When can we discuss prostituion?

Even more to admit that he PREFERS just paying women to pretend they like him rather than making the effort to actually get them to like him.

I work with a guy..who is probably pretty normal looking..but a little "off" personally. He's a real nice person, was in the Air Force, and basically an all around good guy. But somehow women are extremely cruel to him. I don't get it. Perhaps because he is "to" nice to them..I dunno.

But he's never had a girlfriend..and it's not from lack of trying.

I hate to say it, but if women are ALWAYS cruel to him, then it IS something he's doing. As much as I personally don't care much for other women, I have to say that most of them are not actually cruel to men without a good reason.

Like being to nice. I've always done the "mix" which has worked well for me. Nice sometimes but not all the time.
By the way, when I told Sean about this thread, he said to tell you all that in my case, buying me dinner beforehand is less a case of "paying for sex" and more along the lines of "necessary carb-loading".

I'm not sure if I should be offended or flattered.
You know, I can kinda see the guy's side...

From Charlie Sheen, Hollywood's Philosopher King, after being found out as one of Heidi Fleiss's clients;

"I don't pay them to come to me. I pay them to go away."

After having Denise Richards, Charlie can do or say whatever he wants

By the way, when I told Sean about this thread, he said to tell you all that in my case, buying me dinner beforehand is less a case of "paying for sex" and more along the lines of "necessary carb-loading".
So he's admitting you do all the work? :eusa_eh:

Since I definitely don't, I think he's saying he finds himself needing all the energy he can get.
By the way, when I told Sean about this thread, he said to tell you all that in my case, buying me dinner beforehand is less a case of "paying for sex" and more along the lines of "necessary carb-loading".
So he's admitting you do all the work? :eusa_eh:

Since I definitely don't, I think he's saying he finds himself needing all the energy he can get.
What, you're not tight enough for him and it takes forever to get anywhere? :tongue:

'I can't feel a thing!'

Oh, yeah, THAT'S my objection to prostitution: I feel threatened by women who have nothing to market except their coochies.
Well, a "coochie" is a "coochie." If you've seen one you've pretty much seen them all. The objective in patronizing a commercial lady is imaginative stimuli and an orgasm (or plural, depending).

Where prostitutes are concerned the variety is vast, ranging from those who offer blowjobs in hallways and cars to those who accompany one on weekends at resort hotels. So it all depends on one's taste, inclination and/or pocketbook. The "coochie" is really the culminative accessory to whatever stimulus the individual woman has to offer in the way of physical and personal charm, technique and sophistication.

If you are really this clueless as to why people object to legalized prostitution, there's not a chance in hell you would understand even if I DID explain it to you.
Because your specialty is Bondage and Domination, a deviation which I have absolutely no interest in, it isn't likely that you could explain very much to me. Nor would I be at all interested.
Even more to admit that he PREFERS just paying women to pretend they like him rather than making the effort to actually get them to like him.
How do you know he wants sex from a woman who likes him? That's a very different kind of sex from that which is available from an attractive, impersonal, emotionally detached stranger. A woman who "likes" a man is very nice -- but not very exciting.

What do you suppose motivated a handsome, successful man like Hugh Grant to consort with a stereotypical streetwalker like Divine Brown while the gorgeous and refined Elizabeth Hurley was fully and completely available to him at home? What do you suppose motivates men like Charlie Sheen, Eliot Spitzer and countless other men who could snap their fingers and have women line up to "like" them yet they prefer the company of prostitutes.

I believe if you could understand that phenomenon you would be a much happier and fulfilled woman and you wouldn't be inclined to assume that all men who go shopping would prefer repetitive ennui. Some men do, some don't.
Samson, honey, have you been reading his posts?

"I am not very popular with women, so prostitutes make up a big part of my social life ( I am grateful for them)."

"I am a prostitute client to the core.
I really like them, and have much more in common with them than other women."

"I will be with prostitutes till the day I die, legal or not. The govenment might as well get their cut!"
Why do you find that so hard to accept?
It takes a pretty big man to admit that women don't like him so he uses hookers.

Even more to admit that he PREFERS just paying women to pretend they like him rather than making the effort to actually get them to like him.

I work with a guy..who is probably pretty normal looking..but a little "off" personally. He's a real nice person, was in the Air Force, and basically an all around good guy. But somehow women are extremely cruel to him. I don't get it. Perhaps because he is "to" nice to them..I dunno.

But he's never had a girlfriend..and it's not from lack of trying.
What do you mean by "cruel?" Please be more specific.
For so long, men have dated and married women who they really don't like.
Men did this to:

1. Create families (a socioeconomic expectation of society)
2. Secure a regular sex object.

There are many flaws to this model, and it has lead to many unhappy lives. The good thing is that neither of the 2 examples are relevant in the modern day and age.

Marriage rates are down, and expectations have shifted. With more single men in society it is simply inevitable that most will find themselves with prostitutes (at least sometimes, even if they refuse to admit it on a board like this).

Concerning men like Hugh Grant, we all act so surprised when they are outed. The stigma is sooo high for purchasing sex. If we stop and think about this it should scare us. We should be scared about a society that continues to harbor ethics inherited from the dark ages, most other old fashioned ethics were dropped long ago. Remember, not long ago it was illegal to be homosexual.

We should stop pretending that sex=love. I personally have never been in love, I suspect most men have not. It always amazes me how men have NO problem having sex with women they do not respect, but harbor fear for paying for sex from a women who might or might not be a stranger.

It would be nice to fall in love, but lets be practical. Men and women simply do not have very much in common.

When you add up the following things:
1. The internet
2. Globalization
3. Decreased marriage rates
4. Materialism
5. Hyper individualism
6. Global economic uncertainty
7. Reduced power and financial capacity of the state

All the signs lead one to believe that we could be about to enter what I call "The Golden Age of Sex Work."

Even more to admit that he PREFERS just paying women to pretend they like him rather than making the effort to actually get them to like him.
How do you know he wants sex from a woman who likes him? That's a very different kind of sex from that which is available from an attractive, impersonal, emotionally detached stranger. A woman who "likes" a man is very nice -- but not very exciting.
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I am a male in my 30s, I have been hiring prostitutes since I was 18.
I am not very popular with women, so prostitutes make up a big part of my social life ( I am grateful for them).

This activity is the only illegal thing that I do.


Why is there nowhere/no one that is willing to discuss decriminalizing this practice.

I search far and wide, I try Google, I look for phone numbers. No one is discussing this massive topic.


As loneliness and globalization increase, we will have a more acute needed for prostitutes. The supply and demand should both increase in tandem.

Can we start a conversation here on why and/or why not?
Is it time to zone, regulate and tax the hell out of the world's oldest profession?

Move to Nevada and your worries are over.
Nevada has put together an excellent system. Their brothels even offered to pay the state "sin taxes," but the state so far has refused them. The day that Nevada starts accepting special brothel taxes is the day when the game gets real!

The other 49 will fall to the pressure within a few short years.

Nevada is flat broke, so that day may come soon.

Concerning moving to Nevada, that could be nice, but Nevada is not my kind of place. I do not like deserts. I am much more of an east coast kind of guy, plus we have MORE prostitution (cumulative and per capita) on the east coast regardless of its legality.

The thing that gets me is this. Does anyone really think prostitution can be eliminated or even slowed down?

Move to Nevada and your worries are over. [/COLOR]
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You'll notice that I don't go to bars to pick up men, as I mentioned. That was a hypothetical example, but accurate as to what goes into that "buying women drinks" example that was offered from the woman's side of things.

As it was also a hypothetical response in terms of what women should do to avoid that sort of issue. I may go so far as considering starting a Nice Guy vs. Bad Boy thread to follow up on that line of discussion.

Even more to admit that he PREFERS just paying women to pretend they like him rather than making the effort to actually get them to like him.

For some of us, for different reasons we just understand that we are NOT what modern women are looking for in a relationship. With my physical appearance and personality, I understand that I am DEFINITELY NOT what most modern women are seeking, relationship-wise. So, if sex was an important thing to me (which it is not), I would likely find myself going down that same road, Cecilie.

I hate to say it, but if women are ALWAYS cruel to him, then it IS something he's doing. As much as I personally don't care much for other women, I have to say that most of them are not actually cruel to men without a good reason.

I think we could probably have a discussion about what a "good reason" is, Cecilie. I find, and have found for 15-20 years, that young women can exceptionally cruel in the dating world. I could post dozens of personal examples if you were to want backup on that.

By the way, when I told Sean about this thread, he said to tell you all that in my case, buying me dinner beforehand is less a case of "paying for sex" and more along the lines of "necessary carb-loading".

I'm not sure if I should be offended or flattered.

Be flattered. The carbs are only necessary when one is intending on doing a large amount of cardiovascular working out. It is a compliment, if a slightly odd one.
I am a male in my 30s, I have been hiring prostitutes since I was 18.
I am not very popular with women, so prostitutes make up a big part of my social life ( I am grateful for them).

This activity is the only illegal thing that I do.


Why is there nowhere/no one that is willing to discuss decriminalizing this practice.

I search far and wide, I try Google, I look for phone numbers. No one is discussing this massive topic.


As loneliness and globalization increase, we will have a more acute needed for prostitutes. The supply and demand should both increase in tandem.

Can we start a conversation here on why and/or why not?
Is it time to zone, regulate and tax the hell out of the world's oldest profession?

Move to Nevada and your worries are over.

Actually, you could just visit a few times a year.

I understand Heidi Fleiss is setting up a "Stud Ranch."

I've sent in my resume.:redface:
She is innocent (I think in her theories). Women often think that being a hetero male is easy and privileged. They often have a view that dealing with women is easy for ALL men.

Unfortunately, because they have never lived the experience, they simply have no idea what it is like for the hordes of men who cannot attract women no matter what they do.

For other males, they can attract women, but the women are often of low quality (looks and/or personality). This causes problems in relationships, when a man wakes up to realize that his girlfriend/wife is as dumb as a box of cereal, or that he really is not very sexually attracted to her.

I fear many men make ultra bad decisions on women by "taking what they can get". I just pray that they get out before its too late.

In the Netherlands, they boast one of Europe's highest marriage rates and lowest divorce rates, I think this is because prostitution is legal there. In other words men in the Netherlands NEVER marry for sex.
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She is innocent (I think in her theories). Women often think that being a hetero male is easy and privileged. They often have a view that dealing with women is easy for ALL men.

Unfortunately, because they have never lived the experience, they simply have no idea what it is like for the hordes of men who cannot attract women no matter what they do.

For other males, they can attract women, but the women are often of low quality (looks and/or personality). This causes problems in relationships, when a man wakes up to realize that his girlfriend/wife is as dumb as a box of cereal, or that he really is not very sexually attracted to her.

I fear many men make ultra bad decisions on women by "taking what they can get". I just pray that they get out before its too late.

In the Netherlands, they boast one of Europe's highest marriage rates and lowest divorce rates, I think this is because prostitution is legal there. In other words men in the Netherlands NEVER marry for sex.

I don't think dealing with women is easy at all. In fact, I tend to feel rather sorry for hetero men BECAUSE they have to deal with women.

Nevertheless, since you say that you've been patronizing prostitutes since you were 18, I have to wonder how much effort you've actually made in the direction of regular women. And honestly, I'm more than a little amused to be lectured about relationships by a man who, by his own admission, doesn't have any.

"I am a male in my 30s, I have been hiring prostitutes since I was 18.
I am not very popular with women, so prostitutes make up a big part of my social life ( I am grateful for them)."

I'm sure you make them enjoy their chosen profession.
She is innocent (I think in her theories). Women often think that being a hetero male is easy and privileged. They often have a view that dealing with women is easy for ALL men. ..

Dealing with women is often a challenge for OTHER WOMEN: I cannot conceive why they may think that dealing with women is easy for men.
True enough, I really do not put much effort into "regular women". And I was not trying to lecture you, forgive me if you felt offended.

Perhaps my argument was regular women might not be worth the effort.

Honestly, help me understand something.

Is the modern relationship a relic of times past? Should we move on to more efficient/profitable formats?

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