When cops hate one Amendment, they always hate others.

I posted a link in the OP. Cops have a 57% approval rating. The military has a higher rating, then again a lot of things have higher ratings. Firemen are consistently rated much higher. Then again, Firemen are unlikely to stand in front of a burning building and swear that it isn't on fire.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.
I posted a link in the OP. Cops have a 57% approval rating. The military has a higher rating, then again a lot of things have higher ratings. Firemen are consistently rated much higher. Then again, Firemen are unlikely to stand in front of a burning building and swear that it isn't on fire.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.

You haven't guessed right about me even once. You can't admit you made up the statements about me so you move along to new assumptions which are substantially no different than the first ones. But I expected no less from you.
I posted a link in the OP. Cops have a 57% approval rating. The military has a higher rating, then again a lot of things have higher ratings. Firemen are consistently rated much higher. Then again, Firemen are unlikely to stand in front of a burning building and swear that it isn't on fire.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.

You haven't guessed right about me even once. You can't admit you made up the statements about me so you move along to new assumptions which are substantially no different than the first ones. But I expected no less from you.
I'm going by your own words. People don't typically find apps or record cops unless there's a good reason.
I like cops watching, that's what we pay them for. I have no reason to watch or record them but obviously you do. I don't know what you're trying to get away with but I hope you get caught and justice served.
what you are is a moron of the absolute highest order. cops are NOTHING but armed government thugs with a license to kill if you don't obey a government edict, which includes any command from that government agent, legal or not. You consider yourself the 'quintessential' loyal citizen, but what you are is the submissive slave that the state wants us all to be. what you need to wake you the fuck up is to be the victim of a mistaken identity case where you get your ass beat beyond the ability to identify you and watch as every single cop that took a hit on you claims immunity, forcing you to either change your mind about them or be thankful that you're still alive despite the fact that your irrational mindset still considers them your invaluable protector.
Cops like to be the watchers, they don't like being watched.

It's their job to be the Watchers not the watched. The increa sing prevalence of body cams and dash cam video will soon reduce the number of new applicants to academies and leave our law enforcement organizations short staffed.

But that's what you want, isn't it? Short staffed and over scrutinized so they can't do their jobs effeciebtly ir effecttively.
I posted a link in the OP. Cops have a 57% approval rating. The military has a higher rating, then again a lot of things have higher ratings. Firemen are consistently rated much higher. Then again, Firemen are unlikely to stand in front of a burning building and swear that it isn't on fire.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.

You haven't guessed right about me even once. You can't admit you made up the statements about me so you move along to new assumptions which are substantially no different than the first ones. But I expected no less from you.
I'm going by your own words. People don't typically find apps or record cops unless there's a good reason.

Let's say I get a permit to carry a gun like more than a million Georgia Residents. Do they and would I be carrying hoping for a chance to pull the gun and shoot someone? Or would they be prepared for the possibility of a dangerous situation? Considering that concealed permit holders are about the least criminal group in the country and considering the low number of events where they pull or shoot we would have to say they are prepared but not anxious or hoping for a chance to pull the gun.

People put first aide kits in their homes and cars. They don't do this hoping to deal with arterial bleeding. They do it because accidents happen and a simple precaution and preparation before can save life or limb in an emergency. When your stove is on fire it is too late to go buy a fire extinguisher. But if we apply your logic then the only reason I have one in the kitchen is because I hope and pray for a chance to use it.

Applying your incredibly idiotic logic anyone who take any effort to prepare for an eventuality are looking for trouble. Unlike the gun my phone with its app can't hurt anyone. Unlike the first aide kit it can't save anyone either. What it can do is sit there ready like a first aide kit for when it is needed.

You just like to believe that anyone who isn't a cop lover and full throated supporter is a criminal. You want to make it seem unreasonable to have an app for something. So explain to me how an app is somehow provocative but a gun is reasonable. Explain how I am a troublemaker for having an app but a gun is a wise defensive choice.

As for me, I consider all of those things and then some to be a wise common sense precaution. I have food set aside for any storm that knocks power out for a few days. I have gas cans that are filled at the start of hurricane season. I keep enough food for my pets for a couple weeks in case of problems. But the app is outrageous. It's insane. It has upset you to no end. Corrupt cops don't bother you. Those god damned liberals are determined to screw everything up. How dare they expect cops to tell the truth?
It's their job to be the Watchers not the watched. The increa sing prevalence of body cams and dash cam video will soon reduce the number of new applicants to academies and leave our law enforcement organizations short staffed.

But that's what you want, isn't it? Short staffed and over scrutinized so they can't do their jobs effeciebtly ir effecttively.
it is NOT their job to be the watchers, moron. their ONLY job is to enforce the law as it is written. Not to make snap judgements about conduct they don't like or that a group of them don't like, nor is it their damned job to babysit the people. The ONLY reason you WANT them to be babysitters is because you don't trust your own idiotic conduct, so you don't trust that of others. you're incapable of reasoning and logical thought, prone to reaction, thus you project it on to everyone else.
Cops like to be the watchers, they don't like being watched.

It's their job to be the Watchers not the watched. The increa sing prevalence of body cams and dash cam video will soon reduce the number of new applicants to academies and leave our law enforcement organizations short staffed.

But that's what you want, isn't it? Short staffed and over scrutinized so they can't do their jobs effeciebtly ir effecttively.

Wait. You mean if we keep this up the number of psychotic thugs and pathological liars applying to be cops will drop?

Not really seeing a downside.
I posted a link in the OP. Cops have a 57% approval rating. The military has a higher rating, then again a lot of things have higher ratings. Firemen are consistently rated much higher. Then again, Firemen are unlikely to stand in front of a burning building and swear that it isn't on fire.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.

You haven't guessed right about me even once. You can't admit you made up the statements about me so you move along to new assumptions which are substantially no different than the first ones. But I expected no less from you.
I'm going by your own words. People don't typically find apps or record cops unless there's a good reason.

Let's say I get a permit to carry a gun like more than a million Georgia Residents. Do they and would I be carrying hoping for a chance to pull the gun and shoot someone? Or would they be prepared for the possibility of a dangerous situation? Considering that concealed permit holders are about the least criminal group in the country and considering the low number of events where they pull or shoot we would have to say they are prepared but not anxious or hoping for a chance to pull the gun.

People put first aide kits in their homes and cars. They don't do this hoping to deal with arterial bleeding. They do it because accidents happen and a simple precaution and preparation before can save life or limb in an emergency. When your stove is on fire it is too late to go buy a fire extinguisher. But if we apply your logic then the only reason I have one in the kitchen is because I hope and pray for a chance to use it.

Applying your incredibly idiotic logic anyone who take any effort to prepare for an eventuality are looking for trouble. Unlike the gun my phone with its app can't hurt anyone. Unlike the first aide kit it can't save anyone either. What it can do is sit there ready like a first aide kit for when it is needed.

You just like to believe that anyone who isn't a cop lover and full throated supporter is a criminal. You want to make it seem unreasonable to have an app for something. So explain to me how an app is somehow provocative but a gun is reasonable. Explain how I am a troublemaker for having an app but a gun is a wise defensive choice.

As for me, I consider all of those things and then some to be a wise common sense precaution. I have food set aside for any storm that knocks power out for a few days. I have gas cans that are filled at the start of hurricane season. I keep enough food for my pets for a couple weeks in case of problems. But the app is outrageous. It's insane. It has upset you to no end. Corrupt cops don't bother you. Those god damned liberals are determined to screw everything up. How dare they expect cops to tell the truth?
Your crybaby routine is boring. I'm going by my experience of many years and others so know you are full of shit. Go ahead and record away, you WILL get the attention you crave. Innocent people don't act like you, you're raising the bar of suspicion because cops live in the real world and have dealt with your type before. Crying about it here and to me won't change anything, it's no sweat off my nuts.
I like cops watching, that's what we pay them for. I have no reason to watch or record them but obviously you do. I don't know what you're trying to get away with but I hope you get caught and justice served.
what you are is a moron of the absolute highest order. cops are NOTHING but armed government thugs with a license to kill
Didn't make it past that. I'll be seeing you on Liveleak getting a hard face plant and I'll chuckle while sipping my morning brew.
I posted a link in the OP. Cops have a 57% approval rating. The military has a higher rating, then again a lot of things have higher ratings. Firemen are consistently rated much higher. Then again, Firemen are unlikely to stand in front of a burning building and swear that it isn't on fire.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.

You haven't guessed right about me even once. You can't admit you made up the statements about me so you move along to new assumptions which are substantially no different than the first ones. But I expected no less from you.
I'm going by your own words. People don't typically find apps or record cops unless there's a good reason.

Let's say I get a permit to carry a gun like more than a million Georgia Residents. Do they and would I be carrying hoping for a chance to pull the gun and shoot someone? Or would they be prepared for the possibility of a dangerous situation? Considering that concealed permit holders are about the least criminal group in the country and considering the low number of events where they pull or shoot we would have to say they are prepared but not anxious or hoping for a chance to pull the gun.

People put first aide kits in their homes and cars. They don't do this hoping to deal with arterial bleeding. They do it because accidents happen and a simple precaution and preparation before can save life or limb in an emergency. When your stove is on fire it is too late to go buy a fire extinguisher. But if we apply your logic then the only reason I have one in the kitchen is because I hope and pray for a chance to use it.

Applying your incredibly idiotic logic anyone who take any effort to prepare for an eventuality are looking for trouble. Unlike the gun my phone with its app can't hurt anyone. Unlike the first aide kit it can't save anyone either. What it can do is sit there ready like a first aide kit for when it is needed.

You just like to believe that anyone who isn't a cop lover and full throated supporter is a criminal. You want to make it seem unreasonable to have an app for something. So explain to me how an app is somehow provocative but a gun is reasonable. Explain how I am a troublemaker for having an app but a gun is a wise defensive choice.

As for me, I consider all of those things and then some to be a wise common sense precaution. I have food set aside for any storm that knocks power out for a few days. I have gas cans that are filled at the start of hurricane season. I keep enough food for my pets for a couple weeks in case of problems. But the app is outrageous. It's insane. It has upset you to no end. Corrupt cops don't bother you. Those god damned liberals are determined to screw everything up. How dare they expect cops to tell the truth?
Your crybaby routine is boring. I'm going by my experience of many years and others so know you are full of shit. Go ahead and record away, you WILL get the attention you crave. Innocent people don't act like you, you're raising the bar of suspicion because cops live in the real world and have dealt with your type before. Crying about it here and to me won't change anything, it's no sweat off my nuts.

Apparently it is. It bothers you tremendously. I'm glad.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.

You haven't guessed right about me even once. You can't admit you made up the statements about me so you move along to new assumptions which are substantially no different than the first ones. But I expected no less from you.
I'm going by your own words. People don't typically find apps or record cops unless there's a good reason.

Let's say I get a permit to carry a gun like more than a million Georgia Residents. Do they and would I be carrying hoping for a chance to pull the gun and shoot someone? Or would they be prepared for the possibility of a dangerous situation? Considering that concealed permit holders are about the least criminal group in the country and considering the low number of events where they pull or shoot we would have to say they are prepared but not anxious or hoping for a chance to pull the gun.

People put first aide kits in their homes and cars. They don't do this hoping to deal with arterial bleeding. They do it because accidents happen and a simple precaution and preparation before can save life or limb in an emergency. When your stove is on fire it is too late to go buy a fire extinguisher. But if we apply your logic then the only reason I have one in the kitchen is because I hope and pray for a chance to use it.

Applying your incredibly idiotic logic anyone who take any effort to prepare for an eventuality are looking for trouble. Unlike the gun my phone with its app can't hurt anyone. Unlike the first aide kit it can't save anyone either. What it can do is sit there ready like a first aide kit for when it is needed.

You just like to believe that anyone who isn't a cop lover and full throated supporter is a criminal. You want to make it seem unreasonable to have an app for something. So explain to me how an app is somehow provocative but a gun is reasonable. Explain how I am a troublemaker for having an app but a gun is a wise defensive choice.

As for me, I consider all of those things and then some to be a wise common sense precaution. I have food set aside for any storm that knocks power out for a few days. I have gas cans that are filled at the start of hurricane season. I keep enough food for my pets for a couple weeks in case of problems. But the app is outrageous. It's insane. It has upset you to no end. Corrupt cops don't bother you. Those god damned liberals are determined to screw everything up. How dare they expect cops to tell the truth?
Your crybaby routine is boring. I'm going by my experience of many years and others so know you are full of shit. Go ahead and record away, you WILL get the attention you crave. Innocent people don't act like you, you're raising the bar of suspicion because cops live in the real world and have dealt with your type before. Crying about it here and to me won't change anything, it's no sweat off my nuts.

Apparently it is. It bothers you tremendously. I'm glad.
How so? You don't have a grip on reality and you're the type that can ONLY learn through pain compliance.
You haven't guessed right about me even once. You can't admit you made up the statements about me so you move along to new assumptions which are substantially no different than the first ones. But I expected no less from you.
I'm going by your own words. People don't typically find apps or record cops unless there's a good reason.

Let's say I get a permit to carry a gun like more than a million Georgia Residents. Do they and would I be carrying hoping for a chance to pull the gun and shoot someone? Or would they be prepared for the possibility of a dangerous situation? Considering that concealed permit holders are about the least criminal group in the country and considering the low number of events where they pull or shoot we would have to say they are prepared but not anxious or hoping for a chance to pull the gun.

People put first aide kits in their homes and cars. They don't do this hoping to deal with arterial bleeding. They do it because accidents happen and a simple precaution and preparation before can save life or limb in an emergency. When your stove is on fire it is too late to go buy a fire extinguisher. But if we apply your logic then the only reason I have one in the kitchen is because I hope and pray for a chance to use it.

Applying your incredibly idiotic logic anyone who take any effort to prepare for an eventuality are looking for trouble. Unlike the gun my phone with its app can't hurt anyone. Unlike the first aide kit it can't save anyone either. What it can do is sit there ready like a first aide kit for when it is needed.

You just like to believe that anyone who isn't a cop lover and full throated supporter is a criminal. You want to make it seem unreasonable to have an app for something. So explain to me how an app is somehow provocative but a gun is reasonable. Explain how I am a troublemaker for having an app but a gun is a wise defensive choice.

As for me, I consider all of those things and then some to be a wise common sense precaution. I have food set aside for any storm that knocks power out for a few days. I have gas cans that are filled at the start of hurricane season. I keep enough food for my pets for a couple weeks in case of problems. But the app is outrageous. It's insane. It has upset you to no end. Corrupt cops don't bother you. Those god damned liberals are determined to screw everything up. How dare they expect cops to tell the truth?
Your crybaby routine is boring. I'm going by my experience of many years and others so know you are full of shit. Go ahead and record away, you WILL get the attention you crave. Innocent people don't act like you, you're raising the bar of suspicion because cops live in the real world and have dealt with your type before. Crying about it here and to me won't change anything, it's no sweat off my nuts.

Apparently it is. It bothers you tremendously. I'm glad.
How so? You don't have a grip on reality and you're the type that can ONLY learn through pain compliance.

Yikes. I'm so terrified.
More cops are using threats, violence, and false arrest to prevent video from being recorded, and even destroying phones to try and destroy the video. That's one of the reasons I use the ACLU app. The video is live streamed to the ACLU, and stored not on my phone, but on the computers of the ACLU. Destroy my phone, and the video still exists. I don't have it, or have access to it to delete it. I couldn't delete it no matter what you threatened me with.

Cops like to be the watchers, they don't like being watched.
I like cops watching, that's what we pay them for. I have no reason to watch or record them but obviously you do. I don't know what you're trying to get away with but I hope you get caught and justice served.

Let's say you go to the Hospital, and you are going for surgery. Instead of removing your Gall Bladder, the surgeon removes your Appendix. Would you say that you were satisfied? You paid him to perform an operation, and you should be happy right? So it was the wrong surgery, no big deal, it was a surgery right?

That is what you are saying. Just because the cops don't do what we are paying them to do, is no reason to get upset. They are doing something. That's enough. The only reason you could possibly be upset is if you are a criminal and hoping to get away with whatever. It could not possibly be that the Constitution matters to you, and truth matters. It must be that you are a criminal.

You go to the airport. You pay for a plane ticket to go from Los Angeles to New York. You get on the plane they tell you to, and instead of New York, they land you in Miami. You got a flight, you paid for a flight, what's the problem? Just because it wasn't what was agreed to is no reason to get upset. You shouldn't get a refund right? I mean, you flew didn't you?

That is what we are getting with the police. We are paying them, to obey and enforce the law within the rules and laws. When they don't do that, we the people paying them have a right to know, and a right to object. It's our money that funds them, and when they act it is in our name.
No, that's not what I'm saying. Not even close. You are illustrating the problem. You simply cannot process information before you. If a cop says stop, you hear go. If he asks for your license you hear an insult to your mother.

Like I said, I have no worries, you are clearly troubled by being caught or mishandled when you act up. Adults know how to act, you don't.
He has it in his head that the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule) is reversed when it comes to law enforcement that 80% of cops are bad and only 20% are good. He'll use Availability Heuristics to try and prove his point while all the time not realizing his attempts at proof only indict his bias.
I would actually say it is closer to 95% of cops beimg bent.
I posted a link in the OP. Cops have a 57% approval rating. The military has a higher rating, then again a lot of things have higher ratings. Firemen are consistently rated much higher. Then again, Firemen are unlikely to stand in front of a burning building and swear that it isn't on fire.
Police have been hammered by the leftist press. The same videos get play and replayed over and over and automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent and then it's barely mentioned. The fact is most people don't have problems with cops and some people have a lot of problems. I would not want to do their job and that's probably true most most people. You seem to enjoy fanning the flames, probably a road side lawyer that has bad encounters. I have no problems and my encounters have been them being helpful. We make our own destinies.
How old were you the first time you deep throated a nightstick?
More cops are using threats, violence, and false arrest to prevent video from being recorded, and even destroying phones to try and destroy the video. That's one of the reasons I use the ACLU app. The video is live streamed to the ACLU, and stored not on my phone, but on the computers of the ACLU. Destroy my phone, and the video still exists. I don't have it, or have access to it to delete it. I couldn't delete it no matter what you threatened me with.

Cops like to be the watchers, they don't like being watched.
I like cops watching, that's what we pay them for. I have no reason to watch or record them but obviously you do. I don't know what you're trying to get away with but I hope you get caught and justice served.

Let's say you go to the Hospital, and you are going for surgery. Instead of removing your Gall Bladder, the surgeon removes your Appendix. Would you say that you were satisfied? You paid him to perform an operation, and you should be happy right? So it was the wrong surgery, no big deal, it was a surgery right?

That is what you are saying. Just because the cops don't do what we are paying them to do, is no reason to get upset. They are doing something. That's enough. The only reason you could possibly be upset is if you are a criminal and hoping to get away with whatever. It could not possibly be that the Constitution matters to you, and truth matters. It must be that you are a criminal.

You go to the airport. You pay for a plane ticket to go from Los Angeles to New York. You get on the plane they tell you to, and instead of New York, they land you in Miami. You got a flight, you paid for a flight, what's the problem? Just because it wasn't what was agreed to is no reason to get upset. You shouldn't get a refund right? I mean, you flew didn't you?

That is what we are getting with the police. We are paying them, to obey and enforce the law within the rules and laws. When they don't do that, we the people paying them have a right to know, and a right to object. It's our money that funds them, and when they act it is in our name.
No, that's not what I'm saying. Not even close. You are illustrating the problem. You simply cannot process information before you. If a cop says stop, you hear go. If he asks for your license you hear an insult to your mother.

Like I said, I have no worries, you are clearly troubled by being caught or mishandled when you act up. Adults know how to act, you don't.
He has it in his head that the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule) is reversed when it comes to law enforcement that 80% of cops are bad and only 20% are good. He'll use Availability Heuristics to try and prove his point while all the time not realizing his attempts at proof only indict his bias.
I would actually say it is closer to 95% of cops beimg bent.
Of course you would........... but no one cares what you think. :thup:
Didn't make it past that. I'll be seeing you on Liveleak getting a hard face plant and I'll chuckle while sipping my morning brew.
so you're an exceptionally qualified moron of the highest order. most people stop believing in fairy tales during their early teens. congrats for keeping the fantasy alive in your own idiot mind.
How so? You don't have a grip on reality and you're the type that can ONLY learn through pain compliance.
lets talk reality for a minute........in YOUR mind, what are police officers? besides the 'watchers' as you called them. And if 'watchers' is all you actually have, point out what constitutional authority or power creates 'watchers'.
How so? You don't have a grip on reality and you're the type that can ONLY learn through pain compliance.
lets talk reality for a minute........in YOUR mind, what are police officers? besides the 'watchers' as you called them. And if 'watchers' is all you actually have, point out what constitutional authority or power creates 'watchers'.
I'm not the one that brought it up. But we have patrol officers. That's what they do, keep an eye on the neighborhood.

For me the police have helped me out on a business theft and home theft. For the business they were there before I knew what was going on and got the scumbag. I haven't had a speeding ticket in along time and before that even longer. But I was speeding. My point is if you are having problems with the police the police are not the problem. They are doing a job and if you're a jackass you'll likely get more attention. If you escalate they will escalate. Some go overboard but there's usually a reason.
I like cops watching, that's what we pay them for. I have no reason to watch or record them but obviously you do. I don't know what you're trying to get away with but I hope you get caught and justice served.

Let's say you go to the Hospital, and you are going for surgery. Instead of removing your Gall Bladder, the surgeon removes your Appendix. Would you say that you were satisfied? You paid him to perform an operation, and you should be happy right? So it was the wrong surgery, no big deal, it was a surgery right?

That is what you are saying. Just because the cops don't do what we are paying them to do, is no reason to get upset. They are doing something. That's enough. The only reason you could possibly be upset is if you are a criminal and hoping to get away with whatever. It could not possibly be that the Constitution matters to you, and truth matters. It must be that you are a criminal.

You go to the airport. You pay for a plane ticket to go from Los Angeles to New York. You get on the plane they tell you to, and instead of New York, they land you in Miami. You got a flight, you paid for a flight, what's the problem? Just because it wasn't what was agreed to is no reason to get upset. You shouldn't get a refund right? I mean, you flew didn't you?

That is what we are getting with the police. We are paying them, to obey and enforce the law within the rules and laws. When they don't do that, we the people paying them have a right to know, and a right to object. It's our money that funds them, and when they act it is in our name.
No, that's not what I'm saying. Not even close. You are illustrating the problem. You simply cannot process information before you. If a cop says stop, you hear go. If he asks for your license you hear an insult to your mother.

Like I said, I have no worries, you are clearly troubled by being caught or mishandled when you act up. Adults know how to act, you don't.
He has it in his head that the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule) is reversed when it comes to law enforcement that 80% of cops are bad and only 20% are good. He'll use Availability Heuristics to try and prove his point while all the time not realizing his attempts at proof only indict his bias.
I would actually say it is closer to 95% of cops beimg bent.
Of course you would........... but no one cares what you think. :thup:
You a cop, or just a badge bunny?

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