*When Drivers Of Big Rigs Use Thier Trucks As Lethal Weapons: Fair Game?*

*Are Big Rigs Lethal Weapons: And Should I Be Able To Defend Myself With Firearm ?*

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the story's been done already... too close to Stephen King's Christine.

try a different storyline

Steven Speilberg's first film..a movie of the week. It was called "Duel" and starred Dennis Weaver.
Pop a few caps at at a truck and I guarantee you will get crushed!
I would think the worst of the worst drivers are pretty much off the road since CDLs came about.

A car is just as much a lethal weapon as a big rig - and people driving cars are far more threatening to others on the road.

What's that saying? - "If you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch."
Sorry bout that,

Pop a few caps at at a truck and I guarantee you will get crushed!

1. Yes this could be a problem, you would have to be careful for sure, but I think there could be a strategy.
2. What would be a good strategy?

Sorry bout that,

I would think the worst of the worst drivers are pretty much off the road since CDLs came about.

A car is just as much a lethal weapon as a big rig - and people driving cars are far more threatening to others on the road.

What's that saying? - "If you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch."

1. Granny, are you really a Granny?
2. You sound like some biker dude to me.
3. If you drive on the highways, you can't help but drive with the *big dogs*, so no one I think is afraid here to do that, but I have had two ocassions where truckers did try to kill me, with thier trucks.
4. And I am kinda tried of it, and think laws should be changed because of it.:evil:

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:

So's a car. So what?

3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:

Yeah, like that moron in the video, playing chicken with the big rig.

4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.

Not the best-quality video in the world. Looked to me like the guy was slowing down in front of the trucker. And the four-wheel driver had no reason to try to keep the truck behind him.

5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.

Maybe. Maybe the guy was just braking a lot in front of him. I couldn't be sure.

6. Which I'm sure it worked.

Obviously not, or the dickhead wouldn't have felt like playing passing games with him.

7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:

Tailgating IS illegal, and I sincerely doubt you can shoot well enough to hit the trucker. Even if you could, you're a complete dumbass to suggest that a 40-ton vehicle barreling down the road with a dead driver is a GOOD thing just because you don't know how to get out of the way and let him pass. Imbecile.

I get the distinct feeling that all this animosity is hiding a good chunk of the story here.
Sorry bout that,

1. Now where was I?
2. Truckers have an advantage, and if they knew that some drivers had the *equalizer* a gun, then they would automatically give people in cars the respect they deserve.
3. I'm talking families with several children, single girls, men, just all sorts of drivers get killed because of *the bad truckers*.:evil:


Sounds to me like you've already gotten the respect you deserve, and now you're pissing and whining about it.

You gonna get around to telling us all your sad, sad story of abuse by truckers that led us to this sniveling diatribe?
By the way, it is illegal to increase speed while being passed (overtaken)...so both drivers in the video were in the wrong.

The law requires the operator of a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle to signal audibly to the vehicle that is being overtaken. The driver must pass to the left at a safe distance and not reenter the lane until the passing vehicle is safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. When being overtaken, a driver shall not increase speed or do anything to the other vehicle passing it. If the vehicle you are overtaking increases speed, drop back if necessary and return to your normal lane behind it. Ensure that the road behind is still clear.

Under the current law, the operator of an overtaken vehicle is required to give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle at that vehicle’s audible signal. The operator is not permitted to increase their speed until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

Traffic Violations: Increased Speed While Being Overtaken Fines, Traffic Points and Defense | TrafficViolationLawFirms

I use to drive a truck. Cars use to speed up every time I tried to pass. While I never did the road rage thing..it was quite maddening.

The ignorance of four-wheelers around trucks never failed to astound me. I always loved the ones who wanted to pass me - which I never minded, since a truck often moves much slower than a car - but couldn't seem to figure out how to operate the accelerator, so they just hung on my left side for ages, creeping forward. THEN they would cut back in front of me so close that I'd have to brake to regain proper following distance instead of going over them like a speed bump. Not a maneuver any truck driver likes.

Hint, people: the correct distance to put between your back bumper and the truck you just passed is a LOT bigger than that for passing another car.
sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:

OK ass hole. I ride a motorcycle and for me, the most dangerous thing is a car driver distracted by texting or talking on a cell while driving. Come on down to South Florida and hunt for truckers to shoot but I'd better not catch you on your cell
Sorry bout that,

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:


There are plenty of examples of truckers road rage, but there are just as many excellent truck drivers out there.
I have had a few run ins with asshole truckers, but most of them are proffessionls who just want to do their job and not get hassled by 4wheelers (cars).

I have listened to my CB many times and you can hear these guys complaining about the terrible drivers out there that do just as much to cause problems as the truckers do, if not worse. One of my best friends is a trucker and he has told me many ugly stories....

Me myself... I give them all the road they want.

1. This thread isn't about, *excellent truckers out there*, its about *the bad ones*, who want to bully the small vehicles.
2. You trying to defend *ALL* truckers is a hoot, this isn't about them, now, lets talk about *the bad ones*, and whats fair in dealing with *the bad ones*..
3, There's no doubt that there are a larger part of four wheelers, *cars drivers* who are really bad, if we were to compare the skills between the two, but we ain't doing that now are we? :confused:
4. I am sure your buddies ugly stories involve him running some nice family off the road, because they were perhaps in the fast lane, and he wanted to pass them or something to that effect.
5. So he just ate up thier lane till they had to go off the road, don't tell me they don't do this everyday.
6. I know that they do, all across America.
7. A car can't compete with a big rig, there's just to big of a differance in size, weight.
8. And truckers know this, and use this as a way to intimidate.
9. But if they knew that if those people who had a concealed weapon would and could legally open up fire on thier asses, then they would back the hell off us car driving people.
10. I see it as an equalizer.:clap2:

You sir, are a perfect example of why the clinically insane should not own guns.
I would think the worst of the worst drivers are pretty much off the road since CDLs came about.

A car is just as much a lethal weapon as a big rig - and people driving cars are far more threatening to others on the road.

What's that saying? - "If you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch."

The CDL cleaned things up at first, but then the laws got watered down so much that we're back to where we were before they came into play.

I've been in transportation for 31 years, and while driver quality has improved for the most part, there are still enough holes in the law for the garbage to slip through. 16 years after Arturo Guzman fireballed the 6 Willis children, there are still drivers that can't speak English to save their lives, yet they can qualify for a CDL with a haz-mat qualification. And in some strange bizarro world, their tractors pass FHWA and FMCSA inspections while they have air and oil leaks, and smoke worse than a coal fired power plant. It's amazing what you can get passed by an inspector when you leave a couple of 50's on the passenger seat.

And I'd really like to know how you can say a 2,000 lb passenger vehicle is as lethal as an 80,000 lb rig with an overworked driver in his 10th hour behind the wheel, or a driver on his 15th hour running on a dummy 2nd log book? In the second instance, I'm glad I was off that day, because when the driver rolled it in the ditch and closed the highway for 5 hours due to haz-mat, the dispatcher on duty went down with him.

And let's not even get started with the games that team drivers can play with their driving/sleeper berth times.
Sorry bout that,

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:

So's a car. So what?

1. No cars are on an equal footing, unless its a larger SUV, Hummer type, then its some what out of balance, you can still hold your own to a degree, if you had too.

3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:

Yeah, like that moron in the video, playing chicken with the big rig.

2. The moron in the video was going 70 miles and hour, and as far as I could see he wasn't slowing down, the trucker was ass eating him, which is evil and uncalled for, and one reason I'm calling out *evil truckers* in this thread. The road was just a two lane road, so the driver couldn't control the truckers path, the trucker should of waited for the other lane to open up, and passed, not ride up on the ass end of the car, in my opinion, the trucker was trying to force the driver to spin out, and or go off the road and get killed.

Not the best-quality video in the world. Looked to me like the guy was slowing down in front of the trucker. And the four-wheel driver had no reason to try to keep the truck behind him.

3. You don't keep a trucker behind you, truckers know how to pass in their sleep, and they can pull off a pass with blind folds, if they happen to be awake.

Maybe. Maybe the guy was just braking a lot in front of him. I couldn't be sure.

4. Maybe the trucker found out his wife was banging some guy, and was pissed off, and wanted to take it out on this guy, who was just some schlep who just happened to be driving down the road in the same direction as he, you couldn't be sure of alot of stuff, but thats how reality is, what the reality is here, is, this *evil trucker* is riding the ass end of a small car, and can at anytime, run him off the road with ease.

6. Which I'm sure it worked.

Obviously not, or the dickhead wouldn't have felt like playing passing games with him.

5. So its just a game to all drivers of cars when *truckers go evil*, and take vengence on other drivers? The guy had the common sense to record what was going on, I hope he called 911 got the cops to pull this trucker over and had him ticketed for road rage, and got his ass shit canned for endangering the public, that would be fair too!

7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:

Tailgating IS illegal, and I sincerely doubt you can shoot well enough to hit the trucker. Even if you could, you're a complete dumbass to suggest that a 40-ton vehicle barreling down the road with a dead driver is a GOOD thing just because you don't know how to get out of the way and let him pass. Imbecile.

6. This is the crux of the matter, if you are about to get killed by an *evil trucker* is it your duty to go ahead and allow it to happen for the good of the public? Should you lay down your life, and die, so that the truck isn't randomly crashing into other things, like buildings, school buses, gas tankers, should I as a person have to throw myself on a sword, for the good of the public, even though I could avert this sacrifice of myself, by blasting with a cap in the head of a *evil trucker*?

I get the distinct feeling that all this animosity is hiding a good chunk of the story here.

7. I think that people have a right to protect themselves when great odds are agianst them, and should be allowed to fight back, if they have the reasonable might to do so, one life isn't above another, and my life, or the life of some other innocent person who is being attacked by an *evil trucker* what should be, is *the evil trucker* has every reason to be in fear, and know that we the people won't take this crap anymore, and we will shoot a cap up in your ass, if you attack us with your trucks, its only fair, and people should'nt have to die for the *good of the public* being crushed by a huge big rig, in general, what if this or that happened, its not for anyone who has the legal right to carry a firearm, to weigh in the balance, so,... who's life is more important?, the right to life starts with the person who's innocent, which would go automatically to the person driving the car being attacked by an *evil trucker*.

8. Also, who knows the truck could just go off a 300 foot cliff down a empty canyon, and blow up in a huge fire ball of flames, just like in the movies, in slow motion, ahhh,..now thats how a perfect outcome would be, but its just painting a picture as to whats fair, in this case of *evil truckers* going road rage on small cars.:evil:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Now where was I?
2. Truckers have an advantage, and if they knew that some drivers had the *equalizer* a gun, then they would automatically give people in cars the respect they deserve.
3. I'm talking families with several children, single girls, men, just all sorts of drivers get killed because of *the bad truckers*.:evil:


Sounds to me like you've already gotten the respect you deserve, and now you're pissing and whining about it.

You gonna get around to telling us all your sad, sad story of abuse by truckers that led us to this sniveling diatribe?

1. Hahaha,...my deserved respect is what I am fighting for in this thread, if I have no right to the road, little lady, then you don't either.
2. I'm not a whiner, I am kicking ass and taking names!!!, *evil truckers* are on notice, and just the fact that I'm making this thread will get laws passed, I'm highly respected for my great legal mind, and laws will follow little girl. :evil:

Sorry bout that,

By the way, it is illegal to increase speed while being passed (overtaken)...so both drivers in the video were in the wrong.

I use to drive a truck. Cars use to speed up every time I tried to pass. While I never did the road rage thing..it was quite maddening.

The ignorance of four-wheelers around trucks never failed to astound me. I always loved the ones who wanted to pass me - which I never minded, since a truck often moves much slower than a car - but couldn't seem to figure out how to operate the accelerator, so they just hung on my left side for ages, creeping forward. THEN they would cut back in front of me so close that I'd have to brake to regain proper following distance instead of going over them like a speed bump. Not a maneuver any truck driver likes.

Hint, people: the correct distance to put between your back bumper and the truck you just passed is a LOT bigger than that for passing another car.

1. Some if not a lot of people don't know proper edicate around truckers, I try not to pass truckers, I could care less if they are ahead of me or behind me, so I don't try and get infront of them either, or directly behind them, I pretty much stay out of their way, although some people act like total asses towards truckers, they cut them off, ride up on thier bumpers, get in fast lane and plug it up.
2. But this still doesn't give them the right to try and kill people!
3. Even stupid people who have no idea just how out gunned they are in shear size and weight!
4. But innocent people minding thier own business, staying out of truckers way, should for sure be protected, either they should be *by law* be protected, or able to take the law into thier own hands to protect thier own lives and families!!!:evil:

Sorry bout that,

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:

OK ass hole. I ride a motorcycle and for me, the most dangerous thing is a car driver distracted by texting or talking on a cell while driving. Come on down to South Florida and hunt for truckers to shoot but I'd better not catch you on your cell

1. Oh boy!, we gotta another *bikerfag* here, where did you come from faggot??!!!
2. Look you come in here to my thread spouting crap, and its crap you are going to get moron!
3. Now you are invited to, *step off*.
4. If you have a problem with people texting while driving cars, wouldn't you also have the same problem with truckers doing the same?
5. You do know they have cell phones and laptops right *faggot*?:lol:
6. I never said I wanted to come to Florida and hunt for *evil truckers*, I have already ran into two here, why would I want to drive way the hell over there and shoot at *evil truckers*?
7. Damn you're dumb as shit.
8. Now *step off* fag!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

There are plenty of examples of truckers road rage, but there are just as many excellent truck drivers out there.
I have had a few run ins with asshole truckers, but most of them are proffessionls who just want to do their job and not get hassled by 4wheelers (cars).

I have listened to my CB many times and you can hear these guys complaining about the terrible drivers out there that do just as much to cause problems as the truckers do, if not worse. One of my best friends is a trucker and he has told me many ugly stories....

Me myself... I give them all the road they want.

1. This thread isn't about, *excellent truckers out there*, its about *the bad ones*, who want to bully the small vehicles.
2. You trying to defend *ALL* truckers is a hoot, this isn't about them, now, lets talk about *the bad ones*, and whats fair in dealing with *the bad ones*..
3, There's no doubt that there are a larger part of four wheelers, *cars drivers* who are really bad, if we were to compare the skills between the two, but we ain't doing that now are we? :confused:
4. I am sure your buddies ugly stories involve him running some nice family off the road, because they were perhaps in the fast lane, and he wanted to pass them or something to that effect.
5. So he just ate up thier lane till they had to go off the road, don't tell me they don't do this everyday.
6. I know that they do, all across America.
7. A car can't compete with a big rig, there's just to big of a differance in size, weight.
8. And truckers know this, and use this as a way to intimidate.
9. But if they knew that if those people who had a concealed weapon would and could legally open up fire on thier asses, then they would back the hell off us car driving people.
10. I see it as an equalizer.:clap2:

You sir, are a perfect example of why the clinically insane should not own guns.

1. So now your a professional psychiatrist, who happens to be a scum bike riding fag too?:lol:
2. Damn there are some crazy people in Florida!:evil: why don't you come over here and dodge out texting drivers on our Texas freeways?:lol:
3. *Step off* *bikerfag*.

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:


You have issues. When you find yourself in a problem like that, back off. Get the License Plate Number and Report it, if the offense was that bad. WTF do you think you are going to prove by shooting at an 18 wheeler. Who else are you trying to get killed? Your Video doesn't make your case either.
Sorry bout that,

sorry bout that,

1. I see no one here's got a clue as to what I'm taking about.
2. A big rig, is a lethal weapon.:evil:
3. Most people are just too stupid to know this.:evil:
4. The video I posted was just an example, the rig driver had no reason to ride up on that guys ass end.
5. He was trying to intemidate the driver of the car.
6. Which I'm sure it worked.
7. What this trucker was doing should be illegal, and people with the right to carry, should be able to legally open fire on these truckers doing this.:evil:


You have issues. When you find yourself in a problem like that, back off. Get the License Plate Number and Report it, if the offense was that bad. WTF do you think you are going to prove by shooting at an 18 wheeler. Who else are you trying to get killed? Your Video doesn't make your case either.

1. Sure the shear size of trucks are intimidating, but truck drivers should not be allowed *king of the road* status, and be given all leway as far as whats expected towards others on the road in normal everyday driving situtations.
2. The smaller needs protect of the bigger, in this case, and I want laws changed to reflect that.
3. Otherwise we are going to have to build or designate *truckers only* roadways and highways.
4. The video was random, just the first one that I clicked on on youtube, and I don't even know how I got it posted here, I thought it would just be a link.
5. Also I'm not trying to get anyone killed, I think my life and my families lives are as important as any life, and I should have the laws behind me, if I am threatened by truckers who intend to kill me with thier trucks.
6. You need to ask yourself, is a truck a lethal weapon?
7. Like others here need to do the same.:evil:

I would think the worst of the worst drivers are pretty much off the road since CDLs came about.

A car is just as much a lethal weapon as a big rig - and people driving cars are far more threatening to others on the road.

What's that saying? - "If you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch."

1. Granny, are you really a Granny?
2. You sound like some biker dude to me.
3. If you drive on the highways, you can't help but drive with the *big dogs*, so no one I think is afraid here to do that, but I have had two ocassions where truckers did try to kill me, with thier trucks.
4. And I am kinda tried of it, and think laws should be changed because of it.:evil:


I'm really a Granny and never a biker or any other kind of "dude." I don't have problems with truckers because I try not to make any problems for a trucker.

I would think the worst of the worst drivers are pretty much off the road since CDLs came about.

A car is just as much a lethal weapon as a big rig - and people driving cars are far more threatening to others on the road.

What's that saying? - "If you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch."

The CDL cleaned things up at first, but then the laws got watered down so much that we're back to where we were before they came into play.

I've been in transportation for 31 years, and while driver quality has improved for the most part, there are still enough holes in the law for the garbage to slip through. 16 years after Arturo Guzman fireballed the 6 Willis children, there are still drivers that can't speak English to save their lives, yet they can qualify for a CDL with a haz-mat qualification. And in some strange bizarro world, their tractors pass FHWA and FMCSA inspections while they have air and oil leaks, and smoke worse than a coal fired power plant. It's amazing what you can get passed by an inspector when you leave a couple of 50's on the passenger seat.

And I'd really like to know how you can say a 2,000 lb passenger vehicle is as lethal as an 80,000 lb rig with an overworked driver in his 10th hour behind the wheel, or a driver on his 15th hour running on a dummy 2nd log book? In the second instance, I'm glad I was off that day, because when the driver rolled it in the ditch and closed the highway for 5 hours due to haz-mat, the dispatcher on duty went down with him.

And let's not even get started with the games that team drivers can play with their driving/sleeper berth times.

I said a car was JUST AS MUCH a lethal weapon ... and it is. If I go barreling down a highway at about 65-70 mph and hit you, my car could be just as lethal as a big rig - it just wouldn't weigh as much. And it wouldn't make any difference if I had been driving for an hour or ten hours.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Granny, Granny,....can I call you Granny?:confused:
2. So you say you don't try to make problems with truckers eh?
3. Well that sounds like a resonable thing to do, like most people would do as much, that is not making problems.
4. But what if you didn't make the problem?
5. What if you just happened to be a unhappy victim, just tooling along down the freeway, minding your own business, then wham some *evil trucker* comes up on you and it appears he's trying to run you off the road, for no apparent reason?
6. You think that its possible people driving cars could be innocent of a *evil trucker*?
7. And if so what if it was you?


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