When, if ever, are we going to exert our will over these war mongers in DC. They are supposed to represent us not foreign nations.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

The MAJORITY do not want our tax dollars going to Ukraine. Period. Full stop.

The obsession the left have with Russia is bankrupting us further.

We armed and funded Iran. We toppled relatively stable nations in the middle east who have secumb to internal strife & violence as a result. We deposed Saddam and Iraq is at best a mess. We killed 176k in Afghanistan and then left them billions in weapons. Let's pretend that won't bite us in the ass down the road.
Now we're funding a corrupt regime in Ukraine that bans political opposition, suspends elections & jails religious leaders. Yeah, that's all about democracy 🙄 Our money and weapons are ensuring that untold thousands are being killed indiscriminately.

Enough of this shit. All the money we've spent overseas COULD HAVE done amazing things inside our own borders.

I admit I supported the war in Iraq and with the luxury of hindsight, time to reflect and WISDOM I realize that was a mistake. So I'll give you the Iraq war as a gop led & supported affair but at this point its become an addiction and we're letting the bureaucrats & weapons companies destroy our future. What is the point of the "fight them over there" mantra is we allow our own nation to descend into internal chaos & hardships?

I'm not sure these Democrats understand the concept of being a true warmonger. The Democrats in power now are emasculated cowards who are used to being pushed around by feminist women. It only makes sense that they'd want to assert their manhood by rattling their toy swords and tooting their war horns. But giving a large chunk of our weapons and equipment to some other country while leaving our own country weaker is just a plain stupid military strategy.
The majority of Americans do, even though they don't understand that it's America's war against Russia.

And fwiw, most of the Americans who oppose the war don't understand that either.

The outcome of the war is going to decide the balance of power between America (the West) and the Brics, for the foreseeable future.

At stake is a united Russia and China and global supremacy.
At stake is a united Russia and China and global supremacy
By a systemic hatred of Putin by our permanent DC insiders has pushed Russia into the arms of China... that ship has sailed...
How many years now have dems and Bush bots been sanctioning Russia?... they have levied so many sanctions on Russia that Russia had to create a black market economy with China's help... How stupid are our leaders?...

The MAJORITY do not want our tax dollars going to Ukraine. Period. Full stop.

The obsession the left have with Russia is bankrupting us further.

We armed and funded Iran. We toppled relatively stable nations in the middle east who have secumb to internal strife & violence as a result. We deposed Saddam and Iraq is at best a mess. We killed 176k in Afghanistan and then left them billions in weapons. Let's pretend that won't bite us in the ass down the road.
Now we're funding a corrupt regime in Ukraine that bans political opposition, suspends elections & jails religious leaders. Yeah, that's all about democracy 🙄 Our money and weapons are ensuring that untold thousands are being killed indiscriminately.

Enough of this shit. All the money we've spent overseas COULD HAVE done amazing things inside our own borders.

I admit I supported the war in Iraq and with the luxury of hindsight, time to reflect and WISDOM I realize that was a mistake. So I'll give you the Iraq war as a gop led & supported affair but at this point its become an addiction and we're letting the bureaucrats & weapons companies destroy our future. What is the point of the "fight them over there" mantra is we allow our own nation to descend into internal chaos & hardships?

Those KICKBACK$ to the elected in the D.istrict of C.orruption are too generou$ stop the war$.
By a systemic hatred of Putin by our permanent DC insiders has pushed Russia into the arms of China... that ship has sailed...
How many years now have dems and Bush bots been sanctioning Russia?... they have levied so many sanctions on Russia that Russia had to create a black market economy with China's help... How stupid are our leaders?...
It's still not widely accepted in America that China and Russia are one united power opposing America.
Although there are some pretty wild claims being floated on this board, the members are likely as informed overall as the American public.

I do however believe that China and Russia are a united military and economic power.

Earlier on in the war there was some confusion on account of Russia appearing to be weak and China not coming to Russia's rescue. That turned out to be not the case and China was clearsighted enough to see the facts.
By a systemic hatred of Putin by our permanent DC insiders has pushed Russia into the arms of China... that ship has sailed...
How many years now have dems and Bush bots been sanctioning Russia?... they have levied so many sanctions on Russia that Russia had to create a black market economy with China's help... How stupid are our leaders?...
War Is Good Business. Invest Your Employees' Sons.
It's not just the left.

That so many insist to make everything partisan even when it's not is a large reason we can't change anything.

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