When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.
Building a wall will not solve the illegal immigration problem because most illegal immigrants come into the country legally. A system for detecting those overstaying their visa would be far cheaper and more effective.

A wall is a symbol. Many Americans reject globalization and believe our problems all come from abroad. They believe walls, physical, legal, or financial will keep make America great again by keeping out bad influences. However, most Americans understand that we need the rest of the world and building walls around the nation is counterproductive. This is really the issue.

Building a wall will not solve the illegal immigration problem because most illegal immigrants come into the country legally.”

NEGATIVE.....That’s the desperate spin cast by LefTards.....While we HATE all illegals....it’s really the disgusting thirdworlders from Central and South America that degrade our nation the most...these are the filthy human cockroaches that can’t afford plane tickets, don’t have the iQ, cash or ability to follow the Visa process through. ALL these types get here because we have no wall and poor security. Let's be honest...nobody really gives a shit about the Australians that are here illegally. We want to stop Gustavo, Guadalupe and their seven silver tooth anchors from fucking our nation up. Simple shit!

However, most Americans understand that we need the rest of the world“
Again, you sound desperate....you’re reaching for anything...stop the spin.
Why do firstworld nations “NEED” thirdworld lowlifes flooding their communities?
Ignoring your hate filled diatribe, the fact is America and other developed nations need third world countries because they are and will be the emerging markets for our products. 70% of the economic growth in the world will come from emerging markets in the 21st century. If the US is to continue to prosper and grow in this century it can not isolate itself from the rest of the world by hiding behind physical, legal, and economic walls.

The US needs better control of it's boarders and sensible immigration laws. However, it does not need the hate filled rhetoric and policies that will drive the country into isolationism.
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Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Maybe the Orange Charlatan could hold a wall funding marathon for you losers.
The point is he lied to you period what the fuck don't you guys understand about the lies? Now I'll eat those words if by any chance a wall gets built and I see it for myself, but I think I'll be dead before that.

The wall is Trumps great white whale. He uses it to energize his base. Trump said if the crowd started leaving in the middle of a rally, he'd yell "build the wall"
A few weeks ago Trump said there would be no immigration legislation without a wall. Then last week he made it clear congress would not be funding a wall.
"President Trump on Thursday laid out his demands for an immigration deal to Republican senators, making clear he doesn't expect Congress to build a physical 2,200-mile concrete wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Instead, the president wants Congress to increase security along the border by ratcheting up patrols, surveillance and fencing, in return for relief for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)". A few days latter he tweeted that there would be a wall or he would veto the legislation. It's Trump as usually, he says one thing today and the opposite tomorrow.

I wonder how long is it going to take for his supporters to understand that he is a lunatic who says whatever he feels at the time without regard for the truth or his own policies.

Trump tells GOP senators that 2,200-mile border wall not needed in immigration deal
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Maybe the Orange Charlatan could hold a wall funding marathon for you losers.
The point is he lied to you period what the fuck don't you guys understand about the lies? Now I'll eat those words if by any chance a wall gets built and I see it for myself, but I think I'll be dead before that.

The wall is Trumps great white whale. He uses it to energize his base. Trump said if the crowd started leaving in the middle of a rally, he'd yell "build the wall"
A few weeks ago Trump said there would be no immigration legislation without a wall. Then last week he made it clear congress would not be funding a wall.
"President Trump on Thursday laid out his demands for an immigration deal to Republican senators, making clear he doesn't expect Congress to build a physical 2,200-mile concrete wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Instead, the president wants Congress to increase security along the border by ratcheting up patrols, surveillance and fencing, in return for relief for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)". A few days latter he tweeted that there would be a wall or he would veto the legislation. It's Trump as usually, he says one thing today and the opposite tomorrow.

I wonder how long is it going to take for his supporters to understand that he is a lunatic who says whatever he feels at time without regard for the truth or his own policies.

Trump tells GOP senators that 2,200-mile border wall not needed in immigration deal
His supporters don't care. What they care about is that the media establishement don't like him. Even the fact that he's carrying the gop establishment and Wall St's water now doesn't matter.

And its not that they weren't warned he'd cave to the money.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

I watch about 5 of his campaign events and the first couple of them thought I might vote for him but as time went on and I listened really careful and saw the hatred and ignorance in his crowds thought WTF is ths guy all about? He's a fucking liar and full of more hatred than any one person I've ever known and wondered how the hell a so-called self-made billionaire gets this way? He became Hitler in my mind and I think so little of the people I know that did vote for him. They are just low life scum and dead to me.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

Hmmm...only in the backward thinking mind of a LefTard would America’s best be considered “fools”...haha
Let me teach you something at no charge....30 states, 2,623 counties and nearly all REAL Americans voted for him. It was only un-Americans, barely legals, pole puffers, men in dresses, Feminazis and bottom feeders that didn’t....TA-DA!
Let me know what else you’d like to learn about.

Let me teach you something dumbshit, Trump screwed you, ha ha ha ha ha. Take that to the bank boy.
The majority of Americans voted against Trump and against the wall

The reason that right-wingers point to the number of states that trump won instead of the popular vote is that the human population of these states is lower than the bovine population. In many of these trump states, the human population is much less than the human population of NYC alone. Essentially, trump was elected by empty real estate and a bunch of cows.
A herd of cows is more intelligent than the herds that Democrats and progressives have placed their supporters in. The Black herd and the Hispanic herd do not even like each other. Trump has done more to bring people together than the dividers ever will.

Try not to step in anything, and keep insulting Trump supporters, it ensures his second term.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

There won't be a wall. But your moron will call it a wall and you will believe him.
When this is settled and there is a wall the number of illegals coming will drop. That and a more efficient system of deportation that shows them they will not be allowed to stay will also drop the number attempting to get here.

Why are illegals more important than US citizens to you?
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

There won't be a wall. But your moron will call it a wall and you will believe him.
When this is settled and there is a wall the number of illegals coming will drop. That and a more efficient system of deportation that shows them they will not be allowed to stay will also drop the number attempting to get here.

Why are illegals more important than US citizens to you?

Why do you ask retarded questions?

The number of illegals coming has already dropped. Has been dropping for years. Especially from Mexico. Most illegals don't come via illegal border crossing, idiot.

There won't be a fucking wall blocking off our southern border. Fool.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

There won't be a wall. But your moron will call it a wall and you will believe him.
When this is settled and there is a wall the number of illegals coming will drop. That and a more efficient system of deportation that shows them they will not be allowed to stay will also drop the number attempting to get here.

Why are illegals more important than US citizens to you?
Georgia on mah mind

Poll: Trump's approval rating erodes in Georgia
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

There won't be a wall. But your moron will call it a wall and you will believe him.
When this is settled and there is a wall the number of illegals coming will drop. That and a more efficient system of deportation that shows them they will not be allowed to stay will also drop the number attempting to get here.

Why are illegals more important than US citizens to you?

Why do you ask retarded questions?

The number of illegals coming has already dropped. Has been dropping for years. Especially from Mexico. Most illegals don't come via illegal border crossing, idiot.

There won't be a fucking wall blocking off our southern border. Fool.
That question is not retarded, a retard just can't answer it. Next.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

There won't be a wall. But your moron will call it a wall and you will believe him.
When this is settled and there is a wall the number of illegals coming will drop. That and a more efficient system of deportation that shows them they will not be allowed to stay will also drop the number attempting to get here.

Why are illegals more important than US citizens to you?
Georgia on mah mind

Poll: Trump's approval rating erodes in Georgia
Do you realize how quickly things like that can change? If you don't, just ask Hillary.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

I watch about 5 of his campaign events and the first couple of them thought I might vote for him but as time went on and I listened really careful and saw the hatred and ignorance in his crowds thought WTF is ths guy all about? He's a fucking liar and full of more hatred than any one person I've ever known and wondered how the hell a so-called self-made billionaire gets this way? He became Hitler in my mind and I think so little of the people I know that did vote for him. They are just low life scum and dead to me.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

Hmmm...only in the backward thinking mind of a LefTard would America’s best be considered “fools”...haha
Let me teach you something at no charge....30 states, 2,623 counties and nearly all REAL Americans voted for him. It was only un-Americans, barely legals, pole puffers, men in dresses, Feminazis and bottom feeders that didn’t....TA-DA!
Let me know what else you’d like to learn about.

Let me teach you something dumbshit, Trump screwed you, ha ha ha ha ha. Take that to the bank boy.

Huh...how did Trump “screw me”?
He’s running all the human cockroaches out, he cut my corporate taxes by 60%, has my property values soaring and my investment portfolio going off the fucking charts making me filthy fucking RICH.
Did he screw you?
When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.
Then let those 30 shithole states pay for shithole Tramp's wall.
How about we take your shithole sanctuary states federal money to pay for it.
Good luck with that. Without those sanctuary cities paying federal taxes the deficits would be well and truly fucked. LOL Guess where the money lives.
You'll be paying your fair share now that SALT is no longer deductable. Good times for all you pro tax people.
You nuts really gotta stop acting like anyone really gave two shits about who was paying for the wall
Trump promised Mexico would pay for it. Any idiot that gave him their vote based upon that fantasy — that Mexico would pay for it — has been lied to. But you’re all so fucking stupid, that you ask for more :lol:
Don't care if they pay for it or not just as long as it's built. Don't care if it's a real wall or not as long as it keeps illegals outside of our borders. You liberals keep missing the point.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

These asshole Dem's and establishment Rep's are not attacking Trump, they are attacking the American people WHO DARED elect someone who wasn't a bought and paid for establishment puppet. The American people WHO DARED elect someone who wasn't going to fuck over American workers by pushing millions of jobs out of our country via stupid shit 'trade deals' the other side cheats on.

You filthy scum are not attacking Trump, you are attacking the American people. Keep attacking us, we will kick the crap out of you filth again in 2018 and 2020.

25% of Trump's support came from people voting against Clinton not voting for Trump. They did not support Trump and do not support a wall. You are filthy scum. That is why Trump's approvals are in the 30s. The fact is that TPP would have dropped thousands of tariffs and opened markets to Americans. So far the crap has been kicked out of you. 1 lost Senate seat and around 17 state legislative seats lost so far.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

I watch about 5 of his campaign events and the first couple of them thought I might vote for him but as time went on and I listened really careful and saw the hatred and ignorance in his crowds thought WTF is ths guy all about? He's a fucking liar and full of more hatred than any one person I've ever known and wondered how the hell a so-called self-made billionaire gets this way? He became Hitler in my mind and I think so little of the people I know that did vote for him. They are just low life scum and dead to me.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

Hmmm...only in the backward thinking mind of a LefTard would America’s best be considered “fools”...haha
Let me teach you something at no charge....30 states, 2,623 counties and nearly all REAL Americans voted for him. It was only un-Americans, barely legals, pole puffers, men in dresses, Feminazis and bottom feeders that didn’t....TA-DA!
Let me know what else you’d like to learn about.

Let me teach you something dumbshit, Trump screwed you, ha ha ha ha ha. Take that to the bank boy.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

These asshole Dem's and establishment Rep's are not attacking Trump, they are attacking the American people WHO DARED elect someone who wasn't a bought and paid for establishment puppet. The American people WHO DARED elect someone who wasn't going to fuck over American workers by pushing millions of jobs out of our country via stupid shit 'trade deals' the other side cheats on.

You filthy scum are not attacking Trump, you are attacking the American people. Keep attacking us, we will kick the crap out of you filth again in 2018 and 2020.

25% of Trump's support came from people voting against Clinton not voting for Trump. They did not support Trump and do not support a wall. You are filthy scum. That is why Trump's approvals are in the 30s. The fact is that TPP would have dropped thousands of tariffs and opened markets to Americans. So far the crap has been kicked out of you. 1 lost Senate seat and around 17 state legislative seats lost so far.

Said no Trump voters, you poor libs and your excuses :itsok:
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Let them pay for it then. Especially since they don't care that Trump lied to them about Mexico paying for it.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

“But,but,but...3 million illegals in California and New York voted against Trump!”

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