Jonathan Turley Sums Up the Trump J6 Indictment Masterfully

Why do you think Trump has such a hard time finding good lawyers. He got them this time, because his political action committee used the money people contributed to support Trumps run for president, into paying his lawyers.

Since this is purely political theater by Democrats using Federal and state money to harass and railroad an opposition candidate who will trounce them in the next general election, there is nothing wrong with this use of funds. Donors know what it is being used for. It is a campaign expense. You should be demanding Democrats reimburse the Federal and state treasuries for using those funds to pay for their own campaign agendas.
They didn't charge him, because they didn't gather any evidence before then.
With Trump claiming executive privilege over any evidence they might have asked for.
EVIDENCE? If its illegal. what more evidence did they need? He said it on live tv for Christ sake. Your arguments are fucking lazy. :cuckoo:
They still are, re Hunter Biden getting a free pass, which has nothing to with Barr's not prosecuting Demcorars for their criminal behavior and now sniveling about Trump.
Trump hand picked William Barr to be his AG, and hand picked Christopher Wray to run the FBI.

So who's fault is it, if Trumps choices don't do the job?
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Since this is purely political theater by Democrats using Federal and state money to harass and railroad an opposition candidate who will trounce them in the next general election, there is nothing wrong with this use of funds. Donors know what it is being used for. It is a campaign expense. You should be demanding Democrats reimburse the Federal and state treasuries for using those funds to pay for their own campaign agendas.
It's not a campaign expense, it's a personal expense of the candidate. As Trumps legal troubles weren't for his actions as a candidate. They're because of his actions as a sitting president, or as a private citizen before he made himself a candidate for office.
EVIDENCE? If its illegal. what more evidence did they need? He said it on live tv for Christ sake. Your arguments are fucking lazy. :cuckoo:
You have to show by indictment, every element of the crime, and proof of each element.

You just can't say he did it, you have to prove it.

Which takes evidence.
EVIDENCE? If its illegal. what more evidence did they need?
You of anybody, should be the first to demand to see the evidence.

Now you're saying it's no longer necessary.

Did you hurt yourself with that spin?
NO journalists are respected in America any longer, bootlicker.
By people like you that's true and it is a disgrace and a disaster for America along with your hate for opposing politicians and everyone who doesn't agree with your hateful divisive anti-american ****...... You believe a mountain of lies... Election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Pedophilia Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera every conspiracy nuttery there is, (Sun BEAR: grass berries and roots make up a majority of its diet however insects and the cutting made for a tasty snack in between meal(suddenly recognizes the danger she brushes to the scene and guides her youngster back to the safety of the tree tops although Asia and Bears are an excellent climbers they are no match for the jungles best gymnasts asian black bears are similar in size to th despite being armed and inch long curved claws and flesh tarried teeth this predator is melting vegetarian grass berries and roots make up a majority of its diet however insecteir American counterparts however they differ by having cream colored crescents around their chest they also have long thick fur around their face and neck that can grow up to six inches long) it's unbelievable....
By people like you that's true and it is a disgrace and a disaster for America along with your hate for opposing politicians and everyone who doesn't agree with your hateful divisive anti-american ****...... You believe a mountain of lies... Election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Pedophilia Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera every conspiracy nuttery there is, (Sun BEAR: grass berries and roots make up a majority of its diet however insects and the cutting made for a tasty snack in between meal(suddenly recognizes the danger she brushes to the scene and guides her youngster back to the safety of the tree tops although Asia and Bears are an excellent climbers they are no match for the jungles best gymnasts asian black bears are similar in size to th despite being armed and inch long curved claws and flesh tarried teeth this predator is melting vegetarian grass berries and roots make up a majority of its diet however insecteir American counterparts however they differ by having cream colored crescents around their chest they also have long thick fur around their face and neck that can grow up to six inches long) it's unbelievable....

No, by ANY person who actually thinks for themselves. Bootlicker.

The "journalists" of today are nothing more than propagandists for the fascist regime the democrats are trying to place us under.
You have to show by indictment, every element of the crime, and proof of each element.

You just can't say he did it, you have to prove it.

Which takes evidence.
Oh, then point us to a link that shows they investigated it. Let me guess, no link will be coming? Just shut the fuck up. Your arguments are dumb.
You of anybody, should be the first to demand to see the evidence.

Now you're saying it's no longer necessary.

Did you hurt yourself with that spin?
I said "what more evidence do they need? He said it on live tv". Are you dense or something? Whats wrong with you?

If that was a crime, your shitty weaponized prosecutors would have had a slam dunk case, but its not a crime you stupid fucking moron, which is why he was never charged.
I said "what more evidence do they need? He said it on live tv". Are you dense or something? Whats wrong with you?

If that was a crime, your shitty weaponized prosecutors would have had a slam dunk case, but its not a crime you stupid fucking moron, which is why he was never charged.

Dense doesn't even approach the level of stupidity, and dishonesty of the average democrap.
By people like you that's true and it is a disgrace and a disaster for America along with your hate for opposing politicians and everyone who doesn't agree with your hateful divisive anti-american ****...... You believe a mountain of lies... Election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Pedophilia Etcetera Etcetera Etcetera every conspiracy nuttery there is, (Sun BEAR: grass berries and roots make up a majority of its diet however insects and the cutting made for a tasty snack in between meal(suddenly recognizes the danger she brushes to the scene and guides her youngster back to the safety of the tree tops although Asia and Bears are an excellent climbers they are no match for the jungles best gymnasts asian black bears are similar in size to th despite being armed and inch long curved claws and flesh tarried teeth this predator is melting vegetarian grass berries and roots make up a majority of its diet however insecteir American counterparts however they differ by having cream colored crescents around their chest they also have long thick fur around their face and neck that can grow up to six inches long) it's unbelievable....
What the fuck do YOU respect about our lying shitheel media? Journalism doesnt even exist anymore. The media are just a bunch of political cheerleaders in 2023. All they do is lie, obfuscate and cover up crimes committed by their side of the political spectrum. That shit sucks bad and it isnt good for either side.
Trump hand picked William Barr to be his AG, and hand picked Christopher Wray to run the FBI.

So who's fault is it, if Trumps choices don't do the job?
Trump wasnt a political insider in DC. What the hell would he know about prosecutors and AGs? He probably assumed everyone would behave as they have throughout our nations history. You know, NOT traiterous and out to fuck over the President of the Untited States?
Trump hand picked William Barr to be his AG, and hand picked Christopher Wray to run the FBI.

So who's fault is it, if Trumps choices don't do the job?

Nah, Trump went with the RNC's recommendations on appointees; he was naive to do so.
Turley neglected to mention the actual crimes in the indictment and discuss them.
There are no "crimes" in the indictment. Just Smith's fiction.

Instead he discussed free speech being charged as a crime, which was no where in the indictment.
That's because he was using abstract legal analysis which obviously went right over your head.

No surprise there.
I saw a video of Trump telling the Russians to go ahead and hack Hillary and they did and those emails lost her the election in 2016. All Russians needed was a go ahead. They love Trump and the chaos and Anti American disrespect for our institutions And public officials ....

Who fucking cares? Trump was a mere citizen then.

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