Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

Like, impeachment of an unfit, criminal pile of shit like Trump.
I disagree with your observation, but the system worked, the partisan House Impeached Trump and Clinton, but the partisan Senate refused to convict either. The system prevented partisans on both sides from taking action. The founders were a lot smarter than modern politicians.
I disagree with your observation, but the system worked, the partisan House Impeached Trump and Clinton, but the partisan Senate refused to convict either. The system prevented partisans on both sides from taking action. The founders were a lot smarter than modern politicians.
The system allowed a minority of partisans to keep an insurrectionist extortionist in office.

The system wasn't designed for a cult.
If the Supreme Court was 6-3 liberal judges, would you making this post? I highly doubt it. Taking money from millionaires and legislating over decisions that will affect their businesses and our clean air? Who do they think they are? Congress?
That is a true statement, sealy would be so defensive of of his liberal court, he actually still believes that the 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections were stolen. He believes Democrats really care about people, seriously, he does.
That is a true statement, sealy would be so defensive of of his liberal court, he actually still believes that the 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections were stolen. He believes Democrats really care about people, seriously, he does.
They do care about people, themselves!
Like when they agreed gay marriage should be a right.
I disagree with homosexuality, they can do whatever they want, but marriage is a Christian institution, the only reason the state got involved with marriage at all, was for tax purposes. Is marriage covered in the constitution?
I disagree with homosexuality, they can do whatever they want, but marriage is a Christian institution, the only reason the state got involved with marriage at all, was for tax purposes. Is marriage covered in the constitution?

No. Marriage isn't a Christian institution. Muslims do it too.
I disagree with homosexuality, they can do whatever they want, but marriage is a Christian institution, the only reason the state got involved with marriage at all, was for tax purposes. Is marriage covered in the constitution?

If Trump says Jenner can use any bathroom in Trump Tower SHE wants, why are you voting for him? He agrees with us on this trannies in bathrooms.

And I'm sure he would let Jenner get married at Mara Lago, if he paid for the wedding.
No. Marriage isn't a Christian institution. Muslims do it too.
It was instituted in the Bible, sorry!
n the Old Testament, we are taught, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Married couples are meant to be unified in every possible way.
Exactly. Where does it?

You think you just made a huge point of some kind? The right to defend myself shall not be infringed upon, banning anything like that, would then be unconstitutional should i deem it necessary. Personally I do not want fully automatic weapons semi is fine.
If Trump says Jenner can use any bathroom in Trump Tower SHE wants, why are you voting for him? He agrees with us on this trannies in bathrooms.

And I'm sure he would let Jenner get married at Mara Lago, if he paid for the wedding.
By Jeremy W. Peters, Jo Becker and Julie Hirschfeld Davis
  • Feb. 22, 2017
WASHINGTON — President Trump on Wednesday rescinded protections for transgender students that had allowed them to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity, overruling his own education secretary and placing his administration firmly in the middle of the culture wars that many Republicans have tried to leave behind.
It was instituted in the Bible, sorry!
n the Old Testament, we are taught, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Married couples are meant to be unified in every possible way.
So you think only Christians should be allowed to marry? That's one way to get more members.
I disagree with homosexuality, they can do whatever they want, but marriage is a Christian institution, the only reason the state got involved with marriage at all, was for tax purposes. Is marriage covered in the constitution?
Most religions have some sort of marriage.
If Trump says Jenner can use any bathroom in Trump Tower SHE wants, why are you voting for him? He agrees with us on this trannies in bathrooms.

And I'm sure he would let Jenner get married at Mara Lago, if he paid for the wedding.
So your opinion is that if you don't agree with one opinion of a Presidential candidate, you should not vote for them at all? Interesting opinion, how does that actually work?
So your opinion is that if you don't agree with one opinion of a Presidential candidate, you should not vote for them at all? Interesting opinion, how does that actually work?
Seems like a pretty big issue for you guys. How many years have you guys been crying about trannies in bathrooms? I just found it interesting that Trump said a tranny can use any bathroom they want in his business'.

How many times do I have to tell you they use these social wedge issues to divide us? I'm just showing you that they don't even give a fuck about this issue. But how many of you are going to vote for the GOP because they are anti gay? I know it may not be your top 2 reasons for voting for Trump, but it certainly does help fire you guys up.

Now you see you're being duped, by a guy who admits he doesn't care about you. Just wants your vote. So what's he going to do for you Papa? Build a wall? Nope. We even found out he told the Mexican President to just say he would pay for the wall. Knowing he won't pay for the wall. Just say it. That'll be enough for my idiot supporters.

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