When Darrel Wilson is JUSTLY not charged - Will...


Apr 22, 2007
...liberals apologize for all the whites that are attacked and murdered by black racist? Will the apologize for the rioting and destruction of their own communities?

Probably!!! How time have changed. Liberals and blacks would rather string up and lynch and innocent man because of his skin color!
nope, you are the lynch and torture fan, and all of your ilk back to the 1868 and the beginning of the klan.

Show us where "Liberals and blacks would rather string up and lynch and innocent man because of his skin color". You mean that literally, klansman. Step off, son.
nope, you are the lynch and torture fan, and all of your ilk back to the 1868 and the beginning of the klan.

Show us where "Liberals and blacks would rather string up and lynch and innocent man because of his skin color". You mean that literally, klansman. Step off, son.
Ohh I don't know the demand that the UN arrest Wilson without even a hearing, any evidence presented or facts pretty much says it all. Not to mention the white protester beaten senseless by 6 blacks at a protest meeting says a lot too.
nope, you are the lynch and torture fan, and all of your ilk back to the 1868 and the beginning of the klan.

Show us where "Liberals and blacks would rather string up and lynch and innocent man because of his skin color". You mean that literally, klansman. Step off, son.

Zimmerman, Duke LaCrosse, Wilson Case etc. They rather have innocent whites hanging from trees, then innocent white freed for crimes they didn't commit!
nope, you are the lynch and torture fan, and all of your ilk back to the 1868 and the beginning of the klan.

Show us where "Liberals and blacks would rather string up and lynch and innocent man because of his skin color". You mean that literally, klansman. Step off, son.

Zimmerman, Duke LaCrosse, Wilson Case etc. They rather have innocent whites hanging from trees, then innocent white freed for crimes they didn't commit!

Who would " have innocent whites hanging from trees"?

Are your racial crimes and history haunting you?

You afraid they are coming for you?
There is some reason why hospitals including children's hospitals are on their hit list. The protesters are certainly coming after someone. Maybe it's time to end the racial strife once and for all, winner take all. Knock down and drag out open warfare.
nope, you are the lynch and torture fan, and all of your ilk back to the 1868 and the beginning of the klan.

Show us where "Liberals and blacks would rather string up and lynch and innocent man because of his skin color". You mean that literally, klansman. Step off, son.

Do you really believe those rioting would be doing the same thing had the cop been black?
nope, you are the lynch and torture fan, and all of your ilk back to the 1868 and the beginning of the klan.

Show us where "Liberals and blacks would rather string up and lynch and innocent man because of his skin color". You mean that literally, klansman. Step off, son.

Zimmerman, Duke LaCrosse, Wilson Case etc. They rather have innocent whites hanging from trees, then innocent white freed for crimes they didn't commit!
Yeah...all those horrible riots after the Zimmerman verdict.
This situation is what counts, not if the cop had been black. That is for a 7th grade 5-minute discussion break.
Rotagailla, Tuckwolf, backed down earlier in the thread when called out on his threats, so understand he just barks from behind the fence.

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