Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

yea they have low approval does biden and harris the whole useless inept incompetent congress......why do you vote for these people bobo?...
I just realized something. You're a Not See too. Maybe not one that knew they'd be marching jews into ovens, but I'm sure there were many German's like you in the 1930's who didn't like either party. Asked their fellow German's why they continue to vote for the INEright and UNleft party. Why not go with this new party called the Not Sees.

Starting to see where I'm going with this Harry? The Democrats aren't the ones with a corrupt leader problem. A FELON. The Democrats aren't the party who has Majorie Taylor Green in it Harry. Wake the fuck up.
They are following the only valid interpretation of the Constitution. And I'm not going to spend time looking up the cases they have rules on recently but there have been a number of unanimous decisions. They are being careful with a decision on the immunity issue, not for Trump's benefit, but for ability of all Presidents, past and future, to be able to do their jobs without spending the rest of their lives in court. Including Biden.
You are no authority of "the only valid interpretation of the Constitution." You have your opinion, nothing more.
My opinion plus that of many constitutional scholars and a pretty thorough grounding in the founding documents that underpin the Constitution.
Of some lawyers and no, you are not grounded at all in the normal understanding of what our Ur documents mean.

You like Martha Ann Alito believe in a white nationalist interpretation of the Constitution that does not exist.
I know Republicans like the new Supreme Court because it's filled with a bunch of new people willing to legislate from the bench but besides them, does anyone trust this new Supreme Court? Taking money from millionaires and legislating over decisions that will effect their business' and our clean air? Do the Supreme Court Republicans, because that's what they are, know they work for all of us? Nope. He thinks we're a Christian Nation

No wonder they have record low approval ratings.

Oh yea and Roe V Wade.

Hell no

To much jesus
To much money

Two things that have no place in a court
Of some lawyers and no, you are not grounded at all in the normal understanding of what our Ur documents mean.

You like Martha Ann Alito believe in a white nationalist interpretation of the Constitution that does not exist.
I have taught constitution with legal experts watching my classes. Nobody has faulted me for my approach yet. I have gotten compliments.

Your credential for your opinions are. . . ?

Here's one of the best short defenses for what the Constitution is intended to be that exists. I doubt anyone of your ilk can comprehend it, but some might enjoy it. Takes a couple of minutes or so to watch:

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As good as yours or better, I imagine.

You are teaching at Protestant parochial schools, yes? If you are, be proud of it.
Nope. Never taught at a parochial or private school. My duty was teaching the principles and content of the Constitution to new immigrants who intended and were eligible for naturalization. I was asked to do the job by a federal court judge and the Board of Directors of the agency I headed agreed to the program.

We actually had citizens who sat in on a lot of the classes which gave me hope I wasn't boring everybody to death.
Fuck you. I wasn't mean or even harsh with you, you piece of shit. No need for you to start throwing that Nazis crap around. You'd make a good anarchist sonovabitch.

If you want to start some anarchists crap because you hate the Supreme Court, you need to be on the front lines, armed leading the charge, so you can get what you need and deserve. I take action only as necessary, and your crap isn't necessary, and nobody in their right mind would follow you, and probably never has.

I still support the Supreme Court, even if I don't always agree. People followed me for years, not because they agreed with every single thing or always liked it, but because on average, it was the right move, personally and organizationally.
I’ll say it again. I often disagree with White. He and I both know that. But to suggest that White is anything “Nazi” like is simply baseless.
I’ll say it again. I often disagree with White. He and I both know that. But to suggest that White is anything “Nazi” like is simply baseless.
other than of course him admitting hes to stupid to read and willing to blindly follow orders,,

I just realized hes to stupid to be a nazi,,
but he is more than qualified to be a useful idiot for nazis,,
Yes it's possible liberals were pushing their left wing interpretation of what is and isn't constitutional. Like gay marriage. But notice whenever Democrats are trying to change something it's to give someone a right not take one away. Right to marry who you want or right to abort.

We need 20 year limits on justices. They age out. Become out of touch. And corrupt. We also need new rules that they can be asked to leave if they take money from Harlan Crow or their wives are involved in the next insurrection.
It's possible!?! You don't have the lower testicular fortitude to admit that they did the same thing you're crying that the right-wing judges are doing. Since you're on the stare decisis bandwagon, was the SC out of line when they reversed the decision of Baker v. Nelson, which outlawed gay marriages? How about Plessy v. Ferguson, which made "separate but equal" Constitutional? Or Pace v. Alabama, which outlawed interracial marriages? If you're going to say that we shouldn't reverse stare decisis, are you saying it uniformly, or just when it something that you agree with the initial decision politically?
It's possible!?! You don't have the lower testicular fortitude to admit that they did the same thing you're crying that the right-wing judges are doing. Since you're on the stare decisis bandwagon, was the SC out of line when they reversed the decision of Baker v. Nelson, which outlawed gay marriages? How about Plessy v. Ferguson, which made "separate but equal" Constitutional? Or Pace v. Alabama, which outlawed interracial marriages? If you're going to say that we shouldn't reverse stare decisis, are you saying it uniformly, or just when it something that you agree with the initial decision politically?
Hold on a second. The left Supreme Courts GAVE gays a right that you were denying. They weren't taking any rights away. You have to admit that if straight couples can get married, so too should gay couples be allowed. Because there are benefits to being married. You can't deny one group.

What's it been 20 years and gay marriage hasn't ruined straight marriage. In fact, straights no longer want to get married. It's stupid.

Separate but equal was wrong.

Banning bi racial marriage is wrong

If you are going to overturn stari decisis, do it because times have changed and the majority of Americans feel differently now. Don't deny Obama his appointment and have Bush/Trump appoint 5 rwnj's and then have them impose their right wing ideology on us.

If that's going to happen then we need term limits or these Supreme's who are out of touch will be fucking over America for decades to come.
Hold on a second. The left Supreme Courts GAVE gays a right that you were denying. They weren't taking any rights away. You have to admit that if straight couples can get married, so too should gay couples be allowed. Because there are benefits to being married. You can't deny one group.

What's it been 20 years and gay marriage hasn't ruined straight marriage. In fact, straights no longer want to get married. It's stupid.

Separate but equal was wrong.

Banning bi racial marriage is wrong

If you are going to overturn stari decisis, do it because times have changed and the majority of Americans feel differently now. Don't deny Obama his appointment and have Bush/Trump appoint 5 rwnj's and then have them impose their right wing ideology on us.

If that's going to happen then we need term limits or these Supreme's who are out of touch will be fucking over America for decades to come.
Yup so sour grapes you have no problem overturning previous rulings as LONG as you agree with them but suddenly it is the end of the Republic if you disagree.
Hold on a second. The left Supreme Courts GAVE gays a right that you were denying. They weren't taking any rights away. You have to admit that if straight couples can get married, so too should gay couples be allowed. Because there are benefits to being married. You can't deny one group.

What's it been 20 years and gay marriage hasn't ruined straight marriage. In fact, straights no longer want to get married. It's stupid.

Separate but equal was wrong.

Banning bi racial marriage is wrong

If you are going to overturn stari decisis, do it because times have changed and the majority of Americans feel differently now. Don't deny Obama his appointment and have Bush/Trump appoint 5 rwnj's and then have them impose their right wing ideology on us.

If that's going to happen then we need term limits or these Supreme's who are out of touch will be fucking over America for decades to come.
I wasn't denying them anything. I believe the same SC justices that voted in favor of Roe v. Wade were the same SC justices that ruled that gay marriage shouldn't be legal. What you're missing about stare decisis is that it's not supposed to be based on how Americans feel about an issue now. That's why so few SC decisions have been reversed. But your response tells me that you based things on your politics. Ideology's good ... as long as your side is the one with the power.
I just realized something. You're a Not See too. Maybe not one that knew they'd be marching jews into ovens, but I'm sure there were many German's like you in the 1930's who didn't like either party. Asked their fellow German's why they continue to vote for the INEright and UNleft party. Why not go with this new party called the Not Sees.

Starting to see where I'm going with this Harry? The Democrats aren't the ones with a corrupt leader problem. A FELON. The Democrats aren't the party who has Majorie Taylor Green in it Harry. Wake the fuck up.
i woke up when i was little bit older than you bobo...maybe in a few years you will eat up to much of what you are told....bobo....wake the fuck up.....
Yup so sour grapes you have no problem overturning previous rulings as LONG as you agree with them but suddenly it is the end of the Republic if you disagree.
Well give me an example. Was the decision popular? Bet it was.

The right is a minority. So everything the Supreme Court is doing now is very unpopular except for the extreme right. That's what is weird about this.

Not really weird. I warned people why they should be voting for Hillary. For one, the judges she picks won't take bribes from billionaires and rule in their favor and they'd never go along with a coup. Your Supreme's already have. 2000 when they sided with Bush.
i woke up when i was little bit older than you bobo...maybe in a few years you will eat up to much of what you are told....bobo....wake the fuck up.....

You're ignorant Harry

I hear there's this new 3rd party and they are all about American's first. They call themselves the Not See Party. You hate the Democrats and Republicans? You think the Democrats are just as bad as Republicans. You sound like a Not See to me. You should go to one of their next rallies and check them out.

The suburbs wouldn’t be the suburbs anymore, the economy would sink into its worst depression ever and police departments would cease to exist. Even America’s older adults would be left to figure out how to get by without heat, air conditioning or electricity.

This is the apocalyptic version of American life that President Donald Trump argued in 2020 would be the dire consequence of turning over the White House to Democrat Joe Biden.

“He’ll bury you in regulations, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders, confiscate your guns, terminate religious liberty, destroy your suburbs,” Trump said in one of many over-the-top pronouncements about Biden in the campaign’s final weeks.

Experts say instilling fear in one’s opponent is usually the primary motivating factor behind such talk as candidates seek to give ignorant voters a reason to put a checkmark next to their name on the ballot.

“Fear based on a particular kind of ignorance that only works if your hearers have that particular kind of ignorance already,”

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