Zone1 When did Judaism emerge?

I did, please don't mess with something you are not capable of comprehending, I like you Lisa
Well thank you.

Anything that is beyond my comprehension, I just won’t comprehend. Sounds like you came away from your studies with some odd ideas.
I can believe it. I once asked the Rabbi about whether something was a Mitzvah or a commandment, and he took an hour to give me the answer!
The word M'tzvah...
The leading Mem is an accelerator which infers something is causing something to happen.
The word tzvah mean a connector.
Hashem causes us to connect to Him by performing certain actions.

There is no word for Command in Hebrew.
The word M'tzvah...
The leading Mem is an accelerator which infers something is causing something to happen.
The word tzvah mean a connector.
Hashem causes us to connect to Him by performing certain actions.

There is no word for Command in Hebrew.
Very interesting….thanks.

My Rabbi essentially said that commandment and Mitzvah are the same, although I’m simplifying things.
No it was taking on the devil, I had 6 bibles opened up, next thing I knew I was passed out in this bathroom, I threw up all over myself and pooped my pants ,Lisa don't go to deep, I am warning you
The word Devil comes from the Aramaic word D'evil, mentioned in the Talmud many times, meaning someone who purposely defies God's will.
The Sah-Tahn is a force created by God to strengthen our desire to cling to God's will as opposed to giving in to our own desires.
Very interesting….thanks.

My Rabbi essentially said that commandment and Mitzvah are the same, although I’m simplifying things.
Your Rabbi is correct colloquially, but the word commandment omits the fact that God is the accelerator between you and God.
Commandment is a harsh word while M'tzvah is a yearning word.

The author thinks it was the second half of the second century BCE... with the Hasmodians in reaction to Antiochus IV Epiphanies' efforts to Hellenize the Jews.

Israel Finkelstein agrees sort of. .. that it began to emerge after the Babylonian exile.
Jews date back to Jacob, which the article doesn't dispute.

The piece suggests only that for much of their history, many Jews (and Israelites, for that matter) were oblivious to codified Jewish custom.
Jews date back to Jacob, which the article doesn't dispute.

The piece suggests only that for much of their history, many Jews (and Israelites, for that matter) were oblivious to codified Jewish custom.
They were a close unit; they lived by the law.
I get a different vibe.

The core community may have honored Moses (or tried to), but they were largely dispersed, and the kingdom split into northern and southern territories.
Which culminated in the 2nd Temple being destroyed and the beginning of the codification of law.
What codification? When the second temple was destroyed, so was Moses.
Moshe dies at the end of the Torah.
For centuries there were debates about how we do certain particular activities.
The first Temple was built a little more that 400 years after Moshe passed away and the next Temple was 70 years later.
The word Devil comes from the Aramaic word D'evil, mentioned in the Talmud many times, meaning someone who purposely defies God's will.
The Sah-Tahn is a force created by God to strengthen our desire to cling to God's will as opposed to giving in to our own desires.
Well one could say that G-d is the G-d of LIFE or LiVED the opposite would be the DEVIL( LIVED) it is a play on words or a mirror opposite since the Torah is a tree of Life to those that hold to it while others preferred another Tree but this one of death .. After all you shall know them( who you are dealing with) by the Fruit( the teachings) they bare..
Moshe dies at the end of the Torah.
For centuries there were debates about to do certain particular activities.
The first Temple was built a little more that 400 years after Moshe passed away and the next Temple was 70 years later.
Yes, the end of Deuteronomy Moses dies.

In AD 70, the Law ended. Moses was destroyed with the temple.
Well one could say that G-d is the G-d of LIFE or LiVED the opposite would be the DEVIL( LIVED) it is a play on words or a mirror opposite since the Torah is a tree of Life to those that hold to it while others preferred another Tree but this one of death .. After all you shall know them( who you are dealing with) by the Fruit( the teachings) they bare..
The Aitz (Tree) Ha (THE)'Daos (Personal Perception)...
Daos is how you understand and implement your acquired knowledge.
Personal Perception gets in the way of God's gift of the lifeforce.
Yes, the end of Deuteronomy Moses dies.

In AD 70, the Law ended. Moses was destroyed with the temple.
What the heck are you talking about?
After Moshe dies, God command Joshua to ensure that the Torah is studied and implemented.
Every leader after that did exactly that.
What the heck are you talking about?
After Moshe dies, God command Joshua to ensure that the Torah is studied and implemented.
Every leader after that did exactly that.
What are you talking about? The beginning of the codification of law was at the destruction of the second temple in AD 70?


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