When are we going to act on obesity in our developed world?

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
League of Overweight Nations
  1. United States. 38.2 % of Adults​
  2. Mexico 33.3​
  3. New Zealand 31.6​
  4. Hungary 30.0​
  5. Australia 27.9​
  6. UK 26.9​
  7. Canada 25.8.​
  8. Finland 24.8​
  9. Ireland 23​
  10. Indonesia 22.3​
What's the matter with the rest of the world? Don't they know how to farm?
What is there to be done? ... fattening food tastes good ... the first step is outlawing soda-pop ... good luck with that ....
League of Overweight Nations
  1. United States. 38.2 % of Adults​
  2. Mexico 33.3​
  3. New Zealand 31.6​
  4. Hungary 30.0​
  5. Australia 27.9​
  6. UK 26.9​
  7. Canada 25.8.​
  8. Finland 24.8​
  9. Ireland 23​
  10. Indonesia 22.3​
When you vile scum stop rioting and looting and murdering and raping and stealing and cheating, etc, etc.
League of Overweight Nations
  1. United States. 38.2 % of Adults​
  2. Mexico 33.3​
  3. New Zealand 31.6​
  4. Hungary 30.0​
  5. Australia 27.9​
  6. UK 26.9​
  7. Canada 25.8.​
  8. Finland 24.8​
  9. Ireland 23​
  10. Indonesia 22.3​
When fucking fat people stop opening their mouths...

Today with liberals giving skinny people the guild of fat shaming others, if you say something about another persons weight you are being insensitive to their feelings. So no one can say to a 2 ton tilly, yes, that dress does make you look, not just fat, but very fat. Then we see how obesity is around the world, and i do mean around.

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What is there to be done? ... fattening food tastes good ... the first step is outlawing soda-pop ... good luck with that ....
If you watch older films you see people drinking smaller portions of soft drinks. 6 or 7 ounces. And they ate portions of food that were closer to dietary requirements if not the most low in fat. We leave 7/11's with 64 ounce Big Gulps for 49 cents on sale.
Surprised the UK ranks 6th place on the chart.
I have visited there and their food is so boring and bland. It's hard to imagine that anyone would eat enough of it to become obese. ... :cool:
What is there to be done? ... fattening food tastes good ... the first step is outlawing soda-pop ... good luck with that ....
It's easy to stop drinking soda. Just get carbonated water and add a little fruit juice. It still tastes good with about 1/10th the sugar and calories.
Obesity IMO is another manufactured crisis that is driven by the food and health care industries.
What is there to be done? ... fattening food tastes good ... the first step is outlawing soda-pop ... good luck with that ....
If you watch older films you see people drinking smaller portions of soft drinks. 6 or 7 ounces. And they ate portions of food that were closer to dietary requirements if not the most low in fat. We leave 7/11's with 64 ounce Big Gulps for 49 cents on sale.

Lotta cigarettes and bourbon in those older films. :cool:
Surprised the UK ranks 6th place on the chart.
I have visited there and their food is so boring and bland. It's hard to imagine that anyone would eat enough of it to become obese. ... :cool:
Must have been a long time ago.
Britain's most popular meal is Chicken Tikka Masala.

Perhaps its time to introduce a fat tax.
What is there to be done? ... fattening food tastes good ... the first step is outlawing soda-pop ... good luck with that ....
If you watch older films you see people drinking smaller portions of soft drinks. 6 or 7 ounces. And they ate portions of food that were closer to dietary requirements if not the most low in fat. We leave 7/11's with 64 ounce Big Gulps for 49 cents on sale.

Lotta cigarettes and bourbon in those older films. :cool:
That's for sure.
What is there to be done? ... fattening food tastes good ... the first step is outlawing soda-pop ... good luck with that ....
If you watch older films you see people drinking smaller portions of soft drinks. 6 or 7 ounces. And they ate portions of food that were closer to dietary requirements if not the most low in fat. We leave 7/11's with 64 ounce Big Gulps for 49 cents on sale.

Lotta cigarettes and bourbon in those older films. :cool:
That's for sure.
Are you saying the statistics are wrong?
Lotta cigarettes and bourbon in those older films. :cool:

I was watching an old Katherine Hepburn movie where her character was having a 10 or 12-year-old boy run errands for her ... in exchange for cigarettes ... the young woman I was sitting with threw a fit ... "WHAT KIND OF MONSTER GIVES A TEN-YEAR-OLD CIGARETTES ???" ... fell off the coach laughing ... no, I didn't get laid ... oops ...
What is there to be done? ... fattening food tastes good ... the first step is outlawing soda-pop ... good luck with that ....

I'm confused on why people point to soda-pop as the cause of obesity.

There are two complimentary causes of obesity.... not getting exercise, and eating too much food. All the soda-pop in the world, won't gain you weight. Eating pizza, burgers and fries, while watching The Bachelor, and NFL... is the reason people are getting fat.

Banning soda isn't going to fix that. Stop shoving so much food in your face, and start walking around outside. You can drink all the soda you want, and lose weight.

In actually did this. Lost around 50 lbs or more.
League of Overweight Nations
  1. United States. 38.2 % of Adults​
  2. Mexico 33.3​
  3. New Zealand 31.6​
  4. Hungary 30.0​
  5. Australia 27.9​
  6. UK 26.9​
  7. Canada 25.8.​
  8. Finland 24.8​
  9. Ireland 23​
  10. Indonesia 22.3​
They are acting on it. They're doing everything they can to promote it like putting high fructose corn syrup into practically every bite of processed food we eat. People started getting fat when we started eating a lot of pre processed pre prepared food instead of cooking and eating real food from scratch. And it only took one generation to do it.
It's kinda funny when you realize that back then the only milk in stores was whole milk and people ate real sugar, real butter and the like. The more diet and supposedly healthier low fat, low sugar shit we eat, the fatter we get.
Something just ain't right with this picture and someone's just gotta be talking out of their asses.

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