When Drudge features Guiliani's hair dye leaking as its top story it really shows how contemptible the media have become

We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.
No, it’s the press’ appropriate coverage of a defeated president’s attempted coup – his autocratic desire to overthrow the will of the people and destroy our democratic institutions.

Giuliani is a buffoonish metaphor of how ridiculous and idiotic this coup attempt is.
Millions of Americans now realize their vote doesn't count when it comes to selecting the President.

When elections don't matter, people resort to other means.

Do the Democrats realize the monster they've now unleashed?

I think that Democrats really believe they're going to get away with this.

I assure you, they will not.

So Democrats had more folks vote than Republicans did, what exactly are they getting away with? Turning out the vote.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So it's the media's fault that this senile fool doesn't know how to dye his bald head. Who are REAL Americans?
More like grown ups don't care about the hair dye and want to know what is really going on with the election.

We already know what is going on with the election, Biden has more votes than Trump does which means he wins. As far as, Rudy making a fool out of himself and doesn't realize you are suppose to rinse out hair dye is not my fault.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.
When the presidents attorney goes on tv and makes fool of himself like good old Rudy did yes that's news! You are hilarious!

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