When Drudge features Guiliani's hair dye leaking as its top story it really shows how contemptible the media have become

We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So now the Drudge report is part of the 'lame stream media'?

You're gonna be left with OAN and a MAGA hat as your only sources of the outside world at this rate.
you need to get out more cause there are several other sources that arent left wing,,,

I'm out and about enough to see the actual election results.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you and your ilk in terms of being well informed.

But you just keep reading that MAGA hat and rocking back and forth. I'm sure that will change the election results.
What the hell happened to Rudy?
Yeah, that's what I've been wondering. Ever since he slipped into Trump's orbit he's gone full-on loon.

I guess Trump does that to people. His weird fantasy world appears to pollute the minds of some around him.
Up to now for better or for worse, he has shown loyalty. Unlike you it is not for the great Progressive Socialist Cult. The real cult. And all the chapters on how heinous it will end up have not been written. But what it replicates has been written in the past and exists today in areas of the world.
You want large intrusive government on people and tell others they want it. I resent going anywhere today with cameras and security people all over making sure I do nothing wrong. And what is more, people working in those types of places abusing the systems. and destroying people. I grew up being taught liberty. You have helped to remove it.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So now the Drudge report is part of the 'lame stream media'?

You're gonna be left with OAN and a MAGA hat as your only sources of the outside world at this rate.
you need to get out more cause there are several other sources that arent left wing,,,

I'm out and about enough to see the actual election results.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you and your ilk in terms of being well informed.

But you just keep reading that MAGA hat and rocking back and forth. I'm sure that will change the election results.
why are you changing the subject???
I think Drudge has his wee wee up Romneys butt.....and dreams of McCain coming back to life and running for President with a Bush....
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So now the Drudge report is part of the 'lame stream media'?

You're gonna be left with OAN and a MAGA hat as your only sources of the outside world at this rate.
you need to get out more cause there are several other sources that arent left wing,,,

I'm out and about enough to see the actual election results.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you and your ilk in terms of being well informed.

But you just keep reading that MAGA hat and rocking back and forth. I'm sure that will change the election results.
why are you changing the subject???

I thought the subject was sources of information.

Mine gave me the actual election results.

Yours, conspiracy fantasies about 2020 election fraud by George Soros, Clinton and Hugo "I've been dead for since 2013" Chavez.

Our sources are not equal.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So now the Drudge report is part of the 'lame stream media'?

You're gonna be left with OAN and a MAGA hat as your only sources of the outside world at this rate.
you need to get out more cause there are several other sources that arent left wing,,,

I'm out and about enough to see the actual election results.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you and your ilk in terms of being well informed.

But you just keep reading that MAGA hat and rocking back and forth. I'm sure that will change the election results.
why are you changing the subject???

I thought the subject was sources of information.

Mine gave me the actual election results.

Yours, conspiracy fantasies about 2020 election fraud by George Soros, Clinton and Hugo "I've been dead for since 2013" Chavez.

Our sources are not equal.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So now the Drudge report is part of the 'lame stream media'?

You're gonna be left with OAN and a MAGA hat as your only sources of the outside world at this rate.
you need to get out more cause there are several other sources that arent left wing,,,

I'm out and about enough to see the actual election results.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you and your ilk in terms of being well informed.

But you just keep reading that MAGA hat and rocking back and forth. I'm sure that will change the election results.
why are you changing the subject???

I thought the subject was sources of information.

Mine gave me the actual election results.

Yours, conspiracy fantasies about 2020 election fraud by George Soros, Clinton and Hugo "I've been dead for since 2013" Chavez.

Our sources are not equal.
1. Drudge made the decision sometime back that President Trump was finished, so he changed horses in mid-stream. He (or whoever actually puts the website together) started giving anti-Trump headlines.

2. Regarding Mr. G.'s hair dye problem, the media in 2020 are different from the media in the last century when they would not think of reporting President Kennedy's romantic life. Indeed, we have even been told about President Trump's endowment.

3. The media are desperate: the print media face bankruptcy & the digital media are desperate for clicks. They will "report" anything that will attract eyeballs. Rather pitiful actually. The mighty New York Times had to become liberal on steroids in order to stave off bankruptcy.

4. Since younger people reportedly get their news from social media, that means that many media outlets face a bleak future (Even CNN had to go anti-Trump in order to stay in business).

5. I know that it is of cold comfort to President Trump, but he was right when he predicted that the media would miss him. No doubt the media will be leading the crusade to indict him, thus having him to kick around for a little longer and to provide relief from the adulation that they will have to lavish on President Biden and especially on Vice President Harris.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So now the Drudge report is part of the 'lame stream media'?

You're gonna be left with OAN and a MAGA hat as your only sources of the outside world at this rate.
you need to get out more cause there are several other sources that arent left wing,,,

I'm out and about enough to see the actual election results.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you and your ilk in terms of being well informed.

But you just keep reading that MAGA hat and rocking back and forth. I'm sure that will change the election results.
why are you changing the subject???

I thought the subject was sources of information.

Mine gave me the actual election results.

Yours, conspiracy fantasies about 2020 election fraud by George Soros, Clinton and Hugo "I've been dead for since 2013" Chavez.

Our sources are not equal.

Says you. And your source sucks.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So now the Drudge report is part of the 'lame stream media'?

You're gonna be left with OAN and a MAGA hat as your only sources of the outside world at this rate.
you need to get out more cause there are several other sources that arent left wing,,,

I'm out and about enough to see the actual election results.

Which puts me head and shoulders above you and your ilk in terms of being well informed.

But you just keep reading that MAGA hat and rocking back and forth. I'm sure that will change the election results.
why are you changing the subject???

I thought the subject was sources of information.

Mine gave me the actual election results.

Yours, conspiracy fantasies about 2020 election fraud by George Soros, Clinton and Hugo "I've been dead for since 2013" Chavez.

Our sources are not equal.

Says you. And your source sucks.
just read youre own comment,,,

hey did you ever find those next ten words when you lied about what trump said???
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

So it's the media's fault that this senile fool doesn't know how to dye his bald head. Who are REAL Americans?
dye his bald head?
Lol you idiot
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.
We enjoy seeing the vanity of our peers..
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

I stopped going to Drudge about 2 years ago. Shame too because it was decent for a very long time
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

The propagandists that try to pass as media anymore, primarily focus on superficial crap.
We, the real Americans, need to stop watching the biased liberal media because it is no longer a source of real news. It is simply hate-filled propaganda aimed to impose a left-wing tyranny upon us starting with this stolen election.

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