When Don Cheadle found out who owned his ancestors as slaves.

No one is asking you to wipe all memory of the Confederacy. Far from it. What's being asked is that you stop HONORING and REVERING these traitors to the Republic. And that you start teaching the truth about slavery and racism in the USA. Stop romantizing the AnteBellum pre Civil War era as some sort of "Golden Age" of the 0ld South.

Slave owners were paid reparations for the loss of their "property" when Lincoln freed the slaves. The descendents of the slaves are still waiting for their compensation.
There are white descendants of slaves and black people that came here long after slavery was done away with. Do you really want to set up a scenario where some white people receive payouts while some black people don't?
There are white descendants of slaves and black people that came here long after slavery was done away with. Do you really want to set up a scenario where some white people receive payouts while some black people don't?
First slaves brought to the new world were Irish. That's a fact..Cromwell called it getting Barbadosed. Montserrat is proof of this. Black population yet they speak perfect Irish

Pretty much
President Lincoln won re-election as a member of the National Union Party, not the Republican Party. During the convention this was said by Robert Jefferson Breckingridge, the temporary chairman of the party,

As a Union party I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and to the gates of death. But as an Abolition party, as a Republican party, as a Whig party, as a Democratic party, as an American [Know-Nothing] party, I will not follow you one foot.

No topic is more replete with historical revisionism than the period before, during, and after the Civil War. Lincoln was not, repeat, WAS NOT, a Republican after 1864.
President Lincoln won re-election as a member of the National Union Party, not the Republican Party. During the convention this was said by Robert Jefferson Breckingridge, the temporary chairman of the party,

As a Union party I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and to the gates of death. But as an Abolition party, as a Republican party, as a Whig party, as a Democratic party, as an American [Know-Nothing] party, I will not follow you one foot.

No topic is more replete with historical revisionism than the period before, during, and after the Civil War. Lincoln was not, repeat, WAS NOT, a Republican after 1864.

Complete unadulterated bs. Sit or sell that garbage elsewhere
Complete unadulterated bs. Sit or sell that garbage elsewhere
By the fall of 1864, the nation had been torn by civil war for more than three years. The 1864 presidential election, then, became a referendum on the Union war effort and was crucial to the future of the United States. The election pitted Democratic Party candidate Major General George B. McClellan against the incumbent and National Union Party candidate Abraham Lincoln.

Election of 1864 | The Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
President Lincoln won re-election as a member of the National Union Party, not the Republican Party. During the convention this was said by Robert Jefferson Breckingridge, the temporary chairman of the party,

As a Union party I will follow you to the ends of the earth, and to the gates of death. But as an Abolition party, as a Republican party, as a Whig party, as a Democratic party, as an American [Know-Nothing] party, I will not follow you one foot.

No topic is more replete with historical revisionism than the period before, during, and after the Civil War. Lincoln was not, repeat, WAS NOT, a Republican after 1864.

Nice try, but...
If blacks get reparations so do the Chinese, Irish, Scots, etc and any other ethnicity that were enslaved or "indentured"
And that's a door that is yet to be opened. Once these others are opened, however...

And can you just imagine the outrage when we find that one guy who is descended from all of those groups and is making bank on reparations? Especially if he looks white.
By the fall of 1864, the nation had been torn by civil war for more than three years. The 1864 presidential election, then, became a referendum on the Union war effort and was crucial to the future of the United States. The election pitted Democratic Party candidate Major General George B. McClellan against the incumbent and National Union Party candidate Abraham Lincoln.

Election of 1864 | The Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection

Lincoln won the republican nomination as a republican and won as a reoublican you Fckn dumbass. My gawd
Did you miss this part?

The National Union movement became little more than the Democratic Party in a new form as Republicans left the movement and returned to the old party fold by the fall.

Yes, including Lincoln. LOL
Lincoln won the republican nomination as a republican and won as a reoublican you Fckn dumbass. My gawd
You can't read? The Republican party of 1864, did not change their name to the National Union Party. The Republican party morphed into the Radical Democracy Party and nominated John Fremont, the Republican nominee of 1856, as their presidential candidate.
You can't read? The Republican party of 1864, did not change their name to the National Union Party. The Republican party morphed into the Radical Democracy Party and nominated John Fremont, the Republican nominee of 1856, as their presidential candidate.

Go away you're on a fool's errand

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