When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.


That's type of piece of sh*t black people are dealing with. Larry doesn’t believe in racism. He probably wants to take her out to dinner.
View attachment 537276

That's type of piece of sh*t black people are dealing with. Larry doesn’t believe in racism. He probably wants to take her out to dinner.

Hi, Paul. Are you and other Segregation-minded ProBlack Supremacists upset with Larry Elder for SNITCHING about human dysfunction affecting the quality of life for far too many American citizens of African descent?

Human dysfunction that includes American children and teenagers of African descent SUFFERING, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, America's highest rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Child Maltreatment And Child Abandonment?

"Gov Stats Reveal Child Neglect, Abuse, Maltreatment Is Destroying The Black Community" ~Devils Advocate

Obama bitches hoes 1.jpgRacism_Obama_Abuse.jpgObama_DEGRADING_Women.jpgReparationsChildAbuse4.jpg


☮️♥️ EndHate2021
"Do you comprehend men like me? I don’t care is a yard full of Commie duds show up at my house".
Now that's funny.
Another funny, is of course you wouldn't be afraid of any commie duds showing up at your house, likely you welcomed them in, with their Trump hats and flags.

March 3, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.
Trump may have done what you said,
The Chinese Communists are well on their way to being the dominant Asian power, and it will be permanent, whether they are praised or not.
Trump may have done what you said,
The Chinese Communists are well on their way to being the dominant Asian power, and it will be permanent, whether they are praised or not.
I don't think they are on their way.
They are already there and have been for years.
A whole lot of guys want to take Candace out to dinner, black and white. She is a good looking, well mannered woman, and they are harder to find, than they once were.
Not really. You're talking to a black man, I think he knows better than you how most blacks feel about Candace Owens.
Not really. You're talking to a black man, I think he knows better than you how most blacks feel about Candace Owens.

Hello, IM2. Do you believe most citizens you refer to as "blacks," embrace a ProBlack Segregationist agenda that sadly includes willfully ignoring our nation's potential life scarring THUGLIFE Child Care Public Health CRISIS affecting far too many American citizens children, teens and ADULTS of African descent



☮️♥️ EndHate2021
Hello, PB. Evidently, there are many emotionally troubled citizens embracing a Segregation-minded, ProBlack Supremacist agenda.

Author Shawn James - ProBlack Insanity

"Blacks Are Taught To Hate America" ~It's Kyou


The Black communities here have separatists in their midst, but for the most part, the blacks and whites get along. But there are so many crazy ideologies in America now, that I don’t how long it will be before divisions tear it apart.

It is certainly not The United States anymore, it is something else.

The videos were good, esp. the first one, I skipped through them.
But there are so many crazy ideologies in America now,

Hi, PB. In my OPINION, feminists are pushing a matriarchy that will ultimately result with the downfall of America, as well as any Nation where women seek to be decision makers.

Reviewing evidence, in my opinion, the overly emotional, often irrational, historically duplicitous half of our human species should NOT be making decisions affecting society.

In my opinion, based on evidence, many women have abandon their responsibility as primary child caregivers, instead choosing to selfishly pursue their own agenda.

If a woman wants to be a career person, great!

However, I believe most women, particularly unmarried single women, do not have the skills to maintain a career, along with raising a smiling happy baby who matures into a reasonably well-adjusted teen and adult citizen caring about their own well-being as well as the well-being of their neighbors.

Fatherless Child Sharing Tears & PAIN:

Some surveys report Empathy on the decline in USA:

Ask yourself, who is primarily responsible for instilling EMPATHY in our nation's most precious assets?

In my opinion attorney Dennis Spurling's admonishment applies to all American men >>>



300,000 Southern Boys died protecting their right to own other human beings

That is compensation enough

95% of those did not own slaves.

Your Jewish ancestors did, and they paid $350 not to fight....

Jews manipulating Christian morons - the story of the south.
Hi, PB. In my OPINION, feminists are pushing a matriarchy that will ultimately result with the downfall of America, as well as any Nation where women seek to be decision makers.

Reviewing evidence, in my opinion, the overly emotional, often irrational, historically duplicitous half of our human species should NOT be making decisions affecting society.

In my opinion, based on evidence, many women have abandon their responsibility as primary child caregivers, instead choosing to selfishly pursue their own agenda.

If a woman wants to be a career person, great!

However, I believe most women, particularly unmarried single women, do not have the skills to maintain a career, along with raising a smiling happy baby who matures into a reasonably well-adjusted teen and adult citizen caring about their own well-being as well as the well-being of their neighbors.

Fatherless Child Sharing Tears & PAIN:

Some surveys report Empathy on the decline in USA:

Ask yourself, who is primarily responsible for instilling EMPATHY in our nation's most precious assets?

In my opinion attorney Dennis Spurling's admonishment applies to all American men >>>


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View attachment 539084View attachment 539085View attachment 539087


The femiNAZI Hate movement is truly sick and totally anti American.
The femiNAZI Hate movement is truly sick and totally anti American.

Hi, EMH. Apparently this lifetime feminist agrees with you...

"Feminist Camille Paglia - Mentally Imbalanced, Neurotic, Hateful Women Poisoning American Culture"

Greetings. While I agree with some of Ms. Paglia's observations and opinions, unequivocally, I cannot agree that prostitution should be legal.

In my experience, the overwhelming majority of boys, girls, men and women willing to sell their bodies to strangers are experiencing some type of emotional or mental issue, that unfortunately in many cases is related to potentially life scarring traumatic events experienced or witnessed during a critical period of childhood development.

Child Brain Development SCIENTIST, MD, PhD spills the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey about how Childhood Trauma affects ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:

Cali Surgeon General explains Childhood Trauma, Neglect, Maltreatment & ADULT MENTAL HEALTH:


☮️ EndHate2021
Camille has courage and integrity.

She is the needle in the media/feminist haystack of sick liars.

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