When Fox News Front Page looks like this it is not good news for Trump and his minions

The RWNJs are fickle, when FOX Noise lies to them, everything is rosy. But when the Noise Machine tells a little truth, the RWNJs can't hate it enough.

Don't worry, FOX Noise will be back to its lying self in no time.

If you people still think FOX is "Conservative" you're not very bright. Their ratings have tanked for a reason.
Have you seen the the number of people who watch/read news outlets you consider conservative? The group is relatively insignificant. The rats have been chased back into their holes that includes a few news outlets for the rats but the general public pays no attention.
FOX blows. They're just a small step above CNN or MSNBC.
Go back to your little niche right wing extremist news outlets that nobody cares about and has no reach. Fine with me. Put the nut cases back in the hole they came from.
More fake news from Faux News.

And this is like the fifth thread now?
Poor Hawk.

The aroma of desperation is delicious.

Can you imagine?

On Tuesday, the GOP lost the Senate.
On Wednesday, trump tried to overthrow the country
And now, the whole damn thing is beginning to crumble onto The Don's head.

Man....2021 is really gonna suck for trumpsters.
Where is the image?
As each individual goes rogue, we do not believe them any more. And we wish they are not doing it. We live win a propaganda world now. And being true to core beliefs means death.

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