When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.

Stay on topic.....
The argument by the kKKoontastic clowns is that the problem is WHITE people (unless you are of color and resist the DemoKlan)

How many "White" boys died defending freedom for other human beings? Oops......the inconvenient truth
The argument is reparations for slave owners
My life would be greater, without crimes committed by blacks.

Of course, without white racism, there never ever would of been slaves brought to the British controlled areas in the New World. Hence, you would not exist.You should thank the British for giving you life. Life much better than anyone had in the Africa of the past.
Your life would even be greater without the thee times moare amount of crimes done by whites. I would exist in Africa and be living quitecfine if not for what was done. What kind of psychosids makes a saltine believe the shit you just posted?
Stay on topic.....
The argument by the kKKoontastic clowns is that the problem is WHITE people (unless you are of color and resist the DemoKlan)

How many "White" boys died defending freedom for other human beings? Oops......the inconvenient truth
It's not like blacks haven't done that. Blacks died to free whitey from the british and did not get any freedom. So stay on topic and stop dropping dumb shit like your post.
"Black people who participate in the disenfranchisement of their own is nothing new. Usually, people with black skin who parrot the talking points of white people who are racist or believe we live in a post-racial society will be propped up and taken seriously by whites. This is an old white supremacy tactic: find a black person who can espouse our views about non-existent racism while simultaneously degrading black people through sheer ignorance so we can 1). Refute any allegations of being racist since my worldview aligns with someone who has black skin and 2). Give false validity to an argument that racism does not exist when I use this black person as my source."
Slave owners could have gotten reparations for loss of their “property”

If they had allowed a peaceful transition from slavery over a period of 10-20 years, they would have been compensated.

Instead they chose treason and rebellion and got nothing
Actually they did receive monetary compensation for their "losses".
You are miserable and looking for someone to blame. Anyone that isn't as miserable as you is the enemy, because "misery loves company" and you revel in it.

If you didn't have hate and misery you wouldn't have anything at all.

I think I know what I am better than your white ass does. I am not the one blaming whites, documented history blames whites.
Both IM2 and MarcATL are two KKKoonastic tools doing the bidding of George Soros and the Democrat KKKLan

No one takes them seriously
Wrong. But you're a loony tune anyway so this cray cray coming from you is expected.
Both Larry and Candace are two KKKoontastic tools doing their masters' bidding.

No one takes them seriously.

I see. Only black BIGOTS "matter."

Blacks do not have the right to

Freedom of thought

Because black bigots will call you names if you do....

Ah, the "affirmative action intellectual" strikes again!!!
Shut the fuck up with that stupid bullshit. My life is great and it would be even greater without white racism. So stick to the topic and spare me your dumb ass assumptions that you repeat made by brain dead nutjobs.

This thread shows that slaveowners got reparations. Elder and Owens seem to think it's okay for descendants of slaveowners to get paid twice while opposing reparations for blacks like the good tokens that they are.

Last, I'm better educated than you are I bet. So you can shut that up too. Second, whites depended on our labor for the first 240 years they have been on this continent and have lived off programs we were excluded from that we paid taxes for during the last 160. Last, stop pretending I am talking about the past. This forum is full of white racists. Right now. In the present.

Only because in your pea brain ANYONE who dares disagree with you is racist.
Wrong. But you're a loony tune anyway so this cray cray coming from you is expected.

No, he's right. You racist blacks sit around here jerking each other off and scream about how intelligent you think you are.
I see. Only black BIGOTS "matter."

Blacks do not have the right to

Freedom of thought

Because black bigots will call you names if you do....

Ah, the "affirmative action intellectual" strikes again!!!

We do have the freedom to hold disdain against any "thinking" that contradicts truth and reality.

Whites have got AA for 245 years.
Mr. Elder is a top tier radio personality, hardly a buffoon.

And people definitely take him seriously. Mr. Newsom solicited a massive donation from the International Felon Soros. You don't do that if you aren't taking the man seriously.
Elder is an idiot as shown by the OP.
You are another bigoted lying coward devoid of the courage to debate Larry.

Keep up the black bigot hate!!!

Larry's best shot is for voters to see who really hates him....
I'd be glad to debate that sellout. But all he can do is interrupt, loudtalk over somebody and obfuscate when his lunacy gets countered. Elder is the black bigot.
When I say Larry Elder is an idiot, that's because he is.

He and the other black right wing flavor of the month Candice Owens were on a show spewing internalized racism afflicted cray cray about how descendants of slave owners would deserve reparations for their lost property.

In another thread some dumb ass had the nerve to say Elder was an intellectual.

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When Slaveowners Got Reparations

Written by
Tera W. Hunter, The New York Times
April 17, 2019

On April 16, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed a bill emancipating enslaved people in Washington, the end of a long struggle. But to ease slaveowners’ pain, the District of Columbia Emancipation Act paid those loyal to the Union up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

That’s right, slaveowners got reparations. Enslaved African-Americans got nothing for their generations of stolen bodies, snatched children and expropriated labor other than their mere release from legal bondage.

Lincoln appointed a board of commissioners to oversee the process of compensation, headed by the North Carolina abolitionist and New York Times reporter Daniel Reaves Goodloe. The board reviewed more than 1,000 slaveholders’ petitions to claim more than 3,000 enslaved people, close to the entirety of the dwindling population. Most of the petitioners received the full amount allowed. The largest individual payout was $18,000 for 69 slaves.

See. He didn't listen to you knee grow and your dumb people. A hood rat that made something of himself

Poor...Poor.......IM2. Wallowing in his own defecaton
We do have the freedom to hold disdain against any "thinking" that contradicts truth and reality.

Whites have got AA for 245 years.

Political opinions are opinions.

If you support a tax increase, that is your opinion, not "truth and reality"

You think blacks do not have the right to have a different opinion that what your black bigot masters tell you to believe. You are not free, and you hate truly free blacks like Larry Elder because Larry Elder has the courage and intellectual fortitude to not only stand up to your pathetic bullying, but also


Which is why you black bigot cowards never debate him, but rather just call him names....
I'd be glad to debate that sellout. But all he can do is interrupt, loudtalk over somebody and obfuscate when his lunacy gets countered. Elder is the black bigot.
I love who came up with......The black face of white supremecy.lolol

What a tool and useful idiot you are racist
I'd be glad to debate that sellout. But all he can do is interrupt, loudtalk over somebody and obfuscate when his lunacy gets countered. Elder is the black bigot.


Have van jones and joy Reid debate him on TV.

They won't, because bigots are all COWARDS whether they put sheets over their heads or advocate shooting cops in the back.

Larry has courage.

None of the black bigots do.
Larry elder is an intellectual. He was making a hypothetical argument. His argument was valid in context. Larry elder appreciates the white republicans who liberated his ancestors. IM2 does not. IM2 does not believe blacks have the right, THE RIGHT, to disagree with the democrats.

IM2's favorite politician, homO, is the biological product of Democrat confederate slaveowners (all with Jewish last names) and those in Africa accused of rounding up IM2's ancestors and selling them to the boats.

You may remember that IM2 thought that "whites" got off the boats and chased down the Africans from behind...

Affirmative action education = perpetual slavery to Democrat Party.....
Elder is an idiot propped up by white racists for reasons I posted on #44.

You can't tell me what I believe saltine because you're wrong.

In fact your whole post is a prime display of nabisco ignorance.

Would you like to discuss the white republican Corwin Amendment that was made to make slavery constitutional?

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