When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.

No, it's white racism. That's a multi partisan problem. Citing 2 cities doesn't mean shit. I live in a conservative state where right wing policies failed. So stop lying to yourself about things based on ideology.
No, it's white racism. That's a multi partisan problem. Citing 2 cities doesn't mean shit. I live in a conservative state where right wing policies failed. So stop lying to yourself about things based on ideology.

Huh....you told me you live in Ca........
When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.

He and the other black right wing flavor of the month Candice Owens were on a show spewing internalized racism afflicted cray cray about how descendants of slave owners would deserve reparations for their lost property.

In another thread some dumb ass had the nerve to say Elder was an intellectual.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

When Slaveowners Got Reparations

Written by
Tera W. Hunter, The New York Times
April 17, 2019

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

Lincoln appointed a board of commissioners to oversee the process of compensation, headed by the North Carolina abolitionist and New York Times reporter Daniel Reaves Goodloe. The board reviewed more than 1,000 slaveholders’ petitions to claim more than 3,000 enslaved people, close to the entirety of the dwindling population. Most of the petitioners received the full amount allowed. The largest individual payout was $18,000 for 69 slaves.

We need to reparations from Africa for selling Americans defective farm equipment....
There are more impressive blacks who have come from less. But you'll like any black who says what you want to hear.
is that not what you do?.....as long as they agree with me they are ok....if not they must be racist.....
We are still waiting for one single black bigot with a show

Don lemon
Joy Reid
Van jones

To have the intellectual courage to bring Larry on for a one on one debate on issues.

None have such courage, and neither do you....
OK, you asked for it, you got it...

Today at 2:30pm Eastern on his show Dr. Rashad Richey will debate Larry Elder during his Bullpen block.

The show is called "Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey" on YouTube.

Will you tune in?
When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.

He and the other black right wing flavor of the month Candice Owens were on a show spewing internalized racism afflicted cray cray about how descendants of slave owners would deserve reparations for their lost property.

In another thread some dumb ass had the nerve to say Elder was an intellectual.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

When Slaveowners Got Reparations

Written by
Tera W. Hunter, The New York Times
April 17, 2019

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

Lincoln appointed a board of commissioners to oversee the process of compensation, headed by the North Carolina abolitionist and New York Times reporter Daniel Reaves Goodloe. The board reviewed more than 1,000 slaveholders’ petitions to claim more than 3,000 enslaved people, close to the entirety of the dwindling population. Most of the petitioners received the full amount allowed. The largest individual payout was $18,000 for 69 slaves.

The only idiot I'm seeing here is the OP!

Seems some fail to understand satire, such as if one is going to pay reparations for things done centuries ago, then maybe do so across the full spectrum. But then, most Dumbocrats are both ignorant and stupid so no surprise here that you failed to pick up on this play upon an inaccurate and detrimental concept.

I recall listening to and appreciating Larry Elder long before I found out he was Black/African-American. Still, his common-sense and conservative viewpoints were refreshing compared to the ideological lock-step that the Leftists and "Democrats" expect everyone to conform to. The largest lack of diversity and tolerance I've encountered in 70+ years of being on this planet comes from the Left/Democrat/"pseudo-Liberal" idiots whom are mostly thugs, thieves, and parasites advocating for "Wealth Redistribution" while doing little to nothing to "Create Wealth".

If your sort were to be gone from society, would be no great loss and a huge great gain!
When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.

He and the other black right wing flavor of the month Candice Owens were on a show spewing internalized racism afflicted cray cray about how descendants of slave owners would deserve reparations for their lost property.

In another thread some dumb ass had the nerve to say Elder was an intellectual.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

When Slaveowners Got Reparations

Written by
Tera W. Hunter, The New York Times
April 17, 2019

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

Lincoln appointed a board of commissioners to oversee the process of compensation, headed by the North Carolina abolitionist and New York Times reporter Daniel Reaves Goodloe. The board reviewed more than 1,000 slaveholders’ petitions to claim more than 3,000 enslaved people, close to the entirety of the dwindling population. Most of the petitioners received the full amount allowed. The largest individual payout was $18,000 for 69 slaves.

As usual you are trying to twist simple facts to say something they don't. Elder was making the point that if descendants of slaves deserve compensation for actions taken against their dead ancestors, the descendants of slave owners deserve compensation for the property (and property was what slaves were under US law until the 13th and 14th Amendments were passed) that was seized and freed by Union forces. The Union payed compensation for supplies seized from Confederate civilians during the war and a large number of slaves were freed from Union states like Maryland and Kentucky without compensation for their owners. You can't have it both ways, if one group deserves compensation generations later, so does the other.
As usual you are trying to twist simple facts to say something they don't. Elder was making the point that if descendants of slaves deserve compensation for actions taken against their dead ancestors, the descendants of slave owners deserve compensation for the property (and property was what slaves were under US law until the 13th and 14th Amendments were passed) that was seized and freed by Union forces. The Union payed compensation for supplies seized from Confederate civilians during the war and a large number of slaves were freed from Union states like Maryland and Kentucky without compensation for their owners. You can't have it both ways, if one group deserves compensation generations later, so does the other.

He demands to have it both ways, he is a leech who was never owned by anyone but simply wants money that isn't his.
Notice who defends Elder. Each one of them is a racist.

“The problem with white supremacists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremacists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremacists, you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”-
Anonymous white USMB poster
The only idiot I'm seeing here is the OP!

Seems some fail to understand satire, such as if one is going to pay reparations for things done centuries ago, then maybe do so across the full spectrum. But then, most Dumbocrats are both ignorant and stupid so no surprise here that you failed to pick up on this play upon an inaccurate and detrimental concept.

I recall listening to and appreciating Larry Elder long before I found out he was Black/African-American. Still, his common-sense and conservative viewpoints were refreshing compared to the ideological lock-step that the Leftists and "Democrats" expect everyone to conform to. The largest lack of diversity and tolerance I've encountered in 70+ years of being on this planet comes from the Left/Democrat/"pseudo-Liberal" idiots whom are mostly thugs, thieves, and parasites advocating for "Wealth Redistribution" while doing little to nothing to "Create Wealth".

If your sort were to be gone from society, would be no great loss and a huge great gain!
Reparations are paid annually to Native Americans for things done centuries ago. But our case is not just about what happened centuries ago and furthermore there is no statute of limitations on human rights violations. Larry Elder is an idiot who is only liked by racist whites. You have been shown in the OP that Elder has no knowledge of the subject since slaveowners did get reparations.
Notice who defends Elder. Each one of them is a racist.

“The problem with white supremacists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremacists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremacists, you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”-
Anonymous white USMB poster

Is Herschel walker a racist too?

If a black dares disagree with the democrats, you do not have the intellect or the courage to debate. All you do is toss cards, name call, and quote bullshit from CRT intellect-frauds who are just leftwing black bigots.

You are not free.

You lack the freedom and courage to ever disagree with the very same party that put your ancestors in chains....
Notice who defends Elder. Each one of them is a racist.

“The problem with white supremacists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremacists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremacists, you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”-
Anonymous white USMB poster

Too funny you racist pig. Funny thing though, you told me you live in ca.....and then you stated the state you live in is a "red state". You seem to have a truth issue.
Reparations are paid annually to Native Americans for things done centuries ago. But our case is not just about what happened centuries ago and furthermore there is no statute of limitations on human rights violations. Larry Elder is an idiot who is only liked by racist whites. You have been shown in the OP that Elder has no knowledge of the subject since slaveowners did get reparations.

You lie

Larry never said none were paid. Larry made the hypothetical argument from a legal perspective, an argument made by Ron Paul (which is why Ron Paul never got 10% in a NH primary despite being the only "libertarian") that slave owners suffered a "loss" if "property" was taken.

Your bigoted rear is lying and trying to spin that into Larry saying things he did not.

You are a liar, a bigot, and a slave of the party of slavery.
OK, you asked for it, you got it...

Today at 2:30pm Eastern on his show Dr. Rashad Richey will debate Larry Elder during his Bullpen block.

The show is called "Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey" on YouTube.

Will you tune in?

Link the replay and post it for everyone here. A new topic - it is worthy...
We are still waiting for one single black bigot with a show

Don lemon
Joy Reid
Van jones

To have the intellectual courage to bring Larry on for a one on one debate on issues.

None have such courage, and neither do you....
We are still waiting for one single black bigot with a show

Don lemon
Joy Reid
Van jones

To have the intellectual courage to bring Larry on for a one on one debate on issues.

None have such courage, and neither do you....
I used to listen to Larry’s show all the time when I lived in So Cal. He always had opposing views on his show. One person he had on a lot was Leo Tyrell, who back then sounded a lot like IM2 and Paul. Larry and Leo had good debates with both making their points and respecting the other and his time to speak. Back then Leo was far left on most issues, now Leo is moderate to centrist by the standards of the liberals.
That's a lie. But what we do know is that white racists will defend any black person who allows them to continue withe their racist beliefs like Elder and Owens.
If Owens and Elder spoke ebonics and were race hustlers you'd love them. You're the Black person who chided the smart Black kids in school for "acting white".
  • Thanks
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I used to listen to Larry’s show all the time when I lived in So Cal. He always had opposing views on his show. One person he had on a lot was Leo Tyrell, who back then sounded a lot like IM2 and Paul. Larry and Leo had good debates with both making their points and respecting the other and his time to speak. Back then Leo was far left on most issues, now Leo is moderate to centrist by the standards of the liberals.
Yep, Leo wised up.
As usual you are trying to twist simple facts to say something they don't. Elder was making the point that if descendants of slaves deserve compensation for actions taken against their dead ancestors, the descendants of slave owners deserve compensation for the property (and property was what slaves were under US law until the 13th and 14th Amendments were passed) that was seized and freed by Union forces. The Union payed compensation for supplies seized from Confederate civilians during the war and a large number of slaves were freed from Union states like Maryland and Kentucky without compensation for their owners. You can't have it both ways, if one group deserves compensation generations later, so does the other.
I was wrong, many slave owners in Union states were payed for their freed slaves. But as far as I can find out, not a single ex-confederate slave owner was paid.

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