When Biden Says ‘I’m Not Supposed to Answer Questions’, Who’s Ordering Him Around

Do you feel Biden handled Afghanistan well?
The evacuation?
When it's done it will have to be compared to other situations of a defeated army leaving a country.

If US losses stay close to the same then 'yes', he can be credited with pulling it off successflly.

If the US losses increase into the hundreds or even the thousands then he will be destsroyed by his own mind, and could conceivably resign.

Those two possibilities will dicatate the political spin that is successful on Biden.
No it's not. It's obvious Biden has some sort of mental issues going on (safe bet is dementia/Alzheimer's)

If you're too stupid to recognize it you're probably just another partisan.
I'm seeing something playing very heavily on Biden due to the chance that the evacuation could go horribly wrong. He's almost certainly being medicated to keep him together.

If it doesn't go horribly wrong then it will be politically spun in Biden's favour. 13 marines lost is nothing in comparison to other like situations of an army attempting to escape.
I'm seeing something playing very heavily on Biden due to the chance that the evacuation could go horribly wrong. He's almost certainly being medicated to keep him together.

If it doesn't go horribly wrong then it will be politically spun in Biden's favour. 13 marines lost is nothing in comparison to other like situations of an army attempting to escape.
The evacuation has already failed. There are still hundreds if not thousands of Americans citizens and American allies left in Afghanistan. They will either be executed or held hostage.

You are sick to say that the 13 American soldiers lost is nothing...compared to anything.

Your one correct statement is that Biden is being medicated. Not only is he being medicated to keep him together, he's being manipulated to do as he is told. He just can't refrain from revealing the fact that he's following instructions from his handlers.

Joe Biden's Crime Family administration is the biggest national security threat that we have today.

Family of Marine killed in Afghanistan slams Biden meeting as scripted, a ‘total disregard' to Marine's death​

You don't know what advisors are? You poor beknighted cultist..... :itsok:

In Washington, the staffers are effectively calling the shots. They're always there. Unlike politicians, they never leave. These special interest lobbyists work from one administraton to the other, developing policy.

To just say 'advisors' tells me that you've never been involved in politics beyond flling in your ballot.

You should just shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.

Ignorance and ego are a dangerous mixture. You make yourself look dumb.
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Yeah, I think so too. Between being hurt by the criticisms that the man they adore brought on himself, and the fact that they just can't believe that most of the country doesn't love him like they do, they're just lashing out.

You can tell by the way they try to use the same criticisms. Calling the Democrats' lukewarm and grudging support of Biden "cult-like", for example. Like their insecure hero, they'll just say anything and then instantly believe it.
This from a cultist who defends Xiden at every turn and is perfectly fine with Americans dying because of his terminal TDS. YOU share the blame for those deaths. But you’re too cowardly to own it.
We really should be taking a closer look at those shadowy figures that are around Biden. One of them is the real leader of this Administration.
The puppetmaster is not one hanging out that you could see. We should demand to know who it is.
I'm seeing something playing very heavily on Biden due to the chance that the evacuation could go horribly wrong. He's almost certainly being medicated to keep him together.

If it doesn't go horribly wrong then it will be politically spun in Biden's favour. 13 marines lost is nothing in comparison to other like situations of an army attempting to escape.

It's already went wrong and of course Biden is medicated

Wtf is the matter with you people?
He isn't a president, he is a mouthpiece. He is speaking for others in scripted and specific ways. Or if you will, he is just an actor in someone else's movie. Someone paid to follow someone else's script and read their dialogue.
Keep wearing your tin foil hat, hahaha.
Hardly a sign of a leader when he displays his puppet strings so often. Who’s dictating to the President on what he can do? We all know why they want Biden to remain in the bunker, but who’s the puppet master?

He doesn’t have time for questions. He doesn’t have time for dead Marines….
He doesn’t have time for questions. He doesn’t have time for dead Marines….
I'd rather have a president who doesn't say anything than one who sticks his foot in his mouth and sounds like a complete retard.


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