Zone1 When did Judaism emerge?

No I didn't.

Discern. Critical reading involves discernment.

Moses was destroyed when the temple was destroyed.

I didn't say he died then. The Law was destroyed then.
No, it wasn't.
Unless you're a Christian and you don't realize the New Testament has tons of Commandments that you're not following.
Can you show me in one of these encyclopedias where codification of The Law began in AD 70?

For the second time.
I will presume you are not illiterate.
Look up Sanhedrin.
If you don't find it, you shouldn't be allowed to use the Internet.

I presume you have heard of Google.
I don't want to be mean but is English your 1st language?
The word Devil comes from the Aramaic word D'evil, mentioned in the Talmud many times, meaning someone who purposely defies God's will.
The Sah-Tahn is a force created by God to strengthen our desire to cling to God's will as opposed to giving in to our own desires.
Thats why I love you, way smarter than i
Knowledge is not savvy.
Savvy is how one uses the knowledge.
You’re depressing me. I see I have SO much more to learn, and I’m already in my 60s. It’s an impossible endeavor. I just sent an email to the Rabbi cancelling my participation in his class.

The author thinks it was the second half of the second century BCE... with the Hasmodians in reaction to Antiochus IV Epiphanies' efforts to Hellenize the Jews.

Israel Finkelstein agrees sort of. .. that it began to emerge after the Babylonian exile.
Consult the Holy Bible and its accurate History of the Judeo/Christian philosophy. You can present nothing that objectively disproves the record of the Holy Bible. Truth: When one accepts the truth found in the Holy Bible as an accurate history then the truth is revealed that mankind started worshiping the God of Creation as one God........and mankind allowed this to decay into different types and kinds of religion such as polytheism with those still worshiping the God of creation (which is a single Godhead) monotheists being in the minority. (Matthew 7:13-14) To this day there is a narrow path that leads to the Father (John 14:6)

When did Judaism begin?, of course the Bible records that Judaism began when Moses delivered the Law from Mt. Siani.

There are many religions that predate the Law of Moses, such as the Egyptians having their gods. The Canaanites worshiped Baal and Asherah prior to prior to the arrival of Israel. The Ammonites were worshiping Molech.


As always........."YOU" are attempting to have the mule push the plow. You present a "logical fallay" ........absence of evidence is evidence of absence. You continually present an opinion and call it truth based upon THINGS NOT FOUND....claiming that because something has not been found (YET)........that is evidence that it does not exist. Its called circular logic.....or a negative arugment based upon an unprovable conclusion, yet you claim TRUTH based upon this negative opinion, not by facts in evidence but facts not yet in evidence.
Consult the Holy Bible and its accurate History of the Judeo/Christian philosophy. You can present nothing that objectively disproves the record of the Holy Bible. Truth: When one accepts the truth found in the Holy Bible as an accurate history then the truth is revealed that mankind started worshiping the God of Creation as one God........and mankind allowed this to decay into different types and kinds of religion such as polytheism with those still worshiping the God of creation (which is a single Godhead) monotheists being in the minority. (Matthew 7:13-14) To this day there is a narrow path that leads to the Father (John 14:6)

When did Judaism begin?, of course the Bible records that Judaism began when Moses delivered the Law from Mt. Siani.

There are many religions that predate the Law of Moses, such as the Egyptians having their gods. The Canaanites worshiped Baal and Asherah prior to prior to the arrival of Israel. The Ammonites were worshiping Molech.


As always........."YOU" are attempting to have the mule push the plow. You present a "logical fallay" ........absence of evidence is evidence of absence. You continually present an opinion and call it truth based upon THINGS NOT FOUND....claiming that because something has not been found (YET)........that is evidence that it does not exist. Its called circular logic.....or a negative arugment based upon an unprovable conclusion, yet you claim TRUTH based upon this negative opinion, not by facts in evidence but facts not yet in evidence.

Moses delivered the Law from Mt. Siani.
You continually present an opinion and call it truth based upon THINGS NOT FOUND....

are you speaking to yourself, clyde -

the tablets etched in the heavens claimed by moses - - that not only were not delivered ... but never existed.

You can present nothing that objectively disproves the record of the Holy Bible.

prove your own maxim and provide the tablets claimed by moses etched w/ 10 commandments from the heavens. who himself was a murderer - and are the monotheistic basis for all three desert religions and the subliminal state of servitude they impose. used for centuries to persecute and victimize the innocent - without remorse or correction to the present time.
Christianity is not monotheistic like Judiasm since it places the idol Jesus in front of g-d and further worship a three part triune godhead...
Christians would say you don't understand Christianity but I'll let one of them make their case.

Therefore stating Christianity has a stronger monotheism is far far from the truth...
Don't know about that, Judaism has its' Satan and its' angles. Supernatural, immortal beings sure sound like gods to me.

Further I find other errors in what you have stated but I am not interested in having a long drawn out conversation over items regarding the use of a three thousand year time frame...
Too bad. I guess, unlike you, I don't have all the answers so I'm always looking to learn from others.

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