WHEN are we going to stop continually raising the debt limit?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.
At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Everybody knows that something must be eventually done about the debt limit.

There are two sides to how to deal with it....

One side, ours, is to grow our way out of it. We did it under Reagan although it didn't make itself known until the administration of the rapist.

The other side, dimocraps, is to tax our way out of it.

dimocraps will let eh economy fall, inflation will set in, the jobs market will go to hell because the federal Government will be sucking all the Money out of the Markets and nothing will be left for the Private Economy and --

dimocraps will try to raise taxes.... Sucking more money out of the economy.

dimocraps want a European based economic model. You know... The one that has failed so miserably time and again over the last 200 years.
My how you take undo credit for things that happen to be "good" but when there is something happening during a "different" administration,(the other guys), it seems to be their fault.
Can you spell and understand the term hypocrisy?

At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Everybody knows that something must be eventually done about the debt limit.

There are two sides to how to deal with it....

One side, ours, is to grow our way out of it. We did it under Reagan although it didn't make itself known until the administration of the rapist.

The other side, dimocraps, is to tax our way out of it.

dimocraps will let eh economy fall, inflation will set in, the jobs market will go to hell because the federal Government will be sucking all the Money out of the Markets and nothing will be left for the Private Economy and --

dimocraps will try to raise taxes.... Sucking more money out of the economy.

dimocraps want a European based economic model. You know... The one that has failed so miserably time and again over the last 200 years.
At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Everybody knows that something must be eventually done about the debt limit.

There are two sides to how to deal with it....

One side, ours, is to grow our way out of it. We did it under Reagan although it didn't make itself known until the administration of the rapist.

The other side, dimocraps, is to tax our way out of it.

dimocraps will let eh economy fall, inflation will set in, the jobs market will go to hell because the federal Government will be sucking all the Money out of the Markets and nothing will be left for the Private Economy and --

dimocraps will try to raise taxes.... Sucking more money out of the economy.

dimocraps want a European based economic model. You know... The one that has failed so miserably time and again over the last 200 years.
First of all, Reagan nearly tripled the debt, so he didn't grow our way out of it, or anything our way out of it.

Second of all, "the administration of the rapist"? I presume you're referring to what Reagan himself did to Selene Waters. That's the closest we come to having a rapist become President.

Third of all, we HAD a President who was growing us out of our debt. His name was Bill Clinton. And how did he do it? He raised taxes.

Fourth of all, the European countries that are currently doing well are the socialist ones; the ones that aren't are the ones that have been stabbed in the back with austerity.

Lying as loudly and as intensely as you can doesn't make what you say true.
Do not try and confuse them with facts and reality. They refuse to understand such trivial concepts.

At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Everybody knows that something must be eventually done about the debt limit.

There are two sides to how to deal with it....

One side, ours, is to grow our way out of it. We did it under Reagan although it didn't make itself known until the administration of the rapist.

The other side, dimocraps, is to tax our way out of it.

dimocraps will let eh economy fall, inflation will set in, the jobs market will go to hell because the federal Government will be sucking all the Money out of the Markets and nothing will be left for the Private Economy and --

dimocraps will try to raise taxes.... Sucking more money out of the economy.

dimocraps want a European based economic model. You know... The one that has failed so miserably time and again over the last 200 years.
First of all, Reagan nearly tripled the debt, so he didn't grow our way out of it, or anything our way out of it.

Second of all, "the administration of the rapist"? I presume you're referring to what Reagan himself did to Selene Waters. That's the closest we come to having a rapist become President.

Third of all, we HAD a President who was growing us out of our debt. His name was Bill Clinton. And how did he do it? He raised taxes.

Fourth of all, the European countries that are currently doing well are the socialist ones; the ones that aren't are the ones that have been stabbed in the back with austerity.

Lying as loudly and as intensely as you can doesn't make what you say true.
At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Bamkruptcy it is.

As long as the whores in Washington can reasonably predict that it won't come before the next election, they don't care.

One day they are going to guess wrong.
WHEN are we going to stop continually raising the debt limit?

We're not going to.

Instead, we will simply get so far into debt, that no one wants to lend us money any more.

They will signify that by raising interest rates so high, that the country's entire GDP will go to paying only the interest on the National Debt.

At that point (and not until then) will we stop the insane borrowing.

But not by our own choice.
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The 'clinton boom' didn't start in 1993. It started in 1997 when Republicans took control of spending, welfare reform and especially the Capital Gains Tax Cut.

So Spain and Greece are 'not' socialist while Germany 'is'?

Get a life, loser

European economy guide: Taking Europe's pulse | The Economist

At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Everybody knows that something must be eventually done about the debt limit.

There are two sides to how to deal with it....

One side, ours, is to grow our way out of it. We did it under Reagan although it didn't make itself known until the administration of the rapist.

The other side, dimocraps, is to tax our way out of it.

Reagan raised taxes when he needed to.

Who's the dimwit now?

Obama is taking the growth approach.

Fox Newsies are too stupid to realize there are really two parties in this country:

Democrats - pragmatic moderates, pro-business

Republican - erratic extremists, sometimes pro-business when they get the TP under control.

"LIBERAL" doesn't exist at the national level (except for a few environmental lobbying firms and Bernie Sanders) Liberal is a boogyman used by Fox to hold their viewers' attention by creating an imaginary enemy to be feared and hated.

Poor minorities aren't LIBERAL, they're just hungary and have little or no prospects for a meaningful job with a living wage. They don't want "free stuff" but that's all they can afford.

This is all about Power -- The people who have it vs. the people who HAD it.

The pragmatic realists will win in the long run because the Koch bros will get sick of spending money and getting NOTHING in return.

At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Will you take an oath not to use any tax deductions or credits the next time you pay your taxes? Will the GOP take an oath to eliminate the $1.4 trillion of tax expenditures which are bankrupting us?

Didn't think so.

Matthew 7:5
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When? When idiot Americans stop voting in the same people who belong to the same parties year after year after year.

But don't worry about it, you'll probably stop caring about as soon as a Republican is in the White House again.
Unfortunately the American people are spoiled, and they will never vote for a candidate that offers pain now, as opposed to a future of doom. As long as they can maintain now - fuck the future. That's someone elses problem, or they will stay in denial.

It is a mathmatical certainty that it will soon come crashing down unless we accept the pain of reform.
When? When idiot Americans stop voting in the same people who belong to the same parties year after year after year.

But don't worry about it, you'll probably stop caring about as soon as a Republican is in the White House again.

You don't know me very well.
At some point this spending WELL BEYOND our income is going to bite us. I don't understand why more people aren't concerned about this.

I want to see presidential candidates take an oath that they won't sign any bill with an increase in the debt limit. As well as a commitment to offset any new increases in spending with equal (immediate) offsets in spending cuts. For example, corporate welfare & foreign aid.

Doesn't matter what side of the isle your on, this is a reasonable position. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Everybody knows that something must be eventually done about the debt limit.

There are two sides to how to deal with it....

One side, ours, is to grow our way out of it. We did it under Reagan although it didn't make itself known until the administration of the rapist.

The other side, dimocraps, is to tax our way out of it.

dimocraps will let eh economy fall, inflation will set in, the jobs market will go to hell because the federal Government will be sucking all the Money out of the Markets and nothing will be left for the Private Economy and --

dimocraps will try to raise taxes.... Sucking more money out of the economy.

dimocraps want a European based economic model. You know... The one that has failed so miserably time and again over the last 200 years.
First of all, Reagan nearly tripled the debt, so he didn't grow our way out of it, or anything our way out of it.

Second of all, "the administration of the rapist"? I presume you're referring to what Reagan himself did to Selene Waters. That's the closest we come to having a rapist become President.

Third of all, we HAD a President who was growing us out of our debt. His name was Bill Clinton. And how did he do it? He raised taxes.

Fourth of all, the European countries that are currently doing well are the socialist ones; the ones that aren't are the ones that have been stabbed in the back with austerity.

Lying as loudly and as intensely as you can doesn't make what you say true.
Clinton did not grow us out of anything either. Using that same template I could claim that Bush grew our economy enormously until '08. Unfortunately, both of them rode the same wave - a market bubble. Clinton with dot coms and Bush with housing. There really was little difference other than the fact that the real estate bubble was larger and had greater effect (particularly because it was in a commodity that we are ALL invested in keeping valuable).

Partisans like to ignore the fact that Clintons 'economy' was a completely false one or that Bush actually took over during a recession. Consequently, Bush gets 100% of the blame for the recession that he left but Clinton gets 0 for the one that he left. That makes complete sense to some I guess but to this person that looks mighty partisan...

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