another country pays for it.

Let me take a wild guess here, you're "cool" with getting everything paid for.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.”
Like filthy wetbacks and their dependent, criminal anchor babies?

So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.
It's a fact that the uneducated vastly supported Trump.


As for your graph, we already know that people with a college degree will tend to earn more, on average, than people without a college degree. What your chart doesn't account for is AGE. There's a significant age difference in the average age of someone who voted D and someone who voted R. With more experience comes a higher wage. It doesn't make sense to compare the salary of a 50-year-old Trump supporter and the salary of a 23-year-old Hillary supporter.

You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.

I agree that Republicans earn more than Democrats even though Democrats are higher educated than Republicans.

The reason for this is because there is a significant difference in the average age of a Democrat and the average age of a Republican. That's why I said your graph is misleading - it doesn't account for age.

A 50-year-old uneducated fisherman is going to make more than a 22-year-old engineering major...right now.

That will always be the case as wisdom comes with age and wise people vote Republican. This isn’t opinion at all. You know this. Young retards programmed by educators, MTV and The Kardashian’s eventually grow out of the ignorance is bliss bunch of bullshit they take such pride in as ignorant youth.

I think we lost track of what we were originally discussing lol. But if you want to argue that uneducated hillbillies are wise, go for it.

On a serious note, it's true that people in the past have had a tendency to go more conservative as they got older. Whether they're "wiser" or not is entirely subjective. It will be interesting what happens with the millennial generation as they get older. I think starting a family tends to make someone go more conservative. I think religion is becoming less prominent as it was before, which is going to pull people more toward being liberal. I think more and more younger people are getting educated which leads to being liberal (you would probably argue because they're being indoctrinated while I would argue that common sense is a requirement to getting a degree). I think people are becoming more liberal in general on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) Just my opinion.
Last edited:
Uneducated Trump supporters were tricked into thinking that Mexico would pay for it.

The wall is a dumb idea that won't work, but I'd be cool with it if another country pays for it.

Let me take a wild guess here, you're "cool" with getting everything paid for.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.”
Like filthy wetbacks and their dependent, criminal anchor babies?

So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.
Let me take a wild guess here, you're "cool" with getting everything paid for.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.”
Like filthy wetbacks and their dependent, criminal anchor babies?

So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.
It's easier to ignore the reasons they are running towards our border and the plight they are in if you use dehumanizing words to describe them.
I recognize the fact that there are too many third worlders, who need saving, than we can save without destroying our Government handout system and our Middle Class.
You have a link to support your fabricated bullshit as it relates to my “graph”?
I’ll agree, wiser older, REAL Americans do tend to vote Republican while indoctrinated, ignorant, trendy, young fools tend to vote Mexicrat

You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.

I agree that Republicans earn more than Democrats even though Democrats are higher educated than Republicans.

The reason for this is because there is a significant difference in the average age of a Democrat and the average age of a Republican. That's why I said your graph is misleading - it doesn't account for age.

A 50-year-old uneducated fisherman is going to make more than a 22-year-old engineering major...right now.

That will always be the case as wisdom comes with age and wise people vote Republican. This isn’t opinion at all. You know this. Young retards programmed by educators, MTV and The Kardashian’s eventually grow out of the ignorance is bliss bunch of bullshit they take such pride in as ignorant youth.

I think we lost track of what we were originally discussing lol. But if you want to argue that uneducated hillbillies are wise, go for it.

On a serious note, it's true that people tend to go more conservative as they get older. Whether they're "wiser" or not is entirely subjective. It will be interesting what happens with the millennial generation as they get older. I think starting a family tends to make someone go more conservative. I think religion is becoming less prominent as it was before, which is going to pull people more toward being liberal. I think more and more younger people are getting educated which leads to being liberal (you would probably argue because they're being indoctrinated while I would argue that common sense is a requirement to getting a degree). I think people are becoming more liberal in general on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) Just my opinion.

Look bud...you love splitting hairs, I can tell. The education gap between the Parties is almost unmeasurable and really doesn’t make a difference. The fact of the matter is you made a feeble attempt to insult the intelligence of Trump Supporters and I showed you that broke, tax payer dependent pieces of shits vote Mexicrat along with all the other low grade filth among us....So congrats, you obviously take great pride in your party made up ignorant young fools, broke pieces of shits, weirdos, pole puffers and foreign filth. AWESOME!
If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.”
Like filthy wetbacks and their dependent, criminal anchor babies?

So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.
It's easier to ignore the reasons they are running towards our border and the plight they are in if you use dehumanizing words to describe them.
I recognize the fact that there are too many third worlders, who need saving, than we can save without destroying our Government handout system and our Middle Class.

No disagreement here.
Let me take a wild guess here, you're "cool" with getting everything paid for.

If another country pays for it, why wouldn't I be cool with it?

Otherwise, it's just coming out of tax-payer (my) money. And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.

And I'd rather have my money spent on things that actually make sense.”
Like filthy wetbacks and their dependent, criminal anchor babies?

So many Trump supporters who are openly racist.

That's why I like message boards so much. You get to see how people REALLY think.
I want the wall because I work for a living. I don't want any third worlders, regardless of what you call them, competing for my job and dragging my wages down.

Yea I get that. I just don't think a wall is going to fix that.

Immigration numbers have already been DECREASING the last few years. And a big chunk of the illegal immigrants were just overstaying their Visas, which is not going to be fixed with a wall. As for the people that are actually hopping the fence, I mean they'd still be able to use a ladder to get over. It just doesn't seem very cost-effective to me.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.

Many Trump supporters simply don't want brown people in the country, as you can see from the way they talk about them.”
LEGAL brown people can and do have a place here...Loons really struggle with that LEGAL part.
You want a link for what exactly? Here are the claims that I made:

1) Uneducated people supported Trump. (Already supported with the graph from the Pew Research Center)
2) People with a college degree will earn more, on average, than people without a college degree.
3) The average age for Republicans was higher than the average age for Democrats in the 2016 election. (Which you seem to already agree with)
4) There is a direct correlation between work experience and salary.

Exactly which of those points do you have an issue with? They all seem like common sense to me.

I said Republicans earn more than Mexicrats.
You claimed my “graph” had something to do with age....prove it.
I’m standing by.

I agree that Republicans earn more than Democrats even though Democrats are higher educated than Republicans.

The reason for this is because there is a significant difference in the average age of a Democrat and the average age of a Republican. That's why I said your graph is misleading - it doesn't account for age.

A 50-year-old uneducated fisherman is going to make more than a 22-year-old engineering major...right now.

That will always be the case as wisdom comes with age and wise people vote Republican. This isn’t opinion at all. You know this. Young retards programmed by educators, MTV and The Kardashian’s eventually grow out of the ignorance is bliss bunch of bullshit they take such pride in as ignorant youth.

I think we lost track of what we were originally discussing lol. But if you want to argue that uneducated hillbillies are wise, go for it.

On a serious note, it's true that people tend to go more conservative as they get older. Whether they're "wiser" or not is entirely subjective. It will be interesting what happens with the millennial generation as they get older. I think starting a family tends to make someone go more conservative. I think religion is becoming less prominent as it was before, which is going to pull people more toward being liberal. I think more and more younger people are getting educated which leads to being liberal (you would probably argue because they're being indoctrinated while I would argue that common sense is a requirement to getting a degree). I think people are becoming more liberal in general on social issues (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) Just my opinion.

Look bud...you love splitting hairs, I can tell. The education gap between the Parties is almost unmeasurable and really doesn’t make a difference. The fact of the matter is you made a feeble attempt to insult the intelligence of Trump Supporters and I showed you that broke, tax payer dependent pieces of shits vote Mexicrat along with all the other low grade filth among us....So congrats, you obviously take great pride in your party made up ignorant young fools, broke pieces of shits, weirdos, pole puffers and foreign filth. AWESOME!

Actually, the education gap is the biggest it has ever been since 1980. This is a fact.

"College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980. Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. "

Behind Trump’s victory: Divisions by race, gender, education

I said that Trump supporters tend to be uneducated, because that's a fact. They also have a tendency to be pretty racist.

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