Does Anyone Have Faith in this Supreme Court?

God doesn't exist and we are not a Christian nation. Next question?

Atheists can marry too. And we say we are married and this is our wife/husband. Some of us don't get MARRIED in Church. We go to the court.

We don't have to be married in a Christian Church you know.

Muslims and Jews call it marriage too. Hell, Mormons say you can be married to more than one woman. Are you telling them to stop calling it marriage? What's your fixation on what gay's are doing. You sin too. All a gay has to do is believe in Jesus and BOOM, they get into heaven too. Doesn't matter what sins they do. Same with you.
Well that is just a bunch of hooey, a practicing homosexual will not get into heaven, they can confess and repent then get into heaven but repenting means turning from their sin!
He's right though. You've lost this. No way the Supreme's are going to undo gay marriage. Are they?
Nope, they aren't and I still don't have to recognize their marriage, and yes I do realize they do not care. It was never about gay marriage, that was a stepping stone to more sexual ,like minor attracted.
The SCOTUS had no Interest in a civil war.
Bullshit. In fact the right wing justices don't see us getting along.

At another point, the activist represents herself as a devout Catholic, telling the justice, “I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that, like, needs to happen for the polarization to end. I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

“I think you’re probably right,” Alito responds. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So, it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”

What can't be compromised? I thought we were getting along. Win? What does winning mean Mr. Alito?

I think the right is itching for a holy war.
He's right though. You've lost this. No way the Supreme's are going to undo gay marriage. Are they?

What they should do is correct their overreach. No State should be forced to ISSUE same sex marriage licenses, but all States can be forced to RECOGNIZE all marriage licenses issued by other States as they always have had to.
Well that is just a bunch of hooey, a practicing homosexual will not get into heaven, they can confess and repent then get into heaven but repenting means turning from their sin!
Bullshit! Just yesterday, someone told me we are all sinners and believing in Jesus is all that matters.

You're a practicing (fill in the sin). What sins will you knowingly commit between now and death? So why hold gays to a higher standard?
What they should do is correct their overreach. No State should be forced to ISSUE same sex marriage licenses, but all States can be forced to RECOGNIZE all marriage licenses issued by other States as they always have had to.
I think that might be unconstitutional to give straight couples benefits that gay couples can't have.

If you throw out the bible and pick up the constitution you'll see.
Bullshit. In fact the right wing justices don't see us getting along.

At another point, the activist represents herself as a devout Catholic, telling the justice, “I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that, like, needs to happen for the polarization to end. I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

“I think you’re probably right,” Alito responds. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So, it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”

What can't be compromised? I thought we were getting along. Win? What does winning mean Mr. Alito?

I think the right is itching for a holy war.
The right wants to restore the moral integrity of this country, which has been so watered down by secularism. The left screams tolerance while showing NONE and you are a great example. Telling me I have to agree with same sex marriage because duh the law no I do not and cannot be forced you have no tolerance for any view but your own!

If 2024 is close they'll help him. Just like in 2000. Florida recount. National Republicans sent operatives to Florida to disrupt the process. Roger Stone was involved. Did you know all this?

Trump Pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort And Charles Kushner​

Fast forward to 2020. Roger Stone was involved in Trump's insurrection. Attempted coup. This is why Trump thought he'd get away with it. Because Bush got away with it. But Trump lost 5 swing states. Bush just needed help with Florida.

This is why I don't believe Florida votes Republican. It's a state that has been rigged since 2000. A must have for Republicans. It's the one state they can brag on.
I think that might be unconstitutional to give straight couples benefits that gay couples can't have.

If you throw out the bible and pick up the constitution you'll see.
Where does it mention marriage at all in the constitution
The right wants to restore the moral integrity of this country, which has been so watered down by secularism. The left screams tolerance while showing NONE and you are a great example. Telling me I have to agree with same sex marriage because duh the law no I do not and cannot be forced you have no tolerance for any view but your own!
Fuck the moral integrity. That's freedom baby. If we are truly free then we got to be free to let our freak flags fly.

We tolerate you. You go to church every Sunday unbothered. I don't go out on the streets preaching the word of satan.

Sorry, we are not a Christian nation.

Yes, you have to Respect same sex marriage. You don't have to agree but keep that shit to yourself. Like I do with your stupid religion.

Just like your parents had to get used to mix marriages. Don't forget not that long ago a President of the united states, a REPUBLICAN, said sometimes abortion is necessary. Then he gave an example of when abortion is necessary. Ready? He said "like when a mix couple get pregnant". LOL. That was Nixon.
Where does it mention marriage at all in the constitution

That doesn't matter. In America, couples get benefits from marriage. To not give one couple the benefits you give another group of couples, just because they aren't boy and girl, is unconstitutional.
I think that might be unconstitutional to give straight couples benefits that gay couples can't have.

If you throw out the bible and pick up the constitution you'll see.

That depends on what your definition of equal is, as well as the constitutional definition of equal.

SSM is a new concept, one that if passed via legislative action by the States I am OK with.

Obergfell went too far, it should have just enforced full faith and credit.
If 2024 is close they'll help him. Just like in 2000. Florida recount. National Republicans sent operatives to Florida to disrupt the process. Roger Stone was involved. Did you know all this?

Trump Pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort And Charles Kushner​

Fast forward to 2020. Roger Stone was involved in Trump's insurrection. Attempted coup. This is why Trump thought he'd get away with it. Because Bush got away with it. But Trump lost 5 swing states. Bush just needed help with Florida.

This is why I don't believe Florida votes Republican. It's a state that has been rigged since 2000. A must have for Republicans. It's the one state they can brag on.

LOL so only rigging is done by the Republicans.

Up your meds, mouthbreather.
Where does it mention marriage at all in the constitution

On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously ruled that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional. The Court said, “separate is not equal,” and segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Where does the constitution mention public schools??? Do you see the flaw in your question now?
That depends on what your definition of equal is, as well as the constitutional definition of equal.

SSM is a new concept, one that if passed via legislative action by the States I am OK with.

Obergfell went too far, it should have just enforced full faith and credit.
OMG, here we go. So what you radical right wingers are now telling us is that for all these years, none of our Supreme Court Justices were following the constitution. So basically everything has to be rethunk. With "strict constitutionalist" judges like Alito and Roberts showing us how all these past decisions were wrong.
The number of seats on the Court must be increased, and Alito and Thomas and Kavanagh must be impeached and convicted and removed from the Bench.
In what conceivable universe does that idea have any credibility at all? Tell you what, we'll increase the number of seats on the Court and let TRUMP! appoint the new Justices in his next term. Quid Pro is too feeble to make good decisions about that. At the same time, we'll eliminate the requirement that the Senate has to agree. You'll accept all that, right?
OMG, here we go. So what you radical right wingers are now telling us is that for all these years, none of our Supreme Court Justices were following the constitution. So basically everything has to be rethunk. With "strict constitutionalist" judges like Alito and Roberts showing us how all these past decisions were wrong.

Did the Plessey court actually follow the Constitution when they enabled separate but equal?

Roe was wrong, Chevron was wrong, Obergfell was partially wrong because it went too far.

It's called having opinions, dipshit.
God doesn't exist and we are not a Christian nation. Next question?

Atheists can marry too. And we say we are married and this is our wife/husband. Some of us don't get MARRIED in Church. We go to the court.

We don't have to be married in a Christian Church you know.

Muslims and Jews call it marriage too. Hell, Mormons say you can be married to more than one woman. Are you telling them to stop calling it marriage? What's your fixation on what gay's are doing. You sin too. All a gay has to do is believe in Jesus and BOOM, they get into heaven too. Doesn't matter what sins they do. Same with you.
Mormons do NOT have multiple wife's liar.
If 2024 is close they'll help him. Just like in 2000. Florida recount. National Republicans sent operatives to Florida to disrupt the process. Roger Stone was involved. Did you know all this?

Trump Pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort And Charles Kushner​

Fast forward to 2020. Roger Stone was involved in Trump's insurrection. Attempted coup. This is why Trump thought he'd get away with it. Because Bush got away with it. But Trump lost 5 swing states. Bush just needed help with Florida.

This is why I don't believe Florida votes Republican. It's a state that has been rigged since 2000. A must have for Republicans. It's the one state they can brag on.
Retard alert Retard alert
Fuck the moral integrity. That's freedom baby. If we are truly free then we got to be free to let our freak flags fly.

We tolerate you. You go to church every Sunday unbothered. I don't go out on the streets preaching the word of satan.

Sorry, we are not a Christian nation.

Yes, you have to Respect same sex marriage. You don't have to agree but keep that shit to yourself. Like I do with your stupid religion.

Just like your parents had to get used to mix marriages. Don't forget not that long ago a President of the united states, a REPUBLICAN, said sometimes abortion is necessary. Then he gave an example of when abortion is necessary. Ready? He said "like when a mix couple get pregnant". LOL. That was Nixon.
Got it, you are a pagan, heathen, barbarian, and have zero morals, good for you. Good and decent human beings believe in morals. I most definitely do not have to respect Gay marriage. You do not tolerate Christian beliefs, you bash them every chance you get, such as in this post. If you had your way you would make Christianity illegal. Stop pretending you care about mixed couples, you simply wan the power to force people to believe everything you do Tolerance is B.S you don't believe it at all.

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