When America was actually American were politicians/political parties able to divide us?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
When we were likeminded, spoke the same language, worshipped the same God….when we all loved America, it’s history, it’s traditions, heritage, principles and values…..when we all shared the same desires and ambitions were politicians able to get between us? We’re the parties able to be so far apart on their ’offerings’? Were they able to compartmentalize the citizenry?
When we were likeminded, spoke the same language, worshipped the same God….when we all loved America, it’s history, it’s traditions, heritage, principles and values…..when we all shared the same desires and ambitions were politicians able to get between us? We’re the parties able to be so far apart on their ’offerings’? Were they able to compartmentalize the citizenry?
Nah, you guys took care of that yourself. Someone not so pale or not so male got some power and you guys have been on a crusade ever since.
When we were likeminded, spoke the same language, worshipped the same God….when we all loved America, it’s history, it’s traditions, heritage, principles and values…..when we all shared the same desires and ambitions were politicians able to get between us? We’re the parties able to be so far apart on their ’offerings’? Were they able to compartmentalize the citizenry?
It started on the day JFK was murdered about the time his body started getting cold.


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When we were likeminded, spoke the same language, worshipped the same God….when we all loved America, it’s history, it’s traditions, heritage, principles and values…..when we all shared the same desires and ambitions were politicians able to get between us? We’re the parties able to be so far apart on their ’offerings’? Were they able to compartmentalize the citizenry?

You're right. We used to be a nation that on the whole almost all of us looked similar, spoke the same language, had the same basic customs, understood each other, had some level of love for our country, everyone regardless all agreed criminals were criminals, we all wanted to protect kids and raise them to be strong, worked, had a real house on a piece of land, took a vacation and so on. That's why America was the shining light most of the rest of the world wanted to be a part of. Our American values, morals, and standards are what made us to to become a super power faster than any other country had.

But now diversity is tearing us apart. Used republicans and democrats had very different ideas but they still both loved America and wanted america to be strong and it's people to prosper. Now we have a country full of too many types of people who won't conform to society, they demand society conform to them and they will shit on this nation to get their way.

America in a very brief time went from nothing to something other countries feared and resoected. We became top dog when were a dare I say it, white European nation. But the more diversity we add the weaker we get.
Factions broke out at the very beginning of the colonial era. The Federalists alone at three main factions, and then there were the various state factions. Same in the British Parliament, with pro- and anti- American factions, and a few shades in between, complicated by France, the Dutch Provinces, and Spain. Otherwise it would have been nothing to crush the colonies.
True, but that was the massive turning point for the Democratic Party. Kennedy was the last Democratic President who DEMANDED America be first, and DEMANDED Americans be fit, independent and love their country. We now have the polar opposite of the Kennedy Democrats 60 years later.

Americans For Democratic Action was formed in the 1950's and led the change in that era. True that Oswald killed the major roadblock to their agenda, especially after Sam Rayburn died.

Leaves out a lot of important facts and misrepresents others but I don't have time to write a book. they led the movement of the PArty away from populism and small business toward supporting huge banks, giant conglomerates, and monopolies, as a prelude to Marxist control of the economy.

They helped the GOP establishment's usual goals of creating giant banks, corporations, and monopolies without pesky govt. restraints and anti-trust laws. As we can see big Business loves Marxist countries and gets along great with them.
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Americans For Democratic Action was formed in the 1950's and led the change in that era. True that Oswald killed the major roadblock to their agenda, especially after Sam Rayburn died.

Leaves out a lot of important facts and misrepresents others but I don't have time to write a book. they led the movement of the PArty away from populism and small business toward supporting huge banks, giant conglomerates, and monopolies, as a prelude to Marxist control of the economy.

They helped the GOP establishment's usual goals of creating giant banks, corporations, and monopolies without pesky govt. restraints and anti-trust laws. As we can see big Business loves Marxist countries and gets along great with them.
You know more about the history than I do, but yes the bottom line is the Democrats within a couple of generations went from a populist, pro-America party to a big government, Woke, Race baiting, divisive mess.
the murder of JFK led to the gay movement, the feminist movement, the civil rights movement, the hippie pothead movement, and passage of the Civil Rights Act and the anti-poverty efforts of LBJ's Great Society

not saying it's a good thing JFK died, but you "never let a crisis go to waste"!
I've survived 93 years in this nation. The same old empty rhetoric you crybabies are crying like little kids about is the same empty garbage I've heard my whole life. Deal with it and learn to deal with people like me.
I've survived 93 years in this nation. The same old empty rhetoric you crybabies are crying like little kids about is the same empty garbage I've heard my whole life. Deal with it and learn to deal with people like me.
we do deal with people like you.....its called a home for the elderly....
When we were likeminded, spoke the same language, worshipped the same God….when we all loved America, it’s history, it’s traditions, heritage, principles and values…..when we all shared the same desires and ambitions were politicians able to get between us? We’re the parties able to be so far apart on their ’offerings’? Were they able to compartmentalize the citizenry?

Great post, but the truth is we were fine well beyond that.

Shit, before the Welfare State was deployed by President Johnson, black Americans had the same marriage rates and family cohesivity stats as whites.

And I still believe most foreigners who actually immigrate here the correct way have good intentions and are eminently compatible with America and its founding tenants.

In summation, it's always them damn meddling commies who have to create a strawman villain and then run with it to create turmoil, strife and division. (See BLM, Antifa, Dylan Mulvaney's cock...)
the murder of JFK led to the gay movement, the feminist movement, the civil rights movement, the hippie pothead movement, and passage of the Civil Rights Act and the anti-poverty efforts of LBJ's Great Society

not saying it's a good thing JFK died, but you "never let a crisis go to waste"!

Wow, that was retarded even by your sad, debased standards.

What the fuck is your mommy feeding you in that basement?


Drugs are bad. Mkay?
True, but that was the massive turning point for the Democratic Party. Kennedy was the last Democratic President who DEMANDED America be first

You're only saying that cuz he was assassinated for his motivation to extricate us from 'Nam.

As Kennedy's Presidential tenure amply demonstrates, the Deep State don't take kindly to those who disrupt their agenda.

For a more contemporaneous example, see Trump. (Donald, J.)
I've survived 93 years in this nation. The same old empty rhetoric you crybabies are crying like little kids about is the same empty garbage I've heard my whole life. Deal with it and learn to deal with people like me.
Wasn’t that 40 million illegals ago and before the emergence of the modern left?
Did you have weirdos forcing you to believe a man can be a woman by proclamation?
Shit, before the Welfare State was deployed by President Johnson, black Americans had the same marriage rates and family cohesivity stats as whites.
Yes and no. Before 1865 the number of intact black families was much lower than their white counterparts.

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