When Do The Chickens Come Home To Roost?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. ...or.....do the Democrats every receive the 'credit'....the contumely.....that they rightfully deserve?

By now, everyone knows of the latest iteration of 'peace' from the eponymously named religion....Barcelona, yesterday.

Quite a toll of innocents.

2. Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam (2017), said this in an interview yesterday:

TC: 'Spain has about 4% Muslim population that has doubled fairly recently thanks to immigration....do you see a connection between immigration patterns and attacks like this?

DM: '...I do....people running into Spain....Spanish authorities don't know who these people are....they don't know what these people believe....nobody want's to make the connection between that and the tragic events which we see commonly across Europe."

3. If you voted Democrat for the two elections of Hussein Obama, this is what you voted for:
"Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

4. And if you voted for the career criminal, in the last election, you voted for this:
"Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S."
Would Clinton boost Syrian refugees 500 percent?

BTW.....rated 'Mostly True"

5. And if you are a Democrat, you believe that some pipsqueak judge in Hawaii has the power to overrule the President of the United States when it comes to foreign policy.

A quote for you Democrats:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views.

But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory.

Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' "


TC: "...at what point do you think European leaders may start to realize that maybe these attacks are connected?

NF: Oh, no....no realization at all....they all say 'we stand in solidarity with Barcelona, or Brussels, or Stockholm, or Paris, or London......we have no understanding of why this is going on....they have caused this.
[An excellent description, as well, of Democrat leaders here!]

TC: [Why] are we not seeing attacks like this in Central and Eastern Europe?

NF: ..the Prime Minister of Hungary, along with the other Prime Ministers in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, they've been told by Merkel and the gangsters in Brussels, that they must accept the migrants....and they've simply said 'NO.'"

Is there a lesson that Democrats are capable of learning???

Farage goes on to mention the Democrat's War on Statues.....more concerned with tearing down historical statues than with recognizing who the real enemy of the West is.

Carlson: "There has never been a country with a dumber class of leaders than our country."

And their adherents, as well.




Sooo.....wadda' ya' think, Liberals,....just like you and I, huh?
  • "The Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel, nominated by Pope Francis in February, just declared that "Muslim believers know very well that their fertility is such today, that they call it... the Great Replacement. They tell you in a very calm, very positive way: One day all this, all this will be ours...".

  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán just warned against a "Muslimized Europe". According to him, "the question of the upcoming decades is whether Europe will continue to belong to Europeans".
    Muslims Tell Europe: "One Day All This Will Be Ours"

Of course, Democrats, who hate America, look forward to the same here.

Hence, their immigration and no-border policies.
1. ...or.....do the Democrats every receive the 'credit'....the contumely.....that they rightfully deserve?

By now, everyone knows of the latest iteration of 'peace' from the eponymously named religion....Barcelona, yesterday.

Quite a toll of innocents.

2. Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam (2017), said this in an interview yesterday:

TC: 'Spain has about 4% Muslim population that has doubled fairly recently thanks to immigration....do you see a connection between immigration patterns and attacks like this?

DM: '...I do....people running into Spain....Spanish authorities don't know who these people are....they don't know what these people believe....nobody want's to make the connection between that and the tragic events which we see commonly across Europe."

3. If you voted Democrat for the two elections of Hussein Obama, this is what you voted for:
"Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

4. And if you voted for the career criminal, in the last election, you voted for this:
"Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S."
Would Clinton boost Syrian refugees 500 percent?

BTW.....rated 'Mostly True"

5. And if you are a Democrat, you believe that some pipsqueak judge in Hawaii has the power to overrule the President of the United States when it comes to foreign policy.

A quote for you Democrats:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views.

But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory.

Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' "

with alt left acting the way they are, it's going to get worse before it gets better.

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