Zone1 When did Judaism emerge?

are you speaking to yourself, clyde -

the tablets etched in the heavens claimed by moses - - that not only were not delivered ... but never existed.

prove your own maxim and provide the tablets claimed by moses etched w/ 10 commandments from the heavens. who himself was a murderer - and are the monotheistic basis for all three desert religions and the subliminal state of servitude they impose. used for centuries to persecute and victimize the innocent - without remorse or correction to the present time.

How many times have you presented this circular argument.....without ever adding any new evidence? AD NAUSAEM. Why? Because you can't add negative evidence. 0 + 0 = 0

SOCK PUPPET: Sock puppet account - Wikipedia

Again with the "mule attempting to push the plow"? A logical fallacy...............your absence of evidence is not evidence of absensive, especially when there is a documented running history that provides the "prima facie" evidence of existence.

Example of double standard ....i.e., hypocrisy used by all secular humanists. Cosmology: The study of the Universe. You present nothing but "prima facie" evidence in the hope that theories such as the Big Bang will someday (SOMEDAY....future evidence) be proven via findings of new facts, a theory is simply an idea based upon the available evidence that exists today that is not sufficent to prove a theory to be a LAW of PHYSICS. Just as described by S. Hawking and Carl Sagan, "Science is a way of THINKING, and error correcting process by which we figure out what is truth and what is not." -- Carl Sagan.

Example: When I was a child it was taught/instructed as truth that the earth was 1 billion years old.......magically a few decades later.....this (wink,wink) truth has been seems the earth has aged to over 3 billion years in those few decades. Which one is true and which one is a lie based upon the logic of reasoning?

All you need to do is prove your negative and prove the non-existence of the stone tablets documented in the Holy Bible.

How do you prove a negative? You cannot. You can't aruge that something does not exist because you claim they have not been found. YET: UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. This does not eliminate future evidence from existing.....unless you are claiming a gift of "pre-cognition" :abgg2q.jpg: Just as Carl Sagan and S. Hawking claim truth based upon nothing but prima facie evidences....I claim truth becuase of the prima facie that exists as a history found in the Holy Bible. Prove me wrong.

As with all secular types that attempt to engage in deciet by hoping those you are addressing are as dumb as a rock.......where I am from, we call such an attempt at deciet.......:CIRCULAR always end up where you begin, void of any new evidence being added. Why? Because when you begin with -0- you end up with -0-

Subjectively claiming truth does not present evidence of truth. Truth is objective and testable via an evidential demonstration of facts. You are yet to prove these tablets never existed. Why? Because you present no evidences of attempt to define truth via presenting a LACK OF EVIDENCE..........a negative logical fallacy.

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How many times have you presented this circular argument.....without ever adding any new evidence? AD NAUSAEM. Why? Because you can't add negative evidence. 0 + 0 = 0

SOCK PUPPET: Sock puppet account - Wikipedia

Again with the "mule attempting to push the plow"? A logical fallacy...............your absence of evidence is not evidence of absensive, especially when there is a documented running history that provides the "prima facie" evidence of existence.

Example of double standard ....i.e., hypocrisy used by all secular humanists. Cosmology: The study of the Universe. You present nothing but "prima facie" evidence in the hope that theories such as the Big Bang will someday (SOMEDAY....future evidence) be proven via findings of new facts, a theory is simply an idea based upon the available evidence that exists today that is not sufficent to prove a theory to be a LAW of PHYSICS. Just as described by S. Hawking and Carl Sagan, "Science is a way of THINKING, and error correcting process by which we figure out what is truth and what is not." -- Carl Sagan.

Example: When I was a child it was taught/instructed as truth that the earth was 1 billion years old.......magically a few decades later.....this (wink,wink) truth has been seems the earth has aged to over 3 billion years in those few decades. Which one is true and which one is a lie based upon the logic of reasoning?

All you need to do is prove your negative and prove the non-existence of the stone tablets documented in the Holy Bible.

How do you prove a negative? You cannot. You can't aruge that something does not exist because you claim they have not been found. YET: UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. This does not eliminate future evidence from existing.....unless you are claiming a gift of "pre-cognition" :abgg2q.jpg: Just as Carl Sagan and S. Hawking claim truth based upon nothing but prima facie evidences....I claim truth becuase of the prima facie that exists as a history found in the Holy Bible. Prove me wrong.

As with all secular types that attempt to engage in deciet by hoping those you are addressing are as dumb as a rock.......where I am from, we call such an attempt at deciet.......:CIRCULAR always end up where you begin, void of any new evidence being added. Why? Because when you begin with -0- you end up with -0-

Subjectively claiming truth does not present evidence of truth. Truth is objective and testable via an evidential demonstration of facts. You are yet to prove these tablets never existed. Why? Because you present no evidences of attempt to define truth via presenting a LACK OF EVIDENCE..........a negative logical fallacy.

are you speaking to yourself, clyde -
prove your own maxim and provide the tablets claimed by moses etched w/ 10 commandments from the heavens.

from your posts length alone its obvious you lack the proof requested ... and proof again they never existed.
Of course :abgg2q.jpg: ........any excuse is better than none. Still. -0- + -0- = -0-
you're not very bright and growing dimmer w/ every post ... as well your equation bears the proof for their claim, a subliminal admission for their deception. and so also the other desert religions.
you're not very bright and growing dimmer w/ every post ... as well your equation bears the proof for their claim, a subliminal admission for their deception. and so also the other desert religions.
:auiqs.jpg:As demonstrated I'm smart enough to jerk your chain.
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too bad for you clyde - good luck.

Reprobate: a person void of moral scruples. "Thinking themselves wise.......they became fools" -- Romans 1:22 appears that you will never be able to prosecute your logical fallacy that absence of evidence is evidence of absence, especially when the Holy Bible is filled with "prima facie" evidence documenting the existence of your logical fallacy. Are all leftists as dumb as the stone the 10 commandents are written on? If I were a criminal.........I would hope that someone like you would be the "prosecutor". :eusa_wall:

Your major problem? The existence or non existence of the stone tablets are "moot" to the religion of the stone tablets were expressly recorded as a Law for only one nation........the nation of Biblical Israel. A belief/faith in Jesus Christ is not mentioned anywhere in the 10 commandments......if they (the stone tablets) could save anyone......Jesus' death, burrial and resurrection would have been included on those stone tablets and Israel would still be the only nation on earth with the possiblity of salvation by burning animals at an altar every year.

The tablets contained a list of eternally righteous acts of morality as defined by God to the nation of Biblicial no other nation on earth, they did not apply to the previous generations the preceeded Moses......not to any future generations other than to the nation of Biblical Israel.....and God declared they were but temporay and would be replaced by Laws written on the heart of mankind (Jer.31:31-34) all the morally righteous laws of Biblical Israel were carried forward in the heart of Christians.....all 10 commandments save 1......sabbath worship, a Christian's sabbath comes when the race called life is over. The stone tablets are no longer required.

As stated, God made it clear..........these stone tablets applied only to Biblical Israel......not to Abraham's generation, not to the Christian generations that included the World of gentiles (all nations other than Israel) -- Deut. 5:1-5

Perhaps you can't find your fallacy because God destroyed the barrier (the Laws written on Stone), tore down the wall :eusa_wall: of separation that stood between the nation of Biblical Israel and the rest of the we use the O.T. as nothing more than a history lesson that leads us to the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus nailed those stone tablets to His Cross (Col. 2:14, Eph. 2:14-15). God likes nothing better than to confuse the simple minded smart people of the world by preaching the Cross, they find it foolish, and God laughs at their ignornce and turns them over to their "reprobate mind". (1 Cor. 1:18)
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Reprobate: a person void of moral scruples. "Thinking themselves wise.......they became fools" -- Romans 1:22 appears that you will never be able to prosecute your logical fallacy that absence of evidence is evidence of absence, especially when the Holy Bible is filled with "prima facie" evidence documenting the existence of your logical fallacy. Are all leftists as dumb as the stone the 10 commandents are written on? If I were a criminal.........I would hope that someone like you would be the "prosecutor". :eusa_wall:

Your major problem? The existence or non existence of the stone tablets are "moot" to the religion of the stone tablets were expressly recorded as a Law for only one nation........the nation of Biblical Israel. A belief/faith in Jesus Christ is not mentioned anywhere in the 10 commandments......if they (the stone tablets) could save anyone......Jesus' death, burrial and resurrection would have been included on those stone tablets and Israel would still be the only nation on earth with the possiblity of salvation by burning animals at an altar every year.

The tablets contained a list of eternally righteous acts of morality as defined by God to the nation of Biblicial no other nation on earth, they did not apply to the previous generations the preceeded Moses......not to any future generations other than to the nation of Biblical Israel.....and God declared they were but temporay and would be replaced by Laws written on the heart of mankind (Jer.31:31-34) all the morally righteous laws of Biblical Israel were carried forward in the heart of Christians.....all 10 commandments save 1......sabbath worship, a Christian's sabbath comes when the race called life is over. The stone tablets are no longer required.

As stated, God made it clear..........these stone tablets applied only to Biblical Israel......not to Abraham's generation, not to the Christian generations that included the World of gentiles (all nations other than Israel) -- Deut. 5:1-5

Perhaps you can't find your fallacy because God destroyed the barrier (the Laws written on Stone), tore down the wall :eusa_wall: of separation that stood between the nation of Biblical Israel and the rest of the we use the O.T. as nothing more than a history lesson that leads us to the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus nailed those stone tablets to His Cross (Col. 2:14, Eph. 2:14-15). God likes nothing better than to confuse the simple minded smart people of the world by preaching the Cross, they find it foolish, and God laughs at their ignornce and turns them over to their "reprobate mind". (1 Cor. 1:18)

When did Judaism emerge?​ the stone tablets were expressly recorded as a Law for only one nation........the nation of Biblical Israel.
A belief/faith in Jesus Christ is not mentioned anywhere in the 10 commandments......

well, lying is not mentioned by the 10 either - moses ... etched tablets from the heavens - expressly recorded.

there will never be a messiah, that is what a&e decided by their decision for all beings to be responsible for their own self determination.

all three desert religions claim authenticity for the etched tablets - that never existed - to say otherwise is to be disingenuous at best.

When did Judaism emerge?​

well, lying is not mentioned by the 10 either - moses ... etched tablets from the heavens - expressly recorded.

there will never be a messiah, that is what a&e decided by their decision for all beings to be responsible for their own self determination.

all three desert religions claim authenticity for the etched tablets - that never existed - to say otherwise is to be disingenuous at best.
Professing to be wise, they became fools". I have never professed to the faith of "Judaism". I am a Christian I do not require physical anchors, the Kingdom of Christ is Spiritual, concerning itself with the Spirit/Soul of man. There is no hope for the reprobate whose soul God denies, as the reprobate denies God. (Romans 1:28)

You need to find a "JEW" or a "MUSLIM" "Jehovah's Witness" "Mormon".....etc., to pitch your logical fallacy.To me? its 'moot', I have come to the knowledge of the truth. The old law was never intended to apply to a Christian. (Deut. 5:1-5), I most certainly was not "standing there on that day, the tables came down from mt. Sinai".

Jesus came to "fulfill" the old law in order to establish an "everlasting" kingdom with a new covenant (Heb. 10:9, Jer. 31:31-34) You can't deny that kingdom, it encompasses over 1/3 of the total population of the world. And you claim there is no can't see the forest for the trees. :blues: the blind leading the blind.

As for me.......something you apparently can't might as well shadow box against the wind. The Stone Tablets, regardless of the fact they can't be found because God does not want them found no longer applies. God is playing games with the simple minded reprobates. Question? You claim life came from nature by natural means......yet when natural science is applied.....YOU CAN'T find the spark that animates dead matter into living flesh.......but, you still claim that life is a product of nature.......without finding that spark that generates life from non living absence of evidence is evidence of absence for the atheist? If not, why not? :abgg2q.jpg: Professing to be wise.......demonstrate to me that nature can create life from dead matter as it must have if what you profess to be actually truth. You do not even possess the "prima facie" evidence to suggest this might be true. Your faith is "BLIND".

If anyone attempts to actually live by the letter of the O.T. law, "Christ has become of no effect to you, ye who seek to be justified by the Law, Ye are fallen from grace." -- Gal. 5:4 Your stone tablets are moot today. Your lack of faith (based upon negative or no evidence)......can never destroy the faith of another. Ain't free will a grand thing?;) Even if it is presented in a hypocritical manner (what applies to me don't apply to you....your faith based claim that life does not require a creator? Really? But I need to prove your negative argument...why? Because you can't objectively disprove MY FAITH. How can you hope to engage in a Spiritual Battle of wits......when you are not in possession of a Spirit? You talk in never ending circles.........
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And you've always been and always will be a mentally ill parrot.

- speaking for yourself, by the way ...

Moses was destroyed when the temple was destroyed.

I didn't say he died then. The Law was destroyed then.

well, don't feel too bad - if that were the big-10 they never existed in the 1st place - from heaven - funny though they are still in the desert books ... and they still do not see their evil intent to subjugate the innocent. much less the monotheism silliness ...
- speaking for yourself, by the way ...

well, don't feel too bad - if that were the big-10 they never existed in the 1st place - from heaven - funny though they are still in the desert books ... and they still do not see their evil intent to subjugate the innocent. much less the monotheism silliness ...

You are yet to prove that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Its a logical fallacy used by the reprobates of the pretend to have evidence by things that you are not in possession of.......all you have are accusations void of any objective evidences. LOL. Have you found a Jew to argue with yet? A Muslim.......the RCC.......anyone that accepts falsehoods as truth?
You are yet to prove that absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Its a logical fallacy used by the reprobates of the pretend to have evidence by things that you are not in possession of.......all you have are accusations void of any objective evidences. LOL. Have you found a Jew to argue with yet? A Muslim.......the RCC.......anyone that accepts falsehoods as truth?

well, you have covered the playing field as far as scriptural religions and those that adhere to them ...

all three desert religions claim authenticity from the etched tablets - that never existed - to say otherwise is to be disingenuous at best.

those 10 are used to persecute and victimize the innocent as well the other 650 written in their books - the very reason a&e choose to find the truth and true paradise than a mirage based on self interest - clyde.

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