When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

Who? Flyover states?
Here we are in blue states busy making America great and you folks in red states wanna make it racist again.

Geographically speaking....Where exactly are you making America Great?
All “brown cities” and I mean ALL are total and complete shitholes...please advise.
Your dementia president just put our troops at risk.
We have over 60,000 troops in Africa and when every country on that continent reads tomorrow morning that he called them “ shitholes” they’re going to be outraged and possible take it out on the Americans nearest to them. Our military.
Our military can shoot now, let them try.
Like in benghazi or the Niger? Or Afghanistan where dead bodies are flown in on regular basis ?

Well this post don't make no sense? Libya, Nigeria.....since when is US soldiers dead bodies coming in from those places...
There you go. I was talking about Niger you said Nigeria. You owe me an apology big boy !!!
What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.

Americans who refuse to waste money do not support this. There is no need for a wall.
Geographically speaking....Where exactly are you making America Great?
All “brown cities” and I mean ALL are total and complete shitholes...please advise.
Your dementia president just put our troops at risk.
We have over 60,000 troops in Africa and when every country on that continent reads tomorrow morning that he called them “ shitholes” they’re going to be outraged and possible take it out on the Americans nearest to them. Our military.
Our military can shoot now, let them try.
Like in benghazi or the Niger? Or Afghanistan where dead bodies are flown in on regular basis ?

Well this post don't make no sense? Libya, Nigeria.....since when is US soldiers dead bodies coming in from those places...
There you go. I was talking about Niger you said Nigeria. You owe me an apology big boy !!!

Apologies for what you were to stupid to know they were two separate country's bordering on each other?

My apologies goes out to your college professor for not teaching you basic geography..
What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.

Americans who refuse to waste money do not support this. There is no need for a wall.

We are wasting Billings a year on illegals already , this is a huge infrastructure project...that will put thosands of Americans to work...

Why do you hate that?
Americans want illegal immigration to cease, how that gets done doesn't matter. FUcking stop it already. Set up automatic machine guns on the damn border if you have to. Or build the damn wall if your squeamish.
Your dementia president just put our troops at risk.
We have over 60,000 troops in Africa and when every country on that continent reads tomorrow morning that he called them “ shitholes” they’re going to be outraged and possible take it out on the Americans nearest to them. Our military.
Our military can shoot now, let them try.
Like in benghazi or the Niger? Or Afghanistan where dead bodies are flown in on regular basis ?

Well this post don't make no sense? Libya, Nigeria.....since when is US soldiers dead bodies coming in from those places...
There you go. I was talking about Niger you said Nigeria. You owe me an apology big boy !!!

Apologies for what you were to stupid to know they were two separate country's bordering on each other?

My apologies goes out to your college professor for not teaching you basic geography..
Wtf? Are you drunk? I even quoted your mistake twice. I have been actually to the region lol...and we studied geography in elementary at the age of 12 we know more about the world and the US more than most Americans.

Please stop typing while drunk.
What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.

Americans who refuse to waste money do not support this. There is no need for a wall.

We are wasting Billings a year on illegals already , this is a huge infrastructure project...that will put thosands of Americans to work...

Why do you hate that?

Because it is unnecessary. We could have people move dirt around and create jobs. There is no sense in it or a wall.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

There won't be a wall. But your moron will call it a wall and you will believe him.
You nuts really gotta stop acting like anyone really gave two shits about who was paying for the wall
Trump promised Mexico would pay for it. Any idiot that gave him their vote based upon that fantasy — that Mexico would pay for it — has been lied to. But you’re all so fucking stupid, that you ask for more :lol:
Raise your hand if you are a little bit disappointed that the wall hasn't already been built. The man said you'd have it immediately.
What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.
Building a wall will not solve the illegal immigration problem because most illegal immigrants come into the country legally. A system for detecting those overstaying their visa would be far cheaper and more effective.

A wall is a symbol. Many Americans reject globalization and believe our problems all come from abroad. They believe walls, physical, legal, or financial will keep make America great again by keeping out bad influences. However, most Americans understand that we need the rest of the world and building walls around the nation is counterproductive. This is really the issue.

Building a wall will not solve the illegal immigration problem because most illegal immigrants come into the country legally.”

NEGATIVE.....That’s the desperate spin cast by LefTards.....While we HATE all illegals....it’s really the disgusting thirdworlders from Central and South America that degrade our nation the most...these are the filthy human cockroaches that can’t afford plane tickets, don’t have the iQ, cash or ability to follow the Visa process through. ALL these types get here because we have no wall and poor security. Let's be honest...nobody really gives a shit about the Australians that are here illegally. We want to stop Gustavo, Guadalupe and their seven silver tooth anchors from fucking our nation up. Simple shit!

However, most Americans understand that we need the rest of the world“
Again, you sound desperate....you’re reaching for anything...stop the spin.
Why do firstworld nations “NEED” thirdworld lowlifes flooding their communities?
Raise your hand if you are a little bit disappointed that the wall hasn't already been built. The man said you'd have it immediately.

How long do you think the planning process of a multi-BILLION dollar project is?
Further, we’re having a blast just watching the human cockroaches squirm as they finally know they’re being stalked and eradicated. It’s like flipping a light on in a cockroach infested kitchen in the middle of the night....hahaha.
Raise your hand if you are a little bit disappointed that the wall hasn't already been built. The man said you'd have it immediately.

How long do you think the planning process of a multi-BILLION dollar project is?
Further, we’re having a blast just watching the human cockroaches squirm as they finally know they’re being stalked and eradicated. It’s like flipping a light on in a cockroach infested kitchen in the middle of the night....hahaha.

That's the point isn't it? Trump says something that anyone with half a brain could figure out is complete crap, and yet you people still support a guy who talks complete crap. When someone points it out, you say the very thing you should have been thinking more than a year ago.
What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.

Americans who refuse to waste money do not support this. There is no need for a wall.

We are wasting Billings a year on illegals already , this is a huge infrastructure project...that will put thosands of Americans to work...

Why do you hate that?
Because leftists hate it when people are able to defend themselves and support themselves.
What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.

Americans who refuse to waste money do not support this. There is no need for a wall.

We are wasting Billings a year on illegals already , this is a huge infrastructure project...that will put thosands of Americans to work...

Why do you hate that?

Because it is unnecessary. We could have people move dirt around and create jobs. There is no sense in it or a wall.
Typical commie. Would rather see ppl in camps moving dirt than doing something productive for wages.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

These asshole Dem's and establishment Rep's are not attacking Trump, they are attacking the American people WHO DARED elect someone who wasn't a bought and paid for establishment puppet. The American people WHO DARED elect someone who wasn't going to fuck over American workers by pushing millions of jobs out of our country via stupid shit 'trade deals' the other side cheats on.

You filthy scum are not attacking Trump, you are attacking the American people. Keep attacking us, we will kick the crap out of you filth again in 2018 and 2020.

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