*When Drivers Of Big Rigs Use Thier Trucks As Lethal Weapons: Fair Game?*

*Are Big Rigs Lethal Weapons: And Should I Be Able To Defend Myself With Firearm ?*

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion a driver of a big rig truck trying to run you off the road is worthy of getting his ass shot off!
2. The big rigs are lethal weapons rolling down the freeways, and everyday, these truck drivers flip out and go road rage on innocent people like myself, it has happened to me no less than two times in less than a year.
3. I think when they do that, I should be legally able to shoot them bastards in the head! :eek:
4. I will describe both inccidents after awhile.
5. Here's a youtube link showing what I'm refering too:[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drs0Ir_KCvE&feature=related[/ame]

Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion a driver of a big rig truck trying to run you off the road is worthy of getting his ass shot off!
2. The big rigs are lethal weapons rolling down the freeways, and everyday, these truck drivers flip out and go road rage on innocent people like myself, it has happened to me no less than two times in less than a year.
3. I think when they do that, I should be legally able to shoot them bastards in the head! :eek:
4. I will describe both inccidents after awhile.
5. Here's a youtube link showing what I'm refering too:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drs0Ir_KCvE&feature=related


Why not just let him pass?

You notice in the video, the car driver speeds up when the truck tries to pass.

How many times do you think he did that BEFORE he shot the video?

A truck passing you IS NOT a reminder that you are going too slow.

You are not a policeman, it is not your job to control the speed of other motorists.

If you want to poke, by all means, poke.

But if a truck is going faster than you are, let him pass, especially on two lane roads.

A truck must travel at or above the posted speed limit to pass on two lane safely...at seventy plus feet long, a trucker wants to be in the opposing lane as short a time as possible.

Some people attribute this to aggressiveness, but it isn't.

Truckers know that the speed you are traveling is the speed you feel comfortable...even if you accelerate for awhile, ordinarily you will revert to your "comfortable speed" as soon as you stop consciously concentrating on your speed.

Bottom line, it behooves a motorist to facilitate a trucks passing instead of inhibiting it.
By the way, it is illegal to increase speed while being passed (overtaken)...so both drivers in the video were in the wrong.

The law requires the operator of a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle to signal audibly to the vehicle that is being overtaken. The driver must pass to the left at a safe distance and not reenter the lane until the passing vehicle is safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. When being overtaken, a driver shall not increase speed or do anything to the other vehicle passing it. If the vehicle you are overtaking increases speed, drop back if necessary and return to your normal lane behind it. Ensure that the road behind is still clear.

Under the current law, the operator of an overtaken vehicle is required to give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle at that vehicle’s audible signal. The operator is not permitted to increase their speed until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

Traffic Violations: Increased Speed While Being Overtaken Fines, Traffic Points and Defense | TrafficViolationLawFirms
Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion a driver of a big rig truck trying to run you off the road is worthy of getting his ass shot off!
2. The big rigs are lethal weapons rolling down the freeways, and everyday, these truck drivers flip out and go road rage on innocent people like myself, it has happened to me no less than two times in less than a year.
3. I think when they do that, I should be legally able to shoot them bastards in the head! :eek:
4. I will describe both inccidents after awhile.
5. Here's a youtube link showing what I'm refering too:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drs0Ir_KCvE&feature=related

Ill beat he was a muslims trying to kill your ass
sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:


There are plenty of examples of truckers road rage, but there are just as many excellent truck drivers out there.
I have had a few run ins with asshole truckers, but most of them are proffessionls who just want to do their job and not get hassled by 4wheelers (cars).

I have listened to my CB many times and you can hear these guys complaining about the terrible drivers out there that do just as much to cause problems as the truckers do, if not worse. One of my best friends is a trucker and he has told me many ugly stories....

Me myself... I give them all the road they want.
Once I was driving in bumper to bumper traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway, when I encountered a large truck.

I don't remember exactly what I did to piss him off...maybe I didn't let him in when he wanted to. But when he passed me, he dumped the ice out of his soda cup onto my windshield.

So I took out my gun, blew out 4 of his tires and sped away.

Well...that last sentence wasn't true, but the rest was.
Watch this movie if you want to be creeped out.


Duel (1971 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry bout that,

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:


There are plenty of examples of truckers road rage, but there are just as many excellent truck drivers out there.
I have had a few run ins with asshole truckers, but most of them are proffessionls who just want to do their job and not get hassled by 4wheelers (cars).

I have listened to my CB many times and you can hear these guys complaining about the terrible drivers out there that do just as much to cause problems as the truckers do, if not worse. One of my best friends is a trucker and he has told me many ugly stories....

Me myself... I give them all the road they want.

1. This thread isn't about, *excellent truckers out there*, its about *the bad ones*, who want to bully the small vehicles.
2. You trying to defend *ALL* truckers is a hoot, this isn't about them, now, lets talk about *the bad ones*, and whats fair in dealing with *the bad ones*..
3, There's no doubt that there are a larger part of four wheelers, *cars drivers* who are really bad, if we were to compare the skills between the two, but we ain't doing that now are we? :confused:
4. I am sure your buddies ugly stories involve him running some nice family off the road, because they were perhaps in the fast lane, and he wanted to pass them or something to that effect.
5. So he just ate up thier lane till they had to go off the road, don't tell me they don't do this everyday.
6. I know that they do, all across America.
7. A car can't compete with a big rig, there's just to big of a differance in size, weight.
8. And truckers know this, and use this as a way to intimidate.
9. But if they knew that if those people who had a concealed weapon would and could legally open up fire on thier asses, then they would back the hell off us car driving people.
10. I see it as an equalizer.:clap2:

Sorry bout that,

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:


There are plenty of examples of truckers road rage, but there are just as many excellent truck drivers out there.
I have had a few run ins with asshole truckers, but most of them are proffessionls who just want to do their job and not get hassled by 4wheelers (cars).

I have listened to my CB many times and you can hear these guys complaining about the terrible drivers out there that do just as much to cause problems as the truckers do, if not worse. One of my best friends is a trucker and he has told me many ugly stories....

Me myself... I give them all the road they want.

1. This thread isn't about, *excellent truckers out there*, its about *the bad ones*, who want to bully the small vehicles.
2. You trying to defend *ALL* truckers is a hoot, this isn't about them, now, lets talk about *the bad ones*, and whats fair in dealing with *the bad ones*..
3, There's no doubt that there are a larger part of four wheelers, *cars drivers* who are really bad, if we were to compare the skills between the two, but we ain't doing that now are we? :confused:
4. I am sure your buddies ugly stories involve him running some nice family off the road, because they were perhaps in the fast lane, and he wanted to pass them or something to that effect.
5. So he just ate up thier lane till they had to go off the road, don't tell me they don't do this everyday.
6. I know that they do, all across America.
7. A car can't compete with a big rig, there's just to big of a differance in size, weight.
8. And truckers know this, and use this as a way to intimidate.
9. But if they knew that if those people who had a concealed weapon would and could legally open up fire on thier asses, then they would back the hell off us car driving people.
10. I see it as an equalizer.:clap2:


I made it to point 3, and decided you are just a sniveling baby.

The Infidel
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

There are plenty of examples of truckers road rage, but there are just as many excellent truck drivers out there.
I have had a few run ins with asshole truckers, but most of them are proffessionls who just want to do their job and not get hassled by 4wheelers (cars).

I have listened to my CB many times and you can hear these guys complaining about the terrible drivers out there that do just as much to cause problems as the truckers do, if not worse. One of my best friends is a trucker and he has told me many ugly stories....

Me myself... I give them all the road they want.

1. This thread isn't about, *excellent truckers out there*, its about *the bad ones*, who want to bully the small vehicles.
2. You trying to defend *ALL* truckers is a hoot, this isn't about them, now, lets talk about *the bad ones*, and whats fair in dealing with *the bad ones*..
3, There's no doubt that there are a larger part of four wheelers, *cars drivers* who are really bad, if we were to compare the skills between the two, but we ain't doing that now are we? :confused:
4. I am sure your buddies ugly stories involve him running some nice family off the road, because they were perhaps in the fast lane, and he wanted to pass them or something to that effect.
5. So he just ate up thier lane till they had to go off the road, don't tell me they don't do this everyday.
6. I know that they do, all across America.
7. A car can't compete with a big rig, there's just to big of a differance in size, weight.
8. And truckers know this, and use this as a way to intimidate.
9. But if they knew that if those people who had a concealed weapon would and could legally open up fire on thier asses, then they would back the hell off us car driving people.
10. I see it as an equalizer.:clap2:


I made it to point 3, and decided you are just a sniveling baby.

The Infidel

1. Then move on, this topic ain't for you.:evil:
2. You're invited to *step off*.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Now where was I?
2. Truckers have an advantage, and if they knew that some drivers had the *equalizer* a gun, then they would automatically give people in cars the respect they deserve.
3. I'm talking families with several children, single girls, men, just all sorts of drivers get killed because of *the bad truckers*.:evil:

Sorry bout that,

1. Now where was I?
2. Truckers have an advantage, and if they knew that some drivers had the *equalizer* a gun, then they would automatically give people in cars the respect they deserve.
3. I'm talking families with several children, single girls, men, just all sorts of drivers get killed because of *the bad truckers*.:evil:


Why apply your logic to just truckers? Seems to me if you're going to suggest something as stupid as gunning down a trucker, you should let it apply to everybody. What about that guy that cuts you off when he passes you? Or crowds you in your lane? Shit, let's shoot everybody.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Now where was I?
2. Truckers have an advantage, and if they knew that some drivers had the *equalizer* a gun, then they would automatically give people in cars the respect they deserve.
3. I'm talking families with several children, single girls, men, just all sorts of drivers get killed because of *the bad truckers*.:evil:


Why apply your logic to just truckers? Seems to me if you're going to suggest something as stupid as gunning down a trucker, you should let it apply to everybody. What about that guy that cuts you off when he passes you? Or crowds you in your lane? Shit, let's shoot everybody.

1. No, no,..cars are more equal, people in cars, road raging is a whole mother story.
2. Though it is a problem, its not as bad as a problem as big rigs are.
3. People in cars are going to have to kill themselves to kill you.
4. And most road ragers in cars are not willing to die in order to kill you.
5. So no, we can safely throw that idea out the wondow.
6. But when another car driver does go nuts on you its a good idea to film it, and call the police.
7. Wouldn't be right just going willie neally on anyone and everyone.

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By the way, it is illegal to increase speed while being passed (overtaken)...so both drivers in the video were in the wrong.

The law requires the operator of a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle to signal audibly to the vehicle that is being overtaken. The driver must pass to the left at a safe distance and not reenter the lane until the passing vehicle is safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. When being overtaken, a driver shall not increase speed or do anything to the other vehicle passing it. If the vehicle you are overtaking increases speed, drop back if necessary and return to your normal lane behind it. Ensure that the road behind is still clear.

Under the current law, the operator of an overtaken vehicle is required to give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle at that vehicle’s audible signal. The operator is not permitted to increase their speed until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

Traffic Violations: Increased Speed While Being Overtaken Fines, Traffic Points and Defense | TrafficViolationLawFirms

I use to drive a truck. Cars use to speed up every time I tried to pass. While I never did the road rage thing..it was quite maddening.

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