When Carson Takes A Commanding Lead, How Will Obama Attack Him? Rumble In The Jungle Part Two?

90 days, what?
90 days until Iowa. But the Carson documentary can be called "90 Days of the GOP Base Remembering they're Scared of Black People."
So, you're predicting he will be out of the race in 90 days?
I'm predicting that he won't be a serious contender in 90 days. If you interpret that as "out of the race" then my answer is yes.
Ok, I'll save the page and in February we'll see if you were right. Thanks.
Sure do it. I'll do my best to not feel bad for you when you're proven wrong. Because I can sense your optimism.
Why are you so hostile about it? If you're right, I'll give you credit for being right. What's the problem, do you take these things personally or something?
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

First of all, Obama isn't running. Secondly, Dems would probably like Carson as the Republican nominee even more so than Trump. Just because Carson says he can run the government on a 15% flat tax very softly doesn't make him smarter. It's still the dumbest thing he's said and he'll never be able to live it down because anyone with any sense at all knows a 15% flat tax would bankrupt this country.
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

First of all, Obama isn't running. Secondly, Dems would probably like Carson as the Republican nominee even more so than Trump. Just because Carson says he can run the government on a 15% flat tax very softly doesn't make him smarter. It's still the dumbest thing he's said and he'll never be able to live it down because anyone with any sense at all knows a 15% flat tax would bankrupt this country.
I think a $20 trillion debt is more likely to bankrupt the country.
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

First of all, Obama isn't running. Secondly, Dems would probably like Carson as the Republican nominee even more so than Trump. Just because Carson says he can run the government on a 15% flat tax very softly doesn't make him smarter. It's still the dumbest thing he's said and he'll never be able to live it down because anyone with any sense at all knows a 15% flat tax would bankrupt this country.
I think a $20 trillion debt is more likely to bankrupt the country.

Considering Republicans are responsible for the bulk of it, I certainly don't want to give the reigns to another one who will make things worse.
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

That's horseshit :banghead::bsflag: These polls are soooo screwed up. Anyone watching any debate knows that Ben Carson is no where near prime time ready to be POTUS.

Here's an great article on why these polls are soooo screwed up and the reason why. Makes sense.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

First of all, Obama isn't running. Secondly, Dems would probably like Carson as the Republican nominee even more so than Trump. Just because Carson says he can run the government on a 15% flat tax very softly doesn't make him smarter. It's still the dumbest thing he's said and he'll never be able to live it down because anyone with any sense at all knows a 15% flat tax would bankrupt this country.
I think a $20 trillion debt is more likely to bankrupt the country.

Considering Republicans are responsible for the bulk of it, I certainly don't want to give the reigns to another one who will make things worse.
Hey stupid, it was $10 trillion when Obama started his reign of error and it took over 200 years to get that high. Your commie buddy doubled it in 8 years. How are Republicans responsible for the bulk of it, idiot?
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

First of all, Obama isn't running. Secondly, Dems would probably like Carson as the Republican nominee even more so than Trump. Just because Carson says he can run the government on a 15% flat tax very softly doesn't make him smarter. It's still the dumbest thing he's said and he'll never be able to live it down because anyone with any sense at all knows a 15% flat tax would bankrupt this country.
I think a $20 trillion debt is more likely to bankrupt the country.

Considering Republicans are responsible for the bulk of it, I certainly don't want to give the reigns to another one who will make things worse.
Hey stupid, it was $10 trillion when Obama started his reign of error and it took over 200 years to get that high. Your commie buddy doubled it in 8 years. How are Republicans responsible for the bulk of it, idiot?

It was over $11 trillion with Bush's 2009 budget. Bush's 2009 budget set spending through the roof and that spending could not be reduced, so Bush gets the blame for most of it. Obama has stabilized spending, which actually has probably hurt the economy, but there wasn't much choice once Republicans took control of Congress. Bottom line is that Obama is bringing the deficit down each and every year since the economy began recovering. Reagan nearly doubled federal spending. GW Bush more than doubled federal spending. Obama will only increase spending by about 65% and that includes getting us through the worst recession we have seen since the Great Depression. Anyone who actually looks at the numbers factually will understand this.
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

First of all, Obama isn't running. Secondly, Dems would probably like Carson as the Republican nominee even more so than Trump. Just because Carson says he can run the government on a 15% flat tax very softly doesn't make him smarter. It's still the dumbest thing he's said and he'll never be able to live it down because anyone with any sense at all knows a 15% flat tax would bankrupt this country.
I think a $20 trillion debt is more likely to bankrupt the country.

Considering Republicans are responsible for the bulk of it, I certainly don't want to give the reigns to another one who will make things worse.
Hey stupid, it was $10 trillion when Obama started his reign of error and it took over 200 years to get that high. Your commie buddy doubled it in 8 years. How are Republicans responsible for the bulk of it, idiot?

It was over $11 trillion with Bush's 2009 budget. Bush's 2009 budget set spending through the roof and that spending could not be reduced, so Bush gets the blame for most of it. Obama has stabilized spending, which actually has probably hurt the economy, but there wasn't much choice once Republicans took control of Congress. Bottom line is that Obama is bringing the deficit down each and every year since the economy began recovering. Reagan nearly doubled federal spending. GW Bush more than doubled federal spending. Obama will only increase spending by about 65% and that includes getting us through the worst recession we have seen since the Great Depression. Anyone who actually looks at the numbers factually will understand this.
You think by resurrecting old talking points you're gonna somehow make a case that Obama hasn't driven the debt through the roof? "It's Bush's fault, it's Bush's fault"! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Obama won't have a problem attacking Carson. In fact, he'll enjoy it because of that prayer breakfast smack down Carson gave him.
This just in from Fox News. Carson has a commanding 35 point lead in all 58 States! and with Rubio as VP, Carson Beats Hillary in a 70/30 landslide!!
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"
Obabble will point out that he was a community organizer, while Ben was just a world renowned brain surgeon. The low info, astonishingly stupid libs will rally on that revelation.
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

That's horseshit :banghead::bsflag: These polls are soooo screwed up. Anyone watching any debate knows that Ben Carson is no where near prime time ready to be POTUS.

Here's an great article on why these polls are soooo screwed up and the reason why. Makes sense.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
We have heard all those excuses before but polling is actually getting better.

Right now things can change to much to predict what the outcome is going to be based off polling but trump certainly has lost ground to Carson. His lead used to be pretty massive and now they are very close. I don't think trump is going to make it but who else is there? The rest of the pack is trailing by a lot.
Obama will concentrate on congressional elections and allow the party's presidential nominee to conduct the campaign against Carson as she sees fit.
:afro: Now this will be an interesting debacle for whenever the day comes when Carson is the official/undisputed front runner maintaining a 10/12 point lead over Hillary, especially in all swing states.
You think Obama will try to take him out? Hmm, A Black Man VS Another Black Man?
Looks like Carson will be Ali, Obama is Frazier, and Obama will go down in round three via "The Carson Rope-A-Dope"

Obama isn't running, dumbass.

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