Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

Seems like a pretty big issue for you guys. How many years have you guys been crying about trannies in bathrooms? I just found it interesting that Trump said a tranny can use any bathroom they want in his business'.

How many times do I have to tell you they use these social wedge issues to divide us? I'm just showing you that they don't even give a fuck about this issue. But how many of you are going to vote for the GOP because they are anti gay? I know it may not be your top 2 reasons for voting for Trump, but it certainly does help fire you guys up.

Now you see you're being duped, by a guy who admits he doesn't care about you. Just wants your vote. So what's he going to do for you Papa? Build a wall? Nope. We even found out he told the Mexican President to just say he would pay for the wall. Knowing he won't pay for the wall. Just say it. That'll be enough for my idiot supporters.
How many times do I need to tell you that I have known since 2015 Trump cared about Americans as much as any other politician, he just has the balls to admit he only want our vote? That makes him more honest than Biden or past Presidents. If a President really cared, he would make the tough decisions to cut the budget and raise taxes on everyone and not just one group of people. We got to this point together, we all need to get out of this together, but that will require sacrifice and politicians only know how to buy votes.
Well give me an example. Was the decision popular? Bet it was.

The right is a minority. So everything the Supreme Court is doing now is very unpopular except for the extreme right. That's what is weird about this.

Not really weird. I warned people why they should be voting for Hillary. For one, the judges she picks won't take bribes from billionaires and rule in their favor and they'd never go along with a coup. Your Supreme's already have. 2000 when they sided with Bush.
You are still advocating permanent far Ledt ONE PARTY rule, Communist! Now go get shot.
How many times do I need to tell you that I have known since 2015 Trump cared about Americans as much as any other politician, he just has the balls to admit he only want our vote? That makes him more honest than Biden or past Presidents. If a President really cared, he would make the tough decisions to cut the budget and raise taxes on everyone and not just one group of people. We got to this point together, we all need to get out of this together, but that will require sacrifice and politicians only know how to buy votes.
He got you dummy. He convinced you they are just as bad as him. And you don’t see it.
He got you dummy. He convinced you they are just as bad as him. And you don’t see it.
Dummy, I knew politicians don’t give a damn about us long before Trump, he said out loud what other politicians won’t. I don’t support him. You on the other hand have watched this country go down hill, take on over $34 trillion in debt, support a President that has a record number of kids in cages at the border, that wants to throw more money at education, when that hasn’t worked in the last 50 years, he pays offs student loans to buy votes, that let the man that saved his life die when he could have saved him in Afghanistan, who has proven he is racist, that was disappointed that he couldn’t bribe voters with an over $6 trillion spending package that would have increased inflation into double digits, and you still believes he cares, you are an ingnorant fool.
Dummy, I knew politicians don’t give a damn about us long before Trump, he said out loud what other politicians won’t. I don’t support him. You on the other hand have watched this country go down hill, take on over $34 trillion in debt, support a President that has a record number of kids in cages at the border, that wants to throw more money at education, when that hasn’t worked in the last 50 years, he pays offs student loans to buy votes, that let the man that saved his life die when he could have saved him in Afghanistan, who has proven he is racist, that was disappointed that he couldn’t bribe voters with an over $6 trillion spending package that would have increased inflation into double digits, and you still believes he cares, you are an ingnorant fool.

I've watched this country go down hill? The country never went down hill. Only the middle class. Started on Reagan's watch when he first started breaking unions. They created the middle class you enjoy being a part of, not unregulated free market capitalism. So this started with Reagan and really picked up steam in the Bush 2000's when you cheered as all our highest paying blue collar jobs went overseas. Those poeple, will never again make what they made. And a lot of them lost pensions when their companies went bankrupt. The GOP waged war on labor and I bet you helped them attack unions. Bet you're not a fan. So it was YOU who ruined America for yourself.

Me? I said, "fuck it. If you can't beat them, join them" so I bought low and sold high. I maxed out my 401K. I did not go into student loan debt. I didn't have kids I couldn't afford. I got an education. I work hard and smart. I live my life as a Republican. Because when the Republicans win and turn union states into right to work states, the workers who produce $ for their companies get paid better than all the other employees.

I'm living the GOP dream right now. Almost everyone at my company from time to time complains that I get commission. I remind them they would not want to take a pay cut and work partially on commission. They aren't willing to bet on themselves.

AND, we don't do collective bargaining. So they all have to fend for themselves. Making $50K when I make $85K. $35K more a year. How about that? I'm a Republican.
Dummy, I knew politicians don’t give a damn about us long before Trump, he said out loud what other politicians won’t. I don’t support him. You on the other hand have watched this country go down hill, take on over $34 trillion in debt, support a President that has a record number of kids in cages at the border, that wants to throw more money at education, when that hasn’t worked in the last 50 years, he pays offs student loans to buy votes, that let the man that saved his life die when he could have saved him in Afghanistan, who has proven he is racist, that was disappointed that he couldn’t bribe voters with an over $6 trillion spending package that would have increased inflation into double digits, and you still believes he cares, you are an ingnorant fool.

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The 1%:The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

Papa, where do you fall here?


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)
If you fall in the median, perhaps you should be voting Democratic.
I've watched this country go down hill? The country never went down hill. Only the middle class. Started on Reagan's watch when he first started breaking unions. They created the middle class you enjoy being a part of, not unregulated free market capitalism. So this started with Reagan and really picked up steam in the Bush 2000's when you cheered as all our highest paying blue collar jobs went overseas. Those poeple, will never again make what they made. And a lot of them lost pensions when their companies went bankrupt. The GOP waged war on labor and I bet you helped them attack unions. Bet you're not a fan. So it was YOU who ruined America for yourself.

Me? I said, "fuck it. If you can't beat them, join them" so I bought low and sold high. I maxed out my 401K. I did not go into student loan debt. I didn't have kids I couldn't afford. I got an education. I work hard and smart. I live my life as a Republican. Because when the Republicans win and turn union states into right to work states, the workers who produce $ for their companies get paid better than all the other employees.

I'm living the GOP dream right now. Almost everyone at my company from time to time complains that I get commission. I remind them they would not want to take a pay cut and work partially on commission. They aren't willing to bet on themselves.

AND, we don't do collective bargaining. So they all have to fend for themselves. Making $50K when I make $85K. $35K more a year. How about that? I'm a Republican.
You make less than $100k and you believe that is good money? lol! $85k is a high pay rate at your company? lol!

The way you talk I thought you were making at least six figures, my kid makes six figures driving, my other kid is over $250k, I make over $120k in management and I didn’t go to college. You need to find a better paying job.
From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The 1%:The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

Papa, where do you fall here?


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)
If you fall in the median, perhaps you should be voting Democratic.
Always trying to change the subject.
You make less than $100k and you believe that is good money? lol! $85k is a high pay rate at your company? lol!

The way you talk I thought you were making at least six figures, my kid makes six figures driving, my other kid is over $250k, I make over $120k in management and I didn’t go to college. You need to find a better paying job.
I was making $100K before Trump.

And $85K is still $35K more than everyone else at my company. I'm rich bitch!

Of course I don't have a stay at home wife, kids, student loans or a mortgage.

It's not what you make Papa it's what you save. I will have over $1 million dollars before I hit 60. Isn't that good? If you don't think $85K is good, perhaps that's why you are a Republican. You think they help people who make $100K? They don't.

Where do you fall?


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)
I'm in between but should get to $1,300,000 by age 59.

That's pretty good I don't care what you say. I'm considered upper middle class but only because I live alone. One wife who doesn't work or one kid, straight to the middle class.

My brother is rich. Not me. But that too makes me rich. When I go up north to his hunting property, or to his wife's home in Greece, or when I stay in their Florida condo, I stay free.

But don't think I'm a mooch. You know the pontoon I have on the lake? Yes I live on a lake. My nephews and my brother are constantly using my boat. They ask if I want gas money I'm like FUCK NO! Do you ask me to pay the bills when I stay a month in your place in Florida, or up north? Nope. Then you never have to put gas in the boat.

That's what I contribute. Because I'm not rich. My brother wants me to retire early so he tells me to save my money.
I was making $100K before Trump.

And $85K is still $35K more than everyone else at my company. I'm rich bitch!

Of course I don't have a stay at home wife, kids, student loans or a mortgage.

It's not what you make Papa it's what you save. I will have over $1 million dollars before I hit 60. Isn't that good? If you don't think $85K is good, perhaps that's why you are a Republican. You think they help people who make $100K? They don't.

Where do you fall?


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)
I'm in between but should get to $1,300,000 by age 59.

That's pretty good I don't care what you say. I'm considered upper middle class but only because I live alone. One wife who doesn't work or one kid, straight to the middle class.

My brother is rich. Not me. But that too makes me rich. When I go up north to his hunting property, or to his wife's home in Greece, or when I stay in their Florida condo, I stay free.

But don't think I'm a mooch. You know the pontoon I have on the lake? Yes I live on a lake. My nephews and my brother are constantly using my boat. They ask if I want gas money I'm like FUCK NO! Do you ask me to pay the bills when I stay a month in your place in Florida, or up north? Nope. Then you never have to put gas in the boat.

That's what I contribute. Because I'm not rich. My brother wants me to retire early so he tells me to save my money.
Glad in your little world you can pretend you are king. But seriously everyone since the pandemic has a pay increase, so your sales must be way down, maybe you should try working harder and make more instead of blaming others.

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