Zone1 When do folks stop whining and moaning over RACISM when the problem is education and respect? In Illinois, 22% of blacks read at their grade level.


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Apr 15, 2016
When do folks stop whining and moaning over RACISM when the problem is education and respect?

The teacher's unions have no interest, whatsoever in the students. How does that lead to success?

"A Wall Street Journal editorial attributed school boards and teachers' unions to the failure of Illinois' school system."

"The editorial board cited how 36% of all third-graders could read at grade level in 2019, which they highlighted that such an academic performance is an "F." For Hispanic students, the number drops to 27% and 22% for Black students."

The Wall Street Journal editors also noted how for specific public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. One school district in Decatur, 2% of Black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.

Come on IM2, when do you start proposing realistic solutions rather than whining each and every day?
here's a statistic for you FBI: Blacks Made Up 60.4% of Known Murder Offenders in 2021
When do folks stop whining and moaning over RACISM when the problem is education and respect?

The teacher's unions have no interest, whatsoever in the students. How does that lead to success?

"A Wall Street Journal editorial attributed school boards and teachers' unions to the failure of Illinois' school system."

"The editorial board cited how 36% of all third-graders could read at grade level in 2019, which they highlighted that such an academic performance is an "F." For Hispanic students, the number drops to 27% and 22% for Black students."

The Wall Street Journal editors also noted how for specific public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. One school district in Decatur, 2% of Black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.

Come on IM2, when do you start proposing realistic solutions rather than whining each and every day?
Seems like you're the whiner here. The first step is for whites to stop being racists. Then stop trying to tell blacks what our problems are when you might be participating in what causes the problem.
And this survey has been shown to misidentify. Second, there are 30 categories of crime listed by the FBI and every year I've looked at the numbers since 1994, whites have led by big margins in at least 27 of those categories.
Sad, you have no solutions so you respond with the same ol', same ol'.

Sad, tragically sad. Proving once again you have no interest in solutions. Why? Are those solutions too hard for you to accept or are you simply here to be the resident troll and don't give a toot about improvement?
When do folks stop whining and moaning over RACISM when the problem is education and respect?

The teacher's unions have no interest, whatsoever in the students. How does that lead to success?

"A Wall Street Journal editorial attributed school boards and teachers' unions to the failure of Illinois' school system."

"The editorial board cited how 36% of all third-graders could read at grade level in 2019, which they highlighted that such an academic performance is an "F." For Hispanic students, the number drops to 27% and 22% for Black students."

The Wall Street Journal editors also noted how for specific public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. One school district in Decatur, 2% of Black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.

Come on IM2, when do you start proposing realistic solutions rather than whining each and every day?
going to school and making an effort is acting white, worse crime a black person can commit
Sad, you have no solutions so you respond with the same ol', same ol'.

Sad, tragically sad. Proving once again you have no interest in solutions. Why? Are those solutions too hard for you to accept or are you simply here to be the resident troll and don't give a toot about improvement?
As you are white, you apparently cannot understand how I have presented THE solution to the problem that you have chosen to use to deny racisms effect on blacks. I have consistently provided the solution, but those like you don't want to accept the cause of the problem from someone who has lived facing it.

Last, I find great irony in being called a whiner by people who have been given every preference and proceed to fill forums like this with thousands of whiny threads about how the government is mistreating them.
going to school and making an effort is acting white, worse crime a black person can commit
Exactly! Remember that exhibit at the African American Museum of the Smithsonian that listed “Traits of Whiteness”? They were ALL traits associated with success - working hard, being polite, meeting schedules, speaking English correctly, being prompt, respecting authority, etc.

If I didn’t know better, it was almost as if the libs on the Board wanted to encourage traits among blacks that would lead to failure - being lazy, being rude, missing deadlines, speaking poorly, being tardy, being insubordinate, etc.

If anyone needed proof that Dems want to keep as many blacks poor and unsuccessful as possible, there it is.
As you are white, you apparently cannot understand how I have presented THE solution to the problem that you have chosen to use to deny racisms effect on blacks. I have consistently provided the solution, but those like you don't want to accept the cause of the problem from someone who has lived facing it.

Last, I find great irony in being called a whiner by people who have been given every preference and proceed to fill forums like this with thousands of whiny threads about how the government is mistreating them.
As a fellow white guy, you play the part to satisfy some weird need you have.

If anything you profess is true, there would not be millions of blacks leading very successful, crime-free lives.

How do we reverse the culture among many young black males that a good education is being white and something to avoid?

Why do you work so hard to prolong lies instead of working for solutions?
I'm not white.

So when will whites who have not been black one second end the paternalism that makes them think they know what the problem are in communities of color?
When do folks stop whining and moaning over RACISM when the problem is education and respect?

The teacher's unions have no interest, whatsoever in the students. How does that lead to success?

"A Wall Street Journal editorial attributed school boards and teachers' unions to the failure of Illinois' school system."

"The editorial board cited how 36% of all third-graders could read at grade level in 2019, which they highlighted that such an academic performance is an "F." For Hispanic students, the number drops to 27% and 22% for Black students."

The Wall Street Journal editors also noted how for specific public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. One school district in Decatur, 2% of Black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.

Come on IM2, when do you start proposing realistic solutions rather than whining each and every day?

The problem is in fact racism – the poor performance of students of color is far more than just the schools they attend; education is a comprehensive process well outside of the classroom.

And it’s the consistent bane of racism that disadvantages students of color.

It’s understood that you and others on the right want to ignore the fact of racism, an issue conservatives perceive as an obstacle to advancing the wrongheaded conservative agenda.

But ignoring the fact of racism does a disservice to students of color, likely the intent and goal of conservativism.
I'm not white.

So when will whites who have not been black one second end the paternalism that makes them think they know what the problem are in communities of color?
At one point, early on, you said you were but, whatever.

It is just impossible for you to propose solutions, why?

Where are your solutions? What solution, not blame, do you propose for this problem?

Illinois’s Shocking Report Card​

The Land of Lincoln is failing its children and covering it up.

By The Editorial Board
Oct. 4, 2022 6:53 pm ET

Statewide, in 2019, 36% of all third grade students could read at grade level. That’s an F, and that’s the good news. That number drops to 27% for Hispanic students and 22% for black students statewide. In certain public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. In Decatur, 2% of black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.

We aren’t often speechless, but the extent to which that performance is betraying a generation of schoolchildren is hard to put into words. Third grade children are eight years old, full of potential with minds like sponges to absorb what they are taught. Third grade is the year that children need to achieve a level of reading fluency that will prepare them to tackle more complex tasks in upper elementary grades that require comprehension.

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When do folks stop whining and moaning over RACISM when the problem is education and respect?

The teacher's unions have no interest, whatsoever in the students. How does that lead to success?

"A Wall Street Journal editorial attributed school boards and teachers' unions to the failure of Illinois' school system."

"The editorial board cited how 36% of all third-graders could read at grade level in 2019, which they highlighted that such an academic performance is an "F." For Hispanic students, the number drops to 27% and 22% for Black students."

The Wall Street Journal editors also noted how for specific public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. One school district in Decatur, 2% of Black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.

Come on IM2, when do you start proposing realistic solutions rather than whining each and every day?

You and I agree on most everything, but here is where I stray from your opinion.

A teacher can only do so much. You can lead a horse to water..........

As a white guy who does live in a now black community, the problem is not teachers, the problem is the parent(s).

Years ago the neighbor kid next door bought one of those portable basketball hoops. We don't have any playgrounds here, so before you knew it, there was a yard full of kids over there. They'd play into the night and even during the night until I got pissed off enough to yell at them or threaten to call the police. These were all black kids ranging from age 6 to 16. At the high point I counted 15 kids there in one day.

Why are these kids out at 10:00 to 11:00 on a school night? When I was a kid, your ass better be home before those street lights came on. Not once did I ever see a parent drive over here to drag their kid home.

Now the kid gets to sleep at perhaps midnight, gets up 6:00 to go to school, and the teacher is expected to teach this kid when he's half asleep without any homework done.

The problem is in fact racism – the poor performance of students of color is far more than just the schools they attend; education is a comprehensive process well outside of the classroom.

And it’s the consistent bane of racism that disadvantages students of color.

Is that so? Well why don't you give us an example of this racism that stops a kid in school from learning how to read?
You and I agree on most everything, but here is where I stray from your opinion.

A teacher can only do so much. You can lead a horse to water..........

As a white guy who does live in a now black community, the problem is not teachers, the problem is the parent(s).

Years ago the neighbor kid next door bought one of those portable basketball hoops. We don't have any playgrounds here, so before you knew it, there was a yard full of kids over there. They'd play into the night and even during the night until I got pissed off enough to yell at them or threaten to call the police. These were all black kids ranging from age 6 to 16. At the high point I counted 15 kids there in one day.

Why are these kids out at 10:00 to 11:00 on a school night? When I was a kid, your ass better be home before those street lights came on. Not once did I ever see a parent drive over here to drag their kid home.

Now the kid gets to sleep at perhaps midnight, gets up 6:00 to go to school, and the teacher is expected to teach this kid when he's half asleep without any homework done.
I regret that my post appears to blame teachers. Nothing could be further from the truth. I sharply blame both Teacher's Unions and more so, the parents. For their own benefit, Democrats destroyed the black family unit, once one of the strongest in our country.

I was nine years old when we left downtown Chicago for rural Miami. After dinner, we could go out anywhere but, as you say, our behinds better be home when the street lights came on.

The problem is in fact racism – the poor performance of students of color is far more than just the schools they attend; education is a comprehensive process well outside of the classroom.

And it’s the consistent bane of racism that disadvantages students of color.

It’s understood that you and others on the right want to ignore the fact of racism, an issue conservatives perceive as an obstacle to advancing the wrongheaded conservative agenda.

But ignoring the fact of racism does a disservice to students of color, likely the intent and goal of conservativism.
Specifically, how did racism cause the destruction of the black family unit? As you know, it was President Lyndon Johnson who caused the destruction of the black family with his "Great Society" and "War on Poverty".

I regret that my post appears to blame teachers. Nothing could be further from the truth. I sharply blame both Teacher's Unions and more so, the parents. For their own benefit, Democrats destroyed the black family unit, once one of the strongest in our country.

I was nine years old when we left downtown Chicago for rural Miami. After dinner, we could go out anywhere but, as you say, our behinds better be home when the street lights came on.
Same with the way I was brought up. We had a lot of freedom during the daylight hours - rode our bikes miles away to nearby strip malls when we were around 10 or so - but when the streetlights came on, I better be home.

And this is the crux of the problem. Not racism. It’s irresponsible parents with poor values - who might barely be past childhood themselves - letting their kids run wild.
I regret that my post appears to blame teachers. Nothing could be further from the truth. I sharply blame both Teacher's Unions and more so, the parents. For their own benefit, Democrats destroyed the black family unit, once one of the strongest in our country.

I was nine years old when we left downtown Chicago for rural Miami. After dinner, we could go out anywhere but, as you say, our behinds better be home when the street lights came on.

My sister sent her kids to a private Catholic school. She has two kids and was paying 11K a year for each one, My niece started Fn off, missing days in school, way behind on homework. When my sister was notified she was about to be expelled, all hell broke loose. She grounded my niece, no phone calls, one hour of television per day, the ilnternet strictly for learning, and no friends coming over. She spent night after night helping her catch up on all her homework. She made sure she was going to get her monies worth. It wasn't until she got satisfactory grades and a note from the nuns that there was a dramatic improvement before my nieces entertainment privileges were restored.

With public school kids, the parents just make sure the kids got on the bus and that's the end of their involvement with their child's education. Maybe the solution is to make parents pay most of the cost for their schools instead of all taxpayers paying equally or based on property value.
When do folks stop whining and moaning over RACISM when the problem is education and respect?

The teacher's unions have no interest, whatsoever in the students. How does that lead to success?

"A Wall Street Journal editorial attributed school boards and teachers' unions to the failure of Illinois' school system."

"The editorial board cited how 36% of all third-graders could read at grade level in 2019, which they highlighted that such an academic performance is an "F." For Hispanic students, the number drops to 27% and 22% for Black students."

The Wall Street Journal editors also noted how for specific public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. One school district in Decatur, 2% of Black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.

Come on IM2, when do you start proposing realistic solutions rather than whining each and every day?

Teh Wall Street Journal is wrong. For generations we have known that the deciding factor in a child's educational outcome is parental involvement.

You got a student body comprosed mostly of children of single moms, the teachers, teh school, they are doomed to fail.

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