When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
And the Wall is...........? What % completed so far?
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Will you give up your tax break for the wall?

No, I’m getting both.
Have you put that $5,000 that Trump gave you via tax break to good use?
Hookers and blow?

Face it: No health care repeal, No wall, you all were snookered and I laugh every fucking day at the low iq crowd that voted for him.

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?

Put up graphs all you want df but your orange one screwed you just bend over and take it, you'll probably like it.
Let those 30 states pay for it then.
I didn't see your post until after I posted.
Great minds thing alike! :)

Great minds”?
I hate the spelling police but shit...I thought a “great mind” could spell “think”?
Now that’s some real funny shit right there. Hahahaha

lol, what's funnier is how many times it took you to quote the post properly.

I hear ya...some of us are out working and being productive while fucking with lowlife pieces of shits here at the same time...it’s difficult to manage from an iPhone.
What true American doesn't want a wall? If you're all for American standards and the way of life why would you not want to keep that and not let people that always vote for communism from getting a vote here? Why would you want them here if they came here illegally? Why do you want them here so they can send their money to their home countries? How does that help us?

I don't get the democrat all in for illegals that gain us nothing.

The point is he lied to you period what the fuck don't you guys understand about the lies? Now I'll eat those words if by any chance a wall gets built and I see it for myself, but I think I'll be dead before that.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity
Let those 30 states pay for it then.

When 30 states handed Trump the White House...they spoke and said they wanted a Wall.
Then let those 30 shithole states pay for shithole Tramp's wall.

Sorry boys...it doesn’t work that way.
It’s to the point where the Feds have to protect the filthy fucks in Mexifornia and Loon York from themselves.
So...expectations are to build a wall in New York too?
The point is he lied to you period what the fuck don't you guys understand about the lies? Now I'll eat those words if by any chance a wall gets built and I see it for myself, but I think I'll be dead before that.

The wall is Trumps great white whale. He uses it to energize his base. Trump said if the crowd started leaving in the middle of a rally, he'd yell "build the wall"
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

I watch about 5 of his campaign events and the first couple of them thought I might vote for him but as time went on and I listened really careful and saw the hatred and ignorance in his crowds thought WTF is ths guy all about? He's a fucking liar and full of more hatred than any one person I've ever known and wondered how the hell a so-called self-made billionaire gets this way? He became Hitler in my mind and I think so little of the people I know that did vote for him. They are just low life scum and dead to me.
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

I watch about 5 of his campaign events and the first couple of them thought I might vote for him but as time went on and I listened really careful and saw the hatred and ignorance in his crowds thought WTF is ths guy all about? He's a fucking liar and full of more hatred than any one person I've ever known and wondered how the hell a so-called self-made billionaire gets this way? He became Hitler in my mind and I think so little of the people I know that did vote for him. They are just low life scum and dead to me.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

Hmmm...only in the backward thinking mind of a LefTard would America’s best be considered “fools”...haha
Let me teach you something at no charge....30 states, 2,623 counties and nearly all REAL Americans voted for him. It was only un-Americans, barely legals, pole puffers, men in dresses, Feminazis and bottom feeders that didn’t....TA-DA!
Let me know what else you’d like to learn about.
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Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

Hmmm...only in the backward thinking mind of a LefTard woukd America’s best be considered “fools”...haha
Let me teach you something at no charge....30 states, 2,623 counties and nearly all REAL Americans voted for him. It was only un-Americans, barely legals, pole puffers, men in dresses, Feminazis and bottom feeders that didn’t....TA-DA!
Let me know what else you’d like to learn about.

can you count to 21 with your shoes and pants on?

didn't think so
Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

I watch about 5 of his campaign events and the first couple of them thought I might vote for him but as time went on and I listened really careful and saw the hatred and ignorance in his crowds thought WTF is ths guy all about? He's a fucking liar and full of more hatred than any one person I've ever known and wondered how the hell a so-called self-made billionaire gets this way? He became Hitler in my mind and I think so little of the people I know that did vote for him. They are just low life scum and dead to me.

Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?

why would fools be stupid enough to vote for him?

i've met carnies with more integrity

Hmmm...only in the backward thinking mind of a LefTard woukd America’s best be considered “fools”...haha
Let me teach you something at no charge....30 states, 2,623 counties and nearly all REAL Americans voted for him. It was only un-Americans, barely legals, pole puffers, men in dresses, Feminazis and bottom feeders that didn’t....TA-DA!
Let me know what else you’d like to learn about.

You sure do talk a lot about pole stuffers and men in dresses, makes me wonder, well no it doesn't, you truly are infatuated with one or a few of them. Only un American's voted for him, ones that don't know the true meaning of American's.
He has already said there will be no wall. Thursday, Trump laid out his demands for an immigration deal to Republican senators, making clear he doesn't expect Congress to build a physical 2,200-mile concrete wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Instead, the president wants Congress to increase security along the border by ratcheting up patrols, surveillance and fencing which is exactly what Homeland Security has been proposing for several years.

Trump tells GOP senators that 2,200-mile border wall not needed in immigration deal

That’s weird...someone must have hacked his Twitter account.

Donald J. Trump
As I made very clear today, our country needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval.
6:16 PM · Jan 9, 2018
A fence last week, a wall this week, it really doesn't matter since most illegal immigrants enter the country by cars, trucks, planes, and boats. However, it's congress's decision, not Trump's.

And he has the power of veto and a pen and phone.
A veto is exactly what democrats want. The failure of an immigration bill, a failure to repeal Obamacare, and a tax cut for the wealthy, is not going help republicans in the mid term elections.

Obama care as we know it is gone with the mandate tax off the table, little working class people will see bigger pay checks...with the tax bill..DACRA something will get worked out before it expires on March 5th.
Somebody didn't tell the 9 million Americans who just signed up for it. For the first time in history, the number of Americans without health insurance has dropped below 10%, 9.1% to be exact. Of the 980 pages of ACA, only two pages of text have been deleted. The essential 10 categories of required coverage remain, the 31 required preventive care benefits remain as do the healthcare exchanges where over 20 Americans get their coverage, and of course the ban on prexisting conditions remains. Over 200 regulations on insurance companies remain and health subsidies will be increasing not falling.

By eliminating the mandate Republicans are allowing the most healthy subscribers to leave the insurance pools pushing premiums higher which will pressure congress to raise subsidies. Republicans have inadvertently strengthened the hand of Democrats who prefer richer subsidies to a mandate and welcome the expanded federal role that will come with those subsidies. What Republicans have done is actually strengthen Obamacare.
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Shove your phony polls in your ass.
Trump ran on the Wall and got elected on the Wall. Why would fools be stupid enough to think he won’t deliver on his primary campaign promise?
Maybe the Orange Charlatan could hold a wall funding marathon for you losers.

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