Zone1 When did Judaism emerge?

The author thinks it was the second half of the second century BCE... with the Hasmodians in reaction to Antiochus IV Epiphanies' efforts to Hellenize the Jews.

Israel Finkelstein agrees sort of. .. that it began to emerge after the Babylonian exile.
My understanding is that one Canaanite tribe established a covenant with one of the Canaanite gods of their pantheon. This likely happened about 3,000 years ago. They would only worship that one god though they accepted there were others. Since paganism was very transactional, they were dedicated to the covenant when things were going well for them but tended to worship other gods when the times were not so good. I think they only became a true monotheistic religion in response to the rise of Christianity and its' stronger monotheism. IMHO.
My understanding is that one Canaanite tribe established a covenant with one of the Canaanite gods of their pantheon. This likely happened about 3,000 years ago. They would only worship that one god though they accepted there were others. Since paganism was very transactional, they were dedicated to the covenant when things were going well for them but tended to worship other gods when the times were not so good. I think they only became a true monotheistic religion in response to the rise of Christianity and its' stronger monotheism. IMHO.
Christianity is not monotheistic like Judiasm since it places the idol Jesus in front of g-d and further worship a three part triune godhead... Therefore stating Christianity has a stronger monotheism is far far from the truth... Further I find other errors in what you have stated but I am not interested in having a long drawn out conversation over items regarding the use of a three thousand year time frame...
Christianity is not monotheistic like Judiasm since it places the idol Jesus in front of g-d and further worship a three part triune godhead... Therefore stating Christianity has a stronger monotheism is far far from the truth... Further I find other errors in what you have stated but I am not interested in having a long drawn out conversation over items regarding the use of a three thousand year time frame...

You didn't read it either.

The author thinks it was the second half of the second century BCE... with the Hasmodians in reaction to Antiochus IV Epiphanies' efforts to Hellenize the Jews.

Israel Finkelstein agrees sort of. .. that it began to emerge after the Babylonian exile.
Surada are you using this post to teach or just stir up crap and denigrate like you used to in the past...If it is an open sincere discussion then I welcome it... If not the it will be dealt with accordingly by if not me the others...

The author thinks it was the second half of the second century BCE... with the Hasmodians in reaction to Antiochus IV Epiphanies' efforts to Hellenize the Jews.

Israel Finkelstein agrees sort of. .. that it began to emerge after the Babylonian exile.
You are very selective with your articles, Ms. Phony.
The Temple has been excavated 18 levels and still going on and the dates are correct.
You are very selective with your articles, Ms. Phony.
The Temple has been excavated 18 levels and still going on and the dates are correct.
Man made time frames are always getting pushed back for example it was thought mankind first started using fire for cooking some 170000 years ago but there was an article that came out yesterday that pushed back the date to nearly 800000 years ago in ancient Israel where they where using clay stoves if my memory serves me correctly... My point is Surada can search for a time frame when “Judiasm” emerged and all the “ experts” can agree and then some other evidence will come along to completely make a mockery of their concepts and thinking....It is rather humorous...
The source says 4000 years:
The source says 4000 years:

Yes. History and archaeology.
Surada are you using this post to teach or just stir up crap and denigrate like you used to in the past...If it is an open sincere discussion then I welcome it... If not the it will be dealt with accordingly by if not me the others...

The authors are reputable.. Israel's finest scholars and archaeologists.
The authors are reputable.. Israel's finest scholars and archaeologists.
I posted from the site and an educational site, also reputable.

I’m not sure of your point, unless it’s to lessen the claims of Jews. I remember when you came out with an article saying Jews were never slaves in Egypt and didn’t wander in the desert - and you did so on Passover, right after Jews celebrated our redemption by G-d. Sort of a slap in the face.

If I didn’t know, I’d think you’re looking for ways to discredit the Jews.

When did Judaism emerge?​

in regards to preeminence ...

In July 2018, scientists reported that the earliest life on land may have been bacteria 3.22 billion years ago.

the advent of physiology and its unique spiritual content from the beginning on earth ~ 3 billion years ago and its persistence through evolution to the present day would seem to preclude as meaningful any particular religion involving only humanity as scriptural religions to be nefarious at best and surly incapable of understanding the heavenly source of life that is the primary goal and in all likelihood amounts to a single explanation as there being only one true religion.

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