When Biden Says ‘I’m Not Supposed to Answer Questions’, Who’s Ordering Him Around

Citation needed.
The comments were anonymously sourced in the Atlanta. They were allegations without citation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump defended himself Friday against accusations that he mocked American war dead as his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, intensified efforts to frame the election as a referendum on the president’s character.

The allegations, sourced anonymously in The Atlantic, describe multiple offensive comments by the president toward fallen and captured U.S. service-members, including calling World War I dead at an American military cemetery in France as “losers” and “suckers” in 2018. The reported comments, many of which were confirmed independently by the AP, are shining a fresh light on Trump’s previous public disparaging of American troops and military families and opening a new political vulnerability for the president less than two months from Election Day.

“This is more made up Fake News given by disgusting & jealous failures in a disgraceful attempt to influence the 2020 Election!” Trump tweeted late Thursday, as aides mounted a concerted defense of the president, with Trump’s campaign and allies taking to social media and broadcast interviews to denounce the report.

“I’ve done more for the military than almost anyone else,” he added Friday in the Oval Office.

The president was alleged to have made the comments as he was set to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery during a trip to France in Nov. 2018. The White House said the visit was scrubbed because foggy weather made the helicopter trip from Paris too risky and the 90-minute drive deemed infeasible.

If you have a video of Trump saying that, please provide a link to it. Otherwise it is just more fake news bullshit.
They couldn't get the first Women elected as President so they ran Biden, 25th later and bam, President Kamilia Harris first women/ whatever races she claims to be President

The elite and the inteligent people in the Democratic party knew that Biden's mental abilities were deteriorating so Republicans shouldn't be the ones to call for his removal. Let the left fall on the sword they created.
Some of the Prog women in power seem to get in from the back door. This is something the deep state would do.
That's not what I am seeing. When Biden took Office the members of the EU congratulated him and said they were glad to see America back.

The only person in the world not happy about it is Trump's boyfriend, Putin.
That was then. This is now.

Do try to keep up, doofus. Biden has revealed that he is a complete idiot within the past few months. The Brits know it. The Aussies know it. The entire G-7 leaders (minus Dumbo Biden) know it.

The fact that he makes that admission is an indication of his ongoing mental deterioration.
this is the second prez with mental health issues or too old , i dont think a leader should take office if there have serous issues with mental health , or over a certain age
The comments were anonymously sourced in the Atlanta. They were allegations without citation.

If you have a video of Trump saying that, please provide a link to it. Otherwise it is just more fake news bullshit.
Eyewitnesses within the White House claimed he did. So I trust the witnesses. Plus remember what Trump said about John McCain's experience in the service?

Donnie Bonespurs clearly doesn't respect military people.
Eyewitnesses within the White House claimed he did. So I trust the witnesses. Plus remember what Trump said about John McCain's experience in the service?

Donnie Bonespurs clearly doesn't respect military people.
Who? Give us some names.

If not, you have no source.

Oh, and Surrender Joe had just as many deferments during Viet Nam as Trump did.
Who? Give us some names.

If not, you have no source.

Oh, and Surrender Joe had just as many deferments during Viet Nam as Trump did.
Funny how you didn't have an answer about Trump's nasty response to McCain's military service.

But I am not surprised by that at all... Trumpies never can defend their stupidity.
That was then. This is now.

Do try to keep up, doofus. Biden has revealed that he is a complete idiot within the past few months. The Brits know it. The Aussies know it. The entire G-7 leaders (minus Dumbo Biden) know it.

All your sources are propaganda... fake news, lol.

You right wingers are so gullible and stupid.

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